Releases: quasarframework/quasar
Releases · quasarframework/quasar
- Slider autoplay functionality (thanks to @stephentuso )
- Slider infinite scrolling functionality
- Slider next/back button not working correctly after mount() (thanks to @stephentuso )
- Compliant with Vue 2.2 (actually upgrade to Vue 2.2 is required)
- Numeric component input pattern default to numbers only, for better Mobile experience
- Better Collapsible animation (thanks to @stephentuso )
- Dialog now allows disabled radio/checkbox/toggles (thanks to @andreaswillems )
- DataTable full i18n. New props you can use for "labels" object. (thanks to @oswaldomilet )
- Uploader new prop
(Object with props being sent to the server on each file upload) - thanks to @delueg )
- #83 [ios] Tabs sometimes get pushed beneath the header
- #392 Context Menu broken in Firefox
- #420 Animate Issue on IE11 (thanks to @smolinari )
- #386 [ios] Modal: fullscreen fix (thanks to @oswaldomilet )
- #83 [ios] Tabs sometimes get pushed beneath the header
- #429 Fix problem in Datetime that causes momentjs warning (thanks to @gamtiq )
- #373 [IOS8, IOS9, Android4.4] Tabs component, layout have scroll bar
- #418 Opening drawer on MSIE fails (thanks to @smolinari )
- #447 Slider / Image Gallery Slider: slides number is not updating correctly
- #361 [ios] Radio, Checkbox & Toggle components don't change state correctly when clicked/tapped
- #320 autocomplete demo on Android 7.1 shows list 2 times
- #364 Menu drawer isn't defined enough (desktop)
- #360 [ios] Image gallery slider is below header & footer in fullscreen mode
- #365 [request] q-search numeric format
- Numeric component usability for mobile devices
- New Drawer theme variable (
) which is used to determine if Drawer is fixed or visible on layout - DataTable
- row selection is now a Select with type "list" instead of "radio"
- removed hardcoded shadow and added simple border binded to a theme variable
Reminder that State component has been deprecated since v0.13.0 and will be removed soon. Use simple Vue v-if directive instead.
Removed Velocity as a dependency. As a result your app bundle will be smaller with 44KB, which is a nice improvement. If you are using within your app you need to require/import it yourself.
- Tooltip offset prop
- Modal
- Option for positioning on edges
- Add
method - Do nothing when closing already closed Modal
- Image Gallery Slider - new method "goToSlide(index)"
- Progress component now has optional buffering too
- Disabled Drawer open by swipe on iOS platform (not theme) because it interferes with Safari's page back/forward swipe feature
- DataTable:
- #296 ability to hide header
- Cell format() now receives the row as second parameter
- Knob new prop
- DatetimeRange supports
CSS class - Input Datetime now supports 'default-selection' prop
- Stepper:
- #307 Allow action to take place before jumping to next step (thanks to @zh012 )
- New 'step' event (thanks to @fsgiudice )
- Coloring and step icon
- Toast:
- on large screen does not has a minimum width anymore
- ability to call Toasts before DOM is ready
- improved fault tolerance over setDefaults() method
- Ability for Collapsibles to act as Accordion (opening one closes the others in the group)
- Autocomplete has new event: "selected" when a suggestion is selected (thanks to @wilcorrea )
- Accessibility
- For some Form components
- For Dialog, Action Sheet & Buttons
- Highlight focus state
- Dialog should focus on first input or last button when it gets displayed
- Be able to navigate with TAB key between inputs/buttons
- #329 Ability to set Drawer backdrop opacity
- Popover new "fit" prop - sets min-width on Popover same as width of container
- Improvements for Rating component
- Utils.animate()
- Smoother q-transition slide animations
- Removed usage of Velocity for Drawer & slightly improved its performance
- Removed usage of Velocity for Slider component
- Slight improvement on execution speed for q-transition
- #316 [ios] Not detecting Cordova correctly
- #340 Datetime with min/max - can't set date after reaching one limit and hitting previous/next month
- #313 Modal overlay / scroll issue on iOS
- #343 Clicking a modal close button multiple times quickly will send you back a page
- #300 Datetime input does not auto updates when min/max changes
- #303 Drawer should be hidden on small AND MEDIUM
- #317 [firefox] Numeric component has browser validation error if not specifying step="any" (thanks to @Vaerum )
- #332 DialogSelect component errors out with Number as option value
- #333 q-numeric with undefined v-model shows 1
- #344 [cordova] Drawer closes when keyboard appears due to resize event
- Scroll Layout content to top on Modal open
- Various Layout toolbar fixes (including one from @blvz )
- #273 [vue-devtools] QSelect - _this.model.includes is not a function
- #214 Card component flashes (blinking)
- #350 Range Component does not allow vertical scrolling if touch event starts on it
- #347 Range Component remains active if dragging mouse pointer out of window
- #352 [chrome] On certain scenarios, first Tooltip or Popover that gets opened is opened in a slightly wrong position
- #353 [ios] Non fixed/absolute positioned FABs show wrong positioned overlay
- #355 Popovers & Tooltips need position update on window resize
- #356 [ios] Tooltips don't show up
State component has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Use simple Vue v-if
directive instead.
