From 623b4d1739765d2e1819a1281c6c985b40a6df4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: rasmus-kirk Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2025 14:04:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Changes --- report/acc-schemes-paper.tex | 557 +++++++ report/acm-siggraph.csl | 142 ++ report/bibliography.bib | 60 +- report/flake.nix | 21 +- report/ | 228 ++- report/report.tex | 2942 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 3851 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) create mode 100644 report/acc-schemes-paper.tex create mode 100644 report/acm-siggraph.csl create mode 100644 report/report.tex diff --git a/report/acc-schemes-paper.tex b/report/acc-schemes-paper.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e57475 --- /dev/null +++ b/report/acc-schemes-paper.tex @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +% Options for packages loaded elsewhere +\PassOptionsToPackage{unicode}{hyperref} +\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} +\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names}{xcolor} +% +\documentclass[ +]{article} +\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} +\usepackage{iftex} 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Fix a number of variables \(M \in \mathbb{N}\) and +maximum degree \(N \in \mathbb{N}\). Then for every family of (not +necessarily efficient) functions \(\{f_{pp}\}_{pp}\) and fields +\(\{\mathbb{F}_{pp}\}_{pp}\) where +\(f_{pp}: \mathcal{M}_{pp} \to \mathbb{F}^{\leq N}_{pp}[X_1, \ldots, X_M]\) +and \(|\mathbb{F}_{pp}| \geq F(\lambda)\); for every message format +\(L\) and efficient \(t\)-query oracle algorithm \(A\), the following +holds: + +\[ +\Pr\left[ +\begin{array}{c} +p \not\equiv 0 \\ +\land \, p(z) = 0 +\end{array} +\middle| +\begin{array}{l} +pp \leftarrow \text{CM.Setup}(1^\lambda, L) \\ +(\ell, p \in \mathcal{M}_{ck}, \omega) \leftarrow A^{\rho}(pp) \\ +ck \leftarrow \text{CM.Trim}(pp, \ell) \\ +C \leftarrow \text{CM.Commit}(ck, p; \omega) \\ +z \in \mathbb{F}^{N}_{pp} \leftarrow \rho(C) \\ +p \leftarrow f_{pp}(p) +\end{array} +\right] +\leq \sqrt{(t+1) \cdot \frac{MN}{F(\lambda)}} + \text{negl}(\lambda). +\] + +If \(\text{CM}\) is perfectly binding, then the above holds also for +computationally-unbounded \(t\)-query adversaries \(A\). + +Similarly to the completeness case, we consider a simplified version of +the definition of soundness in Section 4. This simpler definition +requires that the following probability is negligible for every +Polynomial-Size Adversary \(\Ac\): + +\[ +\Pr \left[ + \begin{array}{c|c} + \begin{array}{c} + \Verifier^\rho([q_i]_{i=1}^n, \acc, \pi_V) = 1, \\ + \ASDecider^\rho(\acc) = 1 \\ + \wedge \\ + \exists i \in [n], + \, \Phi^\rho_{\PC}(\pp_\PC, i_\phi, q_i) = 0 + \end{array} + & \quad + \begin{aligned} + \rho &\leftarrow \Uc(\lambda), \\ + \pp &\leftarrow \ASGenerator^\rho(1^\lambda), \\ + \pp_\PC &\leftarrow \mathcal{H}_{\PC}^\rho(\pp), \\ + (i_\phi, [q_i]_{i=1}^n, \acc, \pi_V) &\leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp, \pp_{\PC}) \\ + (\text{apk}, \text{avk}, \text{dk}) &\leftarrow \mathcal{I}^\rho(\text{pp}, \text{pp}_{\text{PC}}, i_\phi) + \end{aligned} + \end{array} +\right] +\] + +Fix a polynomial-size adversary \(\Ac\) and degree bound \(D\), and +denote by \(\delta\) the above probability for these choices. We will +construct an adversary for the zero-finding game in Lemma 3.3 that wins +with probability \(\delta / 2 - \text{negl}(\lambda)\), from which it +follows that \(\delta\) is negligible (since \(q\) is superpolynomial in +\(\lambda\)). + +We first describe the commitment schemes \(\CM_1, \CM_2\) used in the +zero-finding games. Both schemes have common setup and trimming +algorithms, and public parameters \(\pp\) equal to the public parameters +of \(\PCDL\) with maximum degree \(L\). The message space +\(\Mc_{\text{pp}}\) for \(CM_1\) consists of tuples \((p, +h)\), where \(p\) and \(h\) are univariate polynomials of degree at most +\(L\). Note that \(h\) is uniquely represented by +\([h_i]_{i=0}^n, \alpha\), where each \(h_i\) is a univariate polynomial +of degree \(L\), and \(\alpha +\in \Fb_q\). + +The message space \(\Mc_\pp\) for \(\CM_2\) consists of lists of pairs +\([(h_i, U_i)]_{i=0}^n\), where each \(h_i\) is a univariate polynomial +of degree at most \(L\), and each \(U_i\) is a group element. + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +\paragraph{Algorithm:}\label{algorithm} + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + \(\CM_j.\Setup^{\rho}(1^\lambda, L)\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Output: \(\text{pp} \leftarrow \PCDLSetup^\rho(1^\lambda, L)\). + \end{itemize} +\item + \(\CM_j.\Trim^\rho(\text{pp}, n, N)\): +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + Compute + \((\text{ck}_0, \text{rk}_0) \leftarrow \PCDLTrim^\rho(\text{pp}, N)\). +\item + Output: \(\text{ck} := (\text{ck}_0, n)\). +\end{itemize} + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\setcounter{enumi}{2} +\tightlist +\item + \(\CM_1.\Commit(\text{ck} = (\text{ck}_0, n), p = (p, h); r)\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Commit to \(p\): \(C \leftarrow \PCDLCommit(\text{ck}_0, + p; \omega = \perp)\). - Output: \((C, h)\). + \end{itemize} +\item + \(\CM_2.\Commit(\text{ck}, p = \{(h_i, U_i)\}_{i=0}^n; r)\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Output: \(p\). + \end{itemize} +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +Both commitment schemes are binding. It remains to specify the families +of functions \(\{f^{(1)}_{\text{pp}}, f^{(2)}_{\text{pp}}\}\) that we +use in the respective zero-finding games. + +We define: +\(f^{(1)}_{\text{pp}}(p, h = \{h_i\}_{i=0}^n) := p - \sum_{i} \alpha^i h_i,\) + +and: \(f^{(2)}_{\text{pp}}(p = \{(h_i, U_i)\}_{i=0}^n):\) + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + Construct the key pair + \((\text{ck}_0, \text{rk}_0) = \PCDLTrim(\pp_\PC, \deg(h_i))\). +\item + For each \(i \in [0, \ldots, n]\), construct a \(\PCDL\) commitment to + \(h_i\): \(B_i \leftarrow \PCDLCommit(\text{ck}, h_i, \bot)\). +\item + For each \(i \in [0, \ldots, n]\), compute \(a_i \in \Fb_q\) such that + \(a_i G = U_i - B_i\). +\item + Output the polynomial \(a(Z) = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i Z^i\). +\end{enumerate} + +Both commitment schemes are binding. It remains to specify the families +of functions \(f_{\text{pp}}^{(1)}, f_{\text{pp}}^{(2)}\) that we use in +the respective zero-finding games. + +We define: +\(f_{\text{pp}}^{(1)}(p, h = [h_i]_{i=0}^n) := p - \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i h_i,\) + +and: \(f_{\text{pp}}^{(2)}(p = [(h_i, U_i)]_{i=0}^n):\) + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + Construct the key pair + \((\text{ck}_0, \text{rk}_0) \leftarrow \PCDLTrim(\text{pp}_{\text{PC}}, \deg(h_i))\). +\item + For each \(i \in \{0, \ldots, n\}\), construct a \(\PCDL\) commitment + to \(h_i\): \(B_i \leftarrow \PCDLCommit(\text{ck}_0, h_i, \bot)\). +\item + For each \(i \in \{0, \ldots, n\}\), compute \(a_i \in \mathbb{F}_q\) + such that \(a_i G = U_i - B_i\). +\item + Output the polynomial \(a(Z) := \sum_{i=0}^n a_i Z^i\). +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +We next describe an adversary \(C\) against \(\PCDL\), which simply runs +the soundness experiment for the accumulation scheme and outputs +\(\text{acc}\) as output by \(\mathcal{A}\). For convenience, we also +have \(C\) output \([q_i]_{i=1}^n\) and \(\pi_V\); this will be ignored +by the extractor. \textbf{\(C^\rho(\text{pp}_{\text{PC}})\):} + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + Set AS public parameters \(\text{pp}_{\text{AS}} := 1^\lambda\). +\item + Compute \((i_\phi, [q_i]_{i=1}^n, \text{acc}, \pi_V) \leftarrow + \mathcal{A}^\rho(\text{pp}_{\text{AS}}, \text{pp}_{\text{PC}})\). +\item + Parse \(i_\phi\) as the degree bound \(N\). +\item + Output + \((N, \text{acc} = ((C, d, z, v), \pi); [q_i]_{i=1}^n, \pi_V)\). +\end{enumerate} + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +We use the extractor \(\mathcal{E}_C\) corresponding to \(C\) to +construct adversaries \(B_1, B_2\) for zero-finding games against +\((CM_1, \{f_{\text{pp}}^{(1)}\}_{\text{pp}})\), \((CM_2, +\{f_{\text{pp}}^{(2)}\}_{\text{pp}})\) respectively, with \(L = D\) +where \(D = +\text{poly}(\lambda)\) is the maximum degree parameter as in the +soundness experiment for the accumulation scheme. + +\textbf{\(B_j^\rho(\text{pp})\):} + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + Compute \((N, \text{acc}, [q_i]_{i=1}^n, \pi_V) \leftarrow + C^\rho(\text{pp})\). +\item + Parse \([a_i]_{i=1}^n\) as \(((C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i), \pi_i)\) and + \(\pi_V\) as \((h_0, U_0, w)\). +\item + Compute \(p \leftarrow \mathcal{E}_C^\rho(\text{pp})\). +\item + For each \(i \in [n]\), obtain \(h_i\) and \(U_i\) from \(\pi_i\). +\item + Compute \(\alpha := \rho_1([(h_i, U_i)]_{i=0}^n)\). +\item + If \(j = 1\), output \(((n, N), (p, h := ([h_i]_{i=0}^n)))\). If + \(j = 2\), output \(((n, N), ([(h_i, U_i)]_{i=0}^n))\). --- +\end{enumerate} + +We show that either \(B_1\) or \(B_2\) wins its respective zero-finding +game with probability at least \(\delta / 2 - \text{negl}(\lambda)\). + +Since \(D\) accepts with probability \(\delta\), and by the extraction +property of \(\PCDL\), the following holds with probability at least +\(\delta - +\text{negl}(\lambda)\): \(\mathcal{E}_C\) outputs a polynomial \(p\) +such that \(C\) is a commitment to \(p\) with randomness \(w\) (and so +\(C\) is a deterministic commitment to \(p\)), \(p(z) = v\), and +\(\deg(p) \leq d\); and, moreover, +\((\text{acc}, \{q_i\}_{i=1}^n, \pi_V)\) satisfies the left-hand side of +Eq. (7). This latter point implies that, parsing \(q_i\) as +\((C_i, d_i, z_i, +v_i, \pi_i)\) and letting \((h_i, U_i) := \PCDLSuccinctCheck^\rho +(\text{rk}, C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i, \pi_i)\): + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + Since + \(\mathcal{V}^\rho(\text{avk}, [q_i]_{i=1}^n, \text{acc}, \pi_V)\) + accepts, the following are true: + + \begin{enumerate} + \def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} + \tightlist + \item + For each \(i \in [n]\), \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) accepts. + \item + \(U_0\) is a commitment to \(h_0\). + \item + Parsing \(\text{acc}\) as \((C, d, z, v), \pi\) and setting + \(\alpha := + \rho_1([(h_i, U_i)]_{i=0}^n)\), we have that + \(z = \rho_1(C, [h_i]_{i=0}^n)\), \(C = \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i U_i\), + and \(v = \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i h_i(z)\). + \end{enumerate} +\end{itemize} + +For some \(i \in [n]\), \(\Phi_{PC}^\rho(\text{pp}_{PC}, i_\phi, q_i) += \PCDLCheck^\rho(\text{rk}, (C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i), \pi_i) += 0\). By construction (see Appendix A.2), this implies that either +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) rejects, or the group element \(U_i\) is not a +commitment to \(h_i\). + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +The above tells us that there exists some \(i \in [n]\) such that +\(U_i\) is not a commitment to \(h_i\). In other words, if we define +\(B_i := +\PCDLCommit(\text{ck}, h_i)\), then there exists an \(i \in [n]\) such +that \(U_i \neq B_i\). Letting \(a_i \in \mathbb{F}_q\) be such that +\(a_i +G = U_i - B_i\), we deduce that the polynomial +\(a(Z) = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i Z^i\) is not identically zero. + +There are then two cases: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\item + \(C \neq \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i B_i\). Then since \(C\) is a commitment + to \(p\), \(p(X) - h(X)\) is not identically zero, but + \(p(z) = h(z)\). Hence \(B_1\) wins the zero-finding game against + \((CM_1, \{f_{pp}^{(1)}\}_{pp})\). +\item + \(C = \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i B_i\). Then since + \(C = \sum_{i=0}^n \alpha^i U_i\), \(a(Z)\) is a zero of the + polynomial \(a(Z)\). Hence \(B_2\) wins the zero-finding game against + \((CM_2, \{f_{pp}^{(2)}\}_{pp})\). +\end{enumerate} + +Since at least one of these two cases occurs with probability at least +\(\delta / 2 - \text{negl}(\lambda)\), the claim follows. + +\end{document} diff --git a/report/acm-siggraph.csl b/report/acm-siggraph.csl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3ee701 --- /dev/null +++ b/report/acm-siggraph.csl @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + diff --git a/report/bibliography.bib b/report/bibliography.bib index ff22a3c..fcbfe9e 100644 --- a/report/bibliography.bib +++ b/report/bibliography.bib @@ -25,22 +25,25 @@ @misc{from0k2bp shortauthor="AG", year="2022", title="From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs", - url = {} + url = {}, + note = "Accessed: 2025-01-29" } @misc{dalek-docs, - author="Henry de Valence, Cathie Yun, and Oleg Andreev", + author="Henry de Valence and Cathie Yun and and Oleg Andreev", shortauthor="Valence, Yun, Andreev", year="2023", title="Inner product proof", - url = {} + url = "", + note = "Accessed: 2025-01-29" } @misc{hacspec-bulletproofs, - author="Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen, Anders Wibrand Larsen", + author="Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen and Anders Wibrand Larsen", year="2022", title="High Assurance Cryptography: Implementing Bulletproofs in Hacspec", - url = {} + url = {}, + note = "Accessed: 2025-01-29" } @misc{sonic, @@ -68,9 +71,48 @@ @misc{marlin } @misc{halo, - author = {Sean Bowe and Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood}, - title = {Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup}, - howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/1021}, + author = {Sean Bowe and Jack Grigg and Daira Hopwood}, + title = {Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup}, + howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/1021}, + year = {2019}, + url = {} +} + +@misc{pcd, + author = {Benedikt Bünz and Alessandro Chiesa and Pratyush Mishra and Nicholas Spooner}, + title = {Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes}, + howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/499}, + year = {2020}, + url = {} +} + +@misc{attema, + author = {Attema, Thomas and Fehr, Serge and Klooß, Michael}, + title = {Fiat–Shamir Transformation of Multi-Round Interactive Proofs (Extended Version)}, + abstract="The celebrated Fiat–Shamir transformation turns any public-coin interactive proof into a non-interactive one, which inherits the main security properties (in the random oracle model) of the interactive version. While originally considered in the context of 3-move public-coin interactive proofs, i.e., so-called $$\varSigma $$-protocols, it is now applied to multi-round protocols as well. Unfortunately, the security loss for a $$(2\mu + 1)$$-move protocol is, in general, approximately $$Q^\mu $$, where Q is the number of oracle queries performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the $$\mu $$-fold sequential repetition of $$\varSigma $$-protocols, but it raises the question whether certain (natural) classes of interactive proofs feature a milder security loss. In this work, we give positive and negative results on this question. On the positive side, we show that for $$(k_1, \ldots , k_\mu )$$-special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), the knowledge error degrades linearly in Q, instead of $$Q^\mu $$. On the negative side, we show that for t-fold parallel repetitions of typical $$(k_1, \ldots , k_\mu )$$-special-sound protocols with $$t \ge \mu $$(and assuming for simplicity that t and Q are integer multiples of $$\mu $$), there is an attack that results in a security loss of approximately $$\frac{1}{2} Q^\mu /\mu ^{\mu +t}$$.", + year = {2023}, + url = {} +} + +@misc{mina, + title = "The Mina Blockchain", + year = "2025", + url = "", + note = "Accessed: 2025-01-29" +} + +@misc{repo, + title = "The Project Repository", + author = {Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen}, + year = "2025", + url = "", + note = "Accessed: 2025-01-29" +} + +@misc{ipa, + author = {Benedikt Bünz and Mary Maller and Pratyush Mishra and Nirvan Tyagi and Psi Vesely}, + title = {Proofs for Inner Pairing Products and Applications}, + howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2019/1177}, year = {2019}, - url = {} + url = {} } diff --git a/report/flake.nix b/report/flake.nix index 6129ade..b81fc5e 100644 --- a/report/flake.nix +++ b/report/flake.nix @@ -32,16 +32,28 @@ for filename in ./*.md; do pandoc "$filename" \ -H header.tex \ - -V colorlinks=true \ - -V linkcolor=black \ - -V urlcolor=GbBlueDk \ - -V toccolor=gray \ + --citeproc \ --metadata date="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d - %H:%M:%S %Z')" \ --highlight-style gruvbox.theme \ -o "$1/''${}.pdf" done ''; }; + debug = pkgs.writeShellApplication { + name = "mk-pandoc-debug"; + runtimeInputs = latexPkgs; + text = '' + # Loop through each .md file in the folder + for filename in ./*.md; do + pandoc "$filename" \ + -H header.tex \ + --citeproc \ + --metadata date="$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d - %H:%M:%S %Z')" \ + --highlight-style gruvbox.theme \ + -o "$1/''${}.tex" + done + ''; + }; mk-pandoc = pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "mk-pandoc"; runtimeInputs = latexPkgs; @@ -71,6 +83,7 @@ default = report; loop = mk-pandoc-loop; mk-pandoc = mk-pandoc; + debug = debug; }); }; } diff --git a/report/ b/report/ index 117f37e..374ddea 100644 --- a/report/ +++ b/report/ @@ -3,18 +3,21 @@ title: Investigating IVC with Accumulation Schemes date: \today author: - Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen - 201907084 -abstract: Test +thanks: I would like to express my gratitude to Jesper Buus Nielsen and Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh for their invaluable help in answering many of my questions. geometry: margin=2cm +bibliography: bibliography.bib +citation-style: acm-siggraph +link-citations: true +colorlinks: true +citecolor: black +linkcolor: black +urlcolor: GbBlueDk +toccolor: black +toc: true --- - - - - -\setcounter{tocdepth}{5} -\tableofcontents -\newpage + # Introduction @@ -29,12 +32,11 @@ components: - **$\ASDL$**: An Accumulation Scheme in the Discrete Log setting. - **Pasta**: A Cycle of Elliptic Curves, namely **Pa**llas and Ve**sta**. -This project is focused on the components of $\PCDL$ and $\ASDL$. IThe -[2020 paper]( _"Proof-Carrying Data -from Accumulation Schemes"_ was used as a reference. The project covers -both the theoretical aspects of the scheme described in this document along -with a rust implementation, both of which can be found in the project's -[repository]( +This project is focused on the components of $\PCDL$ and $\ASDL$ from the +2020 paper _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes"_[@pcd]. The +project covers both the theoretical aspects of the scheme described in this +document along with a rust implementation, both of which can be found in +the project's repository[@repo]. ## Prerequisites @@ -43,10 +45,10 @@ in the following text along with familiarity with SNARKs. The polynomial commitment scheme also has a heavy reliance on the Inner Product Proof from the Bulletproofs protocol, see the following resources on bulletproofs if needed: -- [Section 3 in the original Bulletproofs paper]( -- [From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs