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Algebraic Imperative Semantics

or, Lambda, The Pynultimate Imperative

Version 9

Brian Beckman

16 Dec 2023

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License


In a classic paper, Lambda, the Ultimate Imperative, Steele and Sussman show how to model most imperative constructs with just lambda:

We demonstrate how to model the following common [imperative] programming constructs in ... an applicative-order language similar to LISP: Simple Recursion, Iteration, Compound Statements and Expressions, GO TO and Assignment, Continuation-Passing, Escape Expressions, Fluid Variables, Call by Name, Call by Need, and Call by Reference. The models require only (possibly self-referent) lambda application, conditionals, and (rarely) assignment.

It's useful to recap this paper in Python, which has most of the listed imperative constructs. Imagine compiling Python into an intermediate language in which the semantics, even those with side-effects, are laid bare as trees of $\lambda$ expressions. In such a representation, optimizations are

  1. easy to write as tree-to-tree transforms, in a closed algebra of expressions
  2. easy to extend via just function composition (even Kleisli-monadic)
  3. independent of surface syntax, thus easy to share with or decompile into other imperative languages like Fortran, C, Java
  4. independent of back ends, thus easy to run interactively; or to translate into LLVM, x86, ARM64, C, for execution; or to transpile into other surface languages

The use-cases above are similar to those for a SQL algebraizer. Many SQL implementations

  1. translate the surface language into bare-bones expressions in a closed relational algebra, free of original syntax
  2. run the algebraic expressions through symbolic optimizers, which often rearrange the expressions completely
  3. incrementally extend the system by composing new optimizations
  4. translate optimized expressions into commands for local and distributed servers

TODO: An older algebraic formalization, Denotational Semantics, was defined for R5RS. It focused on the non-imperative aspects of scheme. The reconstruction in this paper has not yet been compared to that one.

TODO: ? Formalize objects of Object-Oriente Programming ?

We follow Steele's and Sussman's paper more-or-less directly, with reference to SICP, "TSPL", and the Gambit Manual.

Schemulation: Python Semantics in Python

Ideally, we'd compile Python into Scheme or Clojure or Common Lisp, then write semantical transformations, translations, interpreters, debuggers, etc. in Scheme or Clojure or Common Lisp. We'd even prove out our work with Coq, as in Software Foundations. All of these systems have great support for formalizing semantics. However, to maintain a convenient notebook structure and to avoid creeping dependencies, we'll just model Python imperatives in a Scheme-like applicative-order $\lambda$-calculus embedded in Python.

Some people may find this weird. Why not just implement Python in Scheme (or Clojure or Common Lisp) instead of emulating Scheme in Python? It's an engineering judgment call. Most authors of compilers and interpreters spend undue time on syntax before even getting to semantics. Compiler textbooks tell you to do this! Semantics becomes a hidden "implementation detail," but then developers forgive themselves for making an ungodly mess of it. We prefer the other way around. Get the semantics clean, composable, extendable, maintainable, and correct, first, then spend time on syntax, if you even care any more. Or just let someone else do it. From the compiler-development point of view, syntax is a distraction. It's been solved for decades, but it makes young developers and professors feel powerful. The decision to spend time on syntax before semantics is not engineering, it's self-indulgence.

TODO: Revisit in the light of Calysto Scheme, a Scheme implemented in Python.

How to Use this Notebook

The goal of this notebook is to transmit ideas from my mind to others. Most examples return easy numerical results like 42 * 43 == 1806. Do the arithmetic and look at results. That's why I don't use Python assert much, in this notebook.

There is a companion Python project that asserts the results in pytest, proving the results in the computer. Unlike this notebook, that project is written in non-narrative style. The tests can be run in any order, largely independent of one another.

Run the cells sequentially, in order. Some cells modify the unique global environment. Later cells may depend on earlier cells.


Chez Scheme does not build on my Mac M1 Max. I run Scheme examples in Gambit Scheme. My Jupyter installation does not support multiple languages in the kernel. All code cells run in Python 3.9.6. Scheme cells must be copied and pasted into an interpreter. There is a companion file called "AlgImperSem008.scm," which can be loaded and run in Scheme like this:

(load "AlgImperSem008.scm")

ECHO for Debugging

ECHO prints and then returns its argument. Semantically, it's the identity function.

Though the print statement in ECHO is technically a side-effect, it's not semantically pertinent. It's a side-effect at the interpreter level, for user convenience.

from pprint import pprint, pformat
from typing import Any
def ECHO(key: str, x: Any) -> Any:
    """In any Lisp, this would be a macro!"""
    pprint({key: x})
    return x

Scheme equivalent:

(define (echo str expr) (pp str) (newline) expr)

Environment and Frame

The material in this section will remind you of "Operations on Environments" in SICP 4.1.3.

We model Scheme's environments and frames explicitly. We tried multiple Pythonic short-cut alternatives and found that none compose well.

SICP 3.2 has apparent contradictions in the definition of environment and frame. It says that "an environment is a sequence of frames," but the rest of the text and figures clearly imply that an environment has just one frame.

The best resolution appears to be:

DEFINITIONS: An environment is a frame $\phi$ and a pointer $\pi$ to an enclosing environment. A frame is a mathematical function from variable names to values; no variable name may appear more than once in a frame.

We note in passing that this works only for a single thread. Clojure, for instance, solves that problem with Vars.

Greek and ALL CAPS

$\pi$ for an enclosing environment is a nice pun: it evokes $\pi\eta\rho\iota$, a Greek prefix meaning "surrounding," as in "perimeter" (sic, not "parameter").

This notebook uses Greek letters in the names of system attributes and variables. These letters won't collide with user symbols if users follow the rule below. With this rule, we don't need gensym, a thorn in every programmer's side:

RULE: Avoid Greek in user-level Python code to avoid clobbering system-supplied names.

Greek is problematic in my installation of Gambit, so I avoid Greek in Scheme code.

Names in ALL CAPS denote Schemulator procedures visible at user level.


DEFINITION: A binding is an association from a variable name to a value. A binding is an entry in a frame.

We might model a binding as a pair, a row in a table, an element of a relation (subset of a Cartesian product), an item in a Python dictionary, or as an attribute of a Python object. We prefer attributes of Python objects because they afford dot notation, that is, Dot notation is shorter than dictionary syntax dict['foo']. Thanks to divs1210 for this idea.

If the definitions above are acceptable, the apparent contradiction in SICP is resolved. SICP says that an environment is a sequence of frames. Rather, I'd say that any environment implies a sequence of frames via the chain of pointers to enclosing environments.

INVARIANT: The system maintains a unique global environment, whose pointer-to-enclosing-environment is None.

OBSERVATION: A frame $\phi$ belongs to a sequence of environments implied by the unidirectional chain of enclosing environments ending at the unique global environment.

DEFINITIONS: The value of a variable in an environment is the value in the first binding in any frame of the sequence ending at global. Bindings lower in the chain may shadow bindings higher in the chain. If no frame in a chain has a binding for a variable, then the variable is unbound in the environment. A variable may be bound in one environment and unbound in another.

LEMMA: A chain of environments implements a mathematical partial function from variable names to values. Shadowing ensures that any name appearing more than once in a chain has only one value when looked up.

Informally, an accessible variable in a chain is a found variable. For all intents and purposes, a found variable is a bound variable and vice versa, though beware of the confusing usage of the term "bound variable."

In the Environment class below, __getattr__ is overridden to avoid a separate method for recursive lookup. We can't also override __setattr__ to call setattr(self.ϕ ...) because self.ϕ diverges on getattr(self.ϕ ...) = getattr(getattr(getattr...)).

The Environment class is lengthy only due to code for splicing, necessary to bind free variables in procedure bodies. Jupyter notebooks do not furnish a convenient way to break up the code for classes, so we put essential information in comments; read the comments as if they were text in the notebook.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any

class Environment:
    """An Environment has a frame ϕ and a pointer π to an enclosing
    Environment. Bindings in the frame are _attributes_ on the
    object ϕ. Choose an empty function as the carrier object for
    such bindings / attributes. Bindings / attributes have a name and
    a value. Retrieve the value of binding ξ in frame ϕ of
    Environment E via dot notation as in 'E.ϕ.ξ'. Set the value v
    of binding ξ via 'setattr(E.ϕ, ξ, v)'. When getting values of
    bindings, it's OK to omit the ϕ, writing 'E.ξ', because of the
    overloaded __getattr__ of this class, Environment. Bracket
    notation is also OK, as in 'E["ξ"]', because of Environment's
    overloaded __getitem__."""
    ϕ: "() -> None"  # "frame," a nice place to hang attributes
    π: "Environment | None"  # via Greek πηρι, short name for 'enclosing'

    def _is_global(self):
        return self.π is None

    def _is_empty(self):
        return not vars(self.ϕ)

    def _copy(self) -> "Environment":
        """same parent π"""
        e = Environment(lambda: None, self.π)
        for k, v in vars(self.ϕ).items():
            setattr(e.ϕ, k, v)
        return e

    def _copy_trunk(self) -> "Environment":
        """Don't copy the global at the end, but do leave it
        attached. WARNING: this does not return a _trunk_
        because the global environment remains at the end.
        This avoids two traversals of the chain, once to
        remove the global and again to splice something in
        its place."""
        if self._is_global():
            return self
        r = self._copy()
        r.π = r.π._copy_trunk()  # recurse
        return r

    def _splice_onto_lower(self, lower: "Environment"):
        """Splice self onto the end of lower._trunk(), which
        does not have the global at its end. Self should either
        be the global or have the global at its end.

        For monkey-patching proc envs, where free vars and
        parameters are looked up. 'Lower' comes from the
        prevailing env chain when a procedure is evaluated, i.e.,
        defined in some env like that established by LET_STAR.
        'Lower' may contain bindings for free variables in the
        body of the procedure.

        _splice_onto_lower is called iff 'self' comes from the
        explicit π parameter of a procedure constructor. 'Self'
        is global if the procedure has no parameters (i.e., no
        non-free variables). This rule is not checked because
        it's ignored during testing.

        When a procedure with parameters is APPLY'd, a fresh
        singleton env is consed on to 'self.' The fresh env
        contains parameter bindings. When a procedure with no
        parameters is APPLY'd, no such env is consed on.

        - A chain ends in global with no refs to global inside.
        - The tip of a chain is the one env furthest from global.
        - The trunk of a chain is all but the final global.
        - The end of a trunk is the last, non-global env.
        - The root of a chain is the final global.

        - A chain cannot be None.
        - A chain could be simply a ref to global. That's a
          chain with no tip or trunk, only a root.
        - The tip of a chain is None if the chain is just the
          final global.
        - The end of a trunk can be None.
        - The trunk of a chain is None if the chain is just the
          final global.

        @precondition: self and lower are non-None chains. There
        are two references to the global in the two chains.

        @postcondition: a chain whose tip is a mutable copy of
        the tip of lower if lower is not empty. The final global
        of lower is replaced by self. The resulting chain has
        one ref to global at the end (the root).

        _splice_onto_lower is called iff self is an explicit
        procedure env.

        self is global      lower is global     return lower
        self is global      lower is not empty  return lower
        self is not empty   lower is global     return self
        self is not empty   lower is not empty  splice
        assert lower is not None
        if lower._is_global() or lower._is_empty():
            return self
        if lower is self:
            return self
        if self._is_global():
            return lower

        temp = lower._trunk()
        branch = temp
        while branch.π:
            # Walk up the chain, excluding global.
            branch = branch.π
        branch.π = self  # MONKEY PATCH!
        return temp

    def _trunk(self) -> "Environment | None":
        """all but the last, global environment in a chain;
        Remove the pointer to global env in a copy of the
        penultimate. Called ONLY by _splice_onto_lower!
        if self._is_global():
            return None
        else:  # Monkey-patch the last env
            result = self._copy_trunk()
            branch = result
            while not branch.π._is_global():
                # Walk up the chain, excluding global.
                branch = branch.π
            branch.π = None  # danger! Looks global!
            # Fix this immediately in _splice_onto_lower
        return result

    def _get_binding_val(self, var: str) -> Any:
        """Walk the sequence of Environments upward."""
            ρ = getattr(self.ϕ, var)
        except AttributeError as _:
            if self.π is None:
                raise NameError(
                    f'Environment: Name {var} is unbound.')
            else:  # Recurse: walk upwards.
                ρ = self.π.__getattr__(var)
        return ρ

    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """recursive lookup by dot notation"""
        return self._get_binding_val(key)

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
        """recursive lookup by bracket notation"""
        return self._get_binding_val(key)

    def __repr__(self):
        """for the debugger"""
        is_global = (self.π is None)
        result = ("(" + hex(id(self.ϕ))[-4:] +
                  (",ΓΠ" if is_global else "") +
                  ") ") + \
                 pformat(str(list(vars(self.ϕ).keys()))) + \
                 (">" + self.π.__repr__()
                  if not is_global
                  else "")

        return result

Unique Global Environment $\Gamma\Pi$

The unique global environment is $\Gamma\Pi$, defined once for each session. The frame $\phi$, a Python object that carries attributes, is an empty function, namely lambda: None.

