Simple to-do lists application made with Python without any web framework and ORM. Created for educational purposes.
- Creating, editing, and deleting to-do lists
- Creating, deleting and marking tasks as done
- Creating accounts and logging
- Python 3.8
- Bootstrap 4
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Create virtual environment, activate it and install dependencies
$ cd no_framework_app
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Provide environment variables for PostgreSQL connection (DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD).
Create tables and install required PostgreSQL extensions.
$ python -m app.scripts.install_extensions
$ python -m app.scripts.create_tables
- That's all. Now you can run the application
$ python -m
The application is available on localhost:8000.