diff --git a/report/report.md b/report/report.md index 656e0c4..aec63ee 100644 --- a/report/report.md +++ b/report/report.md @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $X \in L$, with language $L$ in NP. The following properties must be true: verifier will be convinced is negligible in the length of $X$. An Interactive Argument is very similar, but the honest and malicious prover -are now polynomially bounded and receives a Private Axuilliary Input, $w$, +are now polynomially bounded and receives a Private Auxiliary Input, $w$, not known by $\Vc$. This is such that $\Vc$ don't just compute the answer themselves. Definitions follow: @@ -1857,15 +1857,15 @@ constructed, to win the zero-finding game for $\CM_1, \CM_2$ respectively, with non-negligible probability: \begin{algorithm}[H] -\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Bc_j^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$} +\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Bc_k^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \State Compute $(D, \acc_i, \vec{q}) \leftarrow C^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$. \State Compute $p \leftarrow \Ec_C^\rho(\pp_\AS)$. \State For each $q_j \in \vec{q}$ : $(h_j, U_j) \from \PCDLSuccinctCheck(q_j)$. \State Compute $\a := \rho_1([(h_j, U_j)]^m)$. - \If{$j = 1$} + \If{$k = 1$} \State Output $((n, D), (p, h := ([h_j]^m)))$ - \ElsIf{$j = 2$} + \ElsIf{$k = 2$} \State Output $((n, D), ([(h_j, U_j)]^m))$ \EndIf \end{algorithmic} @@ -1918,6 +1918,8 @@ $\qed$ - $\ASDLDecider$: - Step 2: 1 call to $\PCDLCheck$, with $\Oc(d)$ scalar multiplications. + $\Oc(d)$ scalar multiplications. + So $\ASDLProver$ and $\ASDLDecider$ are linear and $\ASDLDecider$ is sub-linear. # Benchmarks @@ -2090,7 +2092,8 @@ as possible during runtime, but this was not done due to time constraints. | $\vec{a} \in S^n_q$ | A vector of length $n$ consisting of elements from set $S$ | | $G \in \Eb(\Fb_q)$ | An elliptic Curve point, defined over field $\Fb_q$ | | $(a_1, \dots, a_n) = [x_i]^n = [x_i]_{i=1}^n = \vec{a} \in S^n_q$ | A vector of length $n$ | -| $v^{(0)}$ | The singular element of a fully compressed vector $\vec{v_{\lg(n)}}$ from $\PCDLOpen$. | +| $v^{(0)}$ | The singular element of a fully compressed vector $\vec{v}_{\lg(n)}$ from $\PCDLOpen$. | +| $\vec{p}^{\text{(coeffs)}}$ | The coefficient vector of $p$. | | $a \in_R S$ | $a$ is a uniformly randomly sampled element of $S$ | | $(S_1, \dots, S_n)$ | In the context of sets, the same as $S_1 \times \dots \times S_n$ | | $\dotp{\vec{a}}{\vec{G}}$ where $\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{G} \in \Eb^n(\Fb_q)$ | The dot product of $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{G}$ ($\sum^n_{i=0} a_i G_i$). |