is used for auto-linking and only exists in the object files (MH_OBJECT
). This load command contains linker flags that will be used by the static linker.
* The linker_option_command contains linker options embedded in object files.
struct linker_option_command {
uint32_t cmd; /* LC_LINKER_OPTION only used in MH_OBJECT filetypes */
uint32_t cmdsize;
uint32_t count; /* number of strings */
/* concatenation of zero terminated UTF8 strings. Zero filled at end to align */
Swift uses auto linking extensively. Here are some examples.
$ touch foo.swift # create an empty swift file
$ xcrun swiftc -c foo.swift -o foo.o
$ macho_parser -c LC_LINKER_OPTION foo.o
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 40 count: 1 -lswiftSwiftOnoneSupport
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 24 count: 1 -lswiftCore
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 1 -lswift_Concurrency
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 24 count: 1 -lobjc
$ echo "import Security" > foo.swift
$ xcrun swiftc -c foo.swift -o foo.o
$ macho_parser -c LC_LINKER_OPTION foo.o
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 2 -framework Security
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 1 -lswiftDarwin
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 1 -lswift_Concurrency
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 24 count: 1 -lswiftCore
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 40 count: 1 -lswiftCoreFoundation
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 40 count: 2 -framework CoreFoundation
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 1 -lswiftDispatch
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 1 -lswiftObjectiveC
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 32 count: 2 -framework Combine
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 24 count: 1 -lswiftXPC
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 40 count: 1 -lswiftSwiftOnoneSupport
LC_LINKER_OPTION cmdsize: 24 count: 1 -lobjc
In the above example, even though we imported Security framework in the code, we didn't specify that framework to the compiler. During Sema phase, the swift compiler parses the import statements and finds the module in the provided search paths. (The SDK path is inferred in the above example, so we didn't add any search path.) Then the compiler puts the relevant linker flags in the LC_LINKER_OPTION
load commands. When the static linker sees them, they're treated as the same flags as passed through command line. Therefore, we don't have to specify "Security" in the entire build process.