diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md index 20339ce19..431cea96d 100644 --- a/NEWS.md +++ b/NEWS.md @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ # pkgdown (development version) -* pkgdown now transforms ROR IDs in `DESCRIPTION` into icons, like it already did for ORCID IDs. (#2850) - -** pkgdown now uses the same Sass variables as bslib to set the navbar background color: `$navbar-bg` for the background color in light and dark mode, or `$navbar-light-bg` and `$navbar-dark-bg` for individually controlling light and dark mode background colors. `pkgdown-navbar-bg` and `$pkgdown-navbar-bg-dark` both still provide pkgdown-specific overrides (@gadenbuie, #2847). +* ROR IDs in `DESCRIPTION` are transformed into icons, similar to ORCID IDs. (#2850) +* Sass variables from bslib are now used to set the navbar background color: `$navbar-bg` for the background color in light and dark mode, or `$navbar-light-bg` and `$navbar-dark-bg` for individually controlling light and dark mode background colors. `pkgdown-navbar-bg` and `$pkgdown-navbar-bg-dark` both still provide pkgdown-specific overrides (@gadenbuie, #2847). * Code repositories hosted on Codeberg are now supported in the `BugReports` and `URL` fields (@nfrerebeau, #2843). -* Articles (i.e., vignettes in `vignettes/articles`, created by `usethis::use_article()` and available on pkgdown sites but not included in a built package) have improved test cases (thanks to @venpopov and @ethanbass). +* Articles (i.e., Rmd/qmd files in `vignettes/articles`, created by `usethis::use_article()` and available on pkgdown sites but not included in a built package) have improved test cases (thanks to @venpopov and @ethanbass). * New `clean_site(force = TRUE)` for cleaning of `docs/` regardless of whether it was built by pkgdown (#2827). * Links to favicons in page headers were updated to reflect changes to https://realfavicongenerator.net/ (#2804). Favicons should be re-generated by manually removing the `pkgdown/favicon` directory and then running `pkgdown::build_favicons()`. * Reinstate Rd macro loading, which was accidentally disabled in v2.1.1 (#2782).