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while type immutable abstract bitstype typealias ",literal:"true false ARGS C_NULL DevNull ENDIAN_BOM ENV I Inf Inf16 Inf32 Inf64 InsertionSort JULIA_HOME LOAD_PATH MergeSort NaN NaN16 NaN32 NaN64 PROGRAM_FILE QuickSort RoundDown RoundFromZero RoundNearest RoundNearestTiesAway RoundNearestTiesUp RoundToZero RoundUp STDERR STDIN STDOUT VERSION catalan e|0 eu|0 eulergamma golden im nothing pi γ π φ ",built_in:"ANY AbstractArray AbstractChannel AbstractFloat AbstractMatrix AbstractRNG AbstractSerializer AbstractSet AbstractSparseArray AbstractSparseMatrix AbstractSparseVector AbstractString AbstractUnitRange AbstractVecOrMat AbstractVector Any ArgumentError Array AssertionError Associative Base64DecodePipe Base64EncodePipe Bidiagonal BigFloat BigInt BitArray BitMatrix BitVector Bool BoundsError BufferStream CachingPool CapturedException CartesianIndex CartesianRange Cchar Cdouble Cfloat Channel Char Cint Cintmax_t Clong Clonglong ClusterManager Cmd CodeInfo Colon Complex Complex128 Complex32 Complex64 CompositeException Condition ConjArray ConjMatrix ConjVector Cptrdiff_t Cshort Csize_t Cssize_t Cstring Cuchar Cuint Cuintmax_t Culong Culonglong Cushort Cwchar_t Cwstring DataType Date DateFormat DateTime DenseArray DenseMatrix DenseVecOrMat DenseVector Diagonal Dict DimensionMismatch Dims DirectIndexString Display DivideError DomainError EOFError EachLine Enum Enumerate ErrorException Exception ExponentialBackOff Expr Factorization FileMonitor Float16 Float32 Float64 Function Future GlobalRef GotoNode HTML Hermitian IO IOBuffer IOContext IOStream IPAddr IPv4 IPv6 IndexCartesian IndexLinear IndexStyle InexactError InitError Int Int128 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int8 IntSet Integer InterruptException InvalidStateException Irrational KeyError LabelNode LinSpace LineNumberNode LoadError LowerTriangular MIME Matrix MersenneTwister Method MethodError MethodTable Module NTuple NewvarNode NullException Nullable Number ObjectIdDict OrdinalRange OutOfMemoryError OverflowError Pair 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invpcid invlpg invlpga iret iretd iretq iretw jcxz jecxz jrcxz jmp jmpe lahf lar lds lea leave les lfence lfs lgdt lgs lidt lldt lmsw loadall loadall286 lodsb lodsd lodsq lodsw loop loope loopne loopnz loopz lsl lss ltr mfence monitor mov movd movq movsb movsd movsq movsw movsx movsxd movzx mul mwait neg nop not or out outsb outsd outsw packssdw packsswb packuswb paddb paddd paddsb paddsiw paddsw paddusb paddusw paddw pand pandn pause paveb pavgusb pcmpeqb pcmpeqd pcmpeqw pcmpgtb pcmpgtd pcmpgtw pdistib pf2id pfacc pfadd pfcmpeq pfcmpge pfcmpgt pfmax pfmin pfmul pfrcp pfrcpit1 pfrcpit2 pfrsqit1 pfrsqrt pfsub pfsubr pi2fd pmachriw pmaddwd pmagw pmulhriw pmulhrwa pmulhrwc pmulhw pmullw pmvgezb pmvlzb pmvnzb pmvzb pop popa popad popaw popf popfd popfq popfw por prefetch prefetchw pslld