ΓΠ = Environment(lambda: None, None)  # Γ for "global," Π for "environment"


Show setting and getting the binding for a made-up variable, γόὂ as an attribute on $\phi$

setattr(ΓΠ.ϕ, 'γόὂ', 43)

Procedure(code{body, params}, $\pi$)

From SICP again:

DEFINITIONS: A procedure is a pair of code and environment.

The environment specifies the closure chain for the procedure. The closure chain is the chain of environments that contain free-variable bindings, that is, bindings for non-parameters.

DEFINITION: A closure is a procedure along with its closure chain of environments. All variables, free and bound, may be resolved, that is, looked up, in the environment chain.

In a typical scenario, a procedure will call other procedures. The other procedures may be passed in as arguments. More typically, however, the names of these other procedures are free variables. For example, in the following procedure (in ordinary Python)

def complex_from_polar(r, θ):
    from math import sin, cos
    result = complex(r * cos(θ), r * sin(θ))
    return result
from math import pi
complex_from_polar(1.0, pi/4)

sin and cos are free variables, and r and theta are not free. In the following, more tedious example, math.sin and math.cos are passed in as arguments bound to the parameters named sin and cos:

def complex_from_polar(r, θ, sin, cos):
    result = complex(r * cos(θ), r * sin(θ))
    return result
import math
complex_from_polar(1.0, math.pi/4, math.sin, math.cos)

Procedures are values, like numbers. Notionally, they are either

  1. lookup tables from input values to output values, if they are pure functions, or

  2. blocks of code that compute outputs from imputs and optionally perform side effects.

DEFINITIONS: Code is a dictionary of two items: a list of parameter names and a body. Body is a $\lambda$ expression taking a single parameter, $\pi$. $\pi$ is bound to the closure chain or define-time environment. The define-time environment is the old Environment in which [APPLY] evaluates actual arguments at call time before binding them to formal parameters in a fresh Environment.

DEFINITIONS: Call, invocation, and application are synonyms for expressions in which a procedure's formal parameters are bound in a fresh environment to actual arguments: values of Any type. Invocations may be evaluated in-situ or may be captured in variables of type Application for later evaluation.

This definition sidesteps questions of order of evaluation. These questions include shallow ones, such as right-to-left versus left-to-right, and deeper ones, such as applicative order versus normal order.

DEFINITION: Arguments or actual arguments are values of Any type that appear in 1-to-1 correspondence to formal parameters in a call expression, a.k.a, invocation expression or application expression.

Example of Code

The following is an example of the (un-named) type of a Code, that is, a dictionary with a body and a list of formal parameters.

{"body": lambda π: π.x + (2 * π.y),
 "parameters": ['x', 'y', 'z']};

Confusing Terminology

When speaking of the body of a procedure, variables in the parameter list, i.e., formal parameters, are called bound variables even though they do not have bound values. Confer x and y above, noting that z does not appear in the parameter list of the body -- it is an ignored parameter.

WARNING: This terminology is confusing, but common.

EMPHASIS: Formal parameters are not bound to values when the procedure is defined, only when the procedure is called with actual arguments. Formal parameters are presumably called bound variables because it's shorter than calling them "potentially bound variables" or "eventually bound variables."

Parameters, Arguments

In ordinary Python, a call, invocation, or application of an anonymous function looks like this:

(lambda x, y, z:  # <~~~ formal parameters
 x + 2*y)(
    40, 1, None)  # <~~~ actual arguments

The formal parameters are x, y, and z. The actual arguments are 40, 1, and None.

DEFINITION: Formal means "machine-checkable."

Formal parameters are called "formal" because one can machine-check properties of the parameter list, such as absence of duplicated symbols.

Not all formal parameters need be mentioned in the body. Vice versa, the body may mention variables that are not in the parameter list. Such variables are free variables.

In Schemulator, we write the code part of the example above as follows:

lambda π: π.x + (2 * π.y);

Notice that the unused parameter z is nowhere to be seen. How do we know it's there? We might wait until the procedure is called with the wrong number of actual arguments, producing a run-time error. That's not great!

To make all parameters, even ignored parameters explicit, the body code is paired with a list of formal parameters.

{"body": lambda π: π.x + (2 * π.y),
 "parameters": ['x', 'y', 'z']};

When speaking of the (formal) parameters of a procedure or the (actual) arguments in an invocation of a procedure, we do not mean $\pi$, the closure chain. Rather, we mean the variables bound in the fresh environment that APPLY chains to the front of $\pi$.

Ambiguous Language

Sloppily, one says "a procedure of $n$ arguments" and really means "a procedure with $n$ (formal) parameters." More carefully, we may say "a procedure call with $n$ (actual) arguments," or "a procedure invocation with $n$ arguments," or "a procedure application with $n$ arguments."

Notice we gradually elide "formal parameters" and "actual arguments" to the shorter "parameters" and "arguments," without loss of precision.

Positional Arguments Only

For now, unlike ordinary Python, Schemulator has only positional parameters, with the non-ignored ones 1-to-1 with arguments. That's consistent with Gambit Scheme, which reports "Wrong number of arguments ..." if the call has too many or too few arguments. Since Schemulator should be semantically compatible with Scheme, it's OK to have positional parameters and arguments only. Likewise, Schemulator does not yet have Python's (admittedly wonderful) keyword arguments.

Anonymous versus Named

Procedures need not have a name. In ordinary Python, contrast the named procedure foo

def foo(x):
    return x * x

against the anonymous procedure with an identical body (except for the lack of return):

(lambda x: x * x)(42)

By default, if the user gives a name to a Schemulator procedure, that name is bound in the unique global environment, $\Gamma\Pi$. Schemulator allows nested definitions in non-global environments, as with def inside def in ordinary Python.

Call Notation via __call__

The Procedure class below includes a __call__ override. To test it, we need APPLY. We prototype APPLY here, just printing actual arguments. Later, in section APPLY, we implement the real work of binding parameters (in a fresh environment) to arguments (evaluated in an existing environment). That implementation requires a codependent procedure, EVAL, which, in-turn, needs APPLY (see SICP Figure 4.1).

The definition of Procedure again illustrates codependent types. Procedure's __call__ syntax depends on APPLY and APPLY depends on Procedure. Python (at least, this version of Python) requires writing to-be-defined types in string quotes.

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any, Union
Parameters = List[str]  # type synonym; positional, ordered arguments only
def APPLY(proc: "Procedure",  # <~~~ in quotes because it's not defined yet.
          args: Union[List["Expression"], None],
          π: Environment = ΓΠ) -> Any:  # defaults to global
    """forward reference; will be corrected. Needed to
    spec Procedure."""
    ECHO("APPLY.args", args)  # Just print, for now.
class Procedure:
    """Include __call__ override for convenient syntax."""
    code: Dict
    π: Environment = ΓΠ  # bound in global environment by default

    def __init__(self, code, π: Environment = ΓΠ):
        if len(set(code["parameters"])) != len(code["parameters"]):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Procedure: parameters {code["parameters"]}'
                ' must not contain duplicate symbols.')
        self.code = code
        self.π = π

    def __call__(self, *args):
        result = APPLY(self, args, self.π)
        return result

    def __repr__(self):
        """for the debugger"""
        result = pformat({
            'Λ': hex(id(self.code['body']))[-4:],
            'parms': str(self.code['parameters']),
            'env': self.π if self.π.π else 'ΓΠ'
        return result


Following SICP 3.2.1, define square in the global environment and test APPLY.

setattr(  # Bind a variable ...
    ΓΠ.ϕ,  # ... in the frame of the global environment ...
    "square",  # ... a variable named "square" ...
    Procedure(  # ... to this Schemulator procedure.
        {"body": lambda π: π.x * π.x,
         "parameters": ['x']}))  # Don't forget the parameter list!

Test it! Remember, APPLY, for now, just prints the arguments of the applied procedure!

ΓΠ.square(5, 6)

Test detection of duplicate parameters:

            {"body": lambda π: π.x * π.y,
             "parameters": ['x', 'x']}))
except ValueError as e:

Function, Routine, Method

DEFINITION: A function is a mathematical object that associates input arguments to unique output values.

The best way to think of a function is as a simple lookup table, where a key may appear no more than once. This works even if the notional lookup table is uncountably infinite, as with a function from real numbers.

In Schemulator, a function is a special case of a procedure: a procedure without side effects. Every invocation of a function with the same arguments produces the same result.

DEFINITION: Routine is a synonym for Procedure.

DEFINITION: A method is a procedure whose first argument is a Python object, as with self in ordinary Python.

This definition of method hides the entire topic of object-oriented programming, only tangentially relevant here. One only needs to know that much of Schemulator is implemented in terms of Python's classes, objects, and methods.

Shortcut: $\Lambda$($\lambda$, params, $\pi$)

Note: The code attribute of a procedure is an unordered dictionary of parameters and body. The $\Lambda$ shortcut puts them in an order. $\Lambda$ expressions would be more clear if the list of parameters preceded the body, but defaulting the list to None would not be easy and one would have to write empty brackets [] in every instance of $\Lambda$. Better this way.

The example procedure above has a name, "square", bound in the global environment. "Square" is not anonymous, but the Procedure value bound to the name "square" is anonymous.

$\Lambda$ is syntactical help to shorten definitions of anonymous procedures. Its default parameter list is empty and its default environment is the unique global environment $\Gamma{}\Pi$. The shortest $\Lambda$ expression is Λ(lambda π: None).

For parameters whose values are of "function" type, Python requires their type notation in strings.

def Λ(
        body: "(π: Environment) -> Any",
        parameters=None,  # default empty
        π = ΓΠ            # default global
) -> Procedure:
    ρ = Procedure(
        code={"body": body,
              "parameters": parameters or []},
    return ρ


Procedures need closure chains for looking up free variables and for evaluating actual arguments. The next few examples have no free variables.

Test the $\Lambda$ syntax with the current APPLY, which just prints.

setattr(  # Give a name ...
    ΓΠ.ϕ,  # ... in the frame of the global environment ...
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))  # ... to this anonymous procedure
ΓΠ.square(5, 6)

Application(head, args, $\pi$)

DEFINITION: An Application is an unevaluated data object with a Procedure or symbol of type str equal to the name of the procedure, and a list of actual arguments. The name of the procedure may be a name in the global environment, or may be the name of a formal parameter. In either case, the value must be eventually of type Procedure

Do not confuse this Application, capital "A", with application, little "a", meaning a call or invocation of a procedure. An Application with capital "A" is inert data representing a procedure call, invocation, or application. We test it later, after EVAL and APPLY are fully defined.

Application is needed in LET_STAR and related constructs to delay evaluation until the environment with parameter bindings is established, where EVAL can look them up by name.

Application is a placeholder for a more general QUOTE or macro mechanism, which prevents evaluation in all cases (TODO). In real Scheme, LET and friends are syntactical forms that delay evaluation via Scheme macros, i.e., code rewriters. We prefer explicit delaying via Application objects here at the semantical level, so as not to obscure the algebraic structures we pursue. TODO: there may be observble differences between Scheme and this Schemulator if Scheme delays the evaluation of arguments, not just the application of the procedure.

An alternative is an embedded macro DSL (Domain-Specific Language) in Python, overkill here. If we go down that road, we might as well just implement Scheme altogether.

Application includes a __call__ override for Pythonic calling syntax.

from typing import Union, Any
        expr: "Application",
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    """forward reference; corrected below"""
from dataclasses import (dataclass, field)
class Application:
    head: Union[str, Procedure]
    args: List["Expression"] = field(default_factory=list)  # args, not params!
    π: Environment = ΓΠ
    def __call__(self, π=None):
        return EVAL_APPLICATION(self, π or self.π)
    def __repr__(self):
        """for the debugger"""
        result = str({
            'Ξ': hex(id(self))[-4:],
            'head': self.head,
            'args': self.args,
            'π': self.π if self.π.π else "ΓΠ"
        return result

Shortcut: $\Xi$(head, args, $\pi$)

Just as Procedure has a system-reserved Greek shortcut, $\Lambda$, we make a Greek shortcut, $\Xi$, for Application.

Ξ = Application

Test later.


In applications, we sometimes interpret strings as symbolic references to variables in an environment. The type that manages that need is Var. We test Var after defining EVAL.

class Var:
    sym: str

EVAL(expr, $\pi$)

EVAL calls APPLY, but APPLY calls EVAL. We can't test EVAL until APPLY is corrected, below.