writeup]( -- [Rust Dalek Bulletproofs implementation notes]( -- [Section 4.1 of my bachelors thesis]( +- Section 3 in the original Bulletproofs[@bulletproofs] paper +- From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs writeup[@from0k2bp] +- Rust Dalek Bulletproofs implementation notes[@dalek-docs] +- Section 4.1 of my bachelors thesis[@hacspec-bulletproofs] ## Background and Motivation @@ -68,12 +70,12 @@ the computationally unbounded Prover, P, and the polynomally time bounded Verifier, V. The Prover tries to convince the Verifier of a statement $x \in L$ language $L$ in NP. The following properties must be true: -- Completeness: $\forall P \in ITM, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$ +- **Completeness:** $\forall P \in ITM, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$ For all honest provers, P, where $x$ is true, the probability that the verifier remains unconvinced is negligible in the length of $x$. -- Soundness: $\forall P^* \in ITM, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$ +- **Soundness:** $\forall P^* \in ITM, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$ For all provers, honest or otherwise, $P^*$, that tries to convince the verifier of a claim, $x$, that is not true, the probability that the @@ -82,8 +84,8 @@ $x \in L$ language $L$ in NP. The following properties must be true: An Interactive Argument is very similar, but the honest and malicious prover is now polynomially bounded and receives a witness, $w$: -- Completeness: $\forall P(w) \in PPT, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$ -- Soundness: $\forall P^* \in PPT, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$ +- **Completeness**: $\forall P(w) \in PPT, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)$ +- **Soundness**: $\forall P^* \in PPT, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)$ Proof of knowledge is another type of Proof System, here the prover claims to know a specific _witness_, $w$, for a statement $x$. Let $x \in L$ and @@ -171,12 +173,11 @@ for _Incrementally Verifiable Computation_. #### Bulletproofs -In 2017, [the Bulletproofs paper]( -was released. Bulletproofs relies on the hardness of the Discrete Logarithm -problem, and allows for an untrusted setup to generate the Common Reference -String. It has logarithmic proof size, and lends itself well efficient range -proofs. It's also possible to generate proofs for arbitrary circuits, but -with less efficiency. +In 2017, the Bulletproofs paper[@bulletproofs] was released. Bulletproofs +relies on the hardness of the Discrete Logarithm problem, and allows for an +untrusted setup to generate the Common Reference String. It has logarithmic +proof size, and lends itself well efficient range proofs. It's also possible +to generate proofs for arbitrary circuits, but with less efficiency. At the heart of Bulletproofs lies the Inner Product Argument (IPA), wherein a prover proves he knows two vectors, $\vec{a}, \vec{b} \in \Fb_q^n$, @@ -188,8 +189,8 @@ from linear verification time, making them unsuitible for IVC. ### Incrementally Verifiable Computation -Valiant originally described IVC in his 2008 paper[^valiant-paper] in the -following way: +Valiant originally described IVC in his 2008 paper[@valiant] in the following +way: \begin{quote} \color{GbGrey} @@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ as this concept lends itself well to the structure of blockchains. This allows a blockchain node to omit all previous transaction history in favour of only a single state, for example, containing all current account balances. This is commonly called a _succinct blockchain_, one such blockchain -is [Mina]( +is Mina[@mina]. In order to acheive IVC, you need a function $F(x) \in S \to S$ along with some initial state $s_0 \in S$. Then you can call $F(x)$ to generate a series of @@ -330,16 +331,15 @@ $$ Thus, by induction $s_n = F^n(s_0)$ -[^valiant-paper]: Valiant's original 2008 paper on IVC: []( [^ivc-blockchain]: In the blockchain setting, the transition function would also take an additional input representing new transactions, $F(x: S, T: \Pc(T))$. ### Polynomial Commitment Schemes In the section SNARKs section, general-purpose proof schemes were described. Modern general-purpose (zero-knowledge) proof schemes, such as -Sonic[^sonic-paper], Plonk[^plonk-paper] and Marlin[^marlin-paper], commonly use _Polynomial Commitment -Schemes_ (PCSs) for creating their proofs. This means that different PCSs -can be used to get security under weaker or stronger assumptions. +Sonic[@sonic], Plonk[@plonk] and Marlin[@marlin], commonly use _Polynomial +Commitment Schemes_ (PCSs) for creating their proofs. This means that different +PCSs can be used to get security under weaker or stronger assumptions. - **KZG PCSs:** Uses a trusted setup, this would give you a traditional SNARK. - **Bulletproofs PCSs:** Uses an untrusted setup, assumes secure if the Discrete Log problem is hard, the verifier is linear. @@ -407,25 +407,25 @@ A PCS of course also has soundness and completeness properties: $$ \Pr \left[ \begin{array}{c} - d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}, \; \deg(p) \leq d \leq D \\ + d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}, \; \deg(p) \leq d \leq D, \\ \PCCheck^\rho(C, d, z, v, \pi) = 1 \end{array} \middle| \begin{array}{r} - \pp \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ - ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, p, d, z, \o) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp) \\ + \pp_\PC \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ + ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, p, d, z, \o) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp_\PC) \\ C \leftarrow \PCCommit^\rho(p, d, \o) \\ v \leftarrow p(z) \\ - \pi \leftarrow \PCOpen^\rho(p, C, d, z; \o) + \pi \leftarrow \PCOpen^\rho(p, C, d, z, \o) \end{array} \right] = 1. $$ I.e. an honest prover will convince an honest verifier. -**Soundness:** For every maximum degree bound $D = \poly(\l) \in \Nb$ and -polynomial-size adversary $\Ac$, there exists an efficient extractor $\Ec$ -such that the following holds: +**Knowledge Soundness:** For every maximum degree bound $D = \poly(\l) +\in \Nb$ and polynomial-size adversary $\Ac$, there exists an efficient +extractor $\Ec$ such that the following holds: $$ \Pr \left[ @@ -438,25 +438,23 @@ $$ \middle| \begin{array}{r} \rho \leftarrow \Uc(\l) \\ - \pp \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ - ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, (C, d, z, v, \pi)) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp) \\ - (p, \o) \leftarrow \Ec^\rho(\pp) \\ + \pp_\PC \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ + ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, (C, d, z, v, \pi)) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp_\PC) \\ + (p, \o) \leftarrow \Ec^\rho(\pp_\PC) \\ \end{array} -\right] \leq \negl(\lambda). +\right] \geq 1 - \negl(\lambda). $$ -I.e. any adversary, $\Ac$, will not be able to open on a different polynomial, -than the one they commited to. - - +I.e. for any adversary, $\Ac$, outputting an instance, the following must +be true: $C$ is a commitment to $p$, $v = p(c)$, and the degree of $p$ +is properly bounded. Note that since this is knowledge soundness $\Ac$, +must actually have knowledge of $p$, i.e. the $\Ec$ can extract it. -[^sonic-paper]: Sonic Paper: []( -[^plonk-paper]: Plonk Paper: []( -[^marlin-paper]: Marlin Paper: []( + ### Accumulation Schemes -The authors of a 2019 paper[^halo-paper] presented _Halo,_ the first practical +The authors of a 2019 paper[@halo] presented _Halo,_ the first practical example of recursive proof composition without a trusted setup. Using a modified version of the Bulletproofs-style Inner Product Argument (IPA), they present a polynomial commitment scheme. Computing the evaluation of a point $z @@ -469,7 +467,7 @@ linear $\PCDLCheck$. Using the $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$ we can accumulate $n$ instances, and only perform the expensive linear check (i.e. $\PCDLCheck$) at the end of accumulation. -In the 2020 paper[^pcd-paper] _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation +In the 2020 paper[@pcd] _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes"_ , that this project heavily relies on, the authors presented a generalized version of the previous accumulation structure of Halo that they coined _Accumulation Schemes_. Simply put, given a predicate $\Phi: @@ -477,6 +475,10 @@ they coined _Accumulation Schemes_. Simply put, given a predicate $\Phi: accumulated for each proof step and may vary for each time $\ASProver$ is called. An accumulation scheme then consists of the following functions: +- $\ASSetup(\l) \to \pp$ + + On input a security parameter $\l$ (in unary), $\ASSetup$ samples and outputs public parameters $\pp$. + - $\ASProver(\vec{q}_i: \Instance^m, acc_{i-1}: \Acc) \to \Acc$ The prover accumulates the instances $\{ q_1, \dots, q_m \}$ in $\vec{q}_i$ into the @@ -512,12 +514,8 @@ We define completeness and soundness informally for the Accumulation Scheme: \ASVerifier(\vec{q}_i, acc_{i-1}, acc_{i+1})$ then, with all but negligible probability, $\top = \Phi(\vec{q}_i) = \ASDecider(acc_i)$. -[^halo-paper]: The 2019 Halo paper: []( -[^pcd-paper]: The 2020 paper, _"Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes",_: []( - ### IVC from Accumulation Schemes - For simplicity, as in the PCS section, we assume we have an underlying SNARK which proof consists of only instances $\pi \in \Proof = \{ \vec{q} \}$. We assume this SNARK has three algorithms: @@ -1131,18 +1129,65 @@ Which corresponds exactly to the check that the verifier makes. The honest prover will define $U = G^{(0)}$ as promised and the right-hand side will also become $U = G^{(0)}$ by the construction of $h(X)$. -## Soundness (Knowledge Extractability) +## Knowledge Soundness + +This subsection will not contain a full knowledge soundness proof, but it +will be briefly argued that the _non-zero-knowledge_ version of $\PCDL$ +should be knowledge sound. The knowledge soundness property of $\PCDL$ states: + +$$ +\Pr \left[ + \begin{array}{c} + \PCCheck^\rho(C, d, z, v, \pi) = 1 \\ + \Downarrow \\ + C = \PCCommit^\rho(p, d, \o) \\ + v = p(z), \; d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}, \; \deg(p) \leq d \leq D + \end{array} + \middle| + \begin{array}{r} + \rho \leftarrow \Uc(\l) \\ + \pp_\PC \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ + ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, (C, d, z, v, \pi)) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp_\PC) \\ + (p, \o) \leftarrow \Ec^\rho(\pp_\PC) \\ + \end{array} +\right] \geq 1 - \negl(\lambda). +$$ + +So, we need to show that: + +1. $C = \PCCommit^\rho(p, d, \o)$ +2. $v = p(z)$ +3. $d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}$ +4. $\deg(p) \leq d \leq D$ + +The knowledge extractability of $\PCDL$ is almost identical to the IPA +from bulletproofs[@bulletproofs], so we assume that we can use the same +extractor[^ipa-extractor], with only minor modifications. The IPA extractor +extracts $\vec{a}, \vec{b} \in \Fb_q^n$ s.t: + +$$P = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{a}} + \ip{\vec{H}}{\vec{b}} \land v = \ip{\vec{c}}{\vec{z}}$$ -The knowledge extractability of the protocol is inherited by the IPA -from bulletproofs. In our case, we only need to extract a single vector -of the original vectors $\vec{a}, \vec{b} : \ip{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}} = c$, -since $\vec{a} = \vec{p}^{\mathrm{(coeffs)}}$ and $\vec{b} = \vec{z}$ where -$\vec{b}$ is public. +Running the extractor for $\PCDL$ should yield: -The authors, of the paper followed, note that the soundness technically breaks -down when turning the IPA into a non-interactive protocol (which is the case -for $\PCDL$), and that transforming $\PCDL$ into a non-interactive protocol -such that the knowledge extractor does not break down is an open problem: +$$P = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{c}} + \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{z}} \land v = \ip{\vec{c}}{\vec{z}}$$ + +We should be able to remove the extraction of $\vec{z}$ since it's public: + +$$C = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{c}} \land v = \ip{\vec{c}}{\vec{z}}$$ + +1. $C = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{c}} = \PCCommit(c, G, \bot) = \PCCommit^\rho(p, + d, \bot)$, $\o = \bot$ since we don't consider zero-knowledge. +2. $v = \ip{\vec{c}}{\vec{z}} = \ip{\vec{p}^{\text{(coeffs)}}}{\vec{z}} = + p(z)$ by definition of $p$. +3. $\deg(p) \leq d \leq D$. The first bound holds since the vector committed + to is known to have length $n = d+1$, the second bound holds trivially, + as it's checked by $\PCDLCheck$ + +The authors, of the paper followed[@pcd], note that the soundness technically +breaks down when turning the IPA into a non-interactive protocol (which is +the case for $\PCDL$), and that transforming the IPA into a non-interactive +protocol such that the knowledge extractor does not break down is an open +problem: \begin{quote} \color{GbGrey} @@ -1151,18 +1196,18 @@ such that the knowledge extractor does not break down is an open problem: from folklore that applying the Fiat–Shamir transformation to a public-coin $k$-round interactive argument of knowledge with negligible soundness error yields a non-interactive argument of knowledge in the random-oracle model -where the extractor $\Ec$ runs in time exponential in $k$. In more detail, -to extract from an adversary that makes $t$ queries to the random oracle, -$\Ec$ runs in time $t^{O(k)}$. In our setting, the inner-product argument has -$k = \Oc(\log d)$ rounds, which means that if we apply this folklore result, we +where the extractor $\Ec$ runs in time exponential in $k$. In more detail, to +extract from an adversary that makes $t$ queries to the random oracle, $\Ec$ +runs in time $t^{\Oc(k)}$. In our setting, the inner-product argument has $k += \Oc(\log d)$ rounds, which means that if we apply this folklore result, we would obtain an extractor that runs in superpolynomial (but subexponential) -time $t^O(\log d) = 2^{O(log(\l)^2)}$. It remains an interesting open problem -to construct an extractor that runs in polynomial time. +time $t^{\Oc(\log d)} = 2^{\Oc(log(\l)^2)}$. It remains an interesting open +problem to construct an extractor that runs in polynomial time. \end{quote} -This has since been solved in a 2023 paper[^knowledge-extractor-paper]. The -abstract of the paper describes: +This has since been solved in a 2023 paper[@attema]. The abstract of the +paper describes: \begin{quote} \color{GbGrey} @@ -1177,12 +1222,19 @@ the knowledge error degrades linearly in $Q$, instead of $Q^\mu$. \end{quote} -They furthermore directly state that this result applies to bulletproofs. +The IPA is exactly such a $(k^1, \dots,k^\mu)$-special-sound protocol, they +even directly state that this result applies to bulletproofs. As such we get +a knowledge error that degrades linearly, instead of superpolynomially, in +number of queries, $t$, that the adversary makes to the random oracle. As such, +the extractor runs in the required polynomial time ($\Oc(t) = \Oc(\poly(\l))$). - - - -[^knowledge-extractor-paper]: Paper: []( +[^ipa-extractor]: Admittedly, this assumption is not a very solid one if the +purpose was to create a proper knowledge soundness proof, but as the section is +more-so devoted to give a justification for why $\PCDL$ _ought to be_ sound, +it will do. In fact, the authors of the accumulation scheme paper[@pcd], +make a similar argument more formally by stating (without direct proof!), +that the $\PCDL$ protocol is a special case of the IPA presented in another +paper[@ipa] by mostly the same authors. ## Efficiency @@ -1263,7 +1315,7 @@ have six main functions: Outputs $\pp_\AS = \PCDLSetup(1^\l, D)$. -- $\ASDLCommonSubroutine(\vec{q}_{i-1}: \Instance^m \mathblue{, \pi_V: \AccHiding}) \to \Result((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q[X]), \bot)$ +- $\ASDLCommonSubroutine(\vec{q}: \Instance^m \mathblue{, \pi_V: \AccHiding}) \to \Result((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q[X]), \bot)$ $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$ will either succeed if the instances has consistent degree and hiding parameters and will otherwise fail. It accumulates @@ -1273,9 +1325,9 @@ have six main functions: $(\bar{C}, d, z, h(X))$ representing the information needed to create the polynomial commitment represented by $\acc_i$. -- $\ASDLProver(\vec{q}_{i-1}: \Instance^m) \to \Result(\Acc, \bot)$: +- $\ASDLProver(\vec{q}: \Instance^m) \to \Result(\Acc, \bot)$: - Accumulates the instances $\vec{q}_{i-1}$, and an optional previous + Accumulates the instances $\vec{q}$, and an optional previous accumulator $\acc_{i-1}$, into a new accumulator $\acc_i$. If there is a previous accumulator $\acc_{i-1}$ then it is converted into an instance, since it has the same form, and prepended to $\vec{q}$, _before calling @@ -2112,7 +2164,7 @@ The raw benchmarking data provided by Criterion. ## $\mathrm{CM}$: Pedersen Commitment -As a reference, we include the Pedersen Commitment algorithm we use: +As a reference, the Pedersen Commitment algorithm used is included: \begin{algorithm}[H] \caption{$\CMCommit$} @@ -2142,3 +2194,7 @@ And the corresponding setup algorithm: \State Output $\pp_\CM = ((\Gb, q, G), \vec{G}, S)$ \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} + +\newpage + +# References diff --git a/report/report.tex b/report/report.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a3a6c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/report/report.tex @@ -0,0 +1,2942 @@ +% Options for packages loaded elsewhere +\PassOptionsToPackage{unicode}{hyperref} +\PassOptionsToPackage{hyphens}{url} +\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names}{xcolor} +% +\documentclass[ +]{article} 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+\newcommand*{\CMCommit}{\CM.\Commit} + +\newcommand*\Result{\mathbf{Result}} +\newcommand*\Option{\mathbf{Option}} +\newcommand*\Acc{\mathbf{Acc}} +\newcommand*\Instance{\mathbf{Instance}} +\newcommand*\Proof{\mathbf{Proof}} +\newcommand*\Witness{\mathbf{Witness}} +\newcommand*\PublicInfo{\mathbf{PublicInputs}} +\newcommand*\PublicInputs{\mathbf{PublicInputs}} +\newcommand*\Circuit{\mathbf{Circuit}} +\newcommand*\AccHiding{\mathbf{AccHiding}} +\newcommand*\EvalProof{\mathbf{EvalProof}} + + +\ifLuaTeX + \usepackage{selnolig} % disable illegal ligatures +\fi +\usepackage{bookmark} +\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available +\urlstyle{same} +\hypersetup{ + pdftitle={Investigating IVC with Accumulation Schemes}, + pdfauthor={Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen - 201907084}, + colorlinks=true, + linkcolor={black}, + filecolor={Maroon}, + citecolor={black}, + urlcolor={GbBlueDk}, + pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}} + +\title{Investigating IVC with Accumulation Schemes\thanks{I would like +to express my gratitude to Jesper Buus Nielsen and Hamidreza +Khoshakhlagh for their invaluable help in answering many of my +questions.