- Remove contextual card in favor of user card
- create-transactio -> create credit transaction
- remove imgLorempixel
- remove zipCodeByState
- remove city name only city
- remove commonFileName
- remove commonFileExt
- remove commonFileType
- remove datatypeUuid
- remove exampleEmail
- remove img*
- change findName to fullName
- remove phoneNumberFormat
- remove randomArrayElement
- remove randomArrayElements
- remove randomHexaDecimal
- remove randomImage
- randomLocale => locale
- remove randomObjectElement
- remove randomWords
- remove streetPrefix
- remove