First, we correct EVAL_APPLICATION, originally stubbed above. The first slot of an Application may contain:

  1. a string, treated as a Var in the define-time environment, that must evaluate to a procedure

  2. or an explicit procedure

To evaluate an Application, evaluate the procedure or string (implicitly a Var) in the first slot, then evaluate the arguments, then APPLY the procedure.

def EVAL(
        expr: Any,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ,
) -> Any:
    """forward reference, corrected below."""
        expr: Application,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    """corrected definition; Treats 'head' a free variable in
    an expression to recursively evaluate."""
    if isinstance(expr.head, str):  # 'head' is implicitly a Var.
        # 1/4. Evaluate first slot to find proc from string ...
        proc = π[expr.head]
        # ... yielding a procedure:
        assert isinstance(proc, Procedure), \
            f'The head of {expr} must be a string or a Procedure, ' \
            f'not a type({expr.head}) = {type(expr.head)}.'
    elif isinstance(expr.head, Procedure):
        # 1/4. Evaluate first slot in the closure environment  ...
        proc = expr.head
        raise ValueError(
            f'The head of {expr} must be a string or a Procedure, '
            f'not a {expr.head}')
    # 2/4. Evaluate the proc to splice the free vars ...
    proc = EVAL(proc, π)
    # 3/4. Evaluate all args ...
    eargs = [EVAL(arg, π) for arg in expr.args]
    # 4/4. Apply the procedure.
    ρ = APPLY(proc, eargs, π)  # 3.3. Apply the procedure.
    return ρ

EVAL_PROCEDURE splices environments for free variables.

        λ: Procedure,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Procedure:
    # λ.π is mutable; modify it by side-effect.
    λ.π = λ.π._splice_onto_lower(π)
    return λ

Many types other than Application, Procedure, or Var evaluate to themselves, so EVAL does not need cases for them. EVAL only needs more cases for collections. We test that below after defining LET_STAR and LET.

from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, List
import numpy

Atom = Union[str, int, float, bool]
Expression = Union[
    Dict, Tuple, List, numpy.ndarray,
    Var, Application, Procedure, Atom]

def EVAL(
        expr: Expression,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ,
        tag=None  # Call EVAL with tag="debug" to get a printout.
) -> Any:
    """Python does a lot of this for us.
    'Tag' is included to aid debugging, especially
    outside this notebook."""
    if tag == 'debug':
        pprint({"EVAL": "",
                "expr": expr,
                "type": type(expr),
                "tag": tag,
                "env": π})
    if isinstance(expr, Dict):
        ρ = {k: EVAL(v, π) for k, v in expr.items()}
    elif isinstance(expr, Tuple):
        ρ = tuple((EVAL(v, π) for v in expr))
    elif isinstance(expr, List):
        ρ = [EVAL(v, π) for v in expr]
    elif isinstance(expr, numpy.ndarray):
        ρ = numpy.vectorize(lambda v: EVAL(v, π))(expr)
    elif isinstance(expr, Var):
        ρ = π[expr.sym]  # recursive lookup in Environment
    elif isinstance(expr, Application):
        ρ = EVAL_APPLICATION(expr, π)
    elif isinstance(expr, Procedure):
        ρ = EVAL_PROCEDURE(expr, π)
    else: # Handle self-evaluating types.
        ρ = expr
    return ρ  # Hang a breakpoint here.

Test Var Lookup

Earlier, we bound the little Greek system-test variable γόὂ in section "Global Environment".


Without VAR, strings are literal data.


APPLY(proc, args, $\pi$)

It's easier to mentally track environment chaining if one remembers that every procedure call creates a new environment for binding formal parameters to actual arguments, and that free variables are bound anywhere in the closure chain, i.e., the define-time environment of the procedure.

MEMORIZE: APPLY (1) makes a new environment parented in the closure-chain environment (default, $\Gamma\Pi$), then (2) evaluates actual arguments in the old, parent environment, then (3) binds parameters in the new environment to the values of the actual arguments.

Optimization: if a procedure has no parameters, APPLY doesn't make a fresh environment.

TODO: explore use cases where the environment for actual arguments given to APPLY is different from the define-time environment of the procedure given to APPLY.

class IllegalArgumentsError(ValueError):

def APPLY(
        proc: Procedure,
        args: Union[List[Expression], None] = None,  # Python doesn't like mutable [] here, ...
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    if args is None:
        args = []  # ... but here it's OK.
    if len(proc.code['parameters']) != len(args):
        raise IllegalArgumentsError(
            f"Wrong number of arguments, "
            f"{len(args)} = len({args}), "
            f"passed to procedure {proc}, "
            f"which expects {len(proc.code['parameters'])} = "
    # 1/3. Make a new environment, E1, if needed.
    if proc.code['parameters']:
        E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
        E1 = π
    # 2/3. Bind parameters in new env E1 to actual args, evaled
    #      in the old environment ...
    for k, v in zip(proc.code['parameters'], args):
        setattr(E1.ϕ, k, EVAL(v, π))
    # 3/3. Invoke the code body, ...
    ρ = proc.code['body'](E1)
    # ... always a lambda of an environment π.
    return ρ


APPLY(ΓΠ.square, [42])

Call APPLY via "Pythonic" round brackets:


Works on anonymous procedures, too:

Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x'])(42)

Scheme equivalent:

((lambda (x) (* x x)) 42) 1764

Test multiple parameters and arguments:

Λ(lambda π: π.x * ECHO('π', π).y, ['x', 'y'])(8, 7)

Test ignored parameters:

Λ(lambda π: π.x * ECHO('π', π).y, ['x', 'y','z'])(8, 7, None)

Scheme equivalent (must define a name because Gambit break doesn't work on anonymous lambda expressions); Gambit debugger prints the entire environment chain excepting the global environment:

(goo 8 7) *** STOPPED IN goo, (stdin)@56.20 x = 8 y = 7 1> ,c 56

The bound variables in the procedures, for example, x, don't leak: they are not bound in $\Gamma\Pi$:

except Exception as e:

Scheme equivalent:

x *** ERROR IN (stdin)@63.1 -- Unbound variable: x

Test Application

Recall that an Application is a data object representing a procedure call on actual arguments.

ωfoo = Application(ΓΠ.square, [42])

Notice that the parameters are not bound to actual arguments when the Application is defined, only when the Application is evaluated, that is, until call-time of the procedure in the Application. The following does not have a binding for the x parameter of square:

ECHO('ωfoo', ωfoo);

To perform the call, EVAL the Application.

EVAL(Application(ΓΠ.square, [42]))

Scheme equivalent:

square #<procedure #7 square> (define omegafoo '(square 42)) (eval omegafoo) 1764

Internally, EVAL calls EVAL_APPLICATION. The results are identical.

EVAL_APPLICATION(Application(ΓΠ.square, [42]))

Round-bracket call notation also works, but don't pass arguments. As a procedure, an Application is a thunk, a procedure with no arguments:

Application(ΓΠ.square, [42])()

Test the Greek shortcut $\Xi$ for Application, now treating the string in the procedure slot implicitly as a Var looked up in $\Gamma\Pi$:

Ξ('square', [42])()

Applications require explicit Vars to help with actual arguments looked up in $\Gamma\Pi$:

Ξ('square',  # find proc in global env
   [Var('γόὂ')])()  # find binding in global env

Without the Var, EVAL treats 'γόὂ' as a Python string, producing a TypeError:

    EVAL(Ξ('square',  # find proc in global env
           ['γόὂ']))  # get horribly confused
except TypeError as e:

Scheme equivalent (Scheme doesn't need Var, though Clojure has it):

(define gammaoo 43) (square gammaoo) 1849

Applications may have explicit procedures, instead of strings, in their first slot:

    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']),
      [Var('γόὂ')]  # find binding in global env

Scheme equivalent:

(eval '((lambda (x) (* x x)) gammaoo)) 1849

$\Xi$ honors sub-environments even when looking up procedures and arguments by their symbolic names. Expect the fresh env to have a binding for ϕοοβαρ:

Λ(lambda π:  # fresh env created by implied call of APPLY
      Ξ('square',  # Look me up in ΓΠ.
        [Var('ϕοοβαρ')]),  # Look me up in fresh env chained to π.
      ECHO('π', π)),  # Pass the fresh env created above to EVAL.
  ['ϕοοβαρ'])(  # formal parameter of the Λ. The open paren implicitly calls APPLY.
    42)  # actual argument of implied call of APPLY, which makes fresh env

$\phi\omicron\omicron\beta\alpha\rho$ is not bound in the $\pi$ of the $\Lambda$, wchich is $\Gamma\Pi$, as we see by attempting the EVAL in $\Gamma\Pi$:

    Λ(lambda π:
          ΓΠ),  # <~~~ wrong env
except NameError as e:

$\Gamma\Pi$ is the default of EVAL:

    Λ(lambda π:
            [Var('ϕοοβαρ')])),  # <~~~ no env means ΓΠ
except NameError as e:

Scheme equivalent:

WARNING: Gambit Scheme's eval, unlike r5rs, always evaluates in the global environment.

((lambda (foobar) (eval '(square foobar))) 42) *** ERROR -- Unbound variable: foobar

Finally, round brackets -- call syntax on $\Xi$ -- can take an optional environment argument:

Λ(lambda π:  # fresh env created by implied call of APPLY
    Ξ('square',  # Look me up in ΓΠ.
      [Var('ϕοοβαρ')])(  # round brackets on the Ξ evaluate it ...
      ECHO('π', π)),  # ... in this env, the fresh env of the outer call
  ['ϕοοβαρ'])(  # formal parameter of the Λ; open paren implicitly calls APPLY
    42)  # actual argument of implied call of APPLY, which makes fresh env

There is no equivalent in Gambit Scheme.

DEFINE(sym, val, $\pi$)

Package up the "defining" boilerplate.

By default, DEFINE binds symbols in $\Gamma\Pi$. The "return value" is consistent with Gambit Scheme, which doesn't return anything from a define.

        sym: str,
        val: Any,
        π: Environment=ΓΠ  # default
) -> None:
    """official Scheme"""
    setattr(π.ϕ, sym, val)
    return None


Do some fancy stuff:

import numpy
ΓΠ.square(numpy.array([[3, 4],[1, 2]]))

IMPORTANT TODO: Notice we are not delving into Scheme's numerical semantics, just piggy-backing on the Python ecosystem.

    Λ(lambda π:
      # Fancy!π.a, π.x) \
      if isinstance(π.a, numpy.ndarray)
      and isinstance (π.x, numpy.ndarray) \
      # Regular
      else π.a * π.x + π.y,
      ['a', 'x', 'y']));
import numpy
ΓΠ.saxpy(numpy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]),
         numpy.array([[7], [11],[13]]),
         numpy.array([[42], [43]]))

or just some ordinary stuff:

ΓΠ.saxpy(4, 10, 2)

SICP 3.2.2

       Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))

       Λ(lambda π: π.square(π.x) + π.square(π.y), ['x', 'y']))

       Λ(lambda π: π.sum_of_squares(1 + π.a, 2 * π.a), ['a']))


Having f defined will bother us below. Get rid of it now.

    del ΓΠ.ϕ.f

SICP Exercise 3.9

       Λ(lambda π: 1 if π.n < 2 else \
         π.n * π.factorial(π.n - 1), ['n']))


This next example doesn't tail-recurse because Python does not tail-recurse. We mitigate that in section Tail Recursion.

       Λ(lambda π: π.product if π.counter > π.max_count else \
           π.counter * π.product,
           π.counter + 1,
           ), ['product', 'counter', 'max_count']));

ΓΠ.fact_iter(1, 1, 6)

Procedures that Apply Procedures

Here is a procedure of two parameters, f and x, that applies f to x. In the example, bind f to square, x to 42, then invoke f.

(This example exposes a gargoyle in Python syntax regarding the positioning of call-parens in the presence of line-comments.)

Λ(lambda E1:     # Calling this λ chains a binding environment E1 to ΓΠ.
  E1.f(ECHO('E1', E1).x),  # Apply E1.f to E1.x.
  ['f', 'x'])(   # formal parameters (open paren must be on this line)
ΓΠ.square, 42)   # <~~~ Bind f to square, x to 42.

Scheme equivalent:

((lambda (f x) (f x)) square 42) 1764

Here is a procedure that applies an internal anonymous procedure of n in E2. The outer procedure of m in E1 is rooted in $\Gamma\Pi$. Read bottom-up:

Λ(lambda E1:      # Calling this Λ chains environment E1 to ΓΠ.
  Λ(lambda E2:    # Calling this Λ chains environment E2 to ΓΠ.
    E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).n,  # <~~~ n is bound in E2;
    ['n']         #      E2 is sibling to E1; parent of E2 is ΓΠ.
   )(             # Parent of E1 is implicitly ΓΠ (open paren must be here).
     ECHO('E1', E1).m),  # <~~~ invocation; Look up m in E1, bind to n in E2.
  ['m'])(42)      # <~~~ Bind m to 42 in E1.

Scheme equivalent:

((lambda (m) ((lambda (n) (* n n)) m))


E1 and E2 are siblings and can't see one another. In the next example m is a free variable in the inner $\lambda$, not found in E2:

    Λ(lambda E1:      # Calling this λ chains environment E1 to ΓΠ.
      Λ(lambda E2:    # Calling this λ chains environment E2 to ΓΠ.
        E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,  # <~~~ DIFFERENT: m is not found or bound in E2.
        ['n']         #      E2 is sibling to E1.
       )(             # Parent environment implicitly ΓΠ.
          ECHO('E1', E1).m),  # <~~~ invocation. Look up m in E1, bind to n in E2.
      ['m'])(42)      # <~~~ Bind m to 42 in E1.
except NameError as e:

Scheme automatically chains environments into static closures, in which free variables are bound.