Minor Breaking Changes
- #281 Datatable - Allow global search without tapping/clicking the filter icon
has been removed.- Instead, use
filter: true
for each column (in the column definition) to allow DataTable to make the column filterable.
- File Upload component (thanks to @murbanowicz for starting this; see screenshots at the bottom)
- Datetime Range component
- Internationalization is now ready (through props that can replace current default labels)
- CSS class
Vue directive- #232 Dialog - Prevent close
Utils.dom.setScrollPosition (scrollTargetElement, offset[, duration])
Utils.format.humanSize (size)
- turns numbers in kB, MB etc
- #286 Unable to remove cookies using Cookies.remove()
- #284 Hardcoded english in DataTable
- #287 Drawer - Bug on Open
- #253 Pull To refresh scroll not smoothly on ios
- #290 [ios] Numeric component value partially hidden (thanks to @caex )
- #289 Tabs "route" prop should support Object too (besides a String)
- #291 v-scroll directive fails to update correctly when parameters change
File Uploader component
Some screenshots with the new component:
- Compatibility with Vue 2.1.7+ (there was a second recent breaking change introduced in Vue 2.1.7).
- Autocomplete component
- Select with List Items
- ListItem component
- #257 Being able to use Google Fonts CDN
- #203 CSS class for Tabs to justify align on desktop too (
) - #224 Dialog - styling buttons
- #260 DataTable: Enhanced sorting capabilities
- DataTable filter selectbox now uses the new "list" type instead of "radio"
CSS class (for Grid Layout)- Utils.dom.cssTransform(transformValue)
- Two more platform visibility CSS classes:
. Examples:platform-android-only
-- do not mistake them with theme visibility CSS classes (ios-only
etc). - Utils.filter()
- #285 close dialog doesn't work in electron
- Slider fullscreen on Electron
- Firefox - Hide the numeric spinner (thanks to @maced0n)
- DataTable sorting for columns with numbers
- DataTable error when no data is available and there are no messages specified (thanks to @tant42)
- #220 [ios] Search Bar Icon
- #264 [ios] Search component input text slightly misaligned
- #269 Datatable bodyStyle for narrow screens
- #217 [ios] Insufficient margin in the Drawer header
- #261 q-numeric with 0.1 step lacks rounding
- #187 [ios] Delay in tabs
- #213 Button type FAB does not float on iOS
- Array.prototype.find() polyfill for IE compatibility
v0.10.3 - Repackaged v0.10.2
Repackaged v0.10.2 to workaround a problem with rollup-plugin-vue compiler and Vue 2.1.5+.
Please use Quasar v0.10.3 with Vue >= 2.1.6
Upgrade to v0.10.3 if you stumble on "_h is not defined" or "_c is not defined" issues.
Enhancements & fixes
- #242 DataTable - Class/Style formatters similar to value formatter
- #243 DataTable - Firefox issue
- #246 DataTable - Adding/removing columns to/from array doesn't update table
- #247 DataTable - mouse wheel scroll not working on Firefox
- Support for password in a Dialog (thanks to @livioalves)
- Removed max-width for "layout-padding" CSS class
v0.10 - DataTable comes along
- DataTable component (replacing old Grid component from Quasar <= 0.7)
- Sticky columns
- Sticky headers
- Filter (by all columns or by one column)
- Sorting by columns
- Cell formatter methods
- Cell component renderer (through Vue scoped slots)
- Pagination
- Column picker
- Row selection (single or multiple)
- Responsive (changes view design when width is smaller than 600px to best accommodate small screens)
- Refresh functionality
- Ajax loading bar (like Youtube)
- Intercepts Ajax calls regardless of Ajax library you're using.
- Positioning on top, bottom, right or left
- Direction support (default or reverse) for all 4 positions
- Delays showing up with 1s (no reason to bother for calls that take less than 1 second)
- Custom color support
- Select & Datetime
prop- labels are rendered as HTML code instead of a simple String