citeproc-php is an Open Source project. You can support it by reporting bugs, contributing code or contributing documentation.
Developing software is a hard job and one has to spend a lot of time. Every open-source developer is looking forward about esteem for his work. If you use citeproc-php and if you like it, star it and talk about it in Blogs.
Use the Issue Tracker in order to report a bug.
You are a developer and you like to help developing new features or bug fixes? Fork citeproc-php, setup a workspace and send a pull request.
I would suggest the following way:
- Fork citeproc-php on Github
- Clone the forked repo
$ git clone<yourname>/citeproc-php
- Setup your preferred IDE
- Run the UnitTests within your IDE
- Write a test case for your issue. My tests are based on the original test-suite. You can build custom (human-readable) test cases following the described Fixture layout.
- Additionally, you have to translate (human-readable) test-cases into json format (machine-readable)
$ cd <project-root>/tests/fixtures/basic-tests
$ ./ -g
- create a test function within an already existing test class or create a new test class:
namespace Seboettg\CiteProc;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class MyNewClassTest extends TestCase
use TestSuiteTestCaseTrait;
// ...
public function testMyBrandNewFunction()
//my brand new function is the file name (without file extension)
// ...
- Make sure that your test case covers relevant code parts
- Implement the code until all tests finishing successfully
- Send a pull request