Releases: quisquous/cactbot
0.10.6: e2s typo whoops
Please upgrade to this version so that e2s works.
Real release notes are below for
Edit: other major issues are e1s markers give the wrong callback (#490).
0.10.5: Eden Savage: E1S/E2S
This is a quick release for e1s and e2s timelines and triggers. These are extremely untested so please take it all with a grain of salt and don't be a robot. I'll try to get to e3s and e4s soon, but I need to raid and sleep at some point.
EDIT: I have an early report that e2s doesn't do anything (zoneRegex wrong? maybe something else?) I'll try to update later, sorry.
Oopsy should also be fixed and not report your healer as early pulling by 10 seconds. Let me know if you see anything weird going on with it (both early pulls, missing deaths, etc). I'm going to try to be better about marking down "standing in stuff you shouldn't be" this tier than I have been in the past.
Thanks for all the pull requests lately. I super appreciate all the fixups (of my mistakes), translations, and additions. ❤️ all y'all.
0.10.4: plugin bugfix
This is a speculative bugfix release for
I suspect that issue #477 (plugin not starting) is caused by plugin changes from #442. Please leave comments in #477 there are continued similar issues.
0.10.3: Eden Normal
- timelines and triggers for eden normal
- timelines and triggers for leveling dungeons (?!!)
- timelines and triggers for titania nm
- updated all rp text triggers that broke in the plugin
- fixed ucob dooms and dragons (#435)
- fixed uwu gaols (#470)
- added superbolide triggers
- healers now get triggers for tank invincibility abilities too
- fixes for storm's eye
- memory location fixes for mch (#467)
Known Issues
- some triggers go off repeatedly (e.g. lighthouse yiazmat, see: #473)
0.10.2: small dnc/gnb plugin fix
There's not much changed in this release, just some plugin changes so that dnc and gnb are correctly detected (and not swapped with each other). This mostly meant that gunbreakers were missing a lot of triggers because raidboss didn't think they were a tank. Whoooops. Sorry. 😭
The next update will likely be next week for Eden normal mode timelines and triggers as well as to handle ffxiv breaking changes to chat log lines.
0.10.1: Bigger Is Better
First, update your ffxiv plugin to
Update your ffxiv plugin to (or later), as the change that were pushed here will not work with previous versions.
- Titania Ex and Innocence Ex triggers and timelines (thanks for the help, @amki)
- ucob nael rp text fixes
- updated all triggers to support the breaking log files changes to 03/04/1A/1E types
- jobs: supported mythril tempest combo for storm's eye combo
Update your ffxiv plugin to or later.
0.10.0: Shadowbringers Hype
- general update for 5.0: weather, zones, fish names, jobs, job icons
- fixed memory signatures to work with new executable
- jobs: removed tp and adjusted ui sizes to match
The jobs overlay is definitely still a work in progress for most jobs, but it should still be reasonable to use for pld, war, drk, mnk, and blu in terms of working boxes etc. smn is busted and needs an update for the skills overhaul. Other jobs are not really implemented.
File issues if anything is wonky. Happy expansion! ❤️
0.9.5: Binding Coil of Bahamut
New Dependencies
cactbot now depends on .NET 4.6.1 instead of .NET 4.6.0. You probably have this installed because it's super old, but you may need to install the latest .NET version from
- cactbot should work for new ffxiv 2.0 ShB beta plugin but is still compatible with 1.7 versions
- triggers and timelines for binding coil, second coil, and final coil in case you're still progging 😉
- automatic fairy detection in Eureka (#413, thanks @haasn!)
- wrote a guide for understanding log lines (so excited about new tether log lines)
- support for blu in jobs and raid emulator
- some fixes for fisher plugin (#407, thanks @Omegakenshin!)
- more german translations (thanks to @Akurosia and @ArkfrostLumas as always)
- japanese translations for alphascape (thanks to @r4ha!)
Note about ShB Updates
I'm on vacation the second week after the expansion drops, so if there's no cactbot update week 1, it is unlikely that I will be able to get it out week 2. Don't fret; it'll be ready for savage.
I usually try to do releases about every week or so to not be annoying about overly frequent updates. I might do more the first week of savage if it makes sense.
You can always point your raidboss at directly to use the most up to date version if you don't want to wait a week for the official release.
Call for Help
One thing that I have received some questions about in the past are adding timelines and triggers for old content. Adding a timeline for a fight takes ~2 hours per fight total minimum, and so I don't really have time to do this for anything but current content. If you're interested in making timelines or triggers for these, see #414 for more details.
0.9.4: Yojimbo
- raidboss: fix for Ozmashade triggers that broke in 4.56
- raidboss: Yojimbo triggers and timeline
- raidboss: fix older deltascape and alex timelines when you start them without a countdown
- fisher: more fishing hole name fixes (#394)
- jobs: fix foe's requiem from running forever
0.9.3: Baldesion Arsenal
- raidboss: triggers and timelines for Baldesion Arsenal
- fisher: fix for fishing holes with apostrophes (#359)