Has a redis DB for caching, that's easy.
Create app and DB:
dokku apps:create rversions2
dokku redis:create rversions2
dokku redis:link rversions2 rversions2
We'll try to use the password this time.
Also needs a GITHUB TOKEN:
dokku config:set rversions2 GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
Update Dockerfile in the rversions.app project, node version etc.
git remote rename dokku dokku-old
git remote add dokku [email protected]:rversions2
git push dokku v2:v2
dokku letsencrypt:set rversions2 email [email protected]
dokku letsencrypt:enable rversions2
Do the same dance for copying the certs from the old server.
tar cf cert.tar server.{key,crt}
dokku domains:add rversions2 api.r-hub.io
cat cert.tar | dokku certs:add rversions2
Now check that the new cert is working. For this edit the /etc/hosts file on your computer and point install-github.me to the new IP. Then try
curl -v -L https://api.r-hub.io/rversions/rtools-versions
Now wait for admin to change the DNS.
Once the DNS updated, run letsencrypt again, to get a cert for both domains:
dokku letsencrypt:enable rversions2