This repository contains a library of cmdlet's which for one reason or another have NOT been implemented
in any of my tools (redpill,meterpeter), and which can be invoked manually to perform post-exploitation tasks.
This repository contains resources written by me or by external developers to help in Red Team engagements.
Directory Name Resource Description
-------------- --------------------
|_ Ams1-Bypass
|_ AMSBP.ps1 Disable AMSI within current process (bxor)
|_ Disable-Amsi.ps1 Disable AMSI within current process (un-signed technics)
|_ Invoke-Bypass.ps1 Disable AMSI within current process + exec script through bypass
|_ Ams1-Trigger
|_ AmsiTrigger_x64.exe Hunting for Malicious Strings that triggers AMSI detection
|_ CertSign_PS1
|_ PSscriptSigning.bat Signs one PS1 script ( certlm.msc - certificate )
|_ DeletePSscriptSignning.bat Delete certificate added by previous script from store
|_ Invoke-LazySign.ps1 Script that Sign a Windows binary with a self-signed cert
|_ DigitalSignature-Hijack.ps1 Digitally sign all PS1 scripts on the host as Microsoft
|_ Dump-Browser
|_ DumpChromePasswords.ps1 Dumps URLs, usernames, and passwords from Chrome
|_ HarvestBrowserPasswords.exe Dumps URLs, usernames, and passwords from major browsers
|_ ChromePass.exe Dumps usernames, passwords from chrome (Invoke-Exclusions.ps1)
|_ ETWpatch
|_ EventK.exe Suspend thread in svchost.exe related to event logging
|_ Get-Logs.ps1 Enumerate \ Read \ Delete eventvwr logfiles (ETW)
|_ EnableAllParentPrivileges
|_ EnableAllParentPrivileges.exe Enable All Parent Privileges ( whoami /priv )
|_ Exfiltration
|_ DLLSearch.ps1 List all DLLs loaded by running\sellected processes
|_ DecodeRDPCache.ps1 Reads RDP persistent cache from the cache0001.bin
|_ Find-AppLockerLogs.ps1 Look through the AppLocker logs to find processes
|_ List-AllMailboxAndPST.ps1 Uses the Outlook COM object to display the data stores
|_ Read-ExcelFile-Using_COM.ps1 Read Outlook excel files sheet using COM object
|_ WindowsUpdateLog.ps1 Convert ETL logfiles (WindowsUpdate) into readable data
|_ Get-PrefetchListing.ps1 Manage (query \ Delete) prefetch files (.pf)
|_ Get-ComputerGeoLocation.ps1 Retrieves the Computer's geographical location
|_ eviltree_x64.exe Search for credentials in files (pass or regex)
|_ Invoke-VaultCmd.ps1 Manage Windows Password Vault Items
|_ Fake-Cmdline
|_ Fake-Cmdline.exe Put any string into the child process Command Line field
|_ HTTP-Server
|_ CaptureServer.ps1 Captute HTTP credentials on local lan (spawns credential box)
|_ Start-SimpleHTTPServer.ps1 Simple HTTP pure powershell webserver
|_ wget.vbs VBScript to download files from Local Lan
|_ Invoke-ShortUrl.ps1 TinyUrl url generator ( dropper URL link )
|_ LPE
|_ PrintNotifyPotato-NET2.exe Local privilege escalation (admin => Nt Authority\System)
|_ Misc-CmdLets
|_ Open-Directory.ps1 Use GUI to open the sellected directory
|_ msgbox.ps1 Example how to spawn a message box in pure powershell
|_ progressbar.ps1 Example how to spawn a progress bar in pure powershell
|_ sendkeys.ps1 Example how to send keyboard presses (keys) to processes
|_ Out-FileFormat
|_ Out-shortcut.ps1 Creates an shortcut that accepts cmdline args to execute.
|_ SendToPasteBin.ps1 Get filepath contents and paste it to pastebin.
|_ SuperHidden.ps1 Query\Create\Delete super hidden system folders
|_ Process-Spoofing
|_ PPIDSpoof.ps1 Creates a process as a child of a specified process ID.
|_ SelectMyParent.exe Creates a process as a child of a specified process ID.
|_ spoof.exe Creates a process as a child of a specified process ID.
|_ Mitre-T1202.ps1 MITRE ATT&CK T1202: Indirect Command Execution
|_ Screenshot
|_ Screenshot.exe Capture desktop screenshot ( silent )
|_ SharpGhosting
|_ SharpGhosting.exe Hidde parent process name from TaskManager displays
|_ Sign-Executables
|_ Creates spoofed certificate of online website to sign PE
|_ Sign an PE for AV Evasion by cloning other PE certificate
|_ SigFlip.exe A tool to sign an Executable (PE) for AV Evasion.
|_ Stream-TargetDesktop
|_ Stream-TargetDesktop.ps1 Sream target desktop live (attacker: firefox with MJPEG)
|_ String-Obfuscation
|_ enc-rot13.ps1 Encrypt or decrypt strings using ROT13 cipher.
|_ Out-EncodedSpecialCharOnlyCommand.ps1 Generates Special-Character-Only encoded payload
|_ obfuscator.bat Obfuscate batch scripts
|_ vbs_obfuscator.vbs Obfuscate VBS scripts
|_ Encrypt-String.ps1 Encrypt commands\scripts using a secret key
|_ Convert-ROT47.ps1 Rotate ascii chars by nº places (Caesar cipher - rot)
|_ WD-Bypass
|_ Invoke-Exclusions.ps1 Add exclusions (Set-MpPreferences) + Download\Execute url cmdlet
|_ WebCam-Capture
|_ Capture video (AVI) using default target webcam
|_ winpmem-mini
|_ winpmem_mini_x86.exe Dumps raw image process data to disk