psllq psllw psrad psraw psrld psrlq psrlw psubb psubd psubsb psubsiw psubsw psubusb psubusw psubw punpckhbw punpckhdq punpckhwd punpcklbw punpckldq punpcklwd push pusha pushad pushaw pushf pushfd pushfq 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vcmpneq_ossd vcmpge_oqsd vcmpgt_oqsd vcmptrue_ussd vcmpsd vcmpeq_osss vcmpeqss vcmplt_osss vcmpltss vcmple_osss vcmpless vcmpunord_qss vcmpunordss vcmpneq_uqss vcmpneqss vcmpnlt_usss vcmpnltss vcmpnle_usss vcmpnless vcmpord_qss vcmpordss vcmpeq_uqss vcmpnge_usss vcmpngess vcmpngt_usss vcmpngtss vcmpfalse_oqss vcmpfalsess vcmpneq_oqss vcmpge_osss vcmpgess vcmpgt_osss vcmpgtss vcmptrue_uqss vcmptruess vcmplt_oqss vcmple_oqss vcmpunord_sss vcmpneq_usss vcmpnlt_uqss vcmpnle_uqss vcmpord_sss vcmpeq_usss vcmpnge_uqss vcmpngt_uqss vcmpfalse_osss vcmpneq_osss vcmpge_oqss vcmpgt_oqss vcmptrue_usss vcmpss vcomisd vcomiss vcvtdq2pd vcvtdq2ps vcvtpd2dq vcvtpd2ps vcvtps2dq vcvtps2pd vcvtsd2si vcvtsd2ss vcvtsi2sd vcvtsi2ss vcvtss2sd vcvtss2si vcvttpd2dq vcvttps2dq vcvttsd2si vcvttss2si vdivpd vdivps vdivsd vdivss vdppd vdpps vextractf128 vextractps vhaddpd vhaddps vhsubpd vhsubps vinsertf128 vinsertps vlddqu vldqqu vldmxcsr vmaskmovdqu vmaskmovps vmaskmovpd vmaxpd vmaxps vmaxsd vmaxss vminpd vminps 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vpmulhuw vpmulhrsw vpmulhw vpmullw vpmulld vpmuludq vpmuldq vpor vpsadbw vpshufb vpshufd vpshufhw vpshuflw vpsignb vpsignw vpsignd vpslldq vpsrldq vpsllw vpslld vpsllq vpsraw vpsrad vpsrlw vpsrld vpsrlq vptest vpsubb vpsubw vpsubd vpsubq vpsubsb vpsubsw vpsubusb vpsubusw vpunpckhbw vpunpckhwd vpunpckhdq vpunpckhqdq vpunpcklbw vpunpcklwd vpunpckldq vpunpcklqdq vpxor vrcpps vrcpss vrsqrtps vrsqrtss vroundpd vroundps vroundsd vroundss vshufpd vshufps vsqrtpd vsqrtps vsqrtsd vsqrtss vstmxcsr vsubpd vsubps vsubsd vsubss vtestps vtestpd vucomisd vucomiss vunpckhpd vunpckhps vunpcklpd vunpcklps vxorpd vxorps vzeroall vzeroupper pclmullqlqdq pclmulhqlqdq pclmullqhqdq pclmulhqhqdq pclmulqdq vpclmullqlqdq vpclmulhqlqdq vpclmullqhqdq vpclmulhqhqdq vpclmulqdq vfmadd132ps vfmadd132pd vfmadd312ps vfmadd312pd vfmadd213ps vfmadd213pd vfmadd123ps vfmadd123pd vfmadd231ps vfmadd231pd vfmadd321ps vfmadd321pd vfmaddsub132ps vfmaddsub132pd vfmaddsub312ps vfmaddsub312pd vfmaddsub213ps vfmaddsub213pd vfmaddsub123ps vfmaddsub123pd vfmaddsub231ps vfmaddsub231pd vfmaddsub321ps vfmaddsub321pd vfmsub132ps vfmsub132pd vfmsub312ps vfmsub312pd vfmsub213ps vfmsub213pd vfmsub123ps vfmsub123pd vfmsub231ps vfmsub231pd vfmsub321ps vfmsub321pd vfmsubadd132ps vfmsubadd132pd vfmsubadd312ps vfmsubadd312pd vfmsubadd213ps vfmsubadd213pd vfmsubadd123ps vfmsubadd123pd vfmsubadd231ps vfmsubadd231pd vfmsubadd321ps vfmsubadd321pd vfnmadd132ps vfnmadd132pd vfnmadd312ps vfnmadd312pd vfnmadd213ps vfnmadd213pd vfnmadd123ps vfnmadd123pd vfnmadd231ps vfnmadd231pd vfnmadd321ps vfnmadd321pd vfnmsub132ps vfnmsub132pd vfnmsub312ps vfnmsub312pd vfnmsub213ps