Sword Art Online (Web Edition)
This page lists Sword Art Online series written since Nov 2002 to Jul 2008.
Sword Art Online X2 sold on Comitia92 (May 2010) was also included because of its relationship with web edition.
In early 2009, Kunori Fumio packed the web edition into a zipped archive for distribution, and these novels were removed from WordGear website.
Sword Art Online 1: Aincrad (2002.Nov.29-2002.Dec.12)
Sword Art Online Ex1: 黒の剣士 (2003.Feb.12-2003.Feb.24)
Sword Art Online Ex2: Four Days (2003.Feb.24-2003.Jun.3)
Sword Art Online Ex3: ココロの温度 (2003.??.??)
Sword Art Online X1: #16.5 (2003.May.12)
Sword Art Online Ex3.1: サルビア (2003.Aug.10)
Sword Art Online 2: Fairy Dance (2003.Aug.??-2003.Nov.22)
Sword Art Online 3: 死铳 (2004.Jan.31-2004.May.14)
Sword Art Online Ex4: 絶剣 (2004.Jul.8-2004.Oct.10)
Sword Art Online Ex6: 赤鼻のトナカイ (2005.Dec.23-2005.Dec.29)
Sword Art Online Ex3.2: VRMMO開発秘話 (2006.??.??)
Sword Art Online 4: Alicization (2005.Jan.31-2008.Jul.25)
Chapter 1: Prologue: Underworld (2005.Jan.31-2005.Jun.14)
Chapter 2: Prologue: STL (2005.Jun.22-2005.Jul.15)
Chapter 3: Underworld-Nord (2005.Jul.26-2005.Oct.9)
Chapter 4: Ocean Turtle (2005.Oct.18-2006.Jan.19)
Chapter 5: Sword Academy (2006.Jan.20-2006.Feb.24)
Chapter 6: Gabriel Miller (2006.Mar.2-2006.May.1)
Chapter 7: Central Cathedral (2006.May.16-2007.Sep.12)
Chapter 8: War of Underworld (2007.Sep.15-2008.Jul.2)
Epilogue: ALICE (2008.Jul.5-2008.Jul.25)
Reader Comments and Kunori Responses (2008.Sep.12)
Sword Art Online X2: たったひとつの究極的なやりかた (2010.May.4)
Sword Art Online: Face To Face Interview