- Make DB paths configurable via env variable
- Improved error handling
- Improved error handling
- Changed error message to debug
- Improve add commit user experience
- Improve add commit dialog
- Removed unused and correction of comments
- Fixed email link
- Added Spinner to add commit dialog
- Minor changes
- Links color in notifcation email now are white instead of blue
- Corrected spinner style to circles
- Fix, show wrong password alert
- Solved TypeError: l.bitbucketWorkspaces is undefined now it's displayed with a debug log instead of an error (in the console and in the GUI).
- Remove the debug logs and only print warnings and errors
- Refactored reminder email
- Solved issue bitbucketWorkspaces is undefined
- ReadMe: Add initial startup requirements
- Corrected names in addCommit for GitHub in Bitbucket
- Improve backend resilience make the backend retry connecting to geth with a max. time limit. After the timeout, it should exit (and hence the container exit too)
- Make team rules more visible in review page
- Refactor the reminder email
- Check providers logs errors
- Refactor Web3 service
- Prompt and refresh only when running on "/latest"
- Fix Batch upload issue (Repeated repos when re-opening the tab)
- Fix ERROR: nonce too low when using 2 tabs
- New tools directory for deploy scripts
- Fix issue: Adding yourself to the team
- Add to Readme an explanation to configure github integration
- Fix GitHub integration of private repos
- Fix backend initialization from scratch.
- Add tooltip to batch upload indicating the import start time
- Fix user registration for multinode
- Disable backend initialization from previous block
- Change web3Service to Singleton
- Updated deploy scripts for redT
- Refactored Polyfills acording to Angular 5 and Ionic 3
- Added SafeMath to smart contracts
- Minor change in set new version script
- Refactor Smart contract tests (yarn install required)
- Added achievements to season ranking and created component
- Report abuse removed
- Added notification feature, to remind team users their pending reviews.
- Enable Github provider to import batch pull request.
- Fix Bitbucket import batch pull requests.
- New message component.
- Limit avatar size to 2MB.
- Change user transaction, the nonce increase manually.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Refactor backend.
- Fix season changes, duration should be bigger than the time elapsed.
- Minor bug fixes.
BrightByte cloud now can work with different cloud versions.
- Added Github provider for importing batch commits.
- New smart contracts for multi version management.
- Adapted BrightByte cloud smart contracts for multi version.
- Fronted changes for multi versions and new provider (Github).
- Backend changes for multi versions (New achievements events subscription).
- New frontend-backend-blockchain integration (on ConctractManagerService both backend and frontend).
- Added multiple test for new multi version team smart contracts.
- Added cron script to call view methods.
- Fixed issue with Bitbucket workspaces.
- Back-end retry to connect to node.
- Added retry method to all getter view methods.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Remove serve-static files in the backend.
- Fix recursive method, to call view methods from smart contracts.
- Remove serve-static files in the backend.
- Increase recursive params to change the workaround.
- Increase recursive params to change the workaround.
- Increase recursive params to change the workaround.
- Minor visual changes in the slides tutorials.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Increase recursive params to change the workaround.
- Improve add commit response to the users.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added Github authentication to to the backend.
- Added new methods to the recursive get method workaround, to avoid erros from the blockchain.
- Optimistic response for reviews made.
- Solved transaction service issue.
- Solved notification bell issue.
- Uprade node version to v12.
- Migration to yarn.
- Refactor transaction queue to work with all the sendTx methods.
- New alert that appears when the system has still pending transactions, and the users wants to leave.
- Enable team creation to users alredy registered in other teams.
- Improve visual responses to users when an action is done.
- Refactor Ranking tab.
- Added peding typescript types.
- Minor bug fixes.
- New scripts to automatize the upgrades with Openzeppelin.
- Added team rules, information to the with the team rules to review.
- New Random revievers feature, if the admin enable this option, all the commits will be assign to random reviewers.s
- Refactor smart contracts structures.
- Refactor deployment scripts.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fix review transaction queue.