}} +\author{Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen - 201907084} +\date{2025-01-29 - 10:45:02 UTC} + +\begin{document} +\maketitle + +{ +\hypersetup{linkcolor=gray} +\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} +\tableofcontents +} +\section{Introduction}\label{introduction} + +Halo2 is a powerful, and very recent, proof system that allows for +recursive proofs. One of the main applications of recursive proofs is +Incrementally Verifiable Computation, used for example by the Mina +blockchain to acheive a succinct blockchain. Halo2 can be broken down +into the following main components: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \textbf{Plonk}: A general-purpose, potentially zero-knowledge, proof + scheme. +\item + \textbf{\(\PCDL\)}: A Polynomial Commitment Scheme in the Discrete Log + setting. +\item + \textbf{\(\ASDL\)}: An Accumulation Scheme in the Discrete Log + setting. +\item + \textbf{Pasta}: A Cycle of Elliptic Curves, namely \textbf{Pa}llas and + Ve\textbf{sta}. +\end{itemize} + +This project is focused on the components of \(\PCDL\) and \(\ASDL\) +from the 2020 paper \emph{``Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation +Schemes''}{[}\citeproc{ref-pcd}{Bünz et al. 2020}{]}. The project covers +both the theoretical aspects of the scheme described in this document +along with a rust implementation, both of which can be found in the +project's +\href{}{repository}{[}\citeproc{ref-repo}{Jakobsen +2025}{]}. + +\subsection{Prerequisites}\label{prerequisites} + +Basic knowledge on elliptic curves, groups, interactive arguments are +assumed in the following text along with familiarity with SNARKs. The +polynomial commitment scheme also has a heavy reliance on the Inner +Product Proof from the Bulletproofs protocol, see the following +resources on bulletproofs if needed: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + Section 3 in the original + Bulletproofs{[}\citeproc{ref-bulletproofs}{Bünz et al. 2017}{]} paper +\item + From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs + writeup{[}\citeproc{ref-from0k2bp}{Gibson 2022}{]} +\item + Rust Dalek Bulletproofs implementation + notes{[}\citeproc{ref-dalek-docs}{Valence et al. 2023}{]} +\item + Section 4.1 of my bachelors + thesis{[}\citeproc{ref-hacspec-bulletproofs}{Jakobsen and Larsen + 2022}{]} +\end{itemize} + +\subsection{Background and Motivation}\label{background-and-motivation} + +The following subsections introduce the concept of Incrementally +Verifiable Computation (IVC) along with some priors. These concepts +motivate the introduction of accumulation schemes and polynomial +commitment schemes, which are the main focus of this paper. Accumulation +schemes, in particular, will be demonstrated as a means to construct +more flexible IVC constructions compared to previous approaches, +allowing IVC that does not depend on a trusted setup. + +As such, these subsections aim to provide an overview of the evolving +field of IVC, the succinct proof systems that lead to their +construction, and the role of accumulation schemes as an important +cryptographic primitive with practical applications. + +\subsubsection{Proof Systems}\label{proof-systems} + +In an Interactive Proof System we have two Interactive Turing machines +the computationally unbounded Prover, P, and the polynomally time +bounded Verifier, V. The Prover tries to convince the Verifier of a +statement \(x \in L\) language \(L\) in NP. The following properties +must be true: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + Completeness: + \(\forall P \in ITM, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)\) + + For all honest provers, P, where \(x\) is true, the probability that + the verifier remains unconvinced is negligible in the length of \(x\). +\item + Soundness: + \(\forall P^* \in ITM, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)\) + + For all provers, honest or otherwise, \(P^*\), that tries to convince + the verifier of a claim, \(x\), that is not true, the probability that + the verifier will be convinced is negligible in the length of \(x\). +\end{itemize} + +An Interactive Argument is very similar, but the honest and malicious +prover is now polynomially bounded and receives a witness, \(w\): + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + Completeness: + \(\forall P(w) \in PPT, x\in L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \bot] \leq \epsilon(x)\) +\item + Soundness: + \(\forall P^* \in PPT, x \notin L \implies \Pr[V_{out} = \top] \leq \epsilon(x)\) +\end{itemize} + +Proof of knowledge is another type of Proof System, here the prover +claims to know a specific \emph{witness}, \(w\), for a statement \(x\). +Let \(x \in L\) and and \(W(x)\) the set of witnesses for \(x\) that +should be accepted in the proof. This allows us to define the following +relation: \(R = \{ (x,w) : +x \in L , w \in W(x) \}\) + +A proof of knowledge for relation \(R\) with is a two party protocol +\((P, V)\) with the following two properties: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \textbf{Knowledge Completeness:} \(\Pr[P(w) \iff V_{out} = 1] = 1\), + i.e.~as in Interactive Proof Systems, after an interaction between the + prover and verifier the verifier should be convinced with certainty.\\ +\item + \textbf{Knowledge Soundness:} Loosely speaking, in Knowledge Soundness + we have an efficient extractor \(E\), that when given a possibly + malicious prover \(P^*\) as a turing machine has at least as high as + the probability that \(P^*\) convinces \(V\) +\end{itemize} + +The above proof systems may be \emph{zero-knowledge}, which in loose +terms means that anyone looking at the transcript, that is the +interaction between prover and verifier, will not be able to tell the +difference between a real transcript and one that is simulated. This +means that an adversary will not learn any new information, that they +could not have gathered themselves. We can define the property more +formally: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \textbf{Zero-knowledge:} + \(\forall V^*(\delta). \exists S_{V^*}(x) \in PPT. S_{V^*} \sim^C (P,V^*)\) +\end{itemize} + +\(V^*\) denotes a prover, honest or otherwise, \(\d\) represents +information that \(V^*\) may have from previous executions of the +protocol and \((P,V^*)\) denotes the transcript between the honest +prover and (possibly) malicious verifier. There are three kinds of +zero-knowledge: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \textbf{Perfect Zero-knowledge:} + \(\forall V^*(\delta). \exists S_{V^*}(x) \in PPT. S_{V^*} \sim^P (P,V^*)\), + the transcripts \(S_{V^*}(x)\) and \((P,V^*)\) are perfectly + indistinguishable. +\item + \textbf{Statistical Zero-knowledge:} + \(\forall V^*(\delta). \exists S_{V^*}(x) \in PPT. S_{V^*} \sim^S (P,V^*)\), + the transcripts \(S_{V^*}(x)\) and \((P,V^*)\) are statistically + indistinguishable. +\item + \textbf{Computational Zero-knowledge:} + \(\forall V^*(\delta). \exists S_{V^*}(x) \in PPT. S_{V^*} \sim^C (P,V^*)\), + the transcripts \(S_{V^*}(x)\) and \((P,V^*)\) are computationally + indistinguishable, i.e.~no polynomially bounded adversary \(\Ac\) can + distinguish them. +\end{itemize} + +\paragraph{Fiat-Shamir Heuristic}\label{fiat-shamir-heuristic} + +The standard Fiat-Shamir heuristic is used to make turn interactive +protocols non-interactive. The Fiat-Shamir heuristic turns a public-coin +interactive proof into a into a non-interactive interactive proof, by +replacing all uniformly random values sent from the verifier to the +prover with calls to a non-interactive random oracle. In practice, a +cryptographic hash function, \(\rho\), is used. Composing proof systems +will sometimes require \emph{domain-seperation}, whereby random oracles +used by one proof system cannot be accessed by another proof system. +This is the case for the zero-finding game that will be used in the +soundness discussions of implemented accumulation scheme \(\ASDL\). In +practice one can have a domain specifier, fx. \(0, 1\), prepended to +each message that is hashed using \(\rho\): + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + \rho_0(m) &= \rho(0 \cat m) \\ + \rho_1(m) &= \rho(1 \cat m) +\end{aligned} +\] + +\paragraph{SNARKS}\label{snarks} + +SNARKs - \textbf{S}uccinct \textbf{N}on-interactive \textbf{AR}guments +of \textbf{K}nowledge - have seen increased usage due to their +application in blockchains and cryptocurrencies. They usually also +function as so-called general-purpose proof schemes. This means that, +given any solution to an NP-problem, it will produce a proof that the +prover knows the solution to said NP-problem. Most SNARKs also allow for +zero-knowledge arguments, making them zk-SNARKs. + +More concretely, imagine that Alice has todays sudoku problem \(x\): She +claims to have a solution to this problem, her witness, \(w\), and want +to convince Bob without having to send all of it. She could then use a +SNARK to create a proof to convince Bob. To do this she must first +encode the sudoku verifier as a circuit \(R_x\), which includes public +inputs, such as today's sudoku values/positions, etc, and then give the +SNARK prover (\(\SNARKProver\)) \(R_x(w,w')\). Finally she can send this +proof, \(\pi\), to Bob along with the public sudoku verifying circuit, +\(R_x\), and he can check the proof and be convinced using the snark +verifier (\(\SNARKVerifier\)). + +Importantly, the succinct part of the name means that the proof size and +verification time must be sublinear. This allows SNARKs to be directly +used for \emph{Incrementally Verifiable Computation}. + +\paragraph{Bulletproofs}\label{bulletproofs} + +In 2017, the Bulletproofs paper{[}\citeproc{ref-bulletproofs}{Bünz et +al. 2017}{]} was released. Bulletproofs relies on the hardness of the +Discrete Logarithm problem, and allows for an untrusted setup to +generate the Common Reference String. It has logarithmic proof size, and +lends itself well efficient range proofs. It's also possible to generate +proofs for arbitrary circuits, but with less efficiency. + +At the heart of Bulletproofs lies the Inner Product Argument (IPA), +wherein a prover proves he knows two vectors, +\(\vec{a}, \vec{b} \in \Fb_q^n\), with commitment \(C \in \Eb(\Fb_q)\), +and their corresponding inner product, \(c = \ip{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}}\). It +creates this non-interactive proof, with only \(\lg(n)\) size, by +compressing the point and vectors \(\lg(n)\) times. Unfortunately, the +IPA, and by extension Bulletproofs, suffer from linear verification +time, making them unsuitible for IVC. + +\subsubsection{Incrementally Verifiable +Computation}\label{incrementally-verifiable-computation} + +Valiant originally described IVC in his 2008 +paper{[}\citeproc{ref-valiant}{Valiant 2008}{]} in the following way: + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +\textit{Suppose humanity needs to conduct a very long computation which will span +superpolynomially many generations. Each generation runs the computation +until their deaths when they pass on the computational configuration to the +next generation. This computation is so important that they also pass on a +proof that the current configuration is correct, for fear that the following +generations, without such a guarantee, might abandon the project. Can this +be done?} + +\end{quote} + +That is, if we run a computation for 100's of years only for it to +output 42, is there a way for us to know that the ouput of said +computation is correct, without taking the time to redo all that +computation? In order to do this, the verification of the final output +of the computation must be much smaller than simply running the +computation again. Valiant creates the concepts of IVC and argues that +IVC can be used to acheive the above goal. + +Recently the concept of IVC has seen renewed interest with +cryptocurrencies, as this concept lends itself well to the structure of +blockchains. This allows a blockchain node to omit all previous +transaction history in favour of only a single state, for example, +containing all current account balances. This is commonly called a +\emph{succinct blockchain}, one such blockchain is +Mina{[}\citeproc{ref-mina}{2025}{]}. + +In order to acheive IVC, you need a function \(F(x) \in S \to S\) along +with some initial state \(s_0 \in S\). Then you can call \(F(x)\) to +generate a series of \(s\)'s, \(\vec{s} \in S^{n+1}\): + +\begin{figure}[!H] +\centering +\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm] + + % Nodes + \node (s0) [node] {$s_0$}; + \node (s1) [node, right=of s0] {$s_1$}; + \node (s2) [node, right=of s1] {$s_2$}; + \node (dots) [right=2cm of s2] {$\dots$}; + \node (sn) [node, right=2cm of dots] {$s_n$}; + + % Arrows with labels + \draw[thick-arrow] (s0) -- node[above] {$F(s_0)$} (s1); + \draw[thick-arrow] (s1) -- node[above] {$F(s_1)$} (s2); + \draw[thick-arrow] (s2) -- node[above] {$F(s_2)$} (dots); + \draw[thick-arrow] (dots) -- node[above] {$F(s_{n-1})$} (sn); + +\end{tikzpicture} +\caption{ + A visualisation of the relationship between $F(x)$ and $\vec{s}$ in a non-IVC setting. +} +\end{figure} + +In a blockchain setting, you might imagine any \(s_i \in \vec{s}\) as a +set of accounts with corresponding balances, and the transition +function\footnote{In the blockchain setting, the transition function + would also take an additional input representing new transactions, + \(F(x: S, T: \Pc(T))\).} \(F(x)\) as the computation happening when a +new block is created and therefore a new state, or set of accounts, +\(s_i\) is computed. + +In the IVC setting, we have a proof, \(\pi\), associated with each +state, so that anyone can take only a single pair \((s_m, \pi_m)\) along +with the initial state and transition function (\(s_0, F(x)\)) and +verify that said state was computed correctly. + +\begin{figure}[!H] +\centering +\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm] + + % Nodes + \node (s0) [node] {$s_0$}; + \node (s1) [node, right=of s0] {$(s_1, \pi_1)$}; + \node (dots) [right=2cm of s1] {$\dots$}; + \node (sn) [node, right=3cm of dots] {$(s_n, \pi_n)$}; + + % Arrows with labels + \draw[thick-arrow] (s0) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_0, \bot)$} (s1); + \draw[thick-arrow] (s1) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_1, \pi_1)$} (dots); + \draw[thick-arrow] (dots) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1})$} (sn); + +\end{tikzpicture} +\caption{ + A visualization of the relationship between $F, \vec{s}$ and $\vec{\pi}$ + in an IVC setting using traditional SNARKs. $\Pc(s_i, \pi_i)$ denotes + $\SNARKProver(R_F, s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}) = (s_i, \pi_i)$ where $R_F$ is the + transition function $F$ expressed as a circuit. +} +\end{figure} + +The proof \(\pi_i\) describes the following claim: + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +\textit{"The current state $s_i$ is computed from applying the function, +$F$, $i$ times to $s_0$ ($s_i = F^i(s_0) = F(s_{i-1})$) and the associated +proof $\pi_{i-1}$ for the previous state is valid."} + +\end{quote} + +Or more formally, \(\pi_i\) is a proof of the following claim, expressed +as a circuit \(R\): + +\[R := \text{I.K.} \; \pi_{n-1} \; \text{ s.t. } \; s_i \meq F(s_{i-1}) \; \land \; (s_{i-1} \meq s_0 \lor \SNARKVerifier(R_F, s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}) \meq \top))\] + +Note that \(R_F, s_{i-1}, s_0\) are not quantified above, but are public +values. The \(\SNARKVerifier\) represents the verification circuit in +the proof system we're using. This means, that we're taking the +verifier, representing it as a circuit, and then feeding it to the +prover. This is not a trivial task in practice! Note also, that the +verification time must be sublinear to acheive an IVC scheme, otherwise +the verifier could just have computed \(F^{n+1}(s_0)\) themselves, as +\(s_0\) and \(F(x)\) necessarily must be public. + +To see that the above construction works, observe that \(\pi_1, \dots, +\pi_n\) proves: + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}{7} + &\text{I.K.} \; \pi_{n-1} \; &&\text{ s.t. } \; &&s_n &&= F(s_{n-1}) \; &&\land \; (s_{n-1} = s_0 &&\lor \SNARKVerifier(R, s_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}) = \top), \\ + &\text{I.K.} \; \pi_{n-2} \; &&\text{ s.t. } \; &&s_{n-1} &&= F(s_{n-2}) \; &&\land \; (s_{n-2} = s_0 &&\lor \SNARKVerifier(R, s_{n-2}, \pi_{n-2}) = \top), \; \dots \\ + & && \; &&s_1 &&= F(s_0) \; &&\land \; (s_0 = s_0 &&\lor \SNARKVerifier(R, s_0, \pi_0) = \top) +\end{alignedat} +\] + +Which means that: + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}{4} + &\SNARKVerifier(R, s_n, \pi_n) = \top \implies \\ + &s_n = F(s_{n-1}) \; \land \; \\ + &\SNARKVerifier(R, s_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}) = \top \; \land \; \\ + &s_{n-1} = F(s_{n-2}) \implies \dots \\ + &\SNARKVerifier(R, s_1 \pi_1) = \top \implies \\ + &s_1 = F(s_0) +\end{alignedat} +\] + +Thus, by induction \(s_n = F^n(s_0)\) + +\subsubsection{Polynomial Commitment +Schemes}\label{polynomial-commitment-schemes} + +In the section SNARKs section, general-purpose proof schemes were +described. Modern general-purpose (zero-knowledge) proof schemes, such +as Sonic{[}\citeproc{ref-sonic}{Maller et al. 2019}{]}, +Plonk{[}\citeproc{ref-plonk}{Gabizon et al. 2019}{]} and +Marlin{[}\citeproc{ref-marlin}{Chiesa et al. 2019}{]}, commonly use +\emph{Polynomial Commitment Schemes} (PCSs) for creating their proofs. +This means that different PCSs can be used to get security under weaker +or stronger assumptions. + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \textbf{KZG PCSs:} Uses a trusted setup, this would give you a + traditional SNARK. +\item + \textbf{Bulletproofs PCSs:} Uses an untrusted setup, assumes secure if + the Discrete Log problem is hard, the verifier is linear. +\item + \textbf{FRI PCSs:} Also uses an untrusted setup, assumes secure one + way functions exist. It has a higher overhead than PCSs based on the + Discrete Log assumption, but since it's not based on the Discrete Log + assumption, and instead assumes that secure one-way functions exist, + you end up with a quantum secure PCS. +\end{itemize} + +A PCS allows a prover to prove to a verifier that a commited polynomial +evaluates to a certain value, \(v\), given an evaluation input +\(z\).There are four main functions used to prove this (\(\PCTrim\) +omitted as it's unnecessary): + +\begin{itemize} +\item + \(\PCSetup(\l, D)^\rho \to \pp\) + + The setup routine. Given security parameter \(\l\) in unary and a + maximum degree bound \(D\). Creates the public parameters \(\pp_\PC\). +\item + \(\PCCommit(p: \Fb^{d'}_q[X], d: \Nb, \o: \Option(\Fb_q)) \to \Eb(\Fb_q)\) + + Commits to a degree-\(d'\) polynomial \(p\) with degree bound \(d\) + where \(d' + \leq d\) using optional hiding \(\o\). +\item + \(\PCOpen^\rho(p: \Fb^{d'}_q[X], C: \Eb(\Fb_q), d: \Nb, z: \Fb_q, \o: \Option(\Fb_q)) \to \EvalProof\) + + Creates a proof, \(\pi \in \EvalProof\), that the degree \(d'\) + polynomial \(p\), with commitment \(C\), and degree bound \(d\) where + \(d' \leq d\), evaluated at \(z\) gives \(v = p(z)\), using the hiding + input \(\o\) if provided. +\item + \(\PCCheck^\rho(C: \Eb(\Fb_q), d: \Nb, z: \Fb_q, v: \Fb_q, \pi: \EvalProof) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\) + + Checks the proof \(\pi\) that claims that the degree \(d'\) polynomial + \(p\), with commitment \(C\), and degree bound \(d\) where + \(d' \leq d\), evaluates to \(v = p(z)\). +\end{itemize} + +Any NP-problem, \(X \in NP\), with a witness \(w\) can be compiled into +a circuit \(R_X\). This circuit can then be fed to a general-purpose +proof scheme prover \(\Pc_X\) along with the witness \(w \in X\), that +creates a proof of the statement \("R_X(w) = \top"\). Simplifying +slightly, they typically consists of a