- Define variables
- Create a sp for terraform You need a service principal that has permissions to create resources in your subscriptions - if you do not have one already you can create one
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}" --name "terraform_sp"
- Create storage account for storing terraform state
az group create -n $TERRAFORM_RG_NAME -l $LOCATION
az storage account create --resource-group $TERRAFORM_RG_NAME --name $TERRAFORM_STORAGE_NAME --location $LOCATION --sku Standard_LRS
TERRAFORM_STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --account-name $TERRAFORM_STORAGE_NAME --resource-group $TERRAFORM_RG_NAME --query "[0].value")
az storage container create -n tfstate --account-name $TERRAFORM_STORAGE_NAME --account-key $TERRAFORM_STORAGE_KEY
- plan terraform execution and execute plan
navigate to the terraform folder and ensure that all variables have been correctly configured in variables.tf
cd terraform
initialize the terraform state storage account
terraform init -backend-config="storage_account_name=$TERRAFORM_STORAGE_NAME" -backend-config="container_name=tfstate" -backend-config="access_key=$TERRAFORM_STORAGE_KEY" -backend-config="key=codelab.microsoft.tfstate"
create an execution plan
terraform plan -out out.plan
apply the execution plan
terraform apply out.plan