vfnmsub213pd vfnmsub123ps vfnmsub123pd vfnmsub231ps vfnmsub231pd vfnmsub321ps vfnmsub321pd vfmadd132ss vfmadd132sd vfmadd312ss vfmadd312sd vfmadd213ss vfmadd213sd vfmadd123ss vfmadd123sd vfmadd231ss vfmadd231sd vfmadd321ss vfmadd321sd vfmsub132ss vfmsub132sd vfmsub312ss vfmsub312sd vfmsub213ss vfmsub213sd vfmsub123ss vfmsub123sd vfmsub231ss vfmsub231sd vfmsub321ss vfmsub321sd vfnmadd132ss vfnmadd132sd vfnmadd312ss vfnmadd312sd vfnmadd213ss vfnmadd213sd vfnmadd123ss vfnmadd123sd vfnmadd231ss vfnmadd231sd vfnmadd321ss vfnmadd321sd vfnmsub132ss vfnmsub132sd vfnmsub312ss vfnmsub312sd vfnmsub213ss vfnmsub213sd vfnmsub123ss vfnmsub123sd vfnmsub231ss vfnmsub231sd vfnmsub321ss vfnmsub321sd rdfsbase rdgsbase rdrand wrfsbase wrgsbase vcvtph2ps vcvtps2ph adcx adox rdseed clac stac xstore xcryptecb xcryptcbc xcryptctr xcryptcfb xcryptofb montmul xsha1 xsha256 llwpcb slwpcb lwpval lwpins vfmaddpd vfmaddps vfmaddsd vfmaddss vfmaddsubpd vfmaddsubps vfmsubaddpd vfmsubaddps vfmsubpd vfmsubps vfmsubsd vfmsubss vfnmaddpd vfnmaddps vfnmaddsd vfnmaddss vfnmsubpd vfnmsubps vfnmsubsd vfnmsubss vfrczpd vfrczps vfrczsd vfrczss vpcmov vpcomb vpcomd vpcomq vpcomub vpcomud vpcomuq vpcomuw vpcomw vphaddbd vphaddbq vphaddbw vphadddq vphaddubd vphaddubq vphaddubw vphaddudq vphadduwd vphadduwq vphaddwd vphaddwq vphsubbw vphsubdq vphsubwd vpmacsdd vpmacsdqh vpmacsdql vpmacssdd vpmacssdqh vpmacssdql vpmacsswd vpmacssww vpmacswd vpmacsww vpmadcsswd vpmadcswd vpperm vprotb vprotd vprotq vprotw vpshab vpshad vpshaq vpshaw vpshlb vpshld vpshlq vpshlw vbroadcasti128 vpblendd vpbroadcastb vpbroadcastw vpbroadcastd vpbroadcastq vpermd vpermpd vpermps vpermq vperm2i128 vextracti128 vinserti128 vpmaskmovd vpmaskmovq vpsllvd vpsllvq vpsravd vpsrlvd vpsrlvq vgatherdpd vgatherqpd vgatherdps vgatherqps vpgatherdd vpgatherqd vpgatherdq vpgatherqq xabort xbegin xend xtest andn bextr blci blcic blsi blsic blcfill blsfill blcmsk blsmsk blsr blcs bzhi mulx pdep pext rorx sarx shlx shrx tzcnt tzmsk t1mskc valignd valignq vblendmpd vblendmps vbroadcastf32x4 vbroadcastf64x4 vbroadcasti32x4 vbroadcasti64x4 vcompresspd vcompressps vcvtpd2udq vcvtps2udq vcvtsd2usi vcvtss2usi vcvttpd2udq vcvttps2udq vcvttsd2usi vcvttss2usi vcvtudq2pd vcvtudq2ps vcvtusi2sd vcvtusi2ss vexpandpd vexpandps vextractf32x4 vextractf64x4 vextracti32x4 vextracti64x4 vfixupimmpd vfixupimmps vfixupimmsd vfixupimmss vgetexppd vgetexpps vgetexpsd vgetexpss vgetmantpd vgetmantps vgetmantsd vgetmantss vinsertf32x4 vinsertf64x4 vinserti32x4 vinserti64x4 vmovdqa32 vmovdqa64 vmovdqu32 vmovdqu64 vpabsq vpandd vpandnd vpandnq vpandq vpblendmd vpblendmq vpcmpltd vpcmpled vpcmpneqd vpcmpnltd vpcmpnled vpcmpd vpcmpltq vpcmpleq vpcmpneqq vpcmpnltq vpcmpnleq vpcmpq vpcmpequd vpcmpltud vpcmpleud vpcmpnequd vpcmpnltud vpcmpnleud vpcmpud vpcmpequq vpcmpltuq vpcmpleuq vpcmpnequq vpcmpnltuq vpcmpnleuq vpcmpuq vpcompressd vpcompressq vpermi2d vpermi2pd vpermi2ps vpermi2q vpermt2d