series of pairs representing +opening proofs: + +\[(q_1 = (C_1, d, z_1, v_1, \pi_1), \dots, q_m = (C_m, d, z_m, v_m, \pi_m))\] + +These pairs will henceforth be more generally referred to as +\emph{instances}, \(\vec{q} \in \Instance^m\). They can then be verified +using \(\PCCheck\): + +\[\PCCheck(C_1, d, z_1, v_1, \pi_1) \meq \dots \meq \PCCheck(C_m, d, z_m, v_m, \pi_m) \meq \top\] + +Along with some checks that the structure of the underlying polynomials +\(\vec{p}\), that \(\vec{q}\) was created from, satisfies any desired +relations associated with the circuit \(R_X\). We can model these +relations, or \emph{identities}, using a function +\(I_X \in \Instance \to \{ \top, \bot \}\). If, + +\[\forall j \in [m] : \PCCheck(C_j, d, z_j, v_j, \pi_j) \meq \top \land I_X(\vec{q}) \meq \top\] + +Then the verifier \(\Vc_X\) will be convinced that \(w\) is a valid +witness for \(X\). In this way, a proof of knowledge of a witness for +any NP-problem can be represented as a series of PCS evaluation proofs, +including our desired witness that \(s_n = F^n(s_0)\). + +A PCS of course also has soundness and completeness properties: + +\textbf{Completeness:} For every maximum degree bound +\(D = \poly(\l) \in \Nb\): + +\[ +\Pr \left[ + \begin{array}{c} + d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}, \; \deg(p) \leq d \leq D \\ + \PCCheck^\rho(C, d, z, v, \pi) = 1 + \end{array} + \middle| + \begin{array}{r} + \pp \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ + ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, p, d, z, \o) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp) \\ + C \leftarrow \PCCommit^\rho(p, d, \o) \\ + v \leftarrow p(z) \\ + \pi \leftarrow \PCOpen^\rho(p, C, d, z; \o) + \end{array} +\right] = 1. +\] + +I.e. an honest prover will convince an honest verifier. + +\textbf{Soundness:} For every maximum degree bound +\(D = \poly(\l) \in \Nb\) and polynomial-size adversary \(\Ac\), there +exists an efficient extractor \(\Ec\) such that the following holds: + +\[ +\Pr \left[ + \begin{array}{c} + \PCCheck^\rho(C, d, z, v, \pi) = 1 \\ + \Downarrow \\ + C = \PCCommit^\rho(p, d, \o) \\ + v = p(z), \; d \in [d_i]^n_{i=1}, \; \deg(p) \leq d \leq D + \end{array} + \middle| + \begin{array}{r} + \rho \leftarrow \Uc(\l) \\ + \pp \leftarrow \PCSetup^\rho(1^\l, D) \\ + ([d_i]^n_{i=1}, (C, d, z, v, \pi)) \leftarrow \Ac^\rho(\pp) \\ + (p, \o) \leftarrow \Ec^\rho(\pp) \\ + \end{array} +\right] \leq \negl(\lambda). +\] + +I.e. any adversary, \(\Ac\), will not be able to open on a different +polynomial, than the one they commited to. + +\subsubsection{Accumulation Schemes}\label{accumulation-schemes} + +The authors of a 2019 paper{[}\citeproc{ref-halo}{Bowe et al. 2019}{]} +presented \emph{Halo,} the first practical example of recursive proof +composition without a trusted setup. Using a modified version of the +Bulletproofs-style Inner Product Argument (IPA), they present a +polynomial commitment scheme. Computing the evaluation of a point \(z +\in \Fb_q\) on polynomial \(p(X) \in \Fb^d_q[X]\) as +\(v = \ip{\vec{p}}{\vec{z}}\) where +\(\vec{z} = (z^0, z^1, \dots, z^{d})\) and \(\vec{p} \in \Fb^{d+1}\) is +the coefficient vector of \(p(X)\), using the IPA. However, since the +the vector \(\vec{z}\) is not private, and has a certain structure, we +can split the verification algorithm in two: A sublinear +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) and linear \(\PCDLCheck\). Using the +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) we can accumulate \(n\) instances, and only +perform the expensive linear check (i.e.~\(\PCDLCheck\)) at the end of +accumulation. + +In the 2020 paper{[}\citeproc{ref-pcd}{Bünz et al. 2020}{]} +\emph{``Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes''} , that this +project heavily relies on, the authors presented a generalized version +of the previous accumulation structure of Halo that they coined +\emph{Accumulation Schemes}. Simply put, given a predicate \(\Phi: +\Instance^m \to \{ \top, \bot \}\), where \(m\) represents the number of +\(q\)'s accumulated for each proof step and may vary for each time +\(\ASProver\) is called. An accumulation scheme then consists of the +following functions: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + \(\ASProver(\vec{q}_i: \Instance^m, acc_{i-1}: \Acc) \to \Acc\) + + The prover accumulates the instances \(\{ q_1, \dots, q_m \}\) in + \(\vec{q}_i\) into the previous accumulator \(acc_{i-1}\) into the new + accumulator \(acc_i\). +\item + \(\ASVerifier(\vec{q}_i: \Instance^m, acc_{i-1}: \Option(\Acc), acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\) + + The verifier checks that the instances \(\{ q_1, \dots, q_m \}\) in + \(\vec{q}_i\) was correctly accumulated into the previous accumulator + \(acc_{i-1}\) to form the new accumulator \(acc_i\). The second + argument \(acc_{i-1}\) is modelled as an \(\Option\) since in the + first accumulation, there will be no accumulator \(acc_0\). In all + other cases, the second argument \(acc_{i-1}\) must be set to the + previous accumulator. +\item + \(\ASDecider(acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\) + + The decider performs a single check that simultaneously ensures that + \emph{all} previous instances accumulated in \(acc_{i+1}\) are valid, + assuming the \(\ASVerifier\) has accepted that every previous + accumulator correctly accumulates each \(\{ q_1, \dots, q_m \}\) in + each previous \(\vec{q}_i\). +\end{itemize} + +We define completeness and soundness informally for the Accumulation +Scheme: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + \textbf{Completeness:} For all accumulators \(acc_i\) and predicate + inputs \(\vec{q}_i \in \Instance^m\), if + \(\top = \ASDecider(acc) = \Phi(\vec{q}_i)\), then for + \(\ASProver(\vec{q}_i, acc_{i-1}) = acc_i\) it holds that \(\top = + \ASVerifier(acc_{i-1}, \vec{q}_i, acc_i) = \ASDecider(acc_i)\). +\item + \textbf{Soundness:} For all efficiently-generated accumulators + \(acc_{i-1}, acc_i + \in \Acc\) and predicate inputs \(\vec{q}_i \in \Instance^m\), if + \(\top = \ASDecider(acc_{i+1}) = + \ASVerifier(\vec{q}_i, acc_{i-1}, acc_{i+1})\) then, with all but + negligible probability, + \(\top = \Phi(\vec{q}_i) = \ASDecider(acc_i)\). +\end{itemize} + +\subsubsection{IVC from Accumulation +Schemes}\label{ivc-from-accumulation-schemes} + +For simplicity, as in the PCS section, we assume we have an underlying +SNARK which proof consists of only instances +\(\pi \in \Proof = \{ \vec{q} \}\). We assume this SNARK has three +algorithms: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\SNARKProver(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo, w: \Witness) \to \Proof\) +\item + \(\SNARKVerifier(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo, \pi) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\) +\item + \(\SNARKVerifierFast(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\) +\end{itemize} + +The \(\SNARKProver, \SNARKVerifier\) pair is just the usual algorithms, +but the verifier may run in linear time. The \(\SNARKVerifierFast\) +\emph{must} run in sub-linear time however, but may assume each +\(q_j \in \vec{q}\) is a valid instance, meaning that +\(\forall q_j \in \vec{q} : \PCCheck(q_j) += \top\). This means that \(\SNARKVerifierFast\) only performs linear +checks to ensure that the instances, \(\vec{q}\), representing +information about the witness \(w\), satisfies the constraints dictated +by the circuit \(R\) and the public inputs \(x\). It also means that +when the \(\SNARKVerifierFast\) accepts with \(\top\), then we don't +know that these relations hold until we also know that all the instances +are valid. + +Each step in the IVC protocol built from accumulation schemes, consists +of the triple (\(s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1}\)), representing the +previous proof, accumulator and value. As per usual, the base-case is +the exception, that only consists of \(s_0\). This gives us the +following chain: + +\begin{figure}[!H] +\centering +\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.25cm] + + % Nodes + \node (s0) [node] {$s_0$}; + \node (s1) [node, right=of s0] {$(s_1, \pi_1, \acc_1)$}; + \node (dots) [right=2.75cm of s1] {$\dots$}; + \node (sn) [node, right=4cm of dots] {$(s_n, \pi_n, \acc_n)$}; + + % Arrows with labels + \draw[thick-arrow] (s0) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_0, \bot, \bot)$} (s1); + \draw[thick-arrow] (s1) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_1, \pi_1, \acc_1)$} (dots); + \draw[thick-arrow] (dots) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}, \acc_{n-1})$} (sn); + +\end{tikzpicture} +\caption{ + A visualization of the relationship between $F, \vec{s}, \vec{\pi}$ and + $\vec{\acc}$ in an IVC setting using Accumulation Schemes. Where $\Pc$ is + defined to be $\Pc(s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1}) = \IVCProver(s_{i-1}, + \pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1}) = \pi_i$, $s_i = F(s_{i-1})$, $\acc_i = + \ASProver(\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1})$. +} +\end{figure} + +Before describing the IVC protocol, we first describe the circuit for +the IVC relation as it's more complex than for the naive SNARK-based +approach. Let: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, s_{i-1}\) from the previous + iteration. +\item + \(s_i = F(s_{i-1})\) +\item + \(\acc_i = \ASProver(\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1})\) +\end{itemize} + +Giving us the public inputs \(x\) and witness \(w\): + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + x &= \{ R_{IVC}, s_0, s_i, \acc_i \}\\ + w &= \{ s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1} \} +\end{aligned} +\] + +That will be used to construct the the IVC circuit \(R_{IVC}\): + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + x_{i-1} &:= \{ R_{IVC}, s_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1} \} \\ + \Vc_1 &:= \SNARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}) \meq \top \\ + \Vc_2 &:= \ASVerifier(\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) \meq \top \\ + R_{IVC} &:= \text{I.K } w \text{ s.t. } F(s_{i-1}) \meq s_i \land (s_{i-1} \meq s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 ) ) \\ +\end{aligned} +\] + +Since the circuit is a bit complicated, it is also presented visually +below: + +\begin{figure}[H] +\centering +\begin{tikzpicture} + % First Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (q) at (6, 6.5) {$\vec{q}$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (acc_prev) at (7.5, 6.5) {$\acc_{i-1}$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (acc_next) at (9, 6.5) {$\acc_i$}; + + \node[draw, rectangle] (R_ivc) at (2.25, 6.5) {$R_{IVC}$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (x_prev) at (3.5, 6.5) {$x_{i-1}$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (pi_prev) at (4.75, 6.5) {$\pi_{i-1}$}; + + \node[draw, rectangle] (s_next) at (-1.5, 6.5) {$s_i$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (s_prev) at (-0.25, 6.5) {$s_{i-1}$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (s_0) at (1, 6.5) {$s_0$}; + + \draw[dashed-arrow] (pi_prev) -- (4.75, 7) -- (6, 7) -- (q); + + \draw[dashed-arrow] (R_ivc) -- (2.25, 7) -- (3.5, 7) -- (x_prev); + \draw[dashed-arrow] (s_prev) -- (-0.25, 7.1) -- (3.5, 7.1) -- (x_prev); + \draw[dashed-arrow] (acc_prev) -- (7.5, 7.2) -- (3.5, 7.2) -- (x_prev); + + + % Second Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (svf) at (3.75, 5.5) {$\SNARKVerifierFast$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (asv) at (7.5, 5.5) {$\ASVerifier$}; + + \draw[arrow] (R_ivc) -- (svf); + \draw[arrow] (x_prev) -- (svf); + \draw[arrow] (pi_prev) -- (svf); + + \draw[arrow] (q) -- (asv); + \draw[arrow] (acc_prev) -- (asv); + \draw[arrow] (acc_next) -- (asv); + + % Third Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (asv_svf_and) at (6, 4.5) {$\land$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (base_case) at (1, 4.5) {$s_{i-1} \meq s_0$}; + + \draw[arrow] (asv) -- (asv_svf_and); + \draw[arrow] (svf) -- (asv_svf_and); + + \draw[arrow] (s_prev) -- (base_case); + \draw[arrow] (s_0) -- (base_case); + + % Fourth Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (or) at (4, 3.5) {$\lor$}; + \node[draw, rectangle] (F) at (-1, 3.5) {$F(s_{i-1}) \meq s_i$}; + + \draw[arrow] (asv_svf_and) -- (or); + \draw[arrow] (base_case) -- (or); + + \draw[arrow] (s_next) -- (F); + \draw[arrow] (s_prev) -- (F); + + % Fifth Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (end_and) at (3, 2.5) { $\land$ }; + \draw[arrow] (or) -- (end_and); + \draw[arrow] (F) -- (end_and); + + % Sixth Layer + \node[draw, rectangle] (output) at (3, 1.5) { $(\meq) \; \top$ }; + \draw[arrow] (end_and) -- (output); + +\end{tikzpicture} +\caption{A visualization of $R_{IVC}$} +\end{figure} + +The verifier and prover for the IVC scheme is below: + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm} $\IVCProver$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$R_{IVC}: \Circuit$}{The IVC circuit as defined above.} \\ + \Desc{$x: \PublicInputs$}{Public inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\ + \Desc{$w: \Option(\Witness)$}{Private inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$(S, \Proof, \Acc)$}{The values for the next IVC iteration.} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $x = \{ s_0 \}$ + \Require $w = \{ s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1} \} \lor w = \bot$ + \State Parse $s_0$ from $x = \{ s_0 \}$. + \If{$w = \bot$} + \State $w = \{ s_{i-1} = s_0 \}$ + \Else + \State Run the accumulation prover: $\acc_i = \ASProver(\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1})$. + \State Compute the next value: $s_i = F(s_{i-1})$. + \State Augment $x$ with $R_{IVC}, s_i, \acc_i$. + \EndIf + \State Then generate a SNARK proof $\pi_i$ using the circuit $R_{IVC}$: $\pi_i = \SNARKProver(R_{IVC}, x, w)$. + \State Output $(s_i, \pi_i, \acc_i)$ +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm} $\IVCVerifier$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$R_{IVC}: \Circuit$}{The IVC circuit.} \\ + \Desc{$x: \PublicInputs$}{Public inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result(\top, \bot)$}{Returns $\top$ if the verifier accepts and $\bot$ if the verifier rejects.} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $x = \{ s_0, s_i, \acc_i \}$ + \State Augment $x$ with $R_{IVC}$. + \State Verify that the accumulation scheme decider accepts: $\top \meq \ASDecider(\acc_i)$. + \State Verify the validity of the IVC proof: $\top \meq \SNARKVerifier(R_{IVC}, x, \pi_i)$. + \State If the above two checks pass, then output $\top$, else output $\bot$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +Consider the above chain run \(n\) times. As in the ``simple'' SNARK IVC +construction, if \(\IVCVerifier\) accepts at the end, then we get a +chain of implications: + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}[b]{2} + &\IVCVerifier(R_{IVC}, x_n = \{ s_0, s_n, \acc_i \}, \pi_n) = \top &&\then \\ + &\forall i \in [n] : \PCDLCheck(\pi_i = \vec{q}) = \top &&\;\; \land \\ + &F(s_{n-1}) = s_n \land (s_{n-1} = s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 )) &&\then \\ + &\ASVerifier(\pi_{n-1}, \acc_{n-1}, \acc_n) &&\;\; \land \\ + &\SNARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}) &&\then \dots \\ + &F(s_0) = s_1 \land (s_0 = s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 )) &&\then \\ + &F(s_0) = s_1 &&\then \\ +\end{alignedat} +\] + +Remember that we assumed that \(\ASVerifier\) verifies correctly if +\(\forall i +\in [n] : \PCCheck(\pi_i = \vec{q})\), since \(\IVCVerifier\) runs +\(\ASDecider\), this precondition holds, as long as all +\(\ASVerifier\)'s accept, which is what allows us to recurse through +this chain of implications. + +From this we learn: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + \(\forall i \in [2, n] : \ASVerifier(\pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) = \top\), + i.e, all accumulators are accumulated correctly. +\item + \(\forall i \in [2, n] : \SNARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1})\), + i.e, all the proofs are valid. Giving us our precondition for + \(\ASDecider\). +\end{enumerate} + +These points imply that \(\forall i \in [n] : F(s_{i-1}) = s_i\), thus, +\(s_n = F^n(s_0)\). Thus, the scheme should be complete. + +The soundness of the above protocol will not be proved directly, but it +will briefly be discussed. By the soundness property of the Accumulation +Scheme, an instance \(\vec{q}_i \in \Instance^m\) will be valid if it +was accumulated correctly into an accumulator, as checked by +\(\ASVerifier\), and that the accumulator is valid, as checked by +\(\ASDecider\). + +Since all the instances has been checked by \(\ASVerifier\), we just +need all the accumulators \(\vec{\acc} \in \Acc^n\) to be valid, in +order for all the instances will be valid. All these accumulators +\emph{are valid} though, due to the definition of the decider whereby +checking an accumulator \(acc_n\) ensures that every previous instance, +and accumulator, is valid, provided that all previous \(\ASVerifier\)s +accepted, which we've already established. Finally, if the underlying +SNARK is sound, then, provided that all PCS openings \(\vec{q}\) are +valid, each \(\SNARKVerifier\) will be convinced that each \(\pi_i\) is +valid. So the soundness of the above protocol should mostly just depend +on the underlying protocols used\footnote{A more thorough soundness + discussion would reveal that running the extractor on a proof-chain of + length \(n\) actually fails, as argued by Valiant in his original 2008 + paper. Instead he constructs a proof-tree of size \(\Oc(\lg(n))\) + size, to circumvent this. However, practical applications conjecture + that the failure of the extractor does not lead to any real-world + attack, thus still acheiving constant proof sizes, but with an + additional security assumption added.