- New recursive method to avoid errors from the blockchain.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Implementes Openzeppelin smart contract upgrades.
- Update truffle version (5.1.33).
- Update solidity compiler version (5.1.33).
- Added optional bitbucket configuration after team creation.
- Nginx config file.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Apply solidity interfaces to smart contracts.
- Added new blockchain scrapping tool.
- Added encryption accents support.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Enable secure connections (https, wss) on backend.
- New smart contract, stores all the teams projects.
- Optimization in the backend initialization.
- Solved review filter issues.
- Minor bug fixes.
- New encryption service for the users data.
- Improve create team view.
- Added linters to smart contracts, coverage to smart contracts tests.
- Added new slides to tutorial.
- New alert to mobile browsers users.
- Solved minor bugs.
- Implement mail service, to notify users invitations.
- New popup service, to deploy the user required information.
- Added new smart contract test.
- Change intial season length to 14 days, it is also allowed to modify this variable.
- New global scripts to deploy the entire environment immediately.
- Added invitation managing feature and thresholds changes to team settings.
- Change smart contract modifiers, improvement in data permissions.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Style refactor.
- New team settings view, where the admins can change the team configurable variable.
- Changes in the smart contracts to give special powers to the admins.
- Improve user experience with multiple info popups.
- Solved Firefox security flag due to password field.
- Mayor code refactor on Backend (enforce typings, refactor controllers).
- Minor bug fixes.
BrightByte cloud is a multi team implementation for base BrightByte v0.7.0. Open to public at http://cloud.brightbyteapp.com/
- New smart contracts for multi team management.
- Adapted BrightByte base smart contracts for multi team.
- Fronted changes for multi team (Team creation page, team name display).
- Backend changes for multi team (New achievements events subscrption).
- New frontend-backend-blockchain integration (on ConctractManagerService both backend and frontend).
- Added multiple test for new multi team smart contracts.
No migration needed for v0.1.0-cloud
- This version is in progress.
- Bug fix on Bright contract when the season change.
- The migration process is not provided.
Migration needed from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2
- Solved twitter sharing not showing up.
- New settings button.
- New alerts for enabling popup windows.
- Some feedback improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
- New feature, change user name.
- Add Pagination to review and commits.
- New Smart Contract to store season thresholds.
- Added multi websocket session, all your tabs will be connected to the backend.
- Implemented a utils library on the smart contracts.
- Solved the how timed achievements are obtain on the backend initialization.
- First smart contrats unitary tests.
- Bug fix on Bright contract initialization.
- Increase Weight Factor on the mathematical operations to solve issues with the users reputation.
- Mayor code refactor.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy all the new contracts again and run the migration procedure
- Enabled social share feature.
- Added slides for register and use tutorials.
- Style changes on ranking page.
- Bug fixes on add commit rollback.
No migration needed from 0.6.3 to 0.6.4
- Added queue service for reviews. Improves performance when reviewing multiple commits.
- Added season engagement index.
- Modified ranking sort to take in account season engagement index.
- Solved reputation precission error (Frontend only).
- Backend minor refactor.
- Some bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.6.2 to 0.6.3
- Added social sharing features (Facebook and twitter).
- Performance improve on reviews page.
- Some bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2
- New blockchain events initialization for achievement database.
- New endpoint for system configuration on backend.
- Added progress bar in batch import dialog.
- Added load more repositories feature on batch import dialog.
- Minor bitbucket integration bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
- Support for integration with Bitbucket API (import commits and pull requests from the user account).
- Modified season qualifying feature to take into account user participation for clasified users sort.
- Added new designs for timed achievements.
- Docker documentation updates.
- Implemented first websockets tests.
- Major refactor on ranking page.
- Major observables refactor.
- Minor visual improvements.
- Bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.5.6 to 0.6.0
- Added season qualifying feature (Requires the users to have a minimum number of commits and reviews to be qualified to be present on the season ranking).
- Visual mods on ranking page for qualifying feature.
