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As per the requirements discussed i am trying to implement a drop in system here It is using layer based animation approach with typedef Transform* Pose;
typedef struct Skeleton {
/* Extracted from Model */
int boneCount; // Number of bones
BoneInfo *bones; // Bones information (skeleton)
Pose bindPose; // Bones base transformation (pose)
/* Extracted from Mesh */
Matrix *boneMatrices; // Bones animated transformation matrices (not used yet)
/* Custom defined */
Pose pose; // Current pose
} Skeleton; And here is a basic usage example. Primary intent for this repo is to act as a playground or external base and then add some contributions (step by step) of basic commonly used and simple functions to raylib when it will be good enough to call it stable. Currently naming convention is poor and some redundant functions are present. Please do give it a look(and little review if possible). And if anything in it looks good and can be added safely to raylib now or anytime in future then do let me know. |
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In looking at the current API, one thing that I don't like is that DrawMesh sets the uniforms in the shader, I think that should be done at model/material level. |
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I have made a prototype branch with some low level functions to support the ideas I proposed above. The main change is moving the animation support out of the mesh and into the model. The bones are already all the bones for all meshes in a model, and an animation is model based. All the existing APIs work exactly as they did before, the animation data is just now stored in a "ModelBonePose" structure on the model instead of duplicated for each mesh, thus this change uses less memory and does fewer deep copies than the previous one, but the model structure is now 1 size_t larger, while the models are 1 int and 1 size_t smaller. I have also added a few extended APIs that work directly on ModelBonePose structures to allow callers to keep separate states for multiple draws of the same model during the same frame. The GPU mesh animation example has been updated to run 2 animations to show this. The only breaking change is that this API no longer supports animation during DrawMeshInstanced using a GPU animation shader, because the animation data is not part of the mesh anymore. If we want to support animation in instanced models, then we'd need to add DrawModelInstanced that did the matrix upload. Note that I don't think anyone did this before now (all instances would need to use the same pose), so I don't think anyone is majorly broken. If this looks good, it can be extended to add interpolation support when updating a pose. I am not married to any of the specific names, so if there are better suggestions, please let me know. |
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This is a good proposal, as folks try and create more advanced animation systems for their games, By allowing the developer to update the matrices as they see fit is a really positive step. |
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I have found some more duplicated data that I am in the process of consolidating, I am going to make some incremental changes
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To continue, I have also implemented a C++ system for my personal project that basically does what my proposed change to raylib does (just with some C++ features for my specific needs). it's all part of this little 'model_lib'. |
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I think while making these changes we can also take care of |
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@JeffM2501 @Kirandeep-Singh-Khehra @JettMonstersGoBoom Hi! Finally got some time to carefully go through this proposal. Thank you very much for all the thinking already put on it, most of the proposed changes look great to me and seem simple enough to not break the API (only the model instancing functionality, but not dramatic). Sincerely, the harder part for me at this point is, as usual, in the proper naming of structures and variables. @Kirandeep-Singh-Khehra your @JeffM2501 About CPU vs GPU animation, I'm considering a build flag to select one of both (afair Unity had a similar approach), it will simplify the API for users, with no need to worry about the function to use and could also help with internal "fast-code" paths. |
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I have a consideration. I think Skeletons should be though of as a primitive of their own. They are not intrinsically bound to either the mesh or the model. A Having that data somewhat independent of the model would open a lot of unforseen usecases. It's also cleaner imo to pass around a Skeleton to a potential future character effect API, as a Model contain a lot of irrelevant data. You might not even want to apply the final pose to a model at all in the end. I think a typedef struct BonePose {
Matrix* boneMatrices; // Bones transform matrices
int boneCount; // Number of bones
} BonePose;
typedef struct Skeleton {
BonePose bindPose; // or restPose to make it even independet of the mesh
BonePose activePose;
BoneInfo *info;
int boneCount;
} Skeleton;
typedef struct SkeletonAnimation {
BonePose *framePoses;
} SkeletonAnimation;
typedef struct Model {
Skeleton skeleton;
// The animation should probably not even be an intrinsic part of the model,
// as you usually have multiple animation applied to the same model,
// and since animations are also loaded independently of the model the user
// has to manage this themselves anyways.
