Embedded software for the Thermostat-EEM multichannel temperature controller.
- using STM32H7 hal
- RTIC based task scheduling
- MQTT networking using the smoltcp tcp/ip stack, minimq for embedded MQTT and miniconf for settings
- signal processing and control based on biquad IIR filters from idsp
pip install miniconf-mqtt@git+https://github.com/quartiq/[email protected]#subdirectory=py/miniconf-mqtt
python -m miniconf -d dt/sinara/thermostat-eem/+ \
/output/2/weights=[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]] \
'/output/2/typ="Pid"' \
/output/2/biquad/Pid/min=-0.1 max=0.1 gain/i=0.5 gain/p=0.5 setpoint=26.2 \