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mctimer in action!
In the winter of 2017/2018, I gave my 5-and-a-half year old daughter her own first computer. It was an old Macbook Air that I bought in the states sometime in 2012. I installed some educational apps on it, and a single game. The idea was that she'd get used to real computers instead of just phones and tablets and also get encouraged to start writing on it (she loves to make her own books).
She used the computer moderately up until the summer of 2018, when she turned 6 years old. As a birthday present I installed Minecraft on it, and probably many parents can guess what followed; She got sucked in immediately and started playing for hours at a time. I had stupidly not expected it to be so popular with her, seeing as how she wasn't very proficient with either mouse or keyboard yet, and I suspected all the in-game menus etc. to be too complex for her. But she learned amazingly fast and after a few weeks she is building really cool things, uses the mouse and keyboard like a pro and has no problem getting around in the menus.
All that is very nice of course, but neither me nor her mother thinks it is great that she spends several hours a day staring at the computer screen. Kids need physical play too, and preferably outdoors (good for eyesight development, apart from the fresh air). So we've been scratching our heads about what to do. We don't want to have to micro manage our daughter and keep tabs on exactly when she starts playing, or when she stops. We also don't want to limit computer usage to certain days like we have done with TV and tablets, because we think computer use is better from a learning point of view.
Luckily, I had set up two local Minecraft servers on my work machine (an iMac). I did this so that me and my daughter would be able to login to the same Minecraft world and collaborate. I decided to investigate how easy it would be to control those servers remotely, and logout a player that had been playing too long. As it turns out, it wasn't hard at all.
Warning: if you're not interested in technical stuff, you may want to stop reading now!
I found out there is a protocol for remote access to the server console of a Minecraft server: RCON. Immediately I checked for any RCON implementations for Python and found the simple and straightforward MCRcon library. I installed that and it seemed to work, so then I just had to figure out what console commands to send my Minecraft servers in order to list players on the server and to somehow communicate the amount of time remaining to my daughter while she was playing, because just logging her out without warning would not have been popular.
The first issue was simple; Minecraft has a /list command that lists all logged-in players on a server.
The second issue was slightly harder, but as it turned out, Minecraft has a /bossbar command that lets you display a progress bar at the top of the screen. For fights against boss monsters I presume. This feature turned out to be an ideal way for me to display the amount of play time left. I set up a boss bar with 10 segments (notches) to display in ten steps how much time was left. I also used /playsound to play a sound (a cat noise) whenever I decremented the remaining time in the boss bar.
I debated what to do when all time was used up. I realized loggin her out may not have been the best idea as she doesn't like either surprises or being forced into (or out of) something. At first I tried playing random silly/annoying sounds frequently, together with enabling random status effects on her player, but then I found the /title command, which was perfect. It lets you display a huge message right in the middle of the screen. So now I just show a large "Time to stop!" message every 10 seconds when the time is up (plus occasionally, just for fun, playing some random sounds and using the "nausea" status effect to make her player dizzy). I think it strikes a great balance - not too brutal and it allows her to finish up whatever she is doing but visible enough (and slightly annoying) that she is not likely to continue playing or forget that she has passed the time limit.
So, as this little app may be of use to someone else out there, I cleaned it up somewhat and put it here on Github.
It is called mctimer!
Oh, and by the way, I currently let my daughter play Minecraft 90 minutes per day. Maybe a bit too much, we'll see, but I like how proficient she has become with the mouse and keyboard since starting to play Minecraft, and she's also gotten more interested in learning lots of new english words and how they're spelled.