}. + +As for efficiency, assuming that: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + The runtime of \(\SNARKProver\) scales linearly with the degree-bound, + \(d\), of the polynomial, \(p_j\), used for each \(q_j \in \vec{q}_m\) + (\(\Oc(d)\)) +\item + The runtime of \(\SNARKVerifierFast\) scales logarithmically with the + degree-bound, \(d\), of \(p_j\) (\(\Oc(\lg(d))\)) +\item + The runtime of \(\SNARKVerifier\) scales linearly with the + degree-bound, \(d\), of \(p_j\) (\(\Oc(d)\)) +\item + The runtime of \(F\) is less than \(\Oc(d)\), since it needs to be + compiled to a circuit of size at most \(\approx d\) +\item + The runtime of \(\IVCProver\) is: + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 5: The cost of running \(\ASDLProver\), \(\Oc(d)\). + \item + Step 6: The cost of computing \(F\), \(\Oc(F(x))\). + \item + Step 7: The cost of running \(\SNARKProver\), \(\Oc(d)\). + \end{itemize} + + Totalling \(\Oc(F(x) + d)\). So \(\Oc(d)\). +\item + The runtime of \(\IVCVerifier\) is: + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 2: The cost of running \(\ASDLDecider\), \(\Oc(d)\) scalar + multiplications. + \item + Step 3: The cost of running \(\SNARKVerifier\), \(\Oc(d)\) scalar + multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + Totalling \(\Oc(2d)\). So \(\Oc(d)\) +\end{itemize} + +Notice that the runtime of \(\IVCVerifier\) scales with \(d\), +\emph{not} \(n\). So the cost of verifying does not scale with the +number of iterations. + +\subsection{The Implementation}\label{the-implementation} + +The authors also define a concrete Accumulation Scheme using the +Discrete Log assumption \(\ASDL\), which uses the same algorithms as in +the 2019 Halo paper. This accumulation scheme in turn, relies heavily +upon a Polynomial Commitment Scheme, \(\PCDL\), which is also described +in the paper. Both of these have been implemented as part of this +project in Rust and the rest of the document will go over these sets of +algorithms, their security, performance and implementation details. + +Since these kinds of proofs can both be used for proving knowledge of a +large witness to a statement succinctly, and doing so without revealing +any information about the underlying witness, the zero-knowledgeness of +the protocol is described as \emph{optional}. This is highlighted in the +algorithmic specifications as the parts colored \textblue{blue}. In the +Rust implementation these parts were included as they were not too +cumbersome to implement. However, since the motivation for this project +was IVC, wherein the primary focus is succinctness, not zero-knowledge, +these have been omitted from the soundness and completeness discussions +in the following sections, and the proofs of zero-knowledge have also +been omitted. + +The authors of the paper present additional algorithms for distributing +public parameters (\(\CMTrim\), \(\PCDLTrim\), \(\ASDLIndexer\)), we +omit them in the following algorithmic specifications on the assumption +that: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\alph{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + The setups has already been run, producing values + \(N, D \in \Nb, S, H \in_R + \Eb(\Fb_q), \vec{G} \in_R \Eb(\Fb_q)\) where \(D = N - 1\), \(N\) is a + power of two and any random values have been sampled honestly. +\item + All algorithms have global access to the above values. +\end{enumerate} + +This more closely models the implementation where the values were +generated for a computationally viable value of \(N\) and \(S, H, +\vec{G}\) were randomly sampled using a hashing algorithm. More +specifically a genesis string was prepended with an numeric index, run +through the sha3 hashing algorithm, then used to generate a curve point. +These values were then added as global constants in the code, see the +\href{}{\texttt{/code/src/}} +in the repo. + +The associated rust code for generating the public parameters can be +seen below: + +\begin{Shaded} +\begin{Highlighting}[numbers=left,,] +\CommentTok{// Function to generate a random generator for the Pallas Curve.} +\CommentTok{// Since the order of the curve is prime, any non{-}identity point is a generator.} +\KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ get\_generator\_hash(i}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{usize}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{{-}\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{ PallasPoint }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ genesis\_string }\OperatorTok{=} \StringTok{"To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion"} + \OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{as\_bytes()}\OperatorTok{;} + + \CommentTok{// Hash \textasciigrave{}genesis\_string\textasciigrave{} concatinated with \textasciigrave{}i\textasciigrave{}} + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ hasher }\OperatorTok{=} \PreprocessorTok{Sha3\_256::}\NormalTok{new()}\OperatorTok{;} +\NormalTok{ hasher}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{update(i}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{to\_le\_bytes())}\OperatorTok{;} +\NormalTok{ hasher}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{update(genesis\_string)}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ hash\_result }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ hasher}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{finalize()}\OperatorTok{;} + + \CommentTok{// Interpret the hash as a scalar field element} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ scalar }\OperatorTok{=} \PreprocessorTok{PallasScalar::}\NormalTok{from\_le\_bytes\_mod\_order(}\OperatorTok{\&}\NormalTok{hash\_result)}\OperatorTok{;} + + \CommentTok{// Generate a uniformly sampled point from the uniformly sampled field element} + \PreprocessorTok{PallasPoint::}\NormalTok{generator() }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ scalar} +\OperatorTok{\}} + +\CommentTok{/// Get public parameters} +\KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ get\_pp(n}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{usize}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{{-}\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{ (PallasPoint}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ PallasPoint}\OperatorTok{,} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{PallasPoint}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ S }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ get\_generator\_hash(}\DecValTok{0}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ H }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ get\_generator\_hash(}\DecValTok{1}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ Gs }\OperatorTok{=} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\PreprocessorTok{::}\NormalTok{with\_capacity(n)}\OperatorTok{;} + + \ControlFlowTok{for}\NormalTok{ i }\KeywordTok{in} \DecValTok{2}\OperatorTok{..}\NormalTok{(n }\OperatorTok{+} \DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{\{} +\NormalTok{ Gs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{push(get\_generator\_hash(i))} + \OperatorTok{\}} + +\NormalTok{ (S}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ H}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ Gs)} +\OperatorTok{\}} +\end{Highlighting} +\end{Shaded} + +\newpage + +\section{\texorpdfstring{\(\PCDL\): The Polynomial Commitment +Scheme}{\textbackslash PCDL: The Polynomial Commitment Scheme}}\label{pcdl-the-polynomial-commitment-scheme} + +\subsection{Outline}\label{outline} + +The Polynomial Commitment Scheme, \(\PCDL\), is based on the discrete +log assumption, and does not require a Trusted Setup. Most of the +functions simply works as one would expect for a PCS, but uniquely for +this scheme, we have the function \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) that allows +deferring the expensive part of checking PCS openings until a later +point. This function is what leads to the accumulation scheme based on +the discrete log assumption \(\ASDL\). We have five main functions: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + \(\PCDLSetup(\l, D)^{\rho_0} \to \pp_\PC\) + + The setup routine. Given security parameter \(\l\) in unary and a + maximum degree bound \(D\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Runs \(\pp_\CM \from \CMSetup(\l, D + 1)\), + \item + Samples \(H \in \Eb(\Fb_q)\) using the random oracle + \(H \from \rho_0(\pp_\CM)\), + \item + Finally, outputs \(\pp_\PC = (\pp_\CM, H)\). + \end{itemize} +\item + \(\PCDLCommit(p: \Fb^d_q[X]{, \o: \Option(\Fb_q)}) \to \Eb(\Fb_q)\): + + Creates a commitment to the coefficients of the polynomial \(p\) of + degree \(d\) with optional hiding \(\o\), using pedersen commitments. +\item + \(\PCDLOpen^{\rho_0}(p: \Fb^d_q[X], C: \Eb(\Fb_q), z: \Fb_q\mathblue{, \o: \Option(\Fb_q)}) \to \EvalProof\): + + Creates a proof \(\pi\) that states: ``I know \(p \in \Fb^d_q[X]\) + with commitment \(C \in \Eb(\Fb_q)\) s.t. \(p(z) = v\)'' where \(p\) + is private and \(d, z, v\) are public. +\item + \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck^{\rho_0}(C: \Eb(\Fb_q), d: \Nb, z: \Fb_q, v: \Fb_q, \pi: \EvalProof) \to \Result((\Fb^d_q[X], \Gb), \bot)\): + + Cheaply checks that a proof \(\pi\) is correct. It is not a full check + however, since an expensive part of the check is deferred until a + later point. +\item + \(\PCDLCheck^{\rho_0}(C: \Eb(\Fb_q), d: \Nb, z: \Fb_q, v: \Fb_q, \pi: \EvalProof) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\): + + The full check on \(\pi\). +\end{itemize} + +The following subsections will describe them in pseudo-code, except for +\(\PCDLSetup\). + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\PCDLCommit\)}{\textbackslash PCDLCommit}}\label{pcdlcommit} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\PCDLCommit$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$p: \Fb^d_q[X]$}{The univariate polynomial that we wish to commit to.} \\ + \Desc{$\mathblue{\o: \Option(\Fb_q)}$}{Optional hiding factor for the commitment.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$C: \Eb(\Fb_q)$}{The pedersen commitment to the coefficients of polynomial $p$.} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $d \leq D$ + \Require $(d+1)$ is a power of 2. + \State Let $\vec{p}$ be the coefficient vector for $p$ + \State Output $C := \CMCommit(\vec{G}, \vec{p}, \mathblue{\o})$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +\(\PCDLCommit\) is rather simple, we just take the coefficients of the +polynomial and commit to them using a pedersen commitment. + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\PCDLOpen\)}{\textbackslash PCDLOpen}}\label{pcdlopen} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\PCDLOpen^{\rho_0}$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$p: \Fb^d_q[X]$}{The univariate polynomial that we wish to open for.} \\ + \Desc{$C: \Eb(\Fb_q$)}{A commitment to the coefficients of $p$.} \\ + \Desc{$z: \Fb_q$}{The element that $z$ will be evaluated on $v = p(z)$.} \\ + \Desc{$\mathblue{\o: \Option(\Fb_q)}$}{Optional hiding factor for $C$. \textit{Must} be included if $C$ was created with hiding!} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\EvalProof$}{ + Proof that states: "I know $p \in \Fb^d_q[X]$ with commitment $C \in + \Eb(\Fb_q)$ s.t. $p(z) = v$" + } +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $d \leq D$ + \Require $(d+1)$ is a power of 2. + \State Let $n = d+1$ + \State Compute $v = p(z)$ and let $n = d+1$. + \State \textblue{Sample a random polynomial $\bar{p} \in \Fb^{\leq d}_q[X]$ such that $\bar{p}(z) = 0$}. + \State \textblue{Sample corresponding commitment randomness $\bar{\o} \in \Fb_q$.} + \State \textblue{Compute a hiding commitment to $\bar{p}$: $\bar{C} \gets \CMCommit(\vec{G}, \bar{p}, \bar{\o}) \in \Gb$.} + \State \textblue{Compute the challenge $\a := \rho_0(C, z, v, \bar{C}) \in \Fb^{*}_q$.} + \State \textblue{Compute commitment randomness $\o' := \o + \a \bar{\o} \in \Fb_q$}. + \State Compute the polynomial $p' := p \mathblue{+ \a \bar{p}} = \sum_{i=0} c_i X_i \in \Fb_q[X]$. + \State Compute a non-hiding commitment to $p'$: $C' := C \mathblue{+ \a \bar{C} - \o' S} \in \Gb$. + \State Compute the 0-th challenge field element $\xi_0 := \rho_0(C', z, v) \in \Fb_q$, then $H' := \xi_0 H \in \Gb$. + \State Initialize the vectors ($\vec{c_0}$ is defined to be coefficient vector of $p'$): + \Statex \algind $ + \begin{alignedat}[b]{1} + \vec{c_0} &:= (c_0, c_1, \dots, c_d) \in F^n_q \\ + \vec{z_0} &:= (1, z^1, \dots, z^d) \in F^n_q \\ + \vec{G_0} &:= (G_0, G_1, \dots, G_d) \in \Gb_n \\ + \end{alignedat} + $ + \For{$i \in [\lg(n)]$} + \State Compute $L_i := \CMCommit(l(\vec{G_{i-1}}) \cat H', \; \; r(\vec{c_{i-1}}) \cat \langle r(\vec{c_{i-1}}), l(\vec{z_{i-1}}) \rangle, \; \; \bot)$ + \State Compute $R_i := \CMCommit(r(\vec{G_{i-1}}) \cat H', \; \; l(\vec{c_{i-1}}) \cat \langle l(\vec{c_{i-1}}), r(\vec{z_{i-1}}) \rangle, \; \; \bot)$ + \State Generate the i-th challenge $\xi_i := \rho_0(\xi_{i-1}, L_i, R_i) \in \Fb_q$. + \State Construct commitment inputs for the next round: + \Statex \algindd $ + \begin{alignedat}[b]{3} + \vec{G_i} &:= l(\vec{G_{i-1}}) &&+ \xi_i &&\cdot r(\vec{G_{i-1}}) \\ + \vec{c_i} &:= l(\vec{c_{i-1}}) &&+ \xi^{-1}_i &&\cdot r(\vec{c_{i-1}}) \\ + \vec{z_i} &:= l(\vec{z_{i-1}}) &&+ \xi_i &&\cdot r(\vec{z_{i-1}}) \\ + \end{alignedat} + $ + \EndFor + \State Finally output the evaluation proof $\pi := (\vec{L},\vec{R}, U := G^{(0)}, c := c^{(0)}, \mathblue{\bar{C}, \o'})$ +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The \(\PCDLOpen\) algorithm mostly follows the IPA algorithm from +Bulletproofs. Except,in this case we are trying to prove we know +polynomial \(p\) s.t. \(p(z) = v = \dotp{\vec{c_0}}{\vec{z_0}}\). So +because \(z\) is public, we can get away with omitting the generators, +\((\vec{H})\), for \(\vec{b}\) which we would otherwise need in the +Bulletproofs IPA. For efficiency we also send along the curve point +\(U = G^{(0)}\), which the original IPA does not do. The +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) uses \(U\) to make its check and \(\PCDLCheck\) +verifies the correctness of \(U\). + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\)}{\textbackslash PCDLSuccinctCheck}}\label{pcdlsuccinctcheck} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\PCDLSuccinctCheck^{\rho_0}$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$C: \Eb(\Fb_q)$}{A commitment to the coefficients of $p$.} \\ + \Desc{$d: \Nb$}{A degree bound on $p$} \\ + \Desc{$z: \Fb_q$}{The element that $p$ is evaluated on.} \\ + \Desc{$v: \Fb_q$}{The claimed element $v = p(z)$.} \\ + \Desc{$\pi: \EvalProof$}{The evaluation proof produced by $\PCDLOpen$} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result((\Fb^d_q[X], \Gb), \bot)$}{ + The algorithm will either succeed and output ($h: \Fb^d_q[X], U: \Gb$) if $\pi$ is a valid proof and otherwise fail ($\bot$). + } +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $d \leq D$ + \Require $(d+1)$ is a power of 2. + \State Parse $\pi$ as $(\vec{L},\vec{R}, U := G^{(0)}, c := c^{(0)}, \mathblue{\bar{C}, \o'})$ and let $n = d + 1$. + \State \textblue{Compute the challenge $\alpha := \rho_0(C, z, v, \bar{C}) \in F^{*}_q$.} + \State Compute the non-hiding commitment $C' := C \mathblue{+ \a \bar{C} - \o'S} \in \Gb$. + \State Compute the 0-th challenge: $\xi_0 := \rho_0(C', z, v)$, and set $H' := \xi_0 H \in \Gb$. + \State Compute the group element $C_0 := C' + vH' \in \Gb$. + \For{$i \in [\lg(n)]$} + \State Generate the i-th challenge: $\xi_i := \rho_0(\xi_{i-1}, L_i, R_i) \in \Fb_q$. + \State Compute the i-th commitment: $C_i := \xi^{-1}_i L_i + C_{i-1} + \xi_i R_i \in \Gb$. + \EndFor +\State Define the univariate polynomial $h(X) := \prod^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} (1 + \xi_{\lg(n) - i} X^{2^i}) \in \Fb_q[X]$. +\State Compute the evaluation $v' := c \cdot h(z) \in \Fb_q$. +\State Check that $C_{lg(n)} \meq cU + v'H'$ +\State Output $(h(X), U)$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) algorithm performs the same check as in the +Bulletproofs protocol. With the only difference being that instead of +calculating \(G^{(0)}\) itself, it trusts that the verifier sent the +correct \(U += G^{(0)}\) in the prover protocol, and defers the verification of this +claim to \(\PCDLCheck\). Notice also the ``magic'' polynomial \(h(X)\), +which has a degree \(d\), but can be evaluated in \(\lg(d)\) time. + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\PCDLCheck\)}{\textbackslash PCDLCheck}}\label{pcdlcheck} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\PCDLCheck^{\rho_0}$}\label{alg:pcdl_check} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$C: \Eb(\Fb_q)$}{A commitment to the coefficients of $p$.} \\ + \Desc{$d: \Nb$}{A degree bound on $p$} \\ + \Desc{$z: \Fb_q$}{The element that $p$ is evaluated on.} \\ + \Desc{$v: \Fb_q$}{The claimed element $v = p(z)$.} \\ + \Desc{$\pi: \EvalProof$}{The evaluation proof produced by $\PCDLOpen$} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result(\top, \bot)$}{The algorithm will either succeed ($\top$) if $\pi$ is a valid proof and otherwise fail ($\bot$).} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $d \leq D$ + \Require $(d+1)$ is a power of 2. + \State Check that $\PCDLSuccinctCheck(C, d, z, v, \pi)$ accepts and outputs $(h, U)$. + \State Check that $U \meq \CMCommit(\vec{G}, \vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}, \bot)$, where $\vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}$ is the coefficient vector of the polynomial $h$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +Since \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) handles the verification of the IPA given +that \(U = G^{(0)}\), we run \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\), then check that +\(U \meq (G^{(0)} += \CMCommit(\vec{G}, \vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}, \bot) = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}})\). + +\subsection{Completeness}\label{completeness} + +\textbf{Check 1} (\(C_{lg(n)} \meq cU + v'H'\)) \textbf{in +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\):} + +Let's start by looking at \(C_{lg(n)}\). The verifer computes +\(C_{lg(n)}\) as: + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + C_0 &= C' + vH' = C + vH' \\ + C_{\lg(n)} &= C_0 + \sum^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} \xi^{-1}_{i+1} L_i + \xi_{i+1} R_i \\ +\end{aligned} +\] + +Given that the prover is honest, the following invariant should hold: + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}[b]{1} + C_{i+1} &= \ip{\vec{c}_{i+1}}{\vec{G}_{i+1}} + \ip{\vec{c}_{i+1}}{\vec{z}_{i+1}} H'\\ + &= \ip{l(\vec{c}_i) + \xi^{-1}_{i+1} r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{G}_i) + \xi_{i+1} r(\vec{G}_i)} + + \ip{l(\vec{c}_i) + \xi^{-1}_{i+1} r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i) + \xi_{i+1} r(\vec{z}_i)} H'\\ + &= \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{G}_i)} + \xi_{i+1} \ip{l(\vec{c}_i))}{r(\vec{G}_i} + + \xi^{-1}_{i+1} \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{G}_i)} + \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{G}_i)}\\ + &+ (\ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} + \xi_{i+1} \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{z}_i)} + + \xi^{-1}_{i+1} \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} + \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)}) H' +\end{alignedat} +\] + +If we group these terms: + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}[b]{4} + C_{i+1} &= \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} &&+ \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{G}_i)} &&+ \xi_{i+1} \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{G}_i)} &&+ \xi^{-1}_{i+1} \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{G}_i)} \\ + &+ (\ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} &&+ \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{z}_i)}) H' &&+ \xi_{i+1} \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{z}_i)} H' &&+ \xi^{-1}_{i+1} \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} H' \\ + &= C_i && &&+ \xi_{i+1} R_i &&+ \xi^{-1}_{i+1} L_i \\ + &\mkern-18mu\mkern-18mu \textbf{Where:} && && && \\ + L_i &= \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{G}_i)} &&+ \ip{r(\vec{c}_i)}{l(\vec{z}_i)} H' && && \\ + R_i &= \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{G}_i)} &&+ \ip{l(\vec{c}_i)}{r(\vec{z}_i)} H' && && +\end{alignedat} +\] + +We see why \(\vec{L}, \vec{R}\) is defined the way they are. They help +the verifier check that the original relation hold, by showing it for +the compressed form \(C_{i+1}\). \(\vec{L}, \vec{R}\) is just the +minimal information needed to communicate this fact. + +This leaves us with the following vectors (notice the slight difference +in length): + +\[ +\begin{alignedat}[b]{1} + \vec{L} &= (L_1, \dots, L_{\lg(n)}) \\ + \vec{R} &= (R_1, \dots, R_{\lg(n)}) \\ + \vec{C} &= (C_0, \dots, C_{\lg(n)}) \\ + \vec{\xi} &= (\xi_0, \dots, \xi_{\lg(n)}) \\ +\end{alignedat} +\] + +This means an honest prover will indeed produce \(\vec{L}, \vec{R}\) +s.t. +\(C_{\lg(n)} = C_0 + \sum^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} \xi^{-1}_{i+1} L_i + \xi_{i+1} R_i\) + +Let's finally look at the left-hand side of the verifying check: + +\[C_{\lg(n)} = C_0 + \sum^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} \xi^{-1}_{i+1} L_i + \xi_{i+1} R_i\] +The original definition of \(C_i\): +\[C_{\lg(n)} = \ip{\vec{c}_{\lg(n)}}{\vec{G}_{\lg(n)}} + \ip{\vec{c}_{\lg(n)}}{\vec{z}_{\lg(n)}} H'\] +Vectors have length one, so we use the single elements +\(c^{(0)}, G^{(0)}, c^{(0)}, z^{(0)}\) of the vectors: +\[C_{\lg(n)} = c^{(0)}G^{(0)} + c^{(0)}z^{(0)} H'\] The verifier has +\(c^{(0)} = c, G^{(0)} = U\) from \(\pi \in \EvalProof\): +\[C_{\lg(n)} = cU + cz^{(0)} H'\] Then, by construction of +\(h(X) \in \Fb^d_q[X]\): \[C_{\lg(n)} = cU + ch(z) H'\] Finally we use +the definition of \(v'\): \[C_{\lg(n)} = cU + v'H'\] + +Which corresponds exactly to the check that the verifier makes. + +\textbf{Check 2} +(\(U \meq \CMCommit(\vec{G}, \vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}, \bot)\)) +\textbf{in \(\PCDLCheck\):} + +The honest prover will define \(U = G^{(0)}\) as promised and the +right-hand side will also become \(U = G^{(0)}\) by the construction of +\(h(X)\). + +\subsection{Soundness (Knowledge +Extractability)}\label{soundness-knowledge-extractability} + +The knowledge extractability of the protocol is inherited by the IPA +from bulletproofs. In our case, we only need to extract a single vector +of the original vectors +\(\vec{a}, \vec{b} : \ip{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}} = c\), since +\(\vec{a} = \vec{p}^{\mathrm{(coeffs)}}\) and \(\vec{b} = \vec{z}\) +where \(\vec{b}\) is public. + +The authors, of the paper followed, note that the soundness technically +breaks down when turning the IPA into a non-interactive protocol (which +is the case for \(\PCDL\)), and that transforming \(\PCDL\) into a +non-interactive protocol such that the knowledge extractor does not +break down is an open problem: + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +\textbf{Security of the resulting non-interactive argument.