vpermt2pd vpermt2ps vpermt2q vpexpandd vpexpandq vpmaxsq vpmaxuq vpminsq vpminuq vpmovdb vpmovdw vpmovqb vpmovqd vpmovqw vpmovsdb vpmovsdw vpmovsqb vpmovsqd vpmovsqw vpmovusdb vpmovusdw vpmovusqb vpmovusqd vpmovusqw vpord vporq vprold vprolq vprolvd vprolvq vprord vprorq vprorvd vprorvq vpscatterdd vpscatterdq vpscatterqd vpscatterqq vpsraq vpsravq vpternlogd vpternlogq vptestmd vptestmq vptestnmd vptestnmq vpxord vpxorq vrcp14pd vrcp14ps vrcp14sd vrcp14ss vrndscalepd vrndscaleps vrndscalesd vrndscaless vrsqrt14pd vrsqrt14ps vrsqrt14sd vrsqrt14ss vscalefpd vscalefps vscalefsd vscalefss vscatterdpd vscatterdps vscatterqpd vscatterqps vshuff32x4 vshuff64x2 vshufi32x4 vshufi64x2 kandnw kandw kmovw knotw kortestw korw kshiftlw kshiftrw kunpckbw kxnorw kxorw vpbroadcastmb2q vpbroadcastmw2d vpconflictd vpconflictq vplzcntd vplzcntq vexp2pd vexp2ps vrcp28pd vrcp28ps vrcp28sd vrcp28ss vrsqrt28pd vrsqrt28ps vrsqrt28sd vrsqrt28ss vgatherpf0dpd vgatherpf0dps vgatherpf0qpd vgatherpf0qps vgatherpf1dpd vgatherpf1dps vgatherpf1qpd vgatherpf1qps vscatterpf0dpd vscatterpf0dps vscatterpf0qpd vscatterpf0qps vscatterpf1dpd vscatterpf1dps vscatterpf1qpd vscatterpf1qps prefetchwt1 bndmk bndcl bndcu bndcn bndmov bndldx bndstx sha1rnds4 sha1nexte sha1msg1 sha1msg2 sha256rnds2 sha256msg1 sha256msg2 hint_nop0 hint_nop1 hint_nop2 hint_nop3 hint_nop4 hint_nop5 hint_nop6 hint_nop7 hint_nop8 hint_nop9 hint_nop10 hint_nop11 hint_nop12 hint_nop13 hint_nop14 hint_nop15 hint_nop16 hint_nop17 hint_nop18 hint_nop19 hint_nop20 hint_nop21 hint_nop22 hint_nop23 hint_nop24 hint_nop25 hint_nop26 hint_nop27 hint_nop28 hint_nop29 hint_nop30 hint_nop31 hint_nop32 hint_nop33 hint_nop34 hint_nop35 hint_nop36 hint_nop37 hint_nop38 hint_nop39 hint_nop40 hint_nop41 hint_nop42 hint_nop43 hint_nop44 hint_nop45 hint_nop46 hint_nop47 hint_nop48 hint_nop49 hint_nop50 hint_nop51 hint_nop52 hint_nop53 hint_nop54 hint_nop55 hint_nop56 hint_nop57 hint_nop58 hint_nop59 hint_nop60 hint_nop61 hint_nop62 hint_nop63",built_in:"ip eip rip al ah bl bh cl ch dl dh sil dil bpl spl r8b r9b r10b r11b r12b r13b r14b r15b ax bx cx dx si di bp sp r8w r9w r10w r11w r12w r13w r14w r15w eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp esp eip r8d r9d r10d r11d r12d r13d r14d r15d rax rbx rcx rdx rsi rdi rbp rsp r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 r13 r14 r15 cs ds es fs gs ss st st0 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7 xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3 xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7 xmm8 xmm9 xmm10 xmm11 xmm12 xmm13 xmm14 xmm15 xmm16 xmm17 xmm18 xmm19 xmm20 xmm21 xmm22 xmm23 xmm24 xmm25 xmm26 xmm27 xmm28 xmm29 xmm30 xmm31 ymm0 ymm1 ymm2 ymm3 ymm4 ymm5 ymm6 ymm7 ymm8 ymm9 ymm10 ymm11 ymm12 ymm13 ymm14 ymm15 ymm16 ymm17 ymm18 ymm19 ymm20 ymm21 ymm22 ymm23 ymm24 ymm25 ymm26 ymm27 ymm28 ymm29 ymm30 ymm31 zmm0 zmm1 zmm2 zmm3 zmm4 zmm5 zmm6 zmm7 zmm8 zmm9 zmm10 zmm11 