((lambda (m) ((lambda (n) (* n m)) ; DIFFERENT m))


How do we emulate this? Schemulator requires an explicit chaining parameter because Schemulator does not know there are free variables in the body of the $\Lambda$. Schemulator does not know because Schemulator does not parse, on purpose, as explained in the introduction. If Schemulator were Scheme, and thus parsing, it could determine that free variables occur in the body and then it could automatically chain environments.

Schemulator forces the user to write environments, on purpose.

Here's the example above in Schemulator:

Λ(lambda E1:      # Calling it creates environment E1 in ΓΠ.
  Λ(lambda E2:    # !!!! LOOK BELOW Define this Λ in E1, not in ΓΠ, the default !!!!
    E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,  # <~~~ n in E1, x in E2.
    ['n'],        #      (E2 is child of E1, written E1<--E2)
    E1)(          # !!!! DIFFERENT Parent environment *explicitly* E1 !!!!
         ECHO('E1', E1).m),  # <~~~ Look up n in E1, bind x in E2->E1
  ['m'])(42)      # <~~~ Bind n to 42 in E1

There is no Scheme equivalent.

Return a Closure

Here's a Scheme example that, when called, returns a closure, that is, in-turn, called externally. This also happens to be an example of currying.

(((lambda (m) (lambda (n) (* n m))) 42) 42) 1764

Here's the same example in Schemulator. The outer procedure doesn't call the inner closure, but returns it.

Λ(lambda E1:
  Λ(lambda E2:
    E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,
    ECHO('E1', E1)),

Static Closure

Static closures are created at define-time. In the next example, we assign a static closure to a Python variable, foo, then invoke it externally.

foo = Λ(lambda E1:
        Λ(lambda E2:  # This Λ ...
          E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,
          ECHO('E1', E1))  # <~~~ This Λ is defined in E1.
        ['m'])  # <~~~ This Λ is defined in ΓΠ, the default.
foo(42)  # <~~~ 42 is bound to E1.m, in-turn bound to E2.n.

Scheme equivalent:

(define foo (lambda (m) (lambda (n) (* n m))))

(pp foo) (lambda (m) (lambda (n) (* n m)))

(pp (foo 42)) (lambda (n) (* n m))

(pp ((foo 42) 42)) 1764

Dynamic Closure

If we explicitly EVAL the inner procedure of E2 in the environment E1 of the outer procedure, the evaluator dynamically splices the environments. The downside of this approach is that evaluation of the closure below, bar, splices the environments on every invocation. The upside is that it lets us create closures at run time from unclosed or partially closed procedures.

bar = Λ(lambda E1:
            Λ(lambda E2:  # <~~~ This Λ is ...
              E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,
             ),  # <~~~ ... defined in global, but ...
            ECHO('E1', E1))  # <~~~ ... evaluated in E1; envrmt spliced.

Gambit Scheme does not support dynamic closures, i.e., evaluating procedures in environments specified at run time. In the following, there is no way for m, as a free variable, to acquire a binding:

(define foo (lambda (n) (* n m)))

(with-exception-handler pp (lambda () (pp (foo 43)))) #<unbound-global-exception #22> #<type-exception #23> #!void

(with-exception-handler pp (lambda () (pp ((foo 43) 42)))) #<unbound-global-exception #24> #<type-exception #25> #<nonprocedure-operator-exception #26> #!void

If we do both, defining and evaluating the inner $\lambda$ in E1, we get only one copy of E1 containing m. Dynamic splicing in Environment checks this case and optimizes it away:

Λ(lambda E1:
  EVAL(        # EVAL the inner procedure itself ....
      Λ(lambda E2:
        E2.n * ECHO('E2', E2).m,  # <~~~ n and m are Found in E2 by chaining ...
        ['n'],                    #      ... but n is not Bound in E2.
        E1     # DIFFERENT: !!!! explicitly defined in outer E1
       ), E1)  # .... EVAL in the outer environment E1.
  (E1.m),      # <~~~ Look up m in E1, bind to n in E2.
  ['m'])(42)   # <~~~ Bind m to 42 in E1.

There is no Scheme equivalent.


Because the two variables m and n are in different environments, they can have the same name. E2.n (value 42) shadows E1.n (value 43), meaning that E1.n is inaccessible from E2.

Λ(lambda E1:
  Λ(lambda E2:
    E2.n * ECHO('E2.n', ECHO('E2', E2).n),

Scheme equivalent; the inner n, bound to 43, is inaccessible:

(define foo (lambda (n) (lambda (n) (* n n))))

(pp foo) (lambda (n) (lambda (n) (* n n)))

(pp (foo 43)) (lambda (n) (* n n))

(pp ((foo 43) 42)) 1764

The same happens, even when we explicitly chain environments. See by inspecting the addresses in hex, that E2 precedes E1 in the chain, so a lookup of n starting at E2 will find n in E2 and never progress to E1.

Λ(lambda E1:
  Λ(lambda E2:
    E2.n * ECHO('E2.n', ECHO('E2', E2).n),
   ECHO('E1', E1)),

As usual, there is no Scheme equivalent for explicitly chained environments.

Procedures that Return Procedures

The outer $\Lambda$ below is the identity function: it returns its argument. It's applied to ΓΠ.square, which is closed only over the global environment, returning it. The result is applied to 42:

Λ(lambda E1:  # Calling it creates environment E1 in ΓΠ.
  E1.f,       # Just return the value of parameter f.
  ['f'])(     # Parent environment is implicitly ΓΠ.
 ΓΠ.square)(  # <~~~ 'square' is bound in ΓΠ.
 42)          # Apply the returned procedure.

Return a fresh anonymous procedure:

Λ(lambda π: π.f, ['f'])(             # identity function as above ...
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))(  # ... applied to anonymous procedure;
42)                                  # Apply the returned procedure.

Scheme equivalents:

(((lambda (f) f) square) 42) 1764 (((lambda (f) f) (lambda (x) (* x x))) 42) 1764

Thunks and Currying

DEFINITION: A thunk is a procedure of no arguments.

DEFINITION: A 1-thunk is a procedure of one argument.

DEFINITION: A curried function is a procedure of many arguments transformed into a composition of 1-thunks.

For example, in ordinary Python, the following $\lambda$ of x and y:

(lambda x, y: x + y**2)(43, 42)

is curried into the following: a $\lambda$ of x returning a $\lambda$ of y:

(lambda x: (lambda y: x + y**2))(43)(42)

Here are these examples in Schemulator.

Λ(lambda π: π.x + π.y**2, ['x', 'y'])(43, 42)
Λ(lambda πo:
  Λ(lambda πi: πi.x + πi.y**2,
    πo),  # <~~~ explicit chaining

Notice that x occurs free in the inner $\lambda$ but bound in the outer $\lambda$. As always, be wary of the confusing terminology "bound variable". Also notice that the curried form requires two invocations, one for each formal parameter of the two 1-thunks.

The name "curried" comes from Haskell Curry, who developed the theory of analyzing all functions as 1-thunks. Haskell Curry also gave his name to the World's most prominent pure functional programming language, Haskell.

In many examples below, we will work with curried functions, but eventually leave them behind because they're often less than intuitive and they are mathematically isomorphic to non-curried forms.

$\Upsilon$: Squaring Square Roots of Functions

Anonymous recursive procedures are fundamental; the Ultimate Imperative requires them.

See this other noteobook for detailed explanations of the following development.

The running examples are factorial and Fibonacci.

Don't forget non-default πsf on the inner definition, lest sf be unbound in the inner $\lambda$. sf is the "square root" of the recursive function we want, square-root in an abstract algebraic sense where function application is multiplication:

Λ(lambda πsf:  # <~~~ Apply this Λ ...
  Λ(lambda πn:
    # Observe the "multiplication" sf(sf):
    1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.sf(πn.sf)(πn.n - 1),
    ['n'], πsf),  # <~~~ Don't forget!
  ['sf'])(  # <~~~ ... to a copy of itself.
    Λ(lambda πsf:  # <~~~ bind this Λ to upper 'sf'
      Λ(lambda πn:
        1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.sf(πn.sf)(πn.n - 1),
        ['n'], πsf),   # <~~~ Don't forget!

Scheme equivalent:

(((lambda (sf) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n ((sf sf) (- n 1)))))) (lambda (sf) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n ((sf sf) (- n 1))))))) 6)

Abstract sf(sf)(m) into a f, a delayed $\lambda$ of m. That means "replace sf(sf)(m) with f(m) in the business code, and bind f to a new $\lambda(m)$ that is sf(sf)(m). The environments are chained through every level, as exhibited by the ECHO:

Λ(lambda πsf:
  Λ(lambda πf:  # Domain code d is a function of business code f.
    Λ(lambda πn:  # Business code f is a function of business parameter n.
      1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.f(πn.n - 1),
      ['n'], πf),
    ['f'], πsf)(
      Λ(lambda πm:  # Delayed application of business code f = sf(sf).
        πm.sf(πm.sf)(ECHO('πm', πm).m),
        ['m'], πsf)),
  ['sf'])(  # <~~~ Apply to copy of self:
Λ(lambda πsf:
  Λ(lambda πf:  # Domain code d is a function of business code f.
    Λ(lambda πn:  # Business code f is a function of business parameter n.
      1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.f(πn.n - 1),
      ['n'], πf),
    ['f'], πsf)(
      Λ(lambda πm:  # Delayed application of business code f = sf(sf).
        ['m'], πsf)),

Scheme equivalent:

(((lambda (sf) ((lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))) (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))) (lambda (sf) ((lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))) (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m))))) 6)

Abstract the domain code into d, a function of the business code f, which, in-turn, is a function of the business parameter n, then involute $\lambda(d)$ and $\lambda(\sqrt{f})$ to bring $\lambda(d)$ outward. Notice that the domain code is isolated and no longer duplicated.

The two steps are broken out in the Scheme equivalents. The Schemulator code below is the result of the second, involuation step:

Λ(lambda πd:
  Λ(lambda πsf:  # sf; copy this Λ below ...
    πd.d(Λ(lambda πm: πm.sf(πm.sf)(ECHO('πm', πm).m),
          ['m'], πsf)),
    ['sf'], πd)(  # <~~~ "squaring," i.e., self-application
      Λ(lambda πsf:  # sf; .... right here
        πd.d(Λ(lambda πm: πm.sf(πm.sf)(πm.m),
              ['m'], πsf)),
        ['sf'], πd)),
  ['d'])(  # d is the formal parameter for domain code
    Λ(lambda πf:  # Domain code d is a function of business code f.
      Λ(lambda πn:  # Business code f is a function of business parameter n.
        1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.f(πn.n - 1),
        ['n'], πf),  # n: business parameter
      ['f'])  # square of sf, recursive function

Scheme equivalent, step 1; abstract domain code:

(((lambda (sf) ((lambda (d) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))) (lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))))) (lambda (sf) ((lambda (d) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))) (lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))))))) 6)

Scheme equivalent, step 2; involute $\lambda(d)$ and $\lambda(\sqrt{f})$. Notice that domain code is now isolated outside and appears only once:

(((lambda (d) ((lambda (sf) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))) (lambda (sf) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))))) (lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))))) 6) 720

Remove the duplication of the squaring code; abstract it (the self-application) into g:

Λ(lambda πd:  # function of domain code, d
  Λ(lambda πg:  # generic squaring gizmo
    πg.g(πg.g), ['g'], πd)(
      Λ(lambda πsf:
        πd.d(Λ(lambda πm: πm.sf(πm.sf)(πm.m),
               ['m'], πsf)),
        ['sf'], πd)),
  ['d'])(  # formal parameter d for domain code
    Λ(lambda πf:  # Domain code d is a function of business code f.
      Λ(lambda πn:  # Business code f is a function of business parameter n.
        1 if πn.n < 1 else πn.n * πn.f(πn.n - 1), # business code
        ['n'], πf),  # n: business parameter
      ['f'])  # square of sf, recursive function

Scheme equivalent:

(((lambda (d) ((lambda (g) (g g)) (lambda (sf) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m)))))) (lambda (f) (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))))) 6) 720

Recursivion via $\Upsilon{}1$

Now we can see that the function of domain code d is generic. Let's call it $\Upsilon$1 and define it in the global environment. The "1" in the name means that $\Upsilon{}1$ takes domain codes that return 1-thunk business codes, i.e., business codes of one parameter.

The glyph that looks like "Y" is actually capital Upsilon ($\Upsilon$ in $\LaTeX$). To enter it in the notebook, keyboard \Upsilon and then [tab]. Names in user code should not collide with it if users remember to avoid Greek.

       Λ(lambda πd: # Υ1 is function of domain code, d.
         # d is a function of business code f, that
         # returns new business code that can refer to f.
         Λ(lambda πg: πg.g(πg.g), ['g'], πd)(  # λ(g) applied to ...
             Λ(lambda πsf:  # generic square root.
               πd.d(Λ(lambda πm: πm.sf(πm.sf)(πm.m),
                      ['m'], πsf)),
               ['sf'], πd)),


Write a domain code that returns a business code of recursive, but externally anonymous, f:

      Λ(lambda π: # Domain code is a function of business code, f ...
        Λ(lambda π: # ... that returns business code that can call f.
          1 if π.n < 1 else π.n * π.f(π.n - 1), # business code
          ['n'], π), # 1 business parameter, n
        ['f'])) # recursive function


Scheme equivalent:

(define (fact-recursive f) "domain code; Return a curried business code." (lambda (n) (if (< n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1))))))

(define (Y1 d) "d is domain code, a function that receives business code." ((lambda (g) (g g)) (lambda (sf) (d (lambda (m) ((sf sf) m))))))

((Y1 fact-recursive) 6) 720

Examples via $\Upsilon{}3$

$\Upsilon$ can be tailored for a given number of business parameters. This one is for three.

