import base64 import copy import thread import socket import sys import os import datetime import time import json import threading import email.utils as eut # global variables max_connections = 10 BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 CACHE_DIR = "./cache" BLACKLIST_FILE = "blacklist.txt" USERNAME_PASSWORD_FILE = "username_password.txt" MAX_CACHE_BUFFER = 3 NO_OF_OCC_FOR_CACHE = 2 blocked = [] admins = [] # take command line argument if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: python %s <PROXY_PORT>" % sys.argv[0] print "Example: python %s 20000" % sys.argv[0] raise SystemExit try: proxy_port = int(sys.argv[1]) except: print "provide proper port number" raise SystemExit if not os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR): os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR) f = open(BLACKLIST_FILE, "rb") data = "" while True: chunk = if not len(chunk): break data += chunk f.close() blocked = data.splitlines() f = open(USERNAME_PASSWORD_FILE, "rb") data = "" while True: chunk = if not len(chunk): break data += chunk f.close() data = data.splitlines() for d in data: admins.append(base64.b64encode(d)) for file in os.listdir(CACHE_DIR): os.remove(CACHE_DIR + "/" + file) # lock fileurl def get_access(fileurl): if fileurl in locks: lock = locks[fileurl] else: lock = threading.Lock() locks[fileurl] = lock lock.acquire() # unlock fileurl def leave_access(fileurl): if fileurl in locks: lock = locks[fileurl] lock.release() else: print "Lock problem" sys.exit() # add fileurl entry to log def add_log(fileurl, client_addr): fileurl = fileurl.replace("/", "__") if not fileurl in logs: logs[fileurl] = [] dt = time.strptime(time.ctime(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") logs[fileurl].append({ "datetime" : dt, "client" : json.dumps(client_addr), }) #print logs[fileurl] # decide whether to cache or not def do_cache_or_not(fileurl): try: log_arr = logs[fileurl.replace("/", "__")] if len(log_arr) < NO_OF_OCC_FOR_CACHE : return False last_third = log_arr[len(log_arr)-NO_OF_OCC_FOR_CACHE]["datetime"] if datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(last_third)) + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) >= return True else: return False except Exception as e: print e return False # check whether file is already cached or not def get_current_cache_info(fileurl): if fileurl.startswith("/"): fileurl = fileurl.replace("/", "", 1) cache_path = CACHE_DIR + "/" + fileurl.replace("/", "__") if os.path.isfile(cache_path): last_mtime = time.strptime(time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(cache_path)), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") return cache_path, last_mtime else: return cache_path, None # collect all cache info def get_cache_details(client_addr, details): get_access(details["total_url"]) add_log(details["total_url"], client_addr) do_cache = do_cache_or_not(details["total_url"]) cache_path, last_mtime = get_current_cache_info(details["total_url"]) leave_access(details["total_url"]) details["do_cache"] = do_cache details["cache_path"] = cache_path details["last_mtime"] = last_mtime return details # if cache is full then delete the least recently used cache item def get_space_for_cache(fileurl): cache_files = os.listdir(CACHE_DIR) if len(cache_files) < MAX_CACHE_BUFFER: return for file in cache_files: get_access(file) """" last_mtime = min(os.path.getmtime(CACHE_DIR + "/" + file) for file in cache_files) print last_mtime file = [file for file in cache_files if os.path.getmtime(CACHE_DIR + "/" + file) == last_mtime][0] print file os.remove(CACHE_DIR + "/" + file) print file, "removed" """ last_mtime = min(logs[file][-1]["datetime"] for file in cache_files) file_to_del = [file for file in cache_files if logs[file][-1]["datetime"] == last_mtime][0] os.remove(CACHE_DIR + "/" + file_to_del) for file in cache_files: leave_access(file) # returns a dictionary of details def parse_details(client_addr, client_data): try: # parse first line like below # http::// lines = client_data.splitlines() while lines[len(lines)-1] == '': lines.remove('') first_line_tokens = lines[0].split() url = first_line_tokens[1] # get starting index of IP url_pos = url.find("://") if url_pos != -1: protocol = url[:url_pos] url = url[(url_pos+3):] else: protocol = "http" # get port if any # get url path port_pos = url.find(":") path_pos = url.find("/") if path_pos == -1: path_pos = len(url) # change request path accordingly if port_pos==-1 or path_pos < port_pos: server_port = 80 server_url = url[:path_pos] else: server_port = int(url[(port_pos+1):path_pos]) server_url = url[:port_pos] # check for auth auth_line = [ line for line in lines if "Authorization" in line] if len(auth_line): auth_b64 = auth_line[0].split()[2] else: auth_b64 = None # build up request for server first_line_tokens[1] = url[path_pos:] lines[0] = ' '.join(first_line_tokens) client_data = "\r\n".join(lines) + '\r\n\r\n' return { "server_port" : server_port, "server_url" : server_url, "total_url" : url, "client_data" : client_data, "protocol" : protocol, "method" : first_line_tokens[0], "auth_b64" : auth_b64, } except