zmm12 zmm13 zmm14 zmm15 zmm16 zmm17 zmm18 zmm19 zmm20 zmm21 zmm22 zmm23 zmm24 zmm25 zmm26 zmm27 zmm28 zmm29 zmm30 zmm31 k0 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 bnd0 bnd1 bnd2 bnd3 cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 cr4 cr8 dr0 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr8 tr3 tr4 tr5 tr6 tr7 r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r0b r1b r2b r3b r4b r5b r6b r7b r0w r1w r2w r3w r4w r5w r6w r7w r0d r1d r2d r3d r4d r5d r6d r7d r0h r1h r2h r3h r0l r1l r2l r3l r4l r5l r6l r7l r8l r9l r10l r11l r12l r13l r14l r15l db dw dd dq dt ddq do dy dz resb resw resd resq rest resdq reso resy resz incbin equ times byte word dword qword nosplit rel abs seg wrt strict near far a32 ptr",meta:"%define %xdefine %+ %undef %defstr %deftok %assign %strcat %strlen %substr %rotate %elif %else %endif %if %ifmacro %ifctx %ifidn %ifidni %ifid %ifnum %ifstr %iftoken %ifempty %ifenv %error %warning %fatal %rep %endrep %include %push %pop %repl %pathsearch %depend %use %arg %stacksize %local %line %comment %endcomment .nolist __FILE__ __LINE__ __SECT__ __BITS__ __OUTPUT_FORMAT__ __DATE__ __TIME__ __DATE_NUM__ __TIME_NUM__ __UTC_DATE__ __UTC_TIME__ __UTC_DATE_NUM__ __UTC_TIME_NUM__ __PASS__ struc endstruc istruc at iend align alignb sectalign daz nodaz up down zero default option assume public bits use16 use32 use64 default section segment absolute extern global common cpu float __utf16__ __utf16le__ __utf16be__ __utf32__ __utf32le__ __utf32be__ __float8__ __float16__ __float32__ __float64__ __float80m__ __float80e__ __float128l__ __float128h__ __Infinity__ __QNaN__ __SNaN__ Inf NaN QNaN SNaN float8 float16 float32 float64 float80m float80e float128l float128h __FLOAT_DAZ__ __FLOAT_ROUND__ __FLOAT__"},contains:[s.COMMENT(";","$",{relevance:0}),{className:"number",variants:[{begin:"\\b(?:([0-9][0-9_]*)?\\.[0-9_]*(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?|(0[Xx])?[0-9][0-9_]*\\.?[0-9_]*(?:[pP](?:[+-]?[0-9_]+)?)?)\\b",relevance:0},{begin:"\\$[0-9][0-9A-Fa-f]*",relevance:0},{begin:"\\b(?:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f_]*[Hh]|[0-9][0-9_]*[DdTt]?|[0-7][0-7_]*[QqOo]|[0-1][0-1_]*[BbYy])\\b"},{begin:"\\b(?:0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f_]+|0[DdTt][0-9_]+|0[QqOo][0-7_]+|0[BbYy][0-1_]+)\\b"}]},s.QUOTE_STRING_MODE,{className:"string",variants:[{begin:"'",end:"[^\\\\]'"},{begin:"`",end:"[^\\\\]`"}],relevance:0},{className:"symbol",variants:[{begin:"^\\s*[A-Za-z._?][A-Za-z0-9_$#@~.?]*(:|\\s+label)"},{begin:"^\\s*%%[A-Za-z0-9_$#@~.?]*:"}],relevance:0},{className:"subst",begin:"%[0-9]+",relevance:0},{className:"subst",begin:"%!S+",relevance:0},{className:"meta",begin:/^\s*\.[\w_-]+/}]}}}()); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ops/authentication.html b/ops/authentication.html index c3875bb7..a3e4a2c3 100644 --- a/ops/authentication.html +++ b/ops/authentication.html @@ -175,11 +175,11 @@

