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robots.txt filter and tester for untrusted source


robots-txt-processor is a tester with a filter for natural wild robots.txt data of the Internet. The module can filter like:

  • Rules for other User-agents
  • Rules that are too long
  • Paths that contains too many wildcards
  • Comments (inline or the whole line)

Also, it can for example:

  • Parse line continuation (LWS,) although not used widely
  • Identify misspelled Useragent directive
  • Complement missing leading slash in a path

Tester module can process Allow/Disallow directives containing */$ meta characters. Alternatively, you can use the filter module alone and feed an output to another tester module as a single User-agent: * record with a non-group record (e.g. Sitemap.)


BSD 2-Clause License


composer require "ranvis/robots-txt-processor:^1.0"

Example Usage

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$source = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /path";
$userAgents = 'MyBotIdentifier';
$tester = new \Ranvis\RobotsTxt\Tester();
$tester->setSource($source, $userAgents);
var_dump($tester->isAllowed('/path.html')); // false

Tester->setSource(string) is actually a shorthand of Tester->setSource(RecordSet):

use Ranvis\RobotsTxt;

$source = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /path";
$userAgents = 'MyBotIdentifier';
$filter = new RobotsTxt\Filter();
$recordSet = $filter->getRecordSet($source);
$tester = new RobotsTxt\Tester();
var_dump($tester->isAllowed('/path.php')); // false

See for more examples, including filter-only usage.

Implementation Notes

Setting user-agents

When setting source, you can (optionally) pass user-agents like the examples above. If you pass a user-agent string or an array of strings, subsequent Filter will filter out unspecified user-agent records (aside from *.) While Tester->isAllowed() accepts user-agents, it should run faster to filter (with Filter->setUserAgents() or Tester->setSource(source, userAgents)) and call Tester->isAllowed() multiple times without specifying user-agents. (When an array of user-agent strings is passed, a user-agent specified earlier takes precedence when testing.)

Record separator

This parser ignores blank lines. Another record starts on User-agent lines after group member lines (i.e. Disallow/Allow.)

Case sensitivity

User-agent value and directive names like Disallow are case-insensitive. Filter class normalizes directive names to First-character-uppercased form.

Encoding conversion

This filter/tester themselves don't handle encoding conversion because it isn't needed. If a remote robots.txt uses some non-Unicode (specifically not UTF-8) encoding, URL path should be in that encoding too. The filter/tester safely work with any character or percent-encoded sequence which can result in invalid UTF-8. An exception is when a remote robots.txt uses any Unicode encoding with BOM. If this will ever happen, you will need to convert it to UTF-8 (without BOM) beforehand.


See features/behaviors table of robots-txt-processor-test project.


Options can be specified in the first argument of constructors. Normally, the default values should suffice to filter potentially offensive input while preserving requested rules.

Tester class options

  • 'respectOrder' => false,

    If true, process path rules in their specified order. If false, longer path is processed first like Googlebot does.

  • 'ignoreForbidden' => false,

    If true, setResponseCode() with 401 Unauthorized or 403 Forbidden is treated as if no robots.txt existed, like Googlebot does, as opposed to spec.

  • 'escapedWildcard' => false,

    If true, %2A in path line is treated as wildcard *. Normally you don't want to set this true for this class. See Filter class for some more information.

Tester->setSource(string) internally instantiates Filter with initially passed options and calls Filter->getRecordSet(string).

Filter class options

  • 'maxRecords' => 1000,

    Maximum number of records (grouped rules) to parse. Any records thereafter will not be kept. Don't set too low or filter will give up before your user-agents. This limitation is only for parsing. Calling setUserAgents() limits what user-agents to keep.

Filter->getRecordSet(string) internally instantiates FilterParser with initially passed options.

FilterParser class options

  • 'maxLines' => 1000,

    Maximum number of lines to parse for each record (grouped or non-grouped). Any lines thereafter for the current record will not be kept.

  • 'keepTrailingSpaces' => false,

    If false, trailing spaces (including tabs) of line without comment is trimmed. For lines with comment, spaces before # are always trimmed. Retaining spaces is the requirement of both and Google specs.

  • 'maxWildcards' => 10,

    Maximum number of non-repeated * in path to accept. If a path contains more than this, the rule itself will be ignored.

  • 'escapedWildcard' => true,

    If true, %2A in path line is treated as wildcard * and will be a subject to the limitation of maxWildcards. When using an external tester, don't set to false unless you are sure that your tester doesn't treat %2A that way (and this tester does not,) so that rules cannot circumvent maxWildcards limitation. (Testers listed as PeDecodeWildcard=yes in feature test table should not change this flag.)

  • 'complementLeadingSlash' => true,

    If true and the path doesn't start with / or * (which must be a mistake,) / is prepended.

  • 'pathMemberRegEx' => '/^(?:Dis)?Allow$/i',

    A value of a directive matching this regex is treated as a path and configurations like maxWildcards are applied.

FilterParser extends Parser class.

Parser class options

  • 'maxUserAgents' => 1000,

    Maximum number of user-agents to parse. Any user-agents thereafter will be ignored and any new grouped records thereafter will be skipped.

  • 'maxDirectiveLength' => 32,

    Maximum number of characters for the directive. Any directives longer than this will be skipped. This must be at least 10 to parse User-agent directive. Increase if you need to keep custom long named directive value.

  • 'maxNameLength' => 200,

    Maximum number of characters for the User-agent value. Any user-agent names longer than this are truncated.

  • 'maxValueLength' => 2000,

    Maximum number of characters for the directive value. Any values longer than this will be changed to -ignored- directive with a value containing the original value length.

  • 'userAgentRegEx' => '/^User-?agent$/i',

    A directive matching this regex is treated as a User-agent directive.


  • new Tester(array $options = [])
  • Tester->setSource($source, $userAgents = null)
  • Tester->setResponseCode(int $code)
  • Tester->isAllowed(string $targetPath, $userAgents = null)
  • new Filter(array $options = [])
  • Filter->setUserAgents($userAgents, bool $fallback = true) : RecordSet
  • Filter->getRecordSet($source) : RecordSet
  • new Parser(array $options = [])
  • Parser->registerGroupDirective(string $directive)
  • Parser->getRecordIterator($it) : \Traversable
  • (string)RecordSet
  • RecordSet->extract($userAgents = null)
  • RecordSet->getRecord($userAgents = null, bool $dummy = true) : ?RecordSet
  • RecordSet->getNonGroupRecord(bool $dummy = true) : ?RecordSet
  • (string)Record
  • Record->getValue(string $directive) : ?string
  • Record->getValueIterator(string $directive) : \Traversable