} It is known +from folklore that applying the Fiat–Shamir transformation to a public-coin +$k$-round interactive argument of knowledge with negligible soundness error +yields a non-interactive argument of knowledge in the random-oracle model +where the extractor $\Ec$ runs in time exponential in $k$. In more detail, +to extract from an adversary that makes $t$ queries to the random oracle, +$\Ec$ runs in time $t^{O(k)}$. In our setting, the inner-product argument has +$k = \Oc(\log d)$ rounds, which means that if we apply this folklore result, we +would obtain an extractor that runs in superpolynomial (but subexponential) +time $t^O(\log d) = 2^{O(log(\l)^2)}$. It remains an interesting open problem +to construct an extractor that runs in polynomial time. + +\end{quote} + +This has since been solved in a 2023 +paper{[}\citeproc{ref-attema}{Attema et al. 2023}{]}. The abstract of +the paper describes: + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +Unfortunately, the security loss for a $(2\mu + 1)$-move protocol is, in +general, approximately $Q^\mu$, where $Q$ is the number of oracle queries +performed by the attacker. In general, this is the best one can hope for, +as it is easy to see that this loss applies to the $\mu$-fold sequential +repetition of $\Sigma$-protocols, $\dots$, we show that for $(k^1, \dots, +k^\mu)$-special-sound protocols (which cover a broad class of use cases), +the knowledge error degrades linearly in $Q$, instead of $Q^\mu$. + +\end{quote} + +They furthermore directly state that this result applies to +bulletproofs. + +\subsection{Efficiency}\label{efficiency} + +Given two operations \(f(x), g(x)\) where \(f(x)\) is more expensive +than \(g(x)\), we only consider \(f(x)\), since +\(\Oc(f(n) + g(n)) = \Oc (f(n))\). For all the algorithms, the most +expensive operations will be scalar multiplications. We also don't +bother counting constant operations, that does not scale with the input. +Also note that: \[ + \Oc\left(\sum_{i=2}^{\lg(n)} \frac{n}{i^2}\right) = \Oc\left(n \sum_{i=2}^{\lg(n)} \frac{1}{i^2}\right) + = \Oc(n \cdot c) + = \Oc(n) +\] Remember that in the below contexts \(n = d+1\) + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\PCDLCommit\): \(n = \Oc(d)\) scalar multiplications and + \(n = \Oc(d)\) point additions. +\item + \(\PCDLOpen\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 1: 1 polynomial evaluation, i.e.~\(n = \Oc(d)\) field + multiplications. + \item + Step 13 \& 14: Both commit \(\lg(n)\) times, + i.e.~\(2 (\sum_{i=2}^{\lg(n)} (n+1)/i) = \Oc(2n)\) scalar + multiplications. The sum appears since we halve the vector length + each loop iteration. + \item + Step 16: \(\lg(n)\) vector dot products, + i.e.~\(\sum_{i=2}^{\lg(n)} n/i = \Oc(n)\) scalar multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + In total, \(\Oc(3d)\) scalar multiplications. +\item + \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 7: \(\lg(n)\) hashes. + \item + Step 8: \(3 \lg(n)\) point additions and \(2 \lg(n)\) scalar + multiplications. + \item + step 11: The evaluation of \(h(X)\) which takes \(\Oc(\lg(n))\) + time. + \end{itemize} + + In total, \(\Oc(2 \lg(n)) = \Oc(2 \lg(d))\) scalar multiplications. +\item + \(\PCDLCheck\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 1: Running \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) takes \(\Oc(2 \lg(d))\) + scalar multiplications. + \item + Step 2: Running + \(\CMCommit(\vec{G}, \vec{h}^{\text{(coeffs)}}, \bot)\) takes + \(\Oc(d)\) scalar multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + Since step two dominates, we have \(\Oc(d)\) scalar multiplications. +\end{itemize} + +So \(\PCDLOpen\), \(\PCDLCheck\) and \(\PCDLCommit\) is linear and, +importantly, \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) is sublinear. + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +\textbf{Sidenote: The runtime of $h(X)$} + +Recall the structure of $h(X)$: +$$h(X) := \prod^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} (1 + \xi_{\lg(n) - i} X^{2^i}) \in \Fb_q[X]$$ +First note that $\prod^{\lg(n)-1}_{i=0} a$ leads to $\lg(n)$ +factors. Calculating $X^{2^i}$ can be computed as: +$$X^{2^0}, X^{2^1} = (X^{2^0})^2, X^{2^2} = (X^{2^1})^2$$ +So that part of the evaluation boils down to the cost of squaring in the +field. We therefore have $\lg(n)$ squarings (from $X^{2^i}$), and $\lg(n)$ +field multiplications from $\xi_{\lg(n) - i} \cdot X^{2^i}$. Each squaring +can naively be modelled as a field multiplication ($x^2 = x \cdot x$). We +therefore end up with $2\lg(n) = \Oc(\lg(n))$ field multiplications +and $\lg(n)$ field additions. The field additions are ignored as the +multiplications dominate. + +Thus, the evaluation of $h(X)$ requires $\Oc(\lg(n))$ field multiplications, +which dominate the runtime. + +\end{quote} + +\section{\texorpdfstring{\(\ASDL\): The Accumulation +Scheme}{\textbackslash ASDL: The Accumulation Scheme}}\label{asdl-the-accumulation-scheme} + +\subsection{Outline}\label{outline-1} + +The \(\ASDL\) accumulation scheme is an accumulation scheme for +accumulating polynomial commitments. This means that the corresponding +predicate, \(\Phi_\AS\), that we accumulate for, represents the checking +of polynomial commitment openings, \(\Phi_\AS(q_i) = \PCDLCheck(q_i)\). +A slight deviation from the general \(\AS\) specification, is that that +the algorithms don't take the old accumulator \(\acc_{i-1}\) as input, +instead, since it has the same form as instances, it will be prepended +to the instance list \(\vec{q}\). We have six main functions: + +\begin{itemize} +\item + \(\ASDLSetup(1^\l, D) \to \pp_\AS\) + + Outputs \(\pp_\AS = \PCDLSetup(1^\l, D)\). +\item + \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine(\vec{q}_{i-1}: \Instance^m \mathblue{, \pi_V: \AccHiding}) \to \Result((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q[X]), \bot)\) + + \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\) will either succeed if the instances has + consistent degree and hiding parameters and will otherwise fail. It + accumulates all previous instances into a new polynomial \(h(X)\), and + is run by both \(\ASDLProver\) and \(\ASDLVerifier\) in order to + ensure that the accumulator, generated from \(h(X)\) correctly + accumulates the instances. It returns \((\bar{C}, d, z, h(X))\) + representing the information needed to create the polynomial + commitment represented by \(\acc_i\). +\item + \(\ASDLProver(\vec{q}_{i-1}: \Instance^m) \to \Result(\Acc, \bot)\): + + Accumulates the instances \(\vec{q}_{i-1}\), and an optional previous + accumulator \(\acc_{i-1}\), into a new accumulator \(\acc_i\). If + there is a previous accumulator \(\acc_{i-1}\) then it is converted + into an instance, since it has the same form, and prepended to + \(\vec{q}\), \emph{before calling the prover}. +\item + \(\ASDLVerifier(\vec{q}: \Instance^m, \acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\): + + Verifies that the instances \(\vec{q}\) (as with \(\ASDLProver\), + including a possible \(\acc_{i-1}\)) was correctly accumulated into + the new accumulator \(\acc_i\). +\item + \(\ASDLDecider(\acc_i: \Acc) \to \Result(\top, \bot)\): + + Checks the validity of the given accumulator \(\acc_i\) along with all + previous accumulators that was accumulated into \(\acc_i\). +\end{itemize} + +This means that accumulating \(m\) instances, \(\vec{q} = [q_i]^m\), +should yield \(\acc_i\), using the \(\ASDLProver(\vec{q})\). If we do +this for \(n\) \(\vec{q}\)'s, then if the verifier accepts all +\(i \in [n]\) accumulators \(\ASDLVerifier(\vec{q}, \acc_i) = \top\), +and \(\ASDLDecider\) accepts the final accumulator +(\(\ASDLDecider(\acc_n) = \top\)), then all the polynomial commitment +openings will be valid, by the soundness property of the accumulation +scheme. This is proved in the soundness section. The following +subsections will describe the functions in pseudo-code, except +\(\ASDLSetup\). + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\)}{\textbackslash ASDLCommonSubroutine}}\label{asdlcommonsubroutine} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\ASDLCommonSubroutine$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$d: \Nb$}{The degrees of the underlying polynomials, $\vec{p}$, for each $q_i$} \\ + \Desc{$\vec{q}: \Instance^m$}{New instances \textit{and accumulators} to be accumulated.} \\ + \Desc{$\mathblue{\pi_V: \AccHiding}$}{Necessary parameters if hiding is desired.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q[X]), \bot)$}{ + The algorithm will either succeed $(\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q[X])$ + if the instances has consistent degree and hiding parameters and will + otherwise fail ($\bot$). + } +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $(D+1) = 2^k$, where $k \in \Nb$ + \State Parse $d$ from $q_1$. + \State \textblue{Parse $\pi_V$ as $(h_0, U_0, \o)$, where $h_0(X) = aX + b \in \Fb^1_q[X], U_0 \in \Gb$ and $\o \in \Fb_q$} + \State \textblue{Check that $U_0$ is a deterministic commitment to $h_0$: $U_0 = \PCDLCommit(h, d, \bot)$.} + \For{$i \in [0, m]$} + \State Parse $q_i$ as a tuple $((C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i), \pi_i)$. + \State Compute $(h_i(X), U_i) := \PCDLSuccinctCheck^{\rho_0}(C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i, \pi_i)$. + \State Check that $d_i \meq d$ + \EndFor + \State Compute the challenge $\a := \rho_1(\vec{h}, \vec{U}) \in \Fb_q$ + \State Let the polynomial $h(X) := \mathblue{h_0 +} \sum^m_{i=1} \a^i h_i \in \Fb_q[X]$ + \State Compute the accumulated commitment $C := \mathblue{U_0 +} \sum^m_{i=1} \a^i U_i$ + \State Compute the challenge $z := \rho_1(C, h) \in \Fb_q$. + \State Randomize $C$: $\bar{C} := C \mathblue{+ \o S} \in \Eb(\Fb_q)$. + \State Output $(\bar{C}, D, z, h(X))$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\) does most of the work of the \(\ASDL\) +accumulation scheme. It takes the given instances and runs the +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) on them to acquire \([(h_i(X), U_i)]^m_{i=0}\) +for each of them. It then creates a linear combination of \(h_i\) using +a challenge point \(\a\) and computes the claimed commitment for this +polynomial \(C = \sum^m_{i=1} \a^i U_i\), possibly along with hiding +information. This routine is run by both \(\ASDLProver\) and +\(\ASDLVerifier\) in order to ensure that the accumulator, generated +from \(h(X)\) correctly accumulates the instances. To see the intuition +behind why this works, refer to the note in the \(\ASDLDecider\) +section. + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\ASDLProver\)}{\textbackslash ASDLProver}}\label{asdlprover} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\ASDLProver$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$\vec{q}: \Instance^m$}{New instances \textit{and accumulators} to be accumulated.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result(\Acc, \bot)$}{ + The algorithm will either succeed $((\bar{C}, d, z, v, \pi), \pi_V) + \in \Acc)$ if the instances has consistent degree and hiding + parameters and otherwise fail ($\bot$). + } + \begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $\forall (\_, d_i, \_, \_, \_) \in \vec{q}, \forall (\_, d_j, \_, \_, \_) \in \vec{q} : d_i = d_j \land d_i \leq D$ + \Require $(d_i+1) = 2^k$, where $k \in \Nb$ + \State \textblue{Sample a random linear polynomial $h_0 \in F_q[X]$} + \State \textblue{Then compute a deterministic commitment to $h_0(X)$: $U_0 := \PCDLCommit(h_0, \bot)$} + \State \textblue{Sample commitment randomness $\o \in F_q$, and set $\pi_V := (h_0, U_0, \o)$.} + \State Then, compute the tuple $(\bar{C}, d, z, h(X)) := \ASDLCommonSubroutine(\vec{q} \mathblue{, \pi_V})$. + \State Compute the evaluation $v := h(z) \in \Fb_q$. + \State Generate the evaluation proof $\pi := \PCDLOpen(h(X), \bar{C}, d, z \mathblue{, \o})$. + \State Finally, output the accumulator $\acc_i = \mathblue{(}(\bar{C}, d, z, v, \pi)\mathblue{, \pi_V)}$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +Simply accumulates the the instances, \(\vec{q}\), into new accumulator +\(\acc_i\), using \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\). + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\ASDLVerifier\)}{\textbackslash ASDLVerifier}}\label{asdlverifier} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\ASDLVerifier$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$\vec{q}: \Instance^m$}{New instances \textit{and possible accumulator} to be accumulated.} \\ + \Desc{$\acc_i: \Acc$}{The accumulator that accumulates $\vec{q}$. \textit{Not} the previous accumulator $\acc_{i-1}$.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result(\top, \bot)$}{ + The algorithm will either succeed $(\top)$ if $acc$ correctly accumulates + $\vec{q}$ and otherwise fail ($\bot$). + } + \begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $(D+1) = 2^k$, where $k \in \Nb$ + \State Parse $acc$ as $\mathblue{(}(\bar{C}, d, z, v, \_)\mathblue{, \pi_V)}$ + \State The accumulation verifier computes $(\bar{C}', d', z', h(X)) := \ASDLCommonSubroutine(\vec{q} \mathblue{, \pi_V})$ + \State Then checks that $\bar{C}' \meq \bar{C}, d' \meq d, z' \meq z$, and $h(z) \meq v$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The verifier also runs \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\), therefore verifying +that \(\acc_i\) correctly accumulats \(\vec{q}\), which means: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\bar{C} = C + \o S = \sum_{i=1}^m \a^i U_i + \o S\) +\item + \(\forall (\_, d_i, \_, \_, \_) \in \vec{q} : d_i = d\) +\item + \(z = \rho_1(C, h)\) +\item + \(v = h(z)\) +\item + \(h(X) = \sum_{i=0}^m \a^i h_i(X)\) +\item + \(\a := \rho_1(\vec{h}, \vec{U})\) +\end{itemize} + +\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\ASDLDecider\)}{\textbackslash ASDLDecider}}\label{asdldecider} + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\ASDLDecider$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$acc: \Acc$}{The accumulator.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\Result(\top, \bot)$}{ + The algorithm will either succeed $(\top)$ if the accumulator has correctly + accumulated all previous instances and will otherwise fail ($\bot$). + } + \begin{algorithmic}[1] + \Require $\acc_i.d \leq D$ + \Require $(\acc_i.d+1) = 2^k$, where $k \in \Nb$ + \State Parse $\acc_i$ as $\mathblue{(}(\bar{C}, d, z, v, \pi)\mathblue{, \_)}$ + \State Check $\top \meq \PCDLCheck(\bar{C}, d, z, v, \pi)$ +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The decider fully checks the accumulator \(\acc_i\), this verifies each +previous accumulator meaning that: \[ +\begin{aligned} + &\forall i \in [n], \forall j \in [m] : \\ + &\ASDLVerifier((\ToInstance(\acc_{i-1}) \cat \vec{q}_{i-1}), \acc_i) \land \ASDLDecider(\acc_n) \implies \\ + &\Phi_\AS(q^{(i)}_j) = \PCDLCheck(q^{(i)}_j) = \top +\end{aligned} +\] + +The sidenote below gives an intuition why this is the case. + +\begin{quote} +\color{GbGrey} + +\textbf{Sidenote: Why does checking $acc_i$ check all previous instances +and previous accumulators?