# λ d: (λ g: g[g])(λ sf: d[λ m, c, x: sf[sf][m, c, x]])
       Λ(lambda πd:  # of d, the domain code ...
         Λ(lambda πg: πg.g(πg.g), ['g'], πd)(
             # ... of business code of three parameters
             Λ(lambda πsf: πd.d(  # domain code
                 Λ(lambda π:
                   π.sf(π.sf)(π.μ, π.γ, π.ξ),  # business code
                   ['μ', 'γ', 'ξ'], πsf)),  # business parameters
               ['sf'], πd)),

Scheme equivalent:

(define (Y3 d) "d is domain code, a function that receives business code, a function of three business parameters." ((lambda (g) (g g)) (lambda (sf) (d (lambda (m c x) ((sf sf) m c x))))))

((Y3 fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720

Later, we generalize $\Upsilon$ to any number $N$ of business parameters.


Here is user-level domain code, redefining fact_iter in domain-code form. Any domain code is a function of f, recursive business code. In this case, f is a function of 3 business parameters. This will get us to a tail-recursive solution in the section on tail recursion.

# λ f: λ m, c, x: m if c > x else f(m*c, c+1, x)
DEFINE('fact_iter', # domain code is a function of f ...
       Λ(lambda π: # ... which is business code.
         Λ(lambda π:
           if π.c > π.x
           else π.f(π.m * π.c, π.c + 1, π.x), # business code
           ['m', 'c', 'x'], π), # business parameters

ΓΠ.Υ3(ΓΠ.fact_iter)(1, 1, 6)

Scheme equivalent:

(define (fact-iter f) "domain code; Return a business code of three parameters." (lambda (m c x) (if (> c x) m (f (* m c) (+ c 1) x))))

((Y3 fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720

Tail Recursion

OBSERVATION: The Ultimate Imperative requires anonymous tail-recursive procedures.

Thanks to Thomas Baruchel for the idea of Exceptions to implement tail recursion.

If users are aware that their domain code is tail-recursive, then they may call it via LOOP instead of via $\Upsilon$.

Scheme detects tail recursion automatically. It parses user code and marks un-nested tail calls. Schemulator doesn't parse, on purpose, and Python infamously avoids tail recursion. In Python and Schemulator, users must invoke tail recursion explicitly. This isn't terrible. Tail-calls are lexically obvious, so users should always know. In Clojure, there is precedent: users explicitly write loop and recur. In any event, tail-recursive domain code can always be called via non-tail-recursive $\Upsilon$, it just won't be as fast nor as resistent to stack overflow.


LOOP3 has the same signature as $\Upsilon3$; it takes domain code of business code of three arguments as its sole argument.

The glyph that looks like "P" below is Greek Capital Rho for "recur." Names in user code will not collide with P if users remember to avoid Greek. As with $\Upsilon$, Rho, LOOP, and LOOP3 must know their argument counts. That's fixed below with LOOPN.

LOOP3 receives domain code, which receives recursive business code f of three business parameters. In the base case of its recursion, f just returns a result from the business parameters, else f calls f recursively. LOOP3 calls the domain code with f = P3 (Rho3), which recurses by raising an exception that overwrites arguments with new values. LOOP3 loops until that exception is not raised.

WARNING: Results are undefined if any LOOP function is called with non-tail-recursive domain code.

class TailCall(Exception):
    """αναδρομική κλήση"""
    def __init__(self, *args):
        """Overwrite old args with new."""
        self.args = args

def RECUR(*args):
    """υψώνω: in sincere flattery of Clojure"""
    raise TailCall(*args)

def LOOP3(d: Procedure) -> Procedure:  # domain code
    """in sincere flattery of Clojure, and thanks to Thomas Baruchel."""
    # in the global environment, ΓΠ,
    DEFINE('Ρ3', Λ(lambda π: RECUR(π.m, π.c, π.x), ['m', 'c', 'x']));
    def looper(*args):
        """Expression form of a while-loop statement."""
        while True:
                return d(ΓΠ.Ρ3)(*args)
            except TailCall as e:
                args = e.args
    ρ = Λ(lambda π: looper(π.m, π.c, π.x), ['m', 'c', 'x'], π=d.π)
    return ρ


LOOP3(ΓΠ.fact_iter)(1, 1, 6)

Scheme automatically tail-recurses, so explicit alternatives are not necessary. However, they are instructive.

Gambit Scheme has an extension for exceptions, permitting a direct transcription of the implementation above:

(define (LOOP3 d) ;; P3 calls looper with new args: (define (P3 m+ c+ x+) (raise (list m+ c+ x+))) ; <~~~ Gambit extension (define (looper m c x) (with-exception-handler ; <~~~ Gambit extension ;; This is how P3 calls looper, indirectly: (lambda (e) (apply looper e)) ;; Pass P3 to domain code. If domain code calls P3, ;; looper recurses, otherwise returns result below. (lambda () ; With-exception-handler requires thunk. ((d P3) m c x)))) looper)

((LOOP3 fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720

That is not idiomatic Scheme. Instead, we must use call-with-current-continuation, or call/cc:

(define (LOOP3 d) (define (P3 m c x) (call/cc (lambda (k) (k ((d P3) m c x))))) P3)

((LOOP3 fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720

This is frighteningly consise, like all call/cc code, at first glance, but not too bad if explained: LOOP3 takes user's domain code d and closes over it in the generic recursive business code P3 of three business parameters named (capriciously) m, c, x. The recursive business code P3 is passed to the domain code d. If (d P3) calls P3, as it should do in the recursive case, then P3 recurses unconditionally by calling the continuation k. Otherwise, in the base case of its recursion, (d P3) doesn't call P3 and P3 just returns the result of (d P3) applied to actual-argument values for m, c, and x, 1, 1, and 6 in this case.

It is often much more difficult to devise scenarios with call/cc than it is to explain them. I suppose that is the reason that programmers prefer try-except to call/cc and mainstream programming languages like Python don't even offer call/cc or its generalization, delimited continuations.

Prove It on fact_iter

The recursive call via Schemulator $\Upsilon$ blows Python's recursion limit.

    print(ΓΠ.Υ3(ΓΠ.fact_iter)(1, 1, 400))
except RecursionError as e:

Call via LOOP3 does not. Notice the domain code fact_iter is EXACTLY the same as in the recursive call above.

    print(LOOP3(ΓΠ.fact_iter)(1, 1, 400))
except RecursionError as e:

Tail-Recursive Fibonacci

Write domain code for catastropically slow, non-tail-recursive, exponentially diverging Fibonacci:

       Λ(lambda π:
         Λ(lambda π: 1 if π.n < 2 else
           π.f(π.n - 1) + π.f(π.n - 2), ['n'], π),


This is miserable even for $n=23$. Don't call it for bigger arguments.


The following takes 10 seconds. Uncomment if you want to see the time per iteration: about 1,000 ms; YES, a full second!

# timeit(ΓΠ.Υ1(ΓΠ.fib_slow)(23))

Without linearization, Fibonacci 500 would not complete in $10^{30}$ times the Age of the Universe. One way to linearize is tail recursion. Another way is memoization (sic: not memorization).

Tail-recursive memoization is possible but not necessary. A tail-recursive Fibonacci easy and blazingly fast:

       Λ(lambda π:
         Λ(lambda π: π.b if π.n < 1 else
           π.f(π.b, π.a + π.b, π.n - 1),
           ['a', 'b', 'n'], π),

Check it:

LOOP3(ΓΠ.fib_iter)(0, 1, 23)

Time it. The following takes 10 seconds. Uncomment if you want see 250 micro seconds, or so, per loop: 4000 times faster on this argument, 23. Exponentially faster on bigger arguments.

# timeit(LOOP3(ΓΠ.fib_iter)(0, 1, 23))

Stress it, remembering that the non-tail-recursive version would not complete in astronomical time:

LOOP3(ΓΠ.fib_iter)(0, 1, 500)

Memoized [sic] Fibonacci

We do not bother with Scheme equivalents for code in this chapter. Such would be lengthy and not instructive.

Linearize execution of Fibonacci by recording intermediate results in a memo table instead of recomputing them. This is an easy instance of Dynamic Programming.

Curried Memo Table

One way to pass a memo table is through a Curried second argument. We'll need $\Upsilon2C$, generic for 2-parameter, Curried business code:

       Λ(lambda π: # function of domain code, d ...
         Λ(lambda π: π.g(π.g), ['g'], π)(
             # with business code of 2 parameters, curried
             Λ(lambda π:
               π.d(Λ(lambda π:
                     Λ(lambda π: π.sf(π.sf)(π.m)(π.n),
                       ['n'], π), ['m'], π)),
               ['sf'], π)),

Notice that we eased our burden of writing this $\Upsilon$ by not bothering to distinguish the environment parameters $\pi$ by name. Ordinary scoping rules disambiguate them, affording us a more fluid and concise style.

The domain code for a memoized, Curried Fibonacci follows. The parameter a is the accumulator, associator, or memo table, whatever word you like best. This is easiest to read (and to write) from the bottom up. It looks horrendous, but it isn't really. We disambiguated the names of the environment parameters as a guide. We won't do so in the future. In the ECHO output, count the 13 levels of chained environments.

       Λ(lambda πf: # of f; level 1
         Λ(lambda πa: # of a; level 2
           Λ(lambda πn: # of n; level 3
             (πn.a, 1) if πn.n < 2 else
             Λ(lambda πn1: # of n_1; level 4
               (πn1.a, πn1.a[πn1.n_1]) # optimizer should remove these two lines
               if πn1.n_1 in πn1.a else # ^^^
               Λ(lambda πfim1: # of fim1; level 5
                 Λ(lambda πm1: # of m1; level 6
                   Λ(lambda πr1: # of r1; level 7
                     Λ(lambda πa1: # of a1; level 8
                       Λ(lambda πn2: # of n_2; level 9
                         (πn2.a1, πn2.r1 + πn2.a1[πn2.n_2]) # <~~~ a quick exit
                         if πn2.n_2 in πn2.a1 else
                         Λ(lambda πfim2: # of fim2; level 10
                           Λ(lambda πm2: # of m2; level 11
                             Λ(lambda πr2: # of r2; level 12
                               Λ(lambda πa2: # of a2; level 13
                                 (ECHO('πa2', πa2).a2, πa2.r1 + πa2.r2), # <~~~ the money line
                                 ['a2'], πr2)(πr2.m2[0] | {πr2.n_2: πr2.r2}),  # <~~~ update memo
                               ['r2'], πm2)(πm2.m2[1]), # unpack
                             ['m2'], πfim2)(πfim2.fim2(πfim2.n_2)), # unpack
                           ['fim2'], πn2)(πn2.f(πn2.a1)), # <~~~ recurse
                         ['n_2'], πa1)(πa1.n - 2), # DRY
                       ['a1'], πr1)(πr1.m1[0] | {πr1.n_1: πr1.r1}), # <~~~ update memo
                     ['r1'], πm1)(πm1.m1[1]), # unpack
                   ['m1'], πfim1)(πfim1.fim1(πfim1.n_1)), # unpack
                 ['fim1'], πn1)(πn1.f(πn1.a)), # <~~~ recurse
               ['n_1'], πn)(πn.n - 1), # DRY
             ['n'], πa), # business parameter
           ['a'], πf), # curried memo
         ['f'])) # domain code

It's about 1 millisecond per iteration, 1,000 times faster than the original. The following takes 10 seconds. Uncomment if you want proof.

# timeit(ΓΠ.Υ2C(ΓΠ.fib_fast)({})(23)[1])

Still blows the recursion limit:

except RecursionError as e:

We fix that immediately below.

Memo Table as Business Parameter

Before doing tail-recursion with a memo table, show the memo as un-Curried. Currying is useful in general, but complicates $\Upsilon$. Get rid of it. Notice, also, that we no longer bother to disambiguate the environment parameters, letting Nature take care of it.

      Λ(lambda π: # of f; level 1
        Λ(lambda π: # of a, n; level 2
          (π.a, 1) if π.n < 2 else
          Λ(lambda π: # of n_1; level 3
            Λ(lambda π: # of t1; level 4
              Λ(lambda π: # of m1; level 5
                Λ(lambda π: # of r1; level 6
                  Λ(lambda π: # of a1; level 7
                    Λ(lambda π: # of n_2; level 8
                      (π.a1, π.r1 + π.a1[π.n_2]) # <~~~ quick exit
                      if π.n_2 in π.a1 else
                      Λ(lambda π: # of t_2; level 9
                        Λ(lambda π: # of m_2; level 10
                          Λ(lambda π: # of r_2; level 11
                            Λ(lambda π: # of a_2; level 12
                              (π.a2, π.r1 + π.r2), # <~~~ the money line
                              ['a2'], π)(π.m2 | {π.n_2: π.r2}), # <~~~ update memo
                            ['r2'], π)(π.t2[1]), # nupaci
                          ['m2'], π)(π.t2[0]), # unpack
                        ['t2'], π)(π.f(π.a1, π.n_2)), # <~~~ recurse
                      ['n_2'], π)(π.n - 2), # dry
                    ['a1'], π)(π.m1 | {π.n_1: π.r1}), # <~~~ update memo
                  ['r1'], π)(π.t1[1]), # unpac
                ['m1'], π)(π.t1[0]), # unpack
              ['t1'], π)(π.f(π.a, π.n_1)), # <~~~ recurse
            ['n_1'], π)(π.n - 1), # DRY
          ['a', 'n'], π), # busines parameters
        ['f'])); # domain-code signature

Now need only an ordinary $\Upsilon2$ to call it:

       Λ(lambda π: # of d, the domain code ...
         Λ(lambda π: π.g(π.g), ['g'], π)(
             # of business code of two parameters
             Λ(lambda π:
               π.d(Λ(lambda π: π.sf(π.sf)(π.m, π.c),
                     ['m', 'c'], π)),
               ['sf'], π)),

The recursion limit is a little higher, but we don't want any of that.

    print(ΓΠ.Υ2(ΓΠ.fib_fast_uncurried)({}, 200)[1])
except RecursionError as e:
    print(ΓΠ.Υ2(ΓΠ.fib_fast_uncurried)({}, 250)[1])
except RecursionError as e:

This code is not tail-recursive, because it sums the results of two tail-recursive calls. An attempt to call it through a specialization of LOOP produces incorrect results, as warned above:

def LOOP2(d: Procedure) -> Procedure:  # domain code
    """in sincere flattery of Clojure, and thanks to Thomas Baruchel."""
    nyms = ['a', 'β']
    # in the global environment, ΓΠ,
           Λ(lambda π:
             RECUR(*[π[nym] for nym in nyms]),

    def looper(*args):
        """Expression form of a while-loop statement."""
        while True:
                return d(ΓΠ.Ρ2)(*args)
            except TailCall as e:
                args = e.args

    ρ = Λ(lambda π:
          looper(*[π[nym] for nym in nyms]),

    return ρ
    print(LOOP2(ΓΠ.fib_fast_uncurried)({}, 250))
except RecursionError as e:

Recursive With Memo

Section Tail-Recursive Fibonacci exhibits a very short solution without a memo table. Could we write a tail-recursive version with a memo table? Is it worth the effort? Perhaps as a mental exercise. It grows into a function of 5 parameters:


f(r1, r2, a, n, x):
    (a, 1) if n < 1 else
    f(r2, r1 + r2, a | {x - (n-1): r1, x - (n-2): r2}, x)


       Λ(lambda π: # of d, the domain code ...
         Λ(lambda π: π.g(π.g), ['g'], π)(
             # of business code of five parameters
             Λ(lambda π: π.d(
                 Λ(lambda π: π.sf(π.sf)(π.m, π.c, π.x, π.a, π.b),
                   ['m', 'c', 'x', 'a', 'b'], π)),
               ['sf'], π)),
      Λ(lambda π:
        Λ(lambda π:
          (π.a | {π.x: π.r2}, π.r2) if π.n < 1 else \
          π.f(π.r2, π.r1 + π.r2,
              π.a | {π.x-π.n: π.r2},
              π.n - 1,
         ['r1', 'r2', 'a', 'n', 'x'], π),
ΓΠ.Υ5(ΓΠ.fib_tc_memo)(0, 1, {}, 23, 23)


def LOOP5(d: Procedure) -> Procedure:
    """in sincere flattery of Clojure, and thanks to Thomas Baruchel."""
    DEFINE('Ρ5', Λ(lambda π:
                   RECUR(π.m, π.c, π.x, π.a, π.b),
                   ['m', 'c', 'x', 'a', 'b']));
    def looper(*args):
        """Expression form of a while-loop statement."""
        while True:
                return d(ΓΠ.Ρ5)(*args)
            except TailCall as e:
                args = e.args
    ρ = Λ(lambda π:
               looper(π.m, π.c, π.x, π.a, π.b),
               ['m', 'c', 'x', 'a', 'b'], π=d.π)
    return ρ
LOOP5(ΓΠ.fib_tc_memo)(0, 1, {}, 23, 23)

Test the Limits

    print(ΓΠ.Υ5(ΓΠ.fib_tc_memo)(0, 1, {}, 500, 500)[1])
except RecursionError as e:
    print(LOOP5(ΓΠ.fib_tc_memo)(0, 1, {}, 500, 500)[1])
except RecursionError as e:

LOOP and $\Upsilon$ of $N$ Business Parameters

We finish off PART 1: BASICS with straightforward generalizations of LOOP and $\Upsilon$ to any number of business parameters, without undue explanation. We test them extensively below in the section on DO.

def LOOPN(
        d: Procedure,
        vars_: List[str]  # <~~~ NOTA BENE, extra parameters to LOOPN
) -> Procedure:
    """in sincere flattery of Clojure, and thanks to Thomas Baruchel."""
           Λ(lambda π:
             RECUR(*[π[var] for var in vars_]),

    def looper(*args):
        """Expression form of a while-loop statement."""
        while True:
                return d(ΓΠ.ΡN)(*args)
            except TailCall as e:
                args = e.args

    ρ = Λ(lambda π:
          looper(*[π[var] for var in vars_]),

    return ρ

LOOPN(ΓΠ.fact_iter, ['m', 'c', 'x'])(1, 1, 6)

Scheme equivalent:

(define (LOOPN d) (define (PN . L) (call/cc (lambda (k) (k (apply (d PN) L))))) PN)

((LOOPN fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720

       Λ(lambda πd:  # of d, the domain code and vars ...
         Λ(lambda πg: πg.g(πg.g), ['g'], πd)(
             # of business code of N parameters
             Λ(lambda πsf:
               πd.d(Λ(lambda πvs:
                          *[πvs[var] for var in πvs.vars_]),
                      πsf.vars_,  # <~~~ list of parameters
               ['sf'], πd)),
         ['d', 'vars_']));  # <~~~ extra parameters
ΓΠ.ΥN(ΓΠ.fact_iter, ['m', 'c', 'x'])(1, 1, 6)

Scheme equivalent:

(define (YN d) ((lambda (g) (g g)) (lambda (sf) (d (lambda L (apply (sf sf) L))))))

((YN fact-iter) 1 1 6) 720


Everything above is Schemulator set-up. We finally get to the Pynultimate Imperatives.


This is assignment without lambda. We do better later, but SICP and Lambda the Ultimate Imperative use it. Implement it just to complete coverage of Chapter 3 of SICP.

This has its own recursive lookup, exactly the same as that in Procedure, just for a different purpose.

Tested below in BLOCK. Like Gambit, we can only set! symbols that are already defined. Also, like Gambit, we return None.

        sym: str,
        val: Any,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> None:
    ee = EVAL(val, π)
    """recursive lookup"""
    while π is not None:
        # Find the right π; ...
            getattr(π.ϕ, sym)  # ... don't recurse via π[sym]
        except AttributeError as _:
            if π.π is None:
                raise NameError(f'Set!: Name {sym} is unbound.')
            else:  # recurse
                π = π.π
    setattr(π.ϕ, sym, ee)
    return None  # following Gambit Scheme


In the following implementation, every $\lambda$ must be a thunk: a procedure of no arguments (our $\lambda$s always have the conventional parameter $\pi$; our thunks do not use any parameters bound in $\pi$). All but the last thunk are for side-effect; all thunks are evaluated; all but the last value are discarded.

Steele's paper calls this form BLOCK. Scheme calls it BEGIN. Common Lisp calls it PROGN.

def BLOCK(
        *thunks: "Procedure | Procedure",  # <~~~ PEP 438 type notation
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    ρ = None
    for thunk in thunks:
        ρ = APPLY(thunk, [], π=π)  # <~~~ thunks take no args
    return ρ



This block first sets x in $\Gamma\Pi$ to 6 and then accesses that variable:

DEFINE('x', 0)  # <~~~ Binding must preexist in ΓΠ for SET_BANG
    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', 6, π)),
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * 7))

Python equivalent (using Greek to avoid collisions with user names). Python $\lambda$s can't have sequences of "statements." We packages sequences of statements in defs with made-up names:

As a general habit, the return value of any Python equivalent is called $\rho$. We imclude it specifically so that t a compiler can notice the beginning and the end of a construction. It's also a convenient place to hang a debugger breakpoint.

x = 0
def γ000():
    global x
    x = 6  # <~~~ Λ thunks in BLOCK are automatically called
    ρ = x * 7
    return ρ

Scheme equivalent:

(define x 0) (begin (set! x 6) (* x 7)) 42

Set and Set Again

DEFINE('y', 42)  # <~~~ in ΓΠ
    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', 6, π)),
    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', π.x * 7, π)),
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y))

Python equivalent

y = 42
def γ001():
    global x, y
    x = 6
    x = x * 7
    ρ = x * y
    return ρ

Scheme equivalent:

(define x 0) (define y 42) (begin (set! x 6) (set! x (* x 7)) (* x y)) 1764

Check for unbound variables.

        Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', 6, π)),
        Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', π.x * 7, π)),
        Λ(lambda π: print({'expect 1764': π.x * π.y})),
        Λ(lambda π: π.z))  # <~~~ no binding
except NameError as e:
    print({'from Schemulator': e.args})

Python equivalent:

def γ002():
    global x, y, z
    x = 6
    x = x * 7
    print({'expect 1764': x * y})
    ρ = z
    return ρ
except Exception as e:
    print({'from Python': e.args})

Test BLOCK in a non-global environment $\pi$:

Λ(lambda π0:  # <~~~ Make a non-global π.
      Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x1', 7, ECHO('π', π)), π=π0),
      Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('y1', 6, π), π=π0),
      Λ(lambda π: π.x1 * π.y1, π=π0),
      π=ECHO('π0', π0)
  ['x1', 'y1'])(0, 0)

Python equivalent; the only way to combine local variables with squencing is via def:

def γ003():
    x1 = 0
    y1 = 0
    def γ004():
        nonlocal x1, y1
        x1 = 7
        y1 = 6
        ρ = x1 * y1
        return ρ
    ρ = γ004()
    return ρ

BLOCK automatically propagates the environments, so the $\pi_0$ arguments to the individual $\lambda$s are overkill:

Λ(lambda π0:  # <~~~ Make a non-global π.
      Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x1', 7, ECHO('π', π))),  # <~~~ overkill
      Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('y1', 6, π)),  # <~~~ overkill
      Λ(lambda π: π.x1 * π.y1),           # <~~~ overkill
      π=ECHO('π0', π0)  # <~~~ necessary
  ['x1', 'y1'])(0, 0)

Names x1 and y1 are not bound in the global environment, even though they were in the non-global environment. The following example proves no "binding leakage."

except NameError as e:

except NameError as e:

Python equivalent:

    global x1
    _ = x1
except Exception as e:
    print({'from Python', e.args})

    global y1
    _ = y1
except Exception as e:
    print({'from Python': e.args})

Check that intermediate lambdas that don't return None are NOT a problem:

    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', 6, π)),
    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', π.x * 7, π)),
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y),
    Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y))

Check nested BLOCKs. Don't forget to wrap the nested BLOCK in a thunk!

    Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', 6, ECHO('π', π))),
    Λ(lambda π:  # <~~~ Don't forget to wrap it!
      BLOCK(Λ(lambda π: SET_BANG('x', π.x * 7, π)),
            Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y))))

Clear the Global Environment

Get rid of x and y and other gaseous bindings lest they cause trouble below. We shouldn't just make a new global environment because some system procedures, like DEFINE, are closed over the old one and we'd just have to specify ΓΠ everywhere explicitly rather than using the convenient defaults.

del ΓΠ.ϕ.γόὂ
del ΓΠ.ϕ.saxpy
del ΓΠ.ϕ.sum_of_squares
del ΓΠ.ϕ.factorial
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fact_iter
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fact_recursive
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fib_slow
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fib_iter
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fib_fast
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fib_fast_uncurried
del ΓΠ.ϕ.fib_tc_memo
del ΓΠ.ϕ.x
del ΓΠ.ϕ.y

PN does not appear because we have not yet called LOOPN.

Define the Scheme-like synonym BEGIN for BLOCK:



LET_STAR is sequential binding of locals, syntactically like assignment, but purely with $\lambda$ expressions. Later bindings may depend on earlier ones. LET is parallel binding, where bindings are independent and unordered, but can't depend on one another. LETREC is mutually recursive LET, where any bindings may depend on any and all other bindings.

We face a design choice: should the binding pairs be a list of tuples, as in Scheme, or a flat list of pairs, as in Clojure? The former introduces a level of collections, the latter simplifies implementation via slicing, but introduces more checks for types and for element counts. We choose the Scheme-like option because the Schemulator is supposed to be like Scheme on the surface unless there is a profound reason not to be.