- Browser compatiblity refactor.
- Solved minor bugs.
No migration needed from 0.5.5 to 0.5.6
- Hid review card reputation after reviewing the commit.
- Added new use analytics tool.
- Refactored avatar component.
- Minor visual fixes.
- Solved some avatar component bugs.
No migration needed from 0.5.4 to 0.5.5
- Solved review showng error issue.
- Added countdown for season end.
No migration needed from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4
- Implemented directory for profile image storing on the backend.
- Implemented avatar component for profile image managing on the webapp.
- New versioning update procedure for webapp.
- Implemented profile upluading tests.
- Minor documentation mods.
- Minor bug fixes.
No migration needed from 0.5.2 to 0.5.3
- Remove truffle-contract dependecies to avoid chrome realated bugs.
- Added new tool in node.js for migrations.
- Added versioning for smartcontracts
- Improved webapp error handling.
- Updated cross-platform pacake.json scripts
- Solved minor bugs
No migration needed from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2
- Solved reputation precission bug on the smartcontracts (migration needed).
- Added delete commit functionality to the smartcontracts and the webapp.
- Modified backend to get the contracts ABIs from the frontend.
- Implemented first backend test.
- Minor style modifications.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy all the new contracts again and run the migration procedure
Added backend for achievements management and Blockchain event handling.
Optimized Smart Conctracts bytecode size.
Created onchain migration library.
Added contribute shortcut on the side menu.
Added new time based achievements.
Modified pending reviews for only showing pending reviews from current season.
Solved some firefox and safari compatibility issues
Minor bug fixes
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy all the new contracts again and run the migration procedure
Solved season timestamp overflow on the smart contracts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy all the new contracts again and run the migration procedure
Solved minor issues
No migration needed from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4
Updated truffle dependencies
Added optimistic refresh to commits page
Solved minor bugs
No migration needed from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3
Solved review component refresh bug.
No migration needed from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2
Added optimistic refresh to reviews page.
Solved regex pattern for github Pull Request.
No migration needed from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
Added new multicriteria reputation system. Three criteria "Code quality", "Complexity" and "Reviewer confidence".
Moved reputation calculations to a separate contract.
Contracts optimizations (variable sizes).
Global ranking now is based on participation ("Engagement index").
Pull request and multirepository validation.
Visual redesign.
Mayor code refactor.
Most pending minor issues solved.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy the following new contracts and run the migration procedure: Bright, Commit, Root.
Solved remember login bug on warning screen.
No migration needed from 0.3.5 to 0.3.6
Change login screen to migration warning (maintenance static web).
No migration needed from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5
Reduced review page network requests 60%.
Added regex null check functionality.
No migration needed from 0.3.3 to 0.3.4
Added more transalations.
Added service for migration between quorum networks.
Added optimization with cache service.
Solved regex minor issue.
No migration needed from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3
Added more transalations.
Added more assets.
No migration needed from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2
Added more transalations.
Fixed ranking combobox.
Added session storage management.
Added error message when review comment or rating is empty.
Review page now refresh as soon as you submit a revew.
Url hash link now shows up on both columns in review page.
Multiple repository providers (BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab, etc), and pull requests are now admitted.
New tab now opens two tabs. The repository and BrightByte.
New login and home page design.
Pending filter now shows only the pending commits for you to review.
Some icon adjustments.
No new deployment of smart contracts
No migration needed from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1
Added seasons to the blockchain contracts.
Implemented seasonal ranking feature.
Minor issues solved.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy the following new contracts and run the migration procedure: Bright.
- Visual improvements.
- Code refactor.
- Minor issues solved. IMPORTANT NOTE: It's necessary to deploy the following new contracts and run the migration procedure: Bright, Commit, Root.
- Smart contracts now are divided in three new ones. "Bright", "Commits" and "Root".
- Multinode implementation.
- New migration service.
- Added agree buttons an its functionality on commits page.
- Solved local storage issues.
- New login screen.