ffplay -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://
ffplay -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://
Remember to expose the ports if you're using Docker.
All requests require basic auth, POST, PUT and DELETE requests need to have a matching CSRF-token in the X-CSRF-TOKEN
curl -k -u admin:pass -X GET
System time zone location.
General settings.
Set general configuration.
Set user data.
example request:
"id": "7phg3h7v3ayb5g2f",
"username": "name",
"isAdmin": false,
"plainPassword": "pass"
Delete a user by id.
CSRF-token of current user.
Uncensored monitor configuration.
Delete a monitor by id.
Censored monitor configuration.
Restart monitor by id.
Set monitor.
Delete recording by id.
Thumbnail by exact recording ID.
Video by exact recording ID.
Query recordings.
example response: data=false
"data": null
example response: data=true
"data": {
"start": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000000Z",
"end": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000000Z",
"events": [{
"time": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000000Z",
"detections": [{
"label": "person",
"score": 100,
"region": {
"rect": [0, 0, 100, 100]
"duration": 000000000
## Logs
Query logs. Time is in Unix micro seconds.
example response:
List of log sources.
example response:["app","monitor","recorder","storage","watchdog"]
Requires basic auth and TLS. Authentication is validated before each response.
example: wss://
curl doesn't support wss.
Live log feed.