Remember that $\Xi$ is a Greek shortcut for Application. Body of any of the Lets must be an Application so that the environment $\pi$ can be propagated at the point where it is known.

WARNING: Results of LET*, LET, and LETREC are undefined if the body is not an Application or $\Xi$.


        binding_pairs: List[Tuple[str, Expression]],
        body: Expression,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    if len(binding_pairs) == 0:  # <~~~ Empty bindings are allowed.
        ρ = EVAL(body, π)
        return ρ
    key, val = binding_pairs[0]
    E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
    setattr(E1.ϕ, key, EVAL(val, π))
    if len(binding_pairs) == 1:
        return EVAL(body, E1)
        return LET_STAR(binding_pairs[1:], body, E1)


Test depth 0, no bindings. The final expression -- the returned value -- can be a Procedure:

         Λ(lambda π: 43 * π.x, ['x']))

Python equivalent:

lambda x: 43 * x

Which can be called:

         Λ(lambda π: 43 * π.x, ['x']))(42)

Python equivalent:

(lambda x: 43 * x)(42)

Applications are evaluated in place:

         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: 43 * 42)))

Python equivalent:

(lambda: 43 * 42)()

The LET_STAR chains bindings in environments and evaluates applications in the chain. Procedures in applications enjoy free variables from any environments in the chain.

LET_STAR([('z', 42)],
        Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.z)))

Python does not have LET. Local variables must be defined in defs with made-up names (we use Greek to avoid collision with user names. Equivalent to the above:

def γ004():
    z = 42  # <~~~ Local variables must be args or defined in defs.
    ρ = (lambda: z * z)()  # <~~~ Evaluating Ξ calls its Λ.
    return ρ


def γ005(z):  # <~~~ Local vars can be args.
    ρ = (lambda: z * z)()  # <~~~ Ξ call
    return ρ

Later bindings can acces and can shadow earlier ones:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('z', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z + 1)))],
        Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.z)))

Python equivalent:

def γ006():
    z = 42
    def γ007():  # <~~~ Cust have a def; can't sequence 'nonlocal' stmt in a λ
        nonlocal z  # <~~~ necessary; refers to outer z.
        z = (lambda: z + 1)()  # <~~~ Ξ call
        return z
    z = γ007()  # <~~~ Old z is shadowed.
    ρ = (lambda: z * z)()  # <~~~ Ξ call
    return ρ

Returned Procedure is a closure over local variables:

LET_STAR([('z', 42)],
        Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.z))

Python equivalent:

def γ008():
    z = 42
    ρ = lambda: z * z
    return ρ

As always, the returned procedure may be called externally:

LET_STAR([('z', 42)],
        Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.z))()

Python equivalent:

def γ009():
    z = 42
    ρ = lambda: z * z
    return ρ

Test depth 1 (don't forget the Var in $\Xi$:

LET_STAR([('z', 42)],
         Ξ(ΓΠ.square, [Var('z')]))

Python equivalent; Var('z') is like eval('z'):

def square(x):
    ρ = x * x
    return ρ
def γ010():
    z = 42
    ρ = square(eval('z'))
    return ρ

Free Variables

DEFINITION: A free variable in the body of a lambda is a variable NOT in the parameter list.

z, y, and y are free in the $\lambda$s below:

Test depth 2 with free variables:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', 43)],
         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.y)))

Python equivalent:

def γ011():  # <~~~ Environment here will have all bindings.
    z = 42
    y = None  # <~~~ inserted in second pass after 'y' is discovered
    def γ012():
        nonlocal y, z
        y = 43
    ρ = z * y
    return ρ

Inspect bindings with an ECHO around the environment variable:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', 43)],
         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.y)))

Test depth 3 with free varialbes:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z + 1))),
          ('w', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.y)))],
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).w)))

Python equivalent:

def γ013():
    z = 42
    y = None
    w = None
    def γ014():
        nonlocal y, z  # <~~~ Build up the nonlocals.
        y = z + 1
        def γ015():
            nonlocal w, y, z  # <~~~ Build up the nonlocals.
            w = z * y
    ρ = w
    return ρ

Bound Variables

DEFINITION: A bound variable in the body of a $\lambda$ is a variable that appears in the parameter list.

Remember that this definition of bound variables is confusing.

Closed Term

DEFINITION: A closed procedure or closed term is a procedure with no free variables (see this web page).

Test depth 3 with bound variables. To access earlier bindings, write an Application or $\Xi$ that, when evaluated, accesses earlier bindings as Vars. Notice the bound vars shadow free vars with the same names.

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z + 1, ['z']),  # <~~~ z shadows ...
                  [Var('z')])),  # <~~~ ... this Var.
          # Shadowing occurs here, too.
          ('w', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.y, ['z', 'y']),
                  [Var('z'), Var('y')])
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π0: ECHO('π0', π0).w)))

Python equivalent:

def γ016():
    z = 42
    y = None
    w = None
    def γ017():
        nonlocal y, z
        y = (lambda z: z+1)(eval('z'))
        def γ018():
            nonlocal w, y, z
            w = (lambda z, y: z * y)(eval('z'), eval('y'))
    ρ = w
    return ρ

The names of the bound variables do not matter. In this case, we avoid shadowing, so the names z, y, and w are available in the body of w's procedure:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.zz + 1, ['zz']),
          # Use parameters:
          ('w', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).zzz * π.yy, ['zzz', 'yy']),
                  [Var('z'), Var('y')])
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.w)))

Python equivalent:

def γ019():
    z = 42
    y = None
    w = None
    def γ020():
        nonlocal y, z
        y = (lambda zz: zz+1)(eval('z'))
        def γ021():
            nonlocal w, y, z
            w = (lambda zzz, yy: zzz * yy)(eval('z'), eval('y'))
    ρ = w
    return ρ

Ignore parameters; use free variables:

LET_STAR([('z', 42),
          ('y', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.zz + 1, ['zz']),
          # Ignore parameters; use free variables:
          ('w', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.y, ['zzz', 'yy']),
                  [Var('z'), Var('y')])
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.w)))

Python equivalent:

def γ019():
    z = 42
    y = None
    w = None
    def γ020():
        nonlocal y, z
        y = (lambda zz: zz+1)(eval('z'))
        # Ignore parameters; use free variables:
        def γ021():
            nonlocal w, y, z
            w = (lambda zzz, yy: z * y)(eval('z'), eval('y'))
    ρ = w
    return ρ


The body of this next example evaluates g without returning a closure:

LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
        body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).g(42))))

Python equivalent:

def γ022():
    g = lambda x: x * x
    ρ = g
    return ρ

But, we may return a closure, meaning that its environment chain is still alive. We may invoke it outside the LET_STAR.The application $\Xi$ pulls the closure out of the environment created by LET_STAR.

α = LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
             body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).g)))

Python equivalent:

def γ023():
    g = lambda x: x * x
    ρ = g
    return ρ
β = γ023()

Without he application Ξ, the value is an unevaluated procedure returning a closure:

LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
        body=Λ(lambda π: π.g))

We can evaluate the returned closure with an extra, explicit call:

foo = LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
               body=Λ(lambda π: π.g))

The Python equivalents were demonstrated above.

Ensure no leakage:

except Exception as e:

Python equivalent:

    _ = g
except Exception as e:
    print({'from Python': e.args})

Procedures can be bound variables, too, with arbitrary names:

LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.gg(42), ['gg']), [Var('g')]))

Python equivalent:

def γ024():
    g = lambda x: x * x
    ρ = (lambda gg: gg(42))(eval('g'))
    return ρ

Unevaluated, it's still a closure:

LET_STAR([('g', Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x, ['x']))],
         body=Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.gg, ['gg']), [Var('g')]))(

Python equivalent:

def γ025():
    g = lambda x: x * x
    ρ = (lambda gg: gg)(eval('g'))
    return ρ


LET is parallel "assignment." All "local variables" must be bound in the enclosing environment and may not depend on one another. This implementation is not curried. body is usually an Application that automatically receives the local variables in its environment. The $\Lambda$ argument of the Application receives this environment as its $\pi$ parameter, so it may access the local variables as free variables in its body.

def LET(
        pairs: List[Tuple[str, Expression]],
        body: Expression,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    if len(pairs) == 0:
        ρ = EVAL(body, π)
        return ρ
    E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
    for p in pairs:
        if isinstance(p[1], Procedure):
            p[1].π = E1
    _ = [setattr(E1.ϕ, p[0], EVAL(p[1], π))
         for p in pairs]
    ρ = EVAL(body, E1)
    return ρ


Test depth 0; embedded $\Lambda$ is a thunk (no parameters):

    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: print(43 * 42))))

Test depth 1; embedded Procedure takes one argument, supplied as a Var in the environment of the LET:

LET([('z', 42)],
    Ξ(ΓΠ.square, [Var('z')]))

Test depth 2; embedded Procedure receives an environment with bindings for the local variables:

LET([('z', 42),
     ('y', 43)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).z * π.y)))

Depth 2 with external invocation / evaluation; body -- return value -- of the LET is an un-called Procedure. The Procedure is evaluated, but not called, to propagate the environment, before it is returned:

LET([('z', 42),
     ('y', 43)],
    Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.y))()

Reversed; order does not matter in LET:

LET([('y', 42),
     ('z', 43)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.z * π.y)))

With applications as values for local variables, the inner y is evaluated in the local environment, not leaking down from the global environment $\Gamma\Pi$, where y is 0:

DEFINE('y', 0)
LET([('y', 42),
     ('z', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.y + 1)))],  # Outer y = 0, not inner y = 42
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: print(π.z * π.y))))  # Inner y = 42 * inner z = 1

Order does not matter:

LET([('z', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.y + 1))),  # Outer y = 0, not inner y = 42
     ('y', 42)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: print(π.z * π.y)))) # Inner y = 42 * inner z = 1

Print the environment to check that all symbols are bound in it:

LET([('z', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.y + 1))),  # Outer y = 0, not inner y = 42
     ('y', 42)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: print(ECHO('π', π).z * π.y)))) # Inner y = 42 * inner z = 1

Prove global y is unchanged and that z is bound only in local environment, not global.

print({'expect y = 0':  ΓΠ.y})
except NameError as e:

Test nested LET. Don't forget to chain the environments! The default is $\Gamma\Pi$.

LET([('z0', 42)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π0:
        LET([('y0', Ξ(Λ(lambda π1: π1.z0 + 1)))],
            Ξ(Λ(lambda π2: π2.z0 * π2.y0)),
            π=π0))))  # <~~~ Don't forget to chain!

The free variable x in the $\lambda$ below is looked up in the local environment established by LET.

First, delete x again, just in case, so we can check that it does not get bound accidentally.

    del ΓΠ.ϕ.x
LET([('x', 42)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.x)))

The variable x did not leak out of the local environment:

except Exception as e:

We can get the same result as above when the internal $\lambda$ does not have free variables. When evaluating the application $\Xi$, grab the local value of x as an actual argument and substitute it for the bound variable y in the body of the $\lambda$:

LET([('x', 42)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.y * π.y, ['y']), [Var('x')]))

Test EVAL on Collections

Notice that EVAL recurses into Dicts, Tuples, Lists, and numpy arrays. LET_STAR and LET gives us good tools for testing that.

Lists, with free variables:

    ('forty_two', 42),
    ('x', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: [π.forty_two, π.forty_two + 1]))),
    ('y', 3)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y)))

With bound variables:

    ('forty_two', 42),
    ('x', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: [π.forty_two, π.forty_two + 1]))),
    ('y', 3)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.xx * π.yy, ['xx', 'yy']), [Var('x'), Var('y')]))

Tuples, with free variables:

    ('forty_two', 42),
    ('x', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: (π.forty_two, π.forty_two + 1)))),
    ('y', 3)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y)))

Dictionaries, with free variables:

    ('forty_two', 42),
    ('x', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: {'π.forty_two': π.forty_two,
                         'forty-three': π.forty_two + 1}))),
    ('y', 3)],
   Ξ(Λ(lambda π: [π.x['π.forty_two'],
                  π.x['forty-three']] * π.y)))

Numpy arrays, with free variables:

    ('forty_two', 42),
    ('x', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: numpy.array(
         π.forty_two + 1])))),
    ('y', 3)],
    Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.x * π.y)))


LETREC binds codependent values in a new environment before evaluating them. LET evaluates values before binding them.

