Releases: quasarframework/quasar
- fix(AppFullscreen): JSON -> set activeEl and isActive as "reactive"
- fix(useRenderCache): correctly clear cache; correctly check for property
- fix(Platform): ios always undefined (#17130)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat+fix(app-webpack): (backport from q/app-webpack 4) [SECURITY] replace html-minifier with html-minifier-terser #17131
- feat(app-webpack): (backport from q/app-webpack 4) support for the newer @electron/packager
- feat(app-webpack): upgrade deps
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat+fix(app-vite): (backport from q/app-vite 2) [SECURITY] replace html-minifier with html-minifier-terser #17131
- feat(app-vite): (backport from q/app-vite 2) support for the newer @electron/packager
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat+fix(app-webpack): [SECURITY] replace html-minifier with html-minifier-terser #17131
- feat(app-webpack): support for the newer @electron/packager
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat+fix(app-vite): [SECURITY] replace html-minifier with html-minifier-terser #17131
- feat(app-vite): support for the newer @electron/packager
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- fix(app-webpack): bex build broken due to 'Could not resolve "quasar/src/utils/uid"' #17124
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- fix(app-vite): bex build broken due to 'Could not resolve "quasar/src/utils/uid"' #17124
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- fix(app-vite): bex build broken due to 'Could not resolve "quasar/src/utils/uid"' #17124
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat(ui): expose IconSet as a regular Quasar plugin (import { IconSet } from 'quasar')
- feat(ui): expose Lang as a regular Quasar plugin (import { Lang } from 'quasar')
- feat(ui): tweak JSONs, add new props & enforce more validations on building them
- feat(ui/format): humanStorageSize -> new extra param (decimals) -> (value, decimals = 1)
- feat(LocalStorage/SessionStorage): add "hasItem", "removeItem", "setItem" aliases (matches web storage specs) #17109
- refactor(ui): folder structure for plugins & utils & composables
- fix(ui): the UMD generated icon-set files in dist/icon-set
- fix(QDialog): focus() method should correctly handle the selector param (if received)
- fix(QBtn): the "click()" method should not trigger anything if QBtn is disabled
- fix(Platform): Safari version number detection #17111
- fix(ui): make capacitor/cordova config properties type optional (#17056)
- fix(ui): QTooltip & use-anchor JSON -> removed some erroneous "values" keys
- fix(QField/QFile/QInput/QSelect): JSON -> correctly define the "name" prop
- fix(QTabPanel): JSON > remove "dark" prop (not a valid prop)
- fix(QSelect/QVirtualScroll): add type "Component" to some JSON "ref"
- fix(lang): ukrainian translate "editor.outdent" (#17083)
- fix(LocalStorage/SessionStorage): JSON definition for getIndex()
- fix(SessionStorage/LocalStorage): better encoding/decoding for Date objects
- fix(QChip): JSON > add missing "update:model-value" event
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
- feat(app-vite): (backport from q/app-vite v2) extend build > vitePlugins form (additional { server?: boolean, client?: boolean } param
- chore(app-vite): (backport from q/app-vite v2) tsconfig-preset.json -> remove the "exclude" option which is not interpreted correctly
- feat(app-vite): (backport from q/app-vite v2) update to newer JSON specs for the "describe" cmd
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following: