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This is repo packages FoundryVTT for use with NixOS and Nix. It only includes the server component. We use FoundryVTT intermitently, but I’ve subscribed to notifications on foundryvtt/foundryvtt in the hope I can do a better job keeping up to date with releases when we’re not actively playing.

The NixOS module targets the latest release of NixOS. That’s 24.05.

Using the Module

To use the module, add it to the modules list in your NixOS configuration. See below for an example flake.nix and configuration.nix. See modules/foundryvtt/default.nix for the available options.


  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-24.05";
  inputs.foundryvtt.url = "github:reckenrode/nix-foundryvtt";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, foundryvtt }: {
    nixosConfigurations.example = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      specialArgs = { inherit inputs; };
      modules = [


  services.foundryvtt = {
    enable = false;
    hostName = "<hostname goes here>";
    minifyStaticFiles = true;
    proxyPort = 443;
    proxySSL = true;
    upnp = false;

Using a different version of Foundry VTT

By default, the module uses foundryvtt, which corresponds to FoundryVTT v11. You should change the module to the version of FoundryVTT you plan to run on your server. See below for how to use a different package version.

{ inputs, pkgs, ... }:

  services.foundryvtt = {
    enable = false;
    hostName = "<hostname goes here>";
    minifyStaticFiles = true;
    package = inputs.foundryvtt.packages.${pkgs.system}.foundryvtt_12; # Sets the version to the latest FoundryVTT v12.
    proxyPort = 443;
    proxySSL = true;
    upnp = false;

Preventing Garbage Collection of the FoundryVTT Zip File

Because FoundryVTT is not available for download without a login, it has to be added manually to the store. Doing this per the instructions when you first build your configuration will add the file to the store, but the file is at risk of being garbage collected when nix-collect-garbage is run. To prevent the file from being garbage collected, create a GC root. As long as the created root exists, it will be used as necessary when you rebuild or update your configs.

Note: You will need to repeat this procedure for every version of FoundryVTT that you use.

$ nix-store --add-fixed sha256 FoundryVTT-<version>.zip
$ mkdir -p <some path>
$ nix-store --add-root <some path>/FoundryVTT-<version>.zip -r /nix/store/<hash>-FoundryVTT-<version>.zip
<some path>/FoundryVTT-<version>.zip
$ ls -al <some path>
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   3 reckenrode staff   96 Jun 18 18:33 ./
drwxr-x---+ 75 reckenrode staff 2400 Jun 18 18:33 ../
lrwxr-xr-x   1 reckenrode staff   65 Jun 18 18:33 FoundryVTT-<version>.zip -> /nix/store/<hash>-FoundryVTT-<version>.zip

Versioning Policy

nix-foundryvtt has version information for all available releases of Foundry VTT. It provides packages for the latest stable releases of v9, v10, v11, and v12. foundryvtt_latest corresponds to the latest version (currently v12).

Overriding the FoundryVTT Version

The FoundryVTT version can be overriden using overrideAttrs.

  • Specify the majorVersion and releaseType to specify the major version and release you want to install.
    • majorVersion corresponds to the major version as used by FoundryVTT.
    • releaseType is one of prototype, development, testing, or stable. This specifies the least stable release the resolver should match. The default is stable.
      • prototype will match all release types.
      • development will match development, testing, and stable.
      • testing will match testing and stable.
      • stable will match only stable.
  • Specify version to use a specific version based on the semver version (e.g., 12.0.0+327 to install FoundryVTT 12.327). Specifying a version ignores the release type.
  • Specify build to use a specific build (e.g., 327 to install FoundryVTT 12.327). Specifying a build ignores the release type.

Performing a Foundry Upgrade

  1. Download the new Linux/NodeJS version of Foundry from your licensed account at

  2. Run nix build .#foundryvtt.passthru.updateScript && ./result <path to download>/FoundryVTT-<version>.zip <release type>

    • <release type> is one of the above release types.
  3. Commit all the changes to a branch, test them, and create a PR for the update.