SkeletonAnimation anim;
} Model |
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Point of Discussion
There has been some discussion about what we can do to make raylib's 3d animation system more robust. The current API and model structure are heavily focused around CPU based animation and there being one animation instance per model. With the addition of GPU animation support and advanced needs of raylib users, this API is proving to be weak.
Several people have different ideas on how to enhance the API, but in different ways, and this leads to confusion and large PR "code drops" that people don't understand.
This discussion is to talk about the needs of raylib and come up with a design before talk of any code.
Design of raylib
Raylib is designed first and foremost as a library to help people get into gamedev and learn how lower level systems are made. As has been said many times before, raylib is not an engine, and along that line, we should not entertain complex systems that are not easy for new users to pickup and user. Raylib APIs are meant to be simple and meant to be extended. We should focus on the lowest level APIs possible to do what is desired, and leave higher level systems up to external/drop in code (such as what is hosted on raylib-extras).
GPU vs CPU animation
Raylib has traditionally only supported CPU based animation, with GPU support just added in 5.5, because of this much of the API and structure is based around the model and mesh structure storing the current state of the transformed vertices. This is not always the best case for GPU based animation.
Splitting the current pose out from the model
Currently the animation data and animation pose cache is stored spread over several areas, some in the model, some in the animation, and some in the mesh.
I don't feel that storing any animation data in the mesh is correct, as there are no raylib APIs that use the data directly on the mesh, it's always used in the context of a model. Thus I propose that we remove the animation data from the mesh itself,
doesn't need it, so why should it be there?We should make a new structure called
, and it should contain a list of MeshAnimationPoses, in the same order as the meshes in a model. This structure would contain the animation related data that is currently in the mesh, most importantly theboneMatrices
list. TheboneMatrices
is a cache of the current bone transforms for a pose. It is what the base vertices are transformed by for CPU animation, and are what is uploaded to the shader for GPU animation.The model structure itself should hold one of these pose structures, giving the model the same storage for a 'current pose' that it has now, allowing all the existing animation functions to continue to work.
Any new APIs that change the pose on a model would take a
as input and modify it to the new post. Again, this lets all existing animation functions work as expected.We should make low level functions that apply a type of animation to a pose, such as
SetModelAnimationPoseToFrame(Model*, ModelAnimation*, ModelAnimationPose*, int frame);
InterpolateModelAnimationPoseToFrame(Model*, ModelAnimation*, ModelAnimationPose*, int frame1, int frame2, float paramater);
These functions would simply update the pose passed in.
GPU based animations would then just upload the matrix cache for a mesh from the post as they draw the model.
For CPU animation we should have a function that applies a pose to the vertices of a model, by transforming the verts and uploading them to the GPU
ApplyPoseToModel(Model*, ModelAnimationPose*);
Pose Per Instance
Now that we have the animation system working on a self contained pose structure, we can add functions to extend this to add more features.
We can add a function to clone a pose.
ModelAnimationPose CopyAnimationPose(ModelAnimationPose*);
This will allow games that reuse the same model with different animation states to cache a pose per instance and update them as necessary. Right now if I have 10 copies of a mesh in different parts of the animation, I have to constantly rewrite the boneMatrices of the meshes before I draw anything. I would much rather maintain my own cache of poses and update them as needed (possibly in a thread), but the current system prevents that.
We can then also look into adding additional functions, internal, or external to update a pose in different ways such as doing animation blending, or programmatic modification of bones for features such as mouse control or inverse kinematics.
The separation of pose and model gives us a large range of possibilities for the future, with no real downside on the raylib side.
I think we should start with this low level of changes so that we can have a good foundation for storing and applying animation states as poses. This will then people expand as needed.
These low level functions will be used to reimplement the current high level animation functions so they work the same as they always have.
Then we can prototype/discuss further high level functions after this low level framework is in place.
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