Shibuya Documentation

Authentication model and multi tenancy



Currently, Shibuya supports LDAP based authentication and no authentication. No authentication is mostly used by Shibuya developers.


Currently, Shibuya supports LDAP based authentication and no authentication. No authentication is mostly used by Shibuya developers.

Please bear in mind, a more robust authentication is still WIP. It's not recommended to run Shibuya in a public network.

If you choose to disable authentication, that also disables multi tenancy. All the resources will be belong to a hardcoded user name shibuya.

LDAP authentication


When user logs in, all the credentials will be checked against a configured LDAP server. Once it's validated, the mailing list of this user will be stored and later used as ownership source. In other words, all the resources created by the user belong to the mailing lists users are in.


When user logs in, all the credentials will be checked against a configured LDAP server. Once it's validated, the mailing list of this user will be stored and later used as ownership source. In other words, all the resources created by the user belong to the mailing lists users are in.

All the LDAP related configurations will be explained at this chaper.

diff --git a/ops/config.html b/ops/config.html index f9b31c1c..0d70ab68 100644 --- a/ops/config.html +++ b/ops/config.html @@ -176,136 +176,136 @@

Shibuya Documentation

Configuration Explanation

Below is a sample configuration of Shibuya. We will explain them by sections.

-    "bg_color": "#fff",
-    "project_home": "",
-    "upload_file_help": "",
-    "auth_config": {
-        "admin_users": [],
-        "ldap_server": "",
-        "ldap_port": "",
-        "system_user": "",
-        "system_password": "",
-        "base_dn": "",
-        "no_auth": true
+    "bg_color": "#fff",
+    "project_home": "",
+    "upload_file_help": "",
+    "auth_config": {
+        "admin_users": [],
+        "ldap_server": "",
+        "ldap_port": "",
+        "system_user": "",
+        "system_password": "",
+        "base_dn": "",
+        "no_auth": true
-    "http_config": {
-        "proxy": ""
+    "http_config": {
+        "proxy": ""
-    "db": {
-        "host": "db",
-        "user": "root",
-        "password": "root",
-        "database": "shibuya"
+    "db": {
+        "host": "db",
+        "user": "root",
+        "password": "root",
+        "database": "shibuya"
-    "executors": {
-        "cluster": {
-            "on_demand": false
+    "executors": {
+        "cluster": {
+            "on_demand": false
-        "in_cluster": true,
-        "namespace": "shibuya-executors",
-        "jmeter": {
-            "image": "shibuya:jmeter",
-            "cpu": "1",
-            "mem": "512Mi"
+        "in_cluster": true,
+        "namespace": "shibuya-executors",
+        "jmeter": {
+            "image": "shibuya:jmeter",
+            "cpu": "1",
+            "mem": "512Mi"
-        "pull_secret": "",
-        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
+        "pull_secret": "",
+        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
-    "dashboard": {
-        "url": "http://localhost:3000",
-        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya",
-        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health"
+    "dashboard": {
+        "url": "http://localhost:3000",
+        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya",
+        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health"
-    "object_storage": {
-        "provider": "local",
-        "url": "http://storage:8080",
-        "user": "",
-        "password": ""
+    "object_storage": {
+        "provider": "local",
+        "url": "http://storage:8080",
+        "user": "",
+        "password": ""
-    "log_format": {
-        "json": false
+    "log_format": {
+        "json": false

General Configs

    "bg_color": "#fff",  # UI bg colour. Could be useful when you are using Shibuya in multiple networking environments.
-    "project_home": "",
-    "upload_file_help": "", # Document link for uploading the file
    "bg_color": "#fff",  # UI bg colour. Could be useful when you are using Shibuya in multiple networking environments.
+    "project_home": "",
+    "upload_file_help": "", # Document link for uploading the file

All authentication related logic is configured by this block

    "auth_config": {
-        "admin_users": [], # admin mailing list. A admin will have a dedicated page to view all the running collections
-        "ldap_server": "", 
-        "ldap_port": "",
-        "system_user": "", # ldap system user
-        "system_password": "", # ldap system pwd
-        "base_dn": "",
-        "no_auth": true # Turn off auth completely
    "auth_config": {
+        "admin_users": [], # admin mailing list. A admin will have a dedicated page to view all the running collections
+        "ldap_server": "", 
+        "ldap_port": "",
+        "system_user": "", # ldap system user
+        "system_password": "", # ldap system pwd
+        "base_dn": "",
+        "no_auth": true # Turn off auth completely

HTTP client

Once this is configured, all the traffic will pass through proxy. Including metrics streaming and requests to k8s cluster.

    "http_config": {
-        "proxy": ""
    "http_config": {
+        "proxy": ""

DB configurations

    "db": {
-        "host": "db",
-        "user": "root",
-        "password": "root",
-        "database": "shibuya"
    "db": {
+        "host": "db",
+        "user": "root",
+        "password": "root",
+        "database": "shibuya"

Executor configurations

Shibuya supports two types of clusters:

  1. on demand, specifically, GKE in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. +
  3. on demand, specifically, GKE in Google Cloud Platform.
  4. on-premise cluster.

With on demand mode, Shibuya is able to automatically create nodes and clean resources after usage. In most cases, the GKE cluster used by Shibuya has 0 worker nodes(to save money).


With on demand mode, Shibuya is able to automatically create nodes and clean resources after usage. In most cases, the GKE cluster used by Shibuya has 0 worker nodes(to save money).

Shibuya controller can be run outside of a k8s cluster, which usually is the cluster where the generators are deployed. If this is the case, in_cluster should be set to false, true for otherwise.

    "executors": {
-        "cluster": {
-            "on_demand": false
    "executors": {
+        "cluster": {
+            "on_demand": false
-        "in_cluster": true,
-        "namespace": "shibuya-executors", # this is the namespace where generators are deployed
-        "jmeter": {
-            "image": "shibuya:jmeter", 
-            "cpu": "1", # resoures(requests) for the generator pod in a k8s cluster.
-            "mem": "512Mi"
+        "in_cluster": true,
+        "namespace": "shibuya-executors", # this is the namespace where generators are deployed
+        "jmeter": {
+            "image": "shibuya:jmeter", 
+            "cpu": "1", # resoures(requests) for the generator pod in a k8s cluster.
+            "mem": "512Mi"
-        "pull_secret": "",
-        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
+        "pull_secret": "",
+        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"

Metrics dashboard


Shibuya uses external Grafana dashboard to visualise the metrics.

    "dashboard": {
-        "url": "http://localhost:3000", # root of the dashboard url
-        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya", # link to the metrics of all the runs.
-        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health" # link to the health of the engines.

Shibuya uses external Grafana dashboard to visualise the metrics.

    "dashboard": {
+        "url": "http://localhost:3000", # root of the dashboard url
+        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya", # link to the metrics of all the runs.
+        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health" # link to the health of the engines.