} + +The $\ASDLProver$ runs the $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$ that creates an accumulated +polynomial $h$ from $[h_i]^m$ that is in turn created for each instance $q_j +\in \vec{q}_i$ by $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$: + +$$h_i(X) := \prod^{lg(n)}_{i=0} (1 + \xi_{\lg(n)-i} \cdot X^{2^i}) \in F_q[X]$$ + +We don't mention the previous accumulator $\acc_{i-1}$ explicitly as it's +treated as an instance in the protocol. We also only consider the case where +the protocol does not have zero knowledge, meaning that we omit the blue parts +of the protocol. The $\ASDLVerifier$ shows that $C$ is a commitment to $h(X)$ +in the sense that it's a linear combination of all $h$'s from the previous +instances, by running the same $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$ algorithm as the prover +to get the same output. Note that the $\ASDLVerifier$ does not guarantee that +$C$ is a valid commitment to $h(X)$ in the sense that $C = \PCDLCommit(h, d, +\bot)$, that's the $\ASDLDecider$'s job. Since $\ASDLVerifier$ does not verify +that each $U_i$ is valid, and therefore that $C = \PCDLCommit(h, d, \bot)$, +we now wish to argue that $\ASDLDecider$ verifies this for all the instances. + +\textbf{Showing that $C = \PCDLCommit(h, d, \bot)$:} + +The $\ASDLProver$ has a list of instances $\vec{q}_i$, then runs +$\PCDLSuccinctCheck$ on each $q_j \in \vec{q}_i$ of them, getting $(U_1, +\dots, U_m)$ and $(h_1(X), \dots, h_m(X))$. For each element $U_i$ in the +vector $\vec{U} \in \Eb(\Fb_q)^m$ and each element $h_i(X)$ in the vector +$\vec{h} \in (\Fb^{\leq d}_q[X])^m$, the $\ASDLProver$ defines: + +$$h(X) := \sum^{m}_{i=1} \a^i \cdot h_i(X)$$ +$$C := \sum^{m}_{i=1} \a^i \cdot U_i$$ + +Since we know from the $\ASDLVerifier$: + +\begin{enumerate} + \item $\PCDLSuccinctCheck(q_j) = \top$ + \item $C_{\acc_i} = \sum_{i=1}^m \a^i U_i$ + \item $z_{\acc_i} = \rho_1(C, h)$ + \item $h_{\acc_i}(X) = \sum_{i=0}^m \a^i h_i(X)$ + \item $\a := \rho_1(\vec{h}, \vec{U})$ +\end{enumerate} + +Which implies that $\Phi(q_j) = \top$ if $U = G^{(0)}$. We then argue that +when the $\ASDLDecider$ checks that $C = \PCDLCommit(h(X), d, \bot)$, then +that implies that each $U_i$ is a valid commitment to $h_i(X)$, $U_i = +\PCDLCommit(h_i(X), \bot) = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{h_i}}$, thereby performing +the second check of $\PCDLCheck$, on all $q_j$ instances at once. We know that: + +\begin{enumerate} + \item + $\PCDLCheck$ tells us that $C_\acc = \sum_{i=1}^m \a^i U_i$ except with + negligible probability, since, + \item + The binding property of $\CM$ states that it's hard to find a different + $C'$, s.t., $C = C'$ but $h_{\acc_i}(X) \neq h'(X)$. Which means that + $h_{\acc_i}(X) = h'(X)$. + \item + Define $B_i = \ip{\vec{G}}{\vec{h_i}^{(\text{coeffs})}}$. If $\exists i + \in [m]$ $B_i \neq U_i$ then $U_i$ is not a valid commitment to $h_i$ and + $\sum_{i=1}^m \a_i B_i \neq \sum_{i=1}^m \a_i U_i$. As such $C_{\acc_i}$ + will not be a valid commitment to $h_{\acc_i}(X)$. Unless, + \item + $\a := \rho_1(\vec{h}, \vec{U})$ or $z = \rho_1(C, h)$ is constructed + in a malicious way, which is hard, since they're from the random oracle. +\end{enumerate} + +To sum up, this means that running the $\ASDLDecider$ corresponds to checking +all $U_i$'s. + +What about checking the previous instances, $\vec{q}_{i-1}$, accumulated into +the previous accumulator, $\acc_{i-1}$? The accumulator for $\vec{q}_{i-1}$ +is represented by an instance $acc_{i-1} = (C = \PCDLCommit(h_{\acc_{i-1}}, +\bot), d, z, v = h_{\acc_{i-1}}(z), \pi)$, which, as mentioned, behaves +like all other instances in the protocol and represents a PCS opening +to $h_{\acc_{i-1}}(X)$. Since $\acc_{i-1}$ is represented as an instance, +and we showed that as long as each instance is checked by $\ASVerifier$ +(which $\acc$ also is), running $\PCDLCheck(\acc_i)$ on the corresponding +accumulation polynomial $h_{\acc_i}(X)$ is equivalent to performing the second +check $U_i = \PCDLCommit(h_i(X), \bot)$ on all the $h_i$ that $h_{\acc_i}(X)$ +consists of. Therefore, we will also check the previous set of instances +$\vec{q}_{i-1}$, and by induction, all accumulated instances $\vec{q}$ +and accumulators $\vec{\acc}$. + +\end{quote} + +\subsection{Completeness}\label{completeness-1} + +\(\ASDLVerifier\) runs the same algorithm (\(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\)) +with the same inputs and, given that \(\ASDLProver\) is honest, will +therefore get the same outputs, these outputs are checked to be equal to +the ones received from the prover. Since these were generated honestly +by the prover, also using \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\), the +\(\ASDLVerifier\) will accept with probability 1, returning \(\top\). +Intuitively, this also makes sense. It's the job of the verifier to +verify that each instance is accumulated correctly into the accumulator. +This verifier does the same work as the prover and checks that the +output matches. Also note that the common subroutine calls +\(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) on each instance, thus the only remaining work is +to run the full check on each instance. + +As for the \(\ASDLDecider\), it just runs \(\PCDLCheck\) on the provided +accumulator, which represents a evaluation proof i.e.~an instance. This +check will always pass, as the prover constructed it honestly. + +\subsection{Soundness}\label{soundness} + +In order to prove soundness, we first need a helper lemma: + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +\textbf{Lemma: Zero-Finding Game:} + +Let \(\CM = (\CMSetup, \CMCommit)\) be a perfectly binding commitment +scheme. Fix a maximum degree \(D \in \Nb\) and a random oracle \(\rho\) +that takes commitments from \(\CM\) to \(F_\pp\). Then for every family +of functions \(\{f_\pp\}_\pp\) and fields \(\{F_\pp\}_\pp\) where: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(f_\pp \in \Mc \to F_\pp^D[X]\) +\item + \(F \in \Nb \to \Nb\) +\item + \(|F_\pp| \geq F(\l)\) +\end{itemize} + +That is, for all functions, \(f_\pp\), that takes a message, \(\Mc\) as +input and outputs a maximum D-degree polynomial. Also, usually +\(|F_\pp| \approx F(\l)\). For every message format \(L\) and +computationally unbounded \(t\)-query oracle algorithm \(\Ac\), the +following holds: + +\[ +\Pr\left[ + \begin{array}{c} + p \neq 0 \\ + \land \\ + p(z) = 0 + \end{array} + \middle| + \begin{array}{c} + \rho \from \mathcal{U}(\l) \\ + \pp_\CM \gets \CMSetup(1^\l, L) \\ + (m, \omega) \gets \Ac^\rho(\pp_\CM) \\ + C \gets \CMCommit(m, \o) \\ + z \in F_{\pp} \from \rho(C) \\ + p := f_{\pp}(m) + \end{array} +\right] \leq \sqrt{\frac{D(t+1)}{F(\l)}} +\] + +Intuitively, the above lemma states that for any non-zero polynomial +\(p\), that you can create using the commitment \(C\), it will be highly +improbable that a random evaluation point \(z\) be a root of the +polynomial \(p\), \(p(z) += 0\). For reference, this is not too unlike the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma. + +\textbf{Proof:} + +We construct a reduction proof, showing that if an adversary \(\Ac\) +that wins with probability \(\d\) in the above game, then we construct +an adversary \(\Bc\) which breaks the binding of the commitment scheme +with probability at least: + +\[\frac{\delta^2}{t + 1} - \frac{D}{F(\lambda)}\] + +Thus, leading to a contradiction, since \(\CM\) is perfectly binding. +Note, that we may assume that \(\Ac\) always queries +\(C \from \CMCommit(m, \o)\) for its output \((m, \o)\), by increasing +the query bound from \(t\) to \(t + 1\). + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Bc(\pp_\CM)$} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \State Run $(m, \omega) \gets \Ac^\rho(\pp_\CM)$, simulating its queries to $\rho$. + \State Get $C \gets \CMCommit(m, \o)$. + \State Rewind $\Ac$ to the query $\rho(C)$ and run to the end, drawing fresh randomness for this and subsequent oracle queries, to obtain $(p', \omega')$. + \State Output $((m, \omega), (m', \omega'))$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +Each \((m, \o)\)-pair represents a message where +\(p \neq 0 \land p(z) = 0\) for \(z = \rho(\CMCommit(m, \o))\) and +\(p = f_\pp(m)\) with probability \(\d\) + +Let: \[ +\begin{aligned} + C' &:= \CMCommit(p', \o') \\ + z &:= \rho(C) \\ + z' &:= \rho(C') \\ + p &:= f_{pp}(m) \\ + p' &:= f_{pp}(m') +\end{aligned} +\] + +By the forking lemma, the probability that \(p(z) = p'(z') = 0\) and +\(C = C'\) is at least \(\frac{\d^2}{t + 1}\). Let's call this event +\(E\): + +\[E := (p(z) = p'(z') = 0 \land C = C')\] + +Then, by the triangle argument: + +\[ +\Pr[E] \leq \Pr[E \land (p = p')] + \Pr[E \land (p \neq p')] +\] + +And, by Schwartz-Zippel: + +\[ +\begin{aligned} +\Pr[E \land (p = p')] &\leq \frac{D}{|F_\pp|} \implies \\ + &\leq \frac{D}{F(\lambda)} +\end{aligned} +\] + +Thus, the probability that \(\Bc\) breaks binding is: + +\[ +\begin{aligned} +\Pr[E \land (p = p')] + \Pr[E \land (p \neq p')] &\geq \Pr[E] \\ +\Pr[E \land (p \neq p')] &\geq \Pr[E] - \Pr[E \land (p = p')] \\ +\Pr[E \land (p \neq p')] &\geq \frac{\d^2}{t + 1} - \frac{D}{F(\lambda)} \\ +\end{aligned} +\] + +Yielding us the desired probability bound. Isolating \(\d\) will give us +the probability bound for the zero-finding game: + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + 0 &= \frac{\delta^2}{t + 1} - \frac{D}{F(\lambda)} \\ + \frac{\delta^2}{t + 1} &= \frac{D}{F(\lambda)} \\ + \delta^2 &= \frac{D(t + 1)}{F(\lambda)} \\ + \delta &= \sqrt{\frac{D(t + 1)}{F(\lambda)}} +\end{aligned} +\] + +\(\qed\) + +For the above Lemma to hold, the algorithms of \(\CM\) must not have +access to the random oracle \(\rho\) used to generate the challenge +point \(z\), but \(\CM\) may use other oracles. The lemma still holds +even when \(\Ac\) has access to the additional oracles. This is a +concrete reason why domain seperation, as mentioned in the Fiat-Shamir +subsection, is important. + +\begin{center}\rule{0.5\linewidth}{0.5pt}\end{center} + +With this lemma, we wish to show that given an adversary \(\Ac\), that +breaks the soundess property of \(\ASDL\), we can create a reduction +proof that then breaks the above zero-finding game. We fix +\(\Ac, D = \poly(\l)\) from the \(\AS\) soundness definition: + +\[ +\Pr \left[ + \begin{array}{c|c} + \begin{array}{c} + \ASDLVerifier^{\rho_1}((q_{\acc_{i-1}} \cat \vec{q}), \acc_i) = \top, \\ + \ASDLDecider^{\rho_1}(\acc_i) = \top \\ + \land \\ + \exists i \in [n] : \Phi_{\PC}(q_i) = \bot + \end{array} + & \quad + \begin{aligned} + \rho_0 &\leftarrow \Uc(\l), \rho_1 \leftarrow \Uc(\l), \\ + \pp_\PC &\leftarrow \PCDLSetup^{\rho_0}(1^\l, D), \\ + \pp_\AS &\leftarrow \ASDLSetup^{\rho_1}(1^\l, \pp_\PC), \\ + (\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) &\leftarrow \Ac^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS, \pp_\PC) \\ + q_{acc_{i-1}} &\leftarrow \ToInstance(\acc_{i-1}) \\ + \end{aligned} + \end{array} +\right] \leq \negl(\l) +\] + +We call the probability that the adversary \(\Ac\) wins the above game +\(\d\). We bound \(\d\) by constructing two adversaries, +\(\Bc_1, \Bc_2\), for the zero-finding game. Assuming: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}] = \delta - \negl(\l)\) +\item + \(\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}] = 0\) +\end{itemize} + +These assumptions will be proved after defining the adversaries +concretely. So, we claim that the probability that either of the +adversaries wins is \(\delta - +\negl(\l)\) and that both of the adversaries cannot win the game at the +same time. With these assumptions, we can bound \(\d\): \[ +\begin{aligned} + \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{ wins}] &= \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins}] + \Pr[\Bc_2\text{ wins}] - \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \land \Bc_2 \text{ wins}]\\ + \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{ wins}] &= \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins}] + \Pr[\Bc_2\text{ wins}] - 0 \\ + \delta - \negl(\l) &\leq \sqrt{\frac{D(t+1)}{F(\l)}} + \sqrt{\frac{D(t+1)}{F(\l)}} \\ + \delta - \negl(\l) &\leq 2 \cdot \sqrt{\frac{D(t+1)}{|\Fb_q|}} \\ + \delta &\leq 2 \cdot \sqrt{\frac{D(t+1)}{|\Fb_q|}} + \negl(\l) \\ +\end{aligned} +\] Meaning that \(\delta\) is negligible, since \(q = |\Fb_q|\) is +superpolynomial in \(\l\). We define two perfectly binding commitment +schemes to be used for the zero-finding game: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\CM_1\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + \(\CM_1.\Setup^{\rho_0}(1^\l, D) := \pp_\PC \from \PCDLSetup^{\rho_0}(1^\lambda, D)\) + \item + \(\CM_1.\Commit((p(X), h(X)), \_) := (C \from \PCDLCommit(p(X), \bot), h)\) + \item + \(\Mc_{\CM_1} := \{(p(X), h(X) = \a^i h_i(X))\} \in \Pc((\Fb_q^{\leq D}[X])^2)\) + \item + \(z_{\CM_1} := \rho^1(\CM_1.\Commit((p(X), h(X)), \_)) = \rho^1((C \from \PCDLCommit(p(X), \bot), h)) = z_\acc\) + \end{itemize} +\item + \(\CM_2\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + \(\CM_2.\Setup^{\rho_0}(1^\l, D) := \pp_\PC \from \PCDLSetup^{\rho_0}(1^\lambda, D)\) + \item + \(\CM_2.\Commit([(h_i(X), U_i)]^m, \_) := [(h_i(X), U_i)]^m\): + \item + \(\Mc_{\CM_2} := \{[(h_i(X), U_i)]^m\} \in \Pc((\Fb_q^{\leq D}[X] \times \Eb(\Fb_q))^m)\) + \item + \(z_{\CM_2} := \rho^1(\CM_2.\Commit([(h_i(X), U_i)]^m, \_)) = \rho^1([(h_i(X), U_i)]^m) = \a\) + \end{itemize} +\end{itemize} + +Note that the \(\CM_1, \CM_2\) above are perfectly binding, since they +either return a Pedersen commitment, without binding, or simply return +their input. \(\Mc_{\CM_1}\) consists of pairs of polynomials of a +maximum degree \(D\), where \(\forall i \in [n] : h(X) = \a^i h_i(x)\). +\(\Mc_{\CM_2}\) consists of a list of pairs of a maximum degree \(D\) +polynomial, \(h_i(X)\), and \(U_i\) is a group element. Notice that +\(z_{\CM_1} = z_\acc\) and \(z_{\CM_1} += \a\) where \(z_\acc, \a\) are from the \(\ASDL\) protocol. + +We define the corresponding functions \(f^{(1)}_{\pp}, f^{(2)}_{\pp}\) +for \(\CM_1, \CM_2\) below: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(f^{(1)}_\pp(p(X), h(X) = [h_i(X)]^n) := a(X) = p(X) - \sum_{i} \alpha^i h_i(X)\), +\item + \(f^{(2)}_\pp(p = [(h_i, U_i)]^n) := b(Z) = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i Z^i\) + where for each \(i \in [n]\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + \(B_i \leftarrow \PCDLCommit(h_i, \bot)\) + \item + Compute \(b_i : b_i G = U_i - B_i\) + \end{itemize} +\end{itemize} + +We then construct an intermediate adversary, \(\Cc\), against \(\PCDL\), +using \(\Ac\): + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Cc^{\rho_1}(\pp_\PC)$} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \State Parse $\pp_\PC$ to get the security parameter $1^\l$ and set $\AS$ public parameters $\pp_{\AS} := 1^\l$. + \State Compute $(\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) \leftarrow \Ac^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$. + \State Parse $\pp_\PC$ to get the degree bound $D$. + \State Output $(D, \acc_i = (C_\acc, d_\acc, z_\acc, v_\acc), \vec{q})$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +The above adversary also outputs \(\vec{q}\) for convenience, but the +knowledge extractor simply ignores this. Running the knowledge +extractor, \(\Ec_\Cc^{\rho_1}\), on \(\Cc\), meaning we extract +\(\acc_i\), will give us \(p\). Provided that \(\ASDLDecider\) accepts, +the following will hold with probability \((1 - \negl)\): + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(C_\acc\) is a deterministic commitment to \(p(X)\). +\item + \(p(z_\acc) = v_\acc\) +\item + \(\deg(p) \leq d_\acc \leq D\) +\end{itemize} + +Let's denote successful knowledge extraction s.t. the above points holds +as \(E_\Ec\). Furthermore, the \(\ASDLDecider\) (and +\(\ASDLVerifier\)'s) will accept with probability \(\d\), s.t. the +following holds: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\ASDLVerifier^{\rho_1}((q_{\acc_{i-1}} \cat \vec{q}), \acc_i) = \top\) +\item + \(\ASDLDecider^{\rho_1}(\acc_i) = \top\) +\item + \(\exists i \in [n] : \Phi_{\pp_\PC}(q_i) = \bot \implies \PCDLCheck^{\rho_0}(C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i, \pi_i) = \bot\) +\end{itemize} + +Let's denote this event as \(E_\Dc\). We're interested in the +probability \(\Pr[E_\Ec +\land E_\Dc]\). Using the chain rule we get: + +\[ +\begin{aligned} + \Pr[E_\Ec \land E_\Dc] &= \Pr[E_\Ec \; | \; E_\Dc] \cdot \Pr[E_\Ec] \\ + &= \d \cdot (1 - \negl(\l)) \\ + &= \d - \d \cdot \negl(\l) \\ + &= \d - \negl(\l) +\end{aligned} +\] + +Now, since +\(\ASDLVerifier^{\rho_1}((q_{\acc_{i-1}} \cat \vec{q}), \acc_i)\) +accepts, then, by construction, all the following holds: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\tightlist +\item + For each \(i \in [m]\), \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) accepts. +\item + Parsing \(\acc_i = (C_\acc, d_\acc, z_\acc, v_\acc)\) and setting + \(\a := \rho_1([(h_i(X), U_i)]^m)\), we have that: + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + \(z_\acc = \rho_1(C_\acc, [h_i(X)]^m)\) + \item + \(C_\acc = \sum_{i=1}^m \alpha^i U_i\) + \item + \(v_\acc = \sum_{i=1}^m \alpha^i h_i(z)\) + \end{itemize} +\end{enumerate} + +Also by construction, this implies that either: + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\) rejects, which we showed above is not the case, + so therefore, +\item + The group element \(U_i\) is not a commitment to \(h_i(X)\). +\end{itemize} + +We utilize this fact in the next two adversaries, \(\Bc_1, \Bc_2\), +constructed, to win the zero-finding game for \(\CM_1, \CM_2\) +respectively, with non-negligible probability: + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Bc_j^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \State Compute $(D, \acc_i, \vec{q}) \leftarrow C^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$. + \State Parse $[a_i]^n$ as $(C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i)$. + \State Compute $p \leftarrow \Ec_C^\rho(\pp_\AS)$. + \State For each $i \in [n]$, $(h_i, U_i) \from \PCDLSuccinctCheck(C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i)$. + \State Compute $\a := \rho_1([(h_i, U_i)]^n)$. + \If{$j = 1$} + \State Output $((n, D), (p, h := ([h_i]^n)))$ + \ElsIf{$j = 2$} + \State Output $((n, D), ([(h_i, U_i)]^n))$ + \EndIf +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +Remember, the goal is to find an evaluation point, s.t. +\(a(X) \neq 0 \land +a(z_a) = 0\) for \(\CM_1\) and \(b(X) \neq 0 \land b(z_b) = 0\) for +\(\CM_2\). We set \(z_a = z_\acc\) and \(z_b = \a\). Now, there are then +two cases: + +\begin{enumerate} +\def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} +\item + \(C_\acc \neq \sum_{i=1}^n \a^i B_i\): This means that for some + \(i \in [m]\), \(U_i \neq B_i\). Since \(C_\acc\) is a commitment to + \(p(X)\), \(p(X) - h(X)\) is not identically zero, but + \(p(z) = h(z)\). Thusly, \(a(X) \neq 0\) and \(a(z) = 0\). Because + \(z_\acc\) is sampled using the random oracle + \(z_\acc = \rho_1(\CM_1.