LETREC patches the environments of any contained procedures to ensure they have access to new bindings. Lengthy code in EVAL does the monkey-patching for us later. LETREC differs from LET only in the absence of EVALs on the value side. Those EVALs are done later.

        pairs: List[Tuple[str, Any]],
        body: Expression,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    if len(pairs) == 0:
        ρ = EVAL(body, π)
        return ρ
    E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
    for p in pairs:
        if isinstance(p[1], Procedure):
            p[1].π = E1
    _ = [setattr(E1.ϕ, p[0], p[1]) for p in pairs]  # <~~~ DON'T EVAL!
    ρ = EVAL(body, E1)
    return ρ


Factorial, familiar by now, accesses itself through the patched environment; fact is a free variable in the body of fact:

         Λ(lambda π:
            if π.m <= 0
            else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
           ['m', 'a']))],
       Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact(6, 1))))

Here is a version that fails if the patching is not done correctly:

Λ(lambda πo:
           Λ(lambda π:
              if π.m <= π.m0  # <~~~ Watch out!
              else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
             ['m', 'a']))],
         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact(6, 1))),
         πo),  # <~~~ access 'm0'

Now fully parameterized:

Λ(lambda πo:
           Λ(lambda π:
              if π.m <= π.m0  # <~~~ Watch out!
              else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
             ['m', 'a']))],
         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact(π.n, 1))),
         πo),  # <~~~ access 'm0' and 'n'
 ['m0', 'n'])(0, 6)

The final application $\Xi$ is necessary to actually evaluate the final $\Lambda$, lest it be simply returned unevaluated:

         Λ(lambda π:
            if π.m <= 0
            else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
           ['m', 'a']))],
       Λ(lambda π: π.fact(6, 1)))

But we can evaluate it:

         Λ(lambda π:
            if π.m <= 0
            else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
           ['m', 'a']))],
       Λ(lambda π: π.fact(6, 1)))()  # <~~~ extra evaluation!

One can unroll the final application into formal parameters and actual arguments:

         Λ(lambda π:
            if π.m <= 0
            else π.fact(π.m - 1, π.m * π.a)),
           ['m', 'a']))],
       Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact(π.n, π.b),
           ['n', 'b']),  # <~~~ formal parameters
         [6, 1]))  # <~~~ actual arguments

Mutually codependent procedures are OK:

LETREC([('z0', Λ(lambda π: 1 + π.y0(), ['y0'])),
        ('y0', Λ(lambda π: 42))],
      Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.y0() * π.z0(π.y0))))

Check that y0 does not leak into the global environment:

except NameError as e:

The following shows that z0 also does not leak from LETREC:

except NameError as e:

The following example is borrowed from the Racket documentation.

         Λ(lambda π: True if π.n == 0 else (not π.is_odd(π.n)),
         Λ(lambda π: π.n != 0 and π.is_even(abs(π.n) - 1),
      Ξ(Λ(lambda π: (
          π.is_even( 42),
          π.is_odd (-42),
          π.is_odd ( 43),

TODO: Tanai

Here is tak in ordinary Python, with a global counter of number of calls.

ntakcalls = 0
def tak(x, y, z):
    global ntakcalls
    ntakcalls += 1
    r = (tak(tak(x - 1, y, z),
             tak(y - 1, z, x),
             tak(z - 1, x, y))
         if y < x else
    return r
ntakcalls = 0
print(tak(3, 2, 1))

print({"ntakcalls": ntakcalls})

Here is a version with yield from a contextmanager; TODO: eventually implement this with a call/cc in Scheme and an Exception in Python:

from contextlib import contextmanager

def wtak():
    global ntakcalls
    ntakcalls = 0
    print({"ntakcalls": ntakcalls})

with wtak():
    print(tak(12, 8, 4))
with wtak():
    print(tak(18, 12, 6))
with wtak():
    print(tak(28, 20, 12))

Functional Instrumented Tak

Here is a functional flavoring of the instrumentation, not requiring "non-local" control

def itak(c, x, y, z):
    """c is the number of tak calls so far."""
    itakx = lambda c: itak(c, x - 1, y, z)
    itaky = lambda c: itak(c, y - 1, z, x)
    itakz = lambda c: itak(c, z - 1, x, y)
    if y < x:
        lx = itakx(c + 1)
        ly = itaky(lx[0] + 1)
        lz = itakz(ly[0] + 1)
        lr = itak(lz[0] + 1, lx[1], ly[1], lz[1])
        return lr
         return (c, z)
itak(1, 3, 2, 1)
itak(1, 12, 8, 4)
itak(1, 18, 12, 6)
itak(1, 28, 20, 12)

Instrumented Recursive Tak

Scheme equivalent:

(define (itak c x y z) (let ((itakx (lambda (c) (itak c (- x 1) y z))) (itaky (lambda (c) (itak c (- y 1) z x))) (itakz (lambda (c) (itak c (- z 1) x y)))) (if (< y x) (let* ((lx (itakx (+ c 1))) (ly (itaky (+ (car lx) 1))) (lz (itakz (+ (car ly) 1)))) (itak (+ (car lz) 1) (cadr lx) (cadr ly) (cadr lz))) (list c z))))

(pp (itak 1 3 2 1)) ; (5 2) (pp (itak 1 12 8 4)) ; (1733 5) (pp (itak 1 18 12 6)) ; (63609 7) ;; (pp (itak 1 28 20 12)) ; (2493349 13)


       Λ(lambda πo:
         LET([('itakx', Λ(lambda π: ΓΠ.irtak(π.c, π.x - 1, π.y, π.z), ['c'])),
              ('itaky', Λ(lambda π: ΓΠ.irtak(π.c, π.y - 1, π.z, π.x), ['c'])),
              ('itakz', Λ(lambda π: ΓΠ.irtak(π.c, π.z - 1, π.x, π.y), ['c']))],
             Ξ(Λ(lambda πi:
                     [('lx', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.itakx(π.c + 1)))),
                      ('ly', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.itaky(π.lx[0] + 1)))),
                      ('lz', Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.itakz(π.ly[0] + 1))))],
                     Ξ(Λ(lambda πii:
                             πii.lz[0] + 1,
                     π=πi  # <~~~ don't forget me!
                 ) if πi.y < πi.x
                 (πi.c, πi.z)
         ['c', 'x', 'y', 'z']))
ΓΠ.irtak(1, 3, 2, 1)  # expect (5, 2)
ΓΠ.irtak(1, 12, 8, 4)  # expect(1733, 5)  # 72msec
# assert ΓΠ.irtak(1, 18, 12, 6) == (63609, 7)  # 2sec 521msec
# assert ΓΠ.irtak(1, 28, 20, 12) == (2493349, 13)  # 1min 36sec

Tak with $\Upsilon$

      Λ(lambda πt:
        Λ(lambda π:
              π.tak(π.x - 1, π.y, π.z),
              π.tak(π.y - 1, π.z, π.x),
              π.tak(π.z - 1, π.x, π.y))
          if π.y < π.x else
          π.z, ['x', 'y', 'z'], πt),
ΓΠ.ΥN(ΓΠ.tak, ['xt', 'yt', 'zt'])(18, 12, 6)

Too slow:

# ΓΠ.Υ3(ΓΠ.tak)(28, 20, 12)


LABELS is a special case of LETREC where all the values are mutually codependent procedures.

        binding_pairs: List[Tuple[str, Any]],
        body: Application,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    for pair in binding_pairs:
        if not isinstance(pair[1], Procedure):
            raise IllegalArgumentsError(
                f'all values in labels must be Procedures; '
                f'this value {pair[1]} is not')
    result = LETREC(binding_pairs, body, π)
    return result  # <~~~ Hang breakpoint here.

Our old friend, factorial:

        Λ(lambda π:
         if π.m <= 0
         else π.fact_iter_nom(π.m - 1, π.a * π.m)),
       ['m', 'a']))],
      Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact_iter_nom(6, 1))))

Test monkey patching again:

Λ(lambda πo:
           Λ(lambda π:
              if π.m <= π.m0  # <~~~ Watch out!
              else π.fact_iter_nom(π.m - 1, π.a * π.m)),
             ['m', 'a']))],
         Ξ(Λ(lambda π: π.fact_iter_nom(6, 1))),
  ['m0'])(1)  # <~~~ Works with 1, also.


Here is the specification of DO from Steele's paper, without further explanation here:

(DO (( ) ( ) ... ( )) ( ) )

First, a non-tail-recursive version:

def CHECK_TYPE(x: Any, t: Any) -> Any:
    assert isinstance(x, t)
    return x

def DO_NTC(
        triples: List[Tuple[str, Expression, Procedure]],
        pred: Procedure,
        value: Expression,
        body: Procedure,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ
) -> Any:
    """(DO ((<var1> <init1> <λstep1>)
            (<var2> <init2> <λstep2>
            . . .
            (<varñ> <initñ> <λstepñ))
            (<λpred> <λvalue>)
    Steps are evaluated sequentially.
    Tail-recursive version requires a LOOPN.
    vars = [CHECK_TYPE(t[0], str) for t in triples]
    inits = [t[1] for t in triples]
    steps = [CHECK_TYPE(t[2], Procedure) for t in triples]
    E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
    _ = [setattr(E1.ϕ, f'σteps_{i}', step)
         for i, step in enumerate(steps)]
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'πred', CHECK_TYPE(pred, Procedure))
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'vaλue', CHECK_TYPE(value, Procedure))
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'βody', CHECK_TYPE(body, Procedure))
    r = LABELS([(
        Λ(lambda πb:
          (EVAL(Ξ('vaλue'), πb)
           if EVAL(Ξ('πred'), πb)
           else πb.λoop(  # <~~~ non-tail recursion
              EVAL(Ξ('βody'), πb),
              *[EVAL(Ξ(f'σteps_{i}'), πb)
                for i in range(len(steps))])),
          ['βody_result', *vars]))],
          [None, *[EVAL(init, E1) for init in inits]]),
    return r

Our old friend, factorial, as non-tail-recursive DO:

Λ(lambda πo:
  DO_NTC([('m', πo.m, Λ(lambda π: π.m - 1)),
          ('a', 1, Λ(lambda π: π.a * π.m))],
         pred=Λ(lambda π: π.m <= 1),
         value=Λ(lambda π: π.a),
         body=Λ(lambda π: None),

This blows recursion, naturally:

    Λ(lambda πo:
      DO_NTC([('m', πo.m, Λ(lambda π: π.m - 1)),
              ('a', 1, Λ(lambda π: π.a * π.m))],
             pred=Λ(lambda π: π.m <= 1),
             value=Λ(lambda π: π.a),
             body=Λ(lambda π: None),
except RecursionError as e:

A tail-recursive version, with the natural name DO. This uses LOOPN, defined earlier. Because tail-recursion must be the base case in Schemulator, we don't bother to test $\Upsilon{}N$, here:

def DO(
        triples: List[Tuple[str, Expression, Procedure]],
        pred: Procedure,
        value: Procedure,
        body: Procedure,
        π: Environment = ΓΠ):
    """(DO ((<var1> <init1> <λstep1>)
            (<var2> <init2> <λstep2>
            . . .
            (<varñ> <initñ> <λstepñ))
            (<λpred> <λvalue>)
    Steps are evaluated sequentially.
    Tail-recursive version requires a LOOPN.
    vars = [CHECK_TYPE(t[0], str) for t in triples]
    inits = [t[1] for t in triples]
    steps = [CHECK_TYPE(t[2], Procedure) for t in triples]
    E1 = Environment(lambda: None, π)
    _ = [setattr(E1.ϕ, f'σteps_{i}', step)
         for i, step in enumerate(steps)]
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'πred', CHECK_TYPE(pred, Procedure))
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'vaλue', CHECK_TYPE(value, Procedure))
    setattr(E1.ϕ, 'βody', CHECK_TYPE(body, Procedure))
    r = LABELS([(
        Λ(lambda πd:  # Domain code is a functino of 'λf', ...
          Λ(lambda πb:  # ... which is busines code of N params.
            (EVAL(Ξ('vaλue'), πb)
             if EVAL(Ξ('πred'), πb)
             else πb.λf(  # <~~~ tail recursion
                EVAL(Ξ('βody'), πb),
                *[EVAL(Ξ(f'σteps_{i}'), πb)
                  for i in range(len(steps))])),
            ['βody_result', *vars], π=πd),
          ['λf'], π=E1))],
        Ξ(Λ(lambda πl:
            LOOPN(πl.λoop, ['βody_result', *vars])  # <~~~ Tail Recursion
            (None, *[EVAL(init, E1) for init in inits]))),
    return r
Λ(lambda πo:
  DO([('m', πo.m, Λ(lambda π: π.m - 1)),
      ('a', 1, Λ(lambda π: π.a * π.m))],
     pred=Λ(lambda π: π.m <= 1),
     value=Λ(lambda π: π.a),
     body=Λ(lambda π: None),

Now the recursion limit is not blown:

Λ(lambda πo:
  DO([('m', πo.m, Λ(lambda π: π.m - 1)),
      ('a', 1, Λ(lambda π: π.a * π.m))],
     pred=Λ(lambda π: π.m <= 1),
     value=Λ(lambda π: π.a),
     body=Λ(lambda π: None),

Junkyard / Workshop

Ignore everything below. It's saved in case we need it someday.



Named Let

Partial Evaluation and Automatic Currying


Normal-Order (Lazy) Evaluation

Streams (scons, scar, scdr, ...)


Laziest Tanai


Primitive Functions

DEFINE('γ2', 42)
π_integer_bin_ops = Environment(lambda: None, ΓΠ)
       Λ(lambda π:
         ECHO('+ii:a', π.a) + ECHO('+ii:b', π.b),
         ['a', 'b']),

# P.FIII = (int, int) -> int
# P.FDID = X
# P.FDDD = (double, double) -> double

# U.FIII = (int, int) -> int
# U.FDID = (double, int) -> double
Λ(lambda π: ECHO('π', π).plus_int_int(π.γ2, 2), π=π_integer_bin_ops)()