Object storage

Shibuya uses object storage to store all the test plans. It supports two types storage:

  1. HTTP based storage service, like, Nexus.
  2. -
  3. GCP bucket.
  4. +
  5. HTTP based storage service, like, Nexus.
  6. +
  7. GCP bucket.
    "object_storage": {
-        "provider": "local", # either gcp, local, or Nexus
-        "url": "http://storage:8080",
-        "user": "", # HTTP basic authentication user and password
-        "password": ""
    "object_storage": {
+        "provider": "local", # either gcp, local, or Nexus
+        "url": "http://storage:8080",
+        "user": "", # HTTP basic authentication user and password
+        "password": ""

Please bear in mind, local should be only used by Shibuya developers.


Please bear in mind, local should be only used by Shibuya developers.

Logging support

    "log_format": {
-        "json": false
    "log_format": {
+        "json": false

If you require logs to be in JSON format, you can set json: true.

diff --git a/print.html b/print.html index fbad1a90..2aefbc82 100644 --- a/print.html +++ b/print.html @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@



Authentication model and multi tenancy



Currently, Shibuya supports LDAP based authentication and no authentication. No authentication is mostly used by Shibuya developers.


Currently, Shibuya supports LDAP based authentication and no authentication. No authentication is mostly used by Shibuya developers.

Please bear in mind, a more robust authentication is still WIP. It's not recommended to run Shibuya in a public network.

If you choose to disable authentication, that also disables multi tenancy. All the resources will be belong to a hardcoded user name shibuya.

LDAP authentication


When user logs in, all the credentials will be checked against a configured LDAP server. Once it's validated, the mailing list of this user will be stored and later used as ownership source. In other words, all the resources created by the user belong to the mailing lists users are in.


When user logs in, all the credentials will be checked against a configured LDAP server. Once it's validated, the mailing list of this user will be stored and later used as ownership source. In other words, all the resources created by the user belong to the mailing lists users are in.

All the LDAP related configurations will be explained at this chaper.


Shibuya controller runs inside a Docker container. In order to sucessfully build a Docker image for your own controller, you will need these files:

@@ -250,136 +250,136 @@

GCP config

Configuration Explanation

Below is a sample configuration of Shibuya. We will explain them by sections.

-    "bg_color": "#fff",
-    "project_home": "",
-    "upload_file_help": "",
-    "auth_config": {
-        "admin_users": [],
-        "ldap_server": "",
-        "ldap_port": "",
-        "system_user": "",
-        "system_password": "",
-        "base_dn": "",
-        "no_auth": true
+    "bg_color": "#fff",
+    "project_home": "",
+    "upload_file_help": "",
+    "auth_config": {
+        "admin_users": [],
+        "ldap_server": "",
+        "ldap_port": "",
+        "system_user": "",
+        "system_password": "",
+        "base_dn": "",
+        "no_auth": true
-    "http_config": {
-        "proxy": ""
+    "http_config": {
+        "proxy": ""
-    "db": {
-        "host": "db",
-        "user": "root",
-        "password": "root",
-        "database": "shibuya"
+    "db": {
+        "host": "db",
+        "user": "root",
+        "password": "root",
+        "database": "shibuya"
-    "executors": {
-        "cluster": {
-            "on_demand": false
+    "executors": {
+        "cluster": {
+            "on_demand": false
-        "in_cluster": true,
-        "namespace": "shibuya-executors",
-        "jmeter": {
-            "image": "shibuya:jmeter",
-            "cpu": "1",
-            "mem": "512Mi"
+        "in_cluster": true,
+        "namespace": "shibuya-executors",
+        "jmeter": {
+            "image": "shibuya:jmeter",
+            "cpu": "1",
+            "mem": "512Mi"
-        "pull_secret": "",
-        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
+        "pull_secret": "",
+        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
-    "dashboard": {
-        "url": "http://localhost:3000",
-        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya",
-        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health"
+    "dashboard": {
+        "url": "http://localhost:3000",
+        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya",
+        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health"
-    "object_storage": {
-        "provider": "local",
-        "url": "http://storage:8080",
-        "user": "",
-        "password": ""
+    "object_storage": {
+        "provider": "local",
+        "url": "http://storage:8080",
+        "user": "",
+        "password": ""
-    "log_format": {
-        "json": false
+    "log_format": {
+        "json": false

General Configs

    "bg_color": "#fff",  # UI bg colour. Could be useful when you are using Shibuya in multiple networking environments.
-    "project_home": "",
-    "upload_file_help": "", # Document link for uploading the file
    "bg_color": "#fff",  # UI bg colour. Could be useful when you are using Shibuya in multiple networking environments.
+    "project_home": "",
+    "upload_file_help": "", # Document link for uploading the file