Exception as e: print e print return None # insert the header def insert_if_modified(details): lines = details["client_data"].splitlines() while lines[len(lines)-1] == '': lines.remove('') #header = "If-Modified-Since: " + time.strptime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", details["last_mtime"]) header = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", details["last_mtime"]) header = "If-Modified-Since: " + header lines.append(header) details["client_data"] = "\r\n".join(lines) + "\r\n\r\n" return details # serve get request def serve_get(client_socket, client_addr, details): try: #print details["client_data"], details["do_cache"], details["cache_path"], details["last_mtime"] client_data = details["client_data"] do_cache = details["do_cache"] cache_path = details["cache_path"] last_mtime = details["last_mtime"] server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.connect((details["server_url"], details["server_port"])) server_socket.send(details["client_data"]) reply = server_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if last_mtime and "304 Not Modified" in reply: print "returning cached file %s to %s" % (cache_path, str(client_addr)) get_access(details["total_url"]) f = open(cache_path, 'rb') chunk = while chunk: client_socket.send(chunk) chunk = f.close() leave_access(details["total_url"]) else: if do_cache: print "caching file while serving %s to %s" % (cache_path, str(client_addr)) get_space_for_cache(details["total_url"]) get_access(details["total_url"]) f = open(cache_path, "w+") # print len(reply), reply while len(reply): client_socket.send(reply) f.write(reply) reply = server_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) #print len(reply), reply f.close() leave_access(details["total_url"]) client_socket.send("\r\n\r\n") else: print "without caching serving %s to %s" % (cache_path, str(client_addr)) #print len(reply), reply while len(reply): client_socket.send(reply) reply = server_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) #print len(reply), reply client_socket.send("\r\n\r\n") server_socket.close() client_socket.close() return except Exception as e: server_socket.close() client_socket.close() print e return def serve_post(client_socket, client_addr, details): try: server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.connect((details["server_url"], details["server_port"])) server_socket.send(details["client_data"]) while True: reply = server_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if len(reply): client_socket.send(reply) else: break server_socket.close() client_socket.close() return except Exception as e: server_socket.close() client_socket.close() print e return def is_blocked(client_socket, client_addr, details): if not (details["server_url"] + ":" + str(details["server_port"])) in blocked: return False if not details["auth_b64"]: return True if details["auth_b64"] in admins: return False return True # A thread function to handle one request def handle_one_request_(client_socket, client_addr, client_data): details = parse_details(client_addr, client_data) if not details: print "no any details" client_socket.close() return isb = is_blocked(client_socket, client_addr, details) """ Here we can check whether request is from outside the campus area or not. We have IP and port to which the request is being made. We can send error message if required. """ if isb: print "Block status : ", isb if isb: client_socket.send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n") client_socket.send("Content-Length: 11\r\n") client_socket.send("\r\n") client_socket.send("Error\r\n") client_socket.send("\r\n\r\n") elif details["method"] == "GET": details = get_cache_details(client_addr, details) if details["last_mtime"]: details = insert_if_modified(details) serve_get(client_socket, client_addr, details) elif details["method"] == "POST": serve_post(client_socket, client_addr, details) client_socket.close() print client_addr, "closed" print # This funciton initializes socket and starts listening. # When connection request is made, a new thread is created to serve the request def start_proxy_server(): # Initialize socket try: proxy_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) proxy_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) proxy_socket.bind(('', proxy_port)) proxy_socket.listen(max_connections) print "Serving proxy on %s port %s ..." % ( str(proxy_socket.getsockname()[0]), str(proxy_socket.getsockname()[1]) ) except Exception as e: print "Error in starting proxy server ..." print e proxy_socket.close() raise SystemExit # Main server loop while True: try: client_socket, client_addr = proxy_socket.accept() client_data = client_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) print print "%s - - [%s] \"%s\"" % ( str(client_addr), str(, client_data.splitlines()[0] ) thread.start_new_thread( handle_one_request_, ( client_socket, client_addr, client_data ) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: client_socket.close() proxy_socket.close() print "\nProxy server shutting down ..." break logs = {} locks = {} start_proxy_server()