\Commit(C \from \PCDLCommit(p(X), \bot), h(X)))\), + \(B_1\) wins the zero-finding game against \((\CM_1, + \{f_\pp^{(1)}\}_\pp)\). +\item + \(C = \sum_{i=1}^n \a^i B_i\). Which means that for all \(i \in [m]\), + \(U_i = + B_i\). Since \(C = \sum_{i=0}^n \a^i U_i\), \(\a\) is a root of the + polynomial \(a(Z)\), \(a(\a) = 0\). Because \(\a\) is sampled using + the random oracle \(\rho_1\), \(\Bc_2\) wins the zero-finding game + against \((CM_2, + \{f_\pp^{(2)}\}_\pp)\). +\end{enumerate} + +So, since one of these adversaries always win if \(E_\Ec \land E_\Dc\), +the probability that \(\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}]\) +is indeed \(\delta - \negl(\l)\). And since the above cases are mutually +exclusive we also have +\(\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}]\). Thus, we have proved +that, given the zero-finding game Lemma, the probability that an +adversary can break the soundness property of the \(\ASDL\) accumulation +scheme is negligible. + +\(\qed\) + +\subsection{Efficiency}\label{efficiency-1} + +\begin{itemize} +\tightlist +\item + \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 6: \(m\) calls to \(\PCDLSuccinctCheck\), + \(m \cdot \Oc(2\lg(d)) = \Oc(2m\lg(d))\) scalar multiplications. + \item + Step 11: \(m\) scalar multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + Step 6 dominates with \(\Oc(2m\lg(d)) = \Oc(m\lg(d))\) scalar + multiplications. +\item + \(\ASDLProver\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 4: 1 call to \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\), \(\Oc(md)\) scalar + multiplications. + \item + Step 5: 1 evaluation of \(h(X)\), \(\Oc(\lg(d))\) scalar + multiplications. + \item + Step 6: 1 call to \(\PCDLOpen\), \(\Oc(3d)\) scalar multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + Step 6 dominates with \(\Oc(3d) = \Oc(d)\) scalar multiplications. +\item + \(\ASDLVerifier\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 2: 1 call to \(\ASDLCommonSubroutine\), \(\Oc(2m\lg(d))\) + scalar multiplications. + \end{itemize} + + So \(\Oc(2m\lg(d)) = \Oc(m\lg(d))\) scalar multiplications. +\item + \(\ASDLDecider\): + + \begin{itemize} + \tightlist + \item + Step 2: 1 call to \(\PCDLCheck\), with \(\Oc(d)\) scalar + multiplications. + \end{itemize} +\end{itemize} + +So \(\ASDLProver\) and \(\ASDLDecider\) are linear and \(\ASDLDecider\) +is sublinear. + +\section{Benchmarks}\label{benchmarks} + +Each benchmark is run using two helper functions, one for generating the +benchmark data, and one used for checking the accumulators. + +\begin{Shaded} +\begin{Highlighting}[numbers=left,,] + \KeywordTok{pub} \KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_512\_10(c}\OperatorTok{:} \OperatorTok{\&}\KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ Criterion) }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ (\_}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ \_}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ accs) }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare(}\DecValTok{512}\OperatorTok{,} \DecValTok{10}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} +\NormalTok{ c}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{bench\_function(}\StringTok{"acc\_cmp\_s\_512\_10"}\OperatorTok{,} \OperatorTok{|}\NormalTok{b}\OperatorTok{|} \OperatorTok{\{} +\NormalTok{ b}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{iter(}\OperatorTok{||}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare\_slow\_helper(accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{clone())}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{unwrap())} + \OperatorTok{\}}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} + \OperatorTok{\}} + + \KeywordTok{pub} \KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_512\_10(c}\OperatorTok{:} \OperatorTok{\&}\KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ Criterion) }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ (d}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ qss}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ accs) }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare(}\DecValTok{512}\OperatorTok{,} \DecValTok{10}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} +\NormalTok{ c}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{bench\_function(}\StringTok{"acc\_cmp\_f\_512\_10"}\OperatorTok{,} \OperatorTok{|}\NormalTok{b}\OperatorTok{|} \OperatorTok{\{} +\NormalTok{ b}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{iter(}\OperatorTok{||}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare\_fast\_helper(d}\OperatorTok{,} \OperatorTok{\&}\NormalTok{qss}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{clone())}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{unwrap())} + \OperatorTok{\}}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{;} + \OperatorTok{\}} +\end{Highlighting} +\end{Shaded} + +In the code below, \texttt{acc\_compare}, is the function that creates +the data required to run the tests. The function +\texttt{acc\_compare\_fast\_helper} runs \(\ASVerifier\) on all +instances and accumulators, and finally runs the decider once on the +final accumulator, meaning that all instances are verified. The other +helper function \texttt{acc\_compare\_slow\_helper} naively runs the +decider on all instances, which also checks all instances, but is a lot +slower, as can also be seen in the benchmarks. + +\begin{Shaded} +\begin{Highlighting}[numbers=left,,] + \KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare(n}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{usize}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ k}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{usize}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{{-}\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{ (}\DataTypeTok{usize}\OperatorTok{,} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Instance}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}\textgreater{},} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Accumulator}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ rng }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ test\_rng()}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ d }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ n }\OperatorTok{{-}} \DecValTok{1}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ accs }\OperatorTok{=} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\PreprocessorTok{::}\NormalTok{with\_capacity(k)}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ qss }\OperatorTok{=} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\PreprocessorTok{::}\NormalTok{with\_capacity(k)}\OperatorTok{;} + + \KeywordTok{let} \KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ acc}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{Option}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Accumulator}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}} \OperatorTok{=} \ConstantTok{None}\OperatorTok{;} + + \ControlFlowTok{for}\NormalTok{ \_ }\KeywordTok{in} \DecValTok{0}\OperatorTok{..}\NormalTok{k }\OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ q }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ random\_instance(}\OperatorTok{\&}\KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ rng}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ d)}\OperatorTok{;} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ qs }\OperatorTok{=} \ControlFlowTok{if} \KeywordTok{let} \ConstantTok{Some}\NormalTok{(acc) }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ acc }\OperatorTok{\{} + \PreprocessorTok{vec!}\NormalTok{[acc}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{into()}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ q]} + \OperatorTok{\}} \ControlFlowTok{else} \OperatorTok{\{} + \PreprocessorTok{vec!}\NormalTok{[q]} + \OperatorTok{\};} + +\NormalTok{ acc }\OperatorTok{=} \ConstantTok{Some}\NormalTok{(}\PreprocessorTok{acc::}\NormalTok{prover(}\OperatorTok{\&}\KeywordTok{mut}\NormalTok{ rng}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ d}\OperatorTok{,} \OperatorTok{\&}\NormalTok{qs)}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{unwrap())}\OperatorTok{;} + +\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{push(acc}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{as\_ref()}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{unwrap()}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{clone())}\OperatorTok{;} +\NormalTok{ qss}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{push(qs)}\OperatorTok{;} + \OperatorTok{\}} +\NormalTok{ (d}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ qss}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ accs)} + \OperatorTok{\}} + + \KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare\_fast\_helper(} +\NormalTok{ d}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{usize}\OperatorTok{,} +\NormalTok{ qss}\OperatorTok{:} \OperatorTok{\&}\NormalTok{[}\DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Instance}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{]}\OperatorTok{,} +\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Accumulator}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}} +\NormalTok{ ) }\OperatorTok{{-}\textgreater{}} \DataTypeTok{Result}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{()}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}} \OperatorTok{\{} + \KeywordTok{let}\NormalTok{ last\_acc }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{last()}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{unwrap()}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{clone()}\OperatorTok{;} + + \ControlFlowTok{for}\NormalTok{ (acc}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ qs) }\KeywordTok{in}\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{into\_iter()}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{zip(qss) }\OperatorTok{\{} + \PreprocessorTok{acc::}\NormalTok{verifier(d}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ qs}\OperatorTok{,}\NormalTok{ acc)}\OperatorTok{?;} + \OperatorTok{\}} + + \PreprocessorTok{acc::}\NormalTok{decider(last\_acc)}\OperatorTok{?;} + + \ConstantTok{Ok}\NormalTok{(())} + \OperatorTok{\}} + + \KeywordTok{fn}\NormalTok{ acc\_compare\_slow\_helper(accs}\OperatorTok{:} \DataTypeTok{Vec}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{Accumulator}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}}\NormalTok{) }\OperatorTok{{-}\textgreater{}} \DataTypeTok{Result}\OperatorTok{\textless{}}\NormalTok{()}\OperatorTok{\textgreater{}} \OperatorTok{\{} + \ControlFlowTok{for}\NormalTok{ acc }\KeywordTok{in}\NormalTok{ accs}\OperatorTok{.}\NormalTok{into\_iter() }\OperatorTok{\{} + \PreprocessorTok{acc::}\NormalTok{decider(acc)}\OperatorTok{?;} + \OperatorTok{\}} + + \ConstantTok{Ok}\NormalTok{(())} + \OperatorTok{\}} +\end{Highlighting} +\end{Shaded} + +The results of the benchmarks, can be seen in the graphs below: + +\begin{figure} +\centering + \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.85] + \begin{axis}[ + title={Benchmark Times for 10 Iterations}, + xlabel={The maximum degree bound $d$, plus 1}, + ylabel={Time (ms)}, + xtick=data, + legend pos=north west, + ymajorgrids=true, + grid style=dashed, + symbolic x coords={512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8196, 16384}, + enlarge x limits=0.2 + ] + \addplot coordinates {(512, 94.834) (1024, 151.25) (2048, 258.92) (4096, 453.55) (8196, 838.05) (16384, 1522.7)}; + \addplot coordinates {(512, 67.098) (1024, 77.597) (2048, 99.973) (4096, 139.35) (8196, 186.34) (16384, 299.49)}; + \legend{acc\_cmp\_s, acc\_cmp\_f} + \end{axis} + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{subfigure} + \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.85] + \begin{axis}[ + title={Benchmark Times for 100 Iterations}, + xlabel={The maximum degree bound $d$, plus 1}, + ylabel={Time (s)}, + xtick=data, + legend pos=north west, + ymajorgrids=true, + grid style=dashed, + symbolic x coords={512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8196, 16384}, + enlarge x limits=0.2 + ] + \addplot coordinates {(512, 0.941) (1024, 1.504) (2048, 2.558) (4096, 4.495) (8196, 8.372) (16384, 15.253)}; + \addplot coordinates {(512, 0.607) (1024, 0.662) (2048, 0.798) (4096, 1.014) (8196, 1.161) (16384, 1.648)}; + \legend{acc\_cmp\_s, acc\_cmp\_f} + \end{axis} + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{subfigure} + + \vspace*{10px} + + \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.45\textwidth} + \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.85] + \begin{axis}[ + title={Benchmark Times for 1000 Iterations}, + xlabel={The maximum degree bound $d$, plus 1}, + ylabel={Time (s)}, + xtick=data, + legend pos=north west, + ymajorgrids=true, + grid style=dashed, + symbolic x coords={512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8196, 16384}, + enlarge x limits=0.2 + ] + \addplot coordinates {(512, 9.4381) (1024, 15.087) (2048, 25.621) (4096, 44.970) (8196, 82.643) (16384, 152.63)}; + \addplot coordinates {(512, 6.0183) (1024, 6.5114) (2048, 7.7752) (4096, 9.7851) (8196, 10.899) (16384, 15.176)}; + \legend{acc\_cmp\_s, acc\_cmp\_f} + \end{axis} + \end{tikzpicture} + \end{subfigure} +\end{figure} + +Unsurprisingly, increasing the number of iterations only changes the +performance difference up to a certain point, as the difference between +running the decider gets amortized away as the number of iterations +approaches infinity. Also, as was hoped for in the beginning of the +project, the performance of the two approaches show the expected +theoretical runtimes. The \(\vec{G}\) is represented as a constant in +the code, as such, increasing the length of \(\vec{G}\) significantly +above 16,384 leads to slow compilation and failing LSP's. If not for +this fact, testing higher degrees would have been preferred. The +solution is to generate a much larger \(\vec{G}\) at compile-time, +including it in the binary, and reading it as efficiently as possible +during runtime, but this was not done due to time constraints. + +\newpage + +\section{Appendix}\label{appendix} + +\subsection{Notation}\label{notation} + +\begin{longtable}[]{@{} + >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.4309}} + >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{(\columnwidth - 2\tabcolsep) * \real{0.5691}}@{}} +\toprule\noalign{} +\endhead +\bottomrule\noalign{} +\endlastfoot +\([n]\) & Denotes the integers \(\{ 1, ..., n \}\) \\ +\(a \in \Fb_q\) & A field element in a prime field of order \(q\) \\ +\(\vec{a} \in S^n_q\) & A vector of length \(n\) consisting of elements +from set \(S\) \\ +\(G \in \Eb(\Fb_q)\) & An elliptic Curve point, defined over field +\(\Fb_q\) \\ +\((a_1, \dots, a_n) = [x_i]^n = [x_i]_{i=1}^n = \vec{a} \in S^n_q\) & A +vector of length \(n\) \\ +\(v^{(0)}\) & The singular element of a fully compressed vector +\(\vec{v_{\lg(n)}}\) from \(\PCDLOpen\). \\ +\(a \in_R S\) & \(a\) is a uniformly randomly sampled element of +\(S\) \\ +\((S_1, \dots, S_n)\) & In the context of sets, the same as +\(S_1 \times \dots \times S_n\) \\ +\(\dotp{\vec{a}}{\vec{G}}\) where +\(\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{G} \in \Eb^n(\Fb_q)\) & The dot product of +\(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{G}\) (\(\sum^n_{i=0} a_i G_i\)). \\ +\(\dotp{\vec{a}}{\vec{b}}\) where +\(\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{b} \in \Fb^n_q\) & The dot product of +vectors \(\vec{a}\) and \(\vec{b}\). \\ +\(l(\vec{a})\) & Gets the left half of \(\vec{a}\). \\ +\(r(\vec{a})\) & Gets the right half of \(\vec{a}\). \\ +\(\vec{a} \cat \vec{b}\) where +\(\vec{a} \in \Fb^n_q, \vec{b} \in \Fb^m_q\) & Concatinate vectors to +create \(\vec{c} \in \Fb^{n+m}_q\). \\ +\(a \cat b\) where \(a \in \Fb_q\) & Create vector +\(\vec{c} = (a, b)\). \\ +I.K \(w\) & ``I Know'', Used in the context of proof claims, meaning I +have knowledge of the witness \(w\) \\ +\(\Option(T)\) & \(\{ T, \bot \}\) \\ +\(\Result(T, E)\) & \(\{ T, E \}\) \\ +\(\EvalProof\) & +\((\Eb^{lg(n)}(\Fb_q), \Eb^{lg(n)}(\Fb_q), \Eb(\Fb_q), \Fb_q\mathblue{, \Eb(\Fb_q), \Fb_q})\) \\ +\(\AccHiding\) & \((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb^d_q)\) \\ +\(\Acc\) & +\(((\Eb(\Fb_q), \Nb, \Fb_q, \Fb_q, \EvalProof), \AccHiding)\) \\ +\end{longtable} + +Note that the following are isomorphic +\(\{ \top, \bot \} \iso \Option(\top) \iso +\Result(\top, \bot)\), but they have different connotations. Generally +for this report, \(\Option(T)\) models optional arguments, where +\(\bot\) indicates an empty argument and \(\Result(T, \bot)\) models the +result of a computation that may fail, particularly used for rejecting +verifiers. + +\subsection{Raw Benchmarking Data}\label{raw-benchmarking-data} + +The raw benchmarking data provided by Criterion. + +\begin{Shaded} +\begin{Highlighting}[] +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_512\_10 time: [94.245 ms 94.834 ms 95.584 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_1024\_10 time: [150.47 ms 151.25 ms 152.39 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_2048\_10 time: [257.25 ms 258.92 ms 261.14 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_4096\_10 time: [451.60 ms 453.55 ms 456.18 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_8196\_10 time: [833.82 ms 838.05 ms 843.10 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_16384\_10 time: [1.5172 s 1.5227 s 1.5292 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_512\_10 time: [66.989 ms 67.098 ms 67.220 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_1024\_10 time: [77.033 ms 77.597 ms 78.330 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_2048\_10 time: [99.415 ms 99.973 ms 100.68 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_4096\_10 time: [138.50 ms 139.35 ms 140.44 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_8196\_10 time: [185.41 ms 186.34 ms 187.59 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_16384\_10 time: [297.72 ms 299.49 ms 301.88 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_512\_100 time: [937.12 ms 940.91 ms 945.67 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_1024\_100 time: [1.4986 s 1.5042 s 1.5107 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_2048\_100 time: [2.5490 s 2.5579 s 2.5681 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_4096\_100 time: [4.4822 s 4.4945 s 4.5077 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_8196\_100 time: [8.2672 s 8.3723 s 8.5111 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_16384\_100 time: [15.240 s 15.253 s 15.271 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_512\_100 time: [604.98 ms 607.28 ms 610.61 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_1024\_100 time: [658.74 ms 662.03 ms 666.03 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_2048\_100 time: [795.23 ms 798.48 ms 802.54 ms]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_4096\_100 time: [1.0099 s 1.0142 s 1.0194 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_8196\_100 time: [1.1559 s 1.1611 s 1.1671 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_16384\_100 time: [1.6414 s 1.6484 s 1.6564 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_512\_1000 time: [9.4209 s 9.4381 s 9.4555 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_1024\_1000 time: [15.059 s 15.087 s 15.135 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_2048\_1000 time: [25.604 s 25.621 s 25.638 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_4096\_1000 time: [44.951 s 44.970 s 44.990 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_8196\_1000 time: [82.605 s 82.643 s 82.697 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_s\_16384\_1000 time: [152.43 s 152.63 s 152.93 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_512\_1000 time: [6.0046 s 6.0183 s 6.0325 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_1024\_1000 time: [6.4971 s 6.5114 s 6.5262 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_2048\_1000 time: [7.7599 s 7.7752 s 7.7906 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_4096\_1000 time: [9.7686 s 9.7851 s 9.8022 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_8196\_1000 time: [10.887 s 10.899 s 10.910 s]} +\NormalTok{ acc\_cmp\_f\_16384\_1000 time: [15.166 s 15.176 s 15.186 s]} +\end{Highlighting} +\end{Shaded} + +\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\(\mathrm{CM}\): Pedersen +Commitment}{\textbackslash mathrm\{CM\}: Pedersen Commitment}}\label{mathrmcm-pedersen-commitment} + +As a reference, the Pedersen Commitment algorithm used is included: + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\CMCommit$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$\vec{m}: \Fb^n$}{The vectors we wish to commit to.} \\ + \Desc{$\vec{G}: \Eb(\Fb)^n$}{The generators we use to create the commitment. From $\pp$.} \\ + \Desc{$\mathblue{\o}: \Option(\Fb_q)$}{Optional hiding factor for the commitment.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$C: \Eb(\Fb_q)$}{The pedersen commitment.} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \State Output $C := \ip{\vec{m}}{\vec{G}} \mathblue{+ \o S}$. +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +And the corresponding setup algorithm: + +\begin{algorithm}[H] +\caption{$\CMSetup^{\rho_0}$} +\textbf{Inputs} \\ + \Desc{$\l: \Nb$}{The security parameter, in unary form.} \\ + \Desc{$L: \Nb$}{The message format, representing the maximum size vector that can be committed to.} \\ +\textbf{Output} \\ + \Desc{$\pp_\CM$}{The public parameters to be used in $\CMCommit$} +\begin{algorithmic}[1] + \State $(\Gb, q, G) \from \text{SampleGroup}^{\rho_0}(1^\l)$ + \State Choose independently uniformly-sampled generators in $\Gb$, $\vec{G} \in_R \Gb^L, S \in_R \Gb$ using $\rho_0$. + \State Output $\pp_\CM = ((\Gb, q, G), \vec{G}, S)$ +\end{algorithmic} +\end{algorithm} + +\newpage + +\section*{References}\label{references} +\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References} + +\phantomsection\label{refs} +\begin{CSLReferences}{1}{1} +\bibitem[\citeproctext]{ref-attema} +\textsc{Attema, T., Fehr, S., and Klooß, M.} 2023. 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