All authentication related logic is configured by this block

    "auth_config": {
-        "admin_users": [], # admin mailing list. A admin will have a dedicated page to view all the running collections
-        "ldap_server": "", 
-        "ldap_port": "",
-        "system_user": "", # ldap system user
-        "system_password": "", # ldap system pwd
-        "base_dn": "",
-        "no_auth": true # Turn off auth completely
    "auth_config": {
+        "admin_users": [], # admin mailing list. A admin will have a dedicated page to view all the running collections
+        "ldap_server": "", 
+        "ldap_port": "",
+        "system_user": "", # ldap system user
+        "system_password": "", # ldap system pwd
+        "base_dn": "",
+        "no_auth": true # Turn off auth completely

HTTP client

Once this is configured, all the traffic will pass through proxy. Including metrics streaming and requests to k8s cluster.

    "http_config": {
-        "proxy": ""
    "http_config": {
+        "proxy": ""

DB configurations

    "db": {
-        "host": "db",
-        "user": "root",
-        "password": "root",
-        "database": "shibuya"
    "db": {
+        "host": "db",
+        "user": "root",
+        "password": "root",
+        "database": "shibuya"

Executor configurations

Shibuya supports two types of clusters:

  1. on demand, specifically, GKE in Google Cloud Platform.
  2. +
  3. on demand, specifically, GKE in Google Cloud Platform.
  4. on-premise cluster.

With on demand mode, Shibuya is able to automatically create nodes and clean resources after usage. In most cases, the GKE cluster used by Shibuya has 0 worker nodes(to save money).


With on demand mode, Shibuya is able to automatically create nodes and clean resources after usage. In most cases, the GKE cluster used by Shibuya has 0 worker nodes(to save money).

Shibuya controller can be run outside of a k8s cluster, which usually is the cluster where the generators are deployed. If this is the case, in_cluster should be set to false, true for otherwise.

    "executors": {
-        "cluster": {
-            "on_demand": false
    "executors": {
+        "cluster": {
+            "on_demand": false
-        "in_cluster": true,
-        "namespace": "shibuya-executors", # this is the namespace where generators are deployed
-        "jmeter": {
-            "image": "shibuya:jmeter", 
-            "cpu": "1", # resoures(requests) for the generator pod in a k8s cluster.
-            "mem": "512Mi"
+        "in_cluster": true,
+        "namespace": "shibuya-executors", # this is the namespace where generators are deployed
+        "jmeter": {
+            "image": "shibuya:jmeter", 
+            "cpu": "1", # resoures(requests) for the generator pod in a k8s cluster.
+            "mem": "512Mi"
-        "pull_secret": "",
-        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"
+        "pull_secret": "",
+        "pull_policy": "IfNotPresent"

Metrics dashboard


Shibuya uses external Grafana dashboard to visualise the metrics.

    "dashboard": {
-        "url": "http://localhost:3000", # root of the dashboard url
-        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya", # link to the metrics of all the runs.
-        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health" # link to the health of the engines.

Shibuya uses external Grafana dashboard to visualise the metrics.

    "dashboard": {
+        "url": "http://localhost:3000", # root of the dashboard url
+        "run_dashboard": "/d/RXY8nM1mk2/shibuya", # link to the metrics of all the runs.
+        "engine_dashboard": "/d/9EH6xqTZz/shibuya-engine-health" # link to the health of the engines.

Object storage

Shibuya uses object storage to store all the test plans. It supports two types storage:

  1. HTTP based storage service, like, Nexus.
  2. -
  3. GCP bucket.
  4. +
  5. HTTP based storage service, like, Nexus.
  6. +
  7. GCP bucket.
    "object_storage": {
-        "provider": "local", # either gcp, local, or Nexus
-        "url": "http://storage:8080",
-        "user": "", # HTTP basic authentication user and password
-        "password": ""
    "object_storage": {
+        "provider": "local", # either gcp, local, or Nexus
+        "url": "http://storage:8080",
+        "user": "", # HTTP basic authentication user and password
+        "password": ""

Please bear in mind, local should be only used by Shibuya developers.


Please bear in mind, local should be only used by Shibuya developers.

Logging support

    "log_format": {
-        "json": false
    "log_format": {
+        "json": false

If you require logs to be in JSON format, you can set json: true.

diff --git a/searcher.js b/searcher.js index d2b0aeed..dc03e0a0 100644 --- a/searcher.js +++ b/searcher.js @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ window.search = window.search || {}; // Eventhandler for keyevents on `document` function globalKeyHandler(e) { - if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.target.type === 'textarea' || e.target.type === 'text') { return; } + if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.target.type === 'textarea' || e.target.type === 'text' || !hasFocus() && /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i.test(e.target.nodeName)) { return; } if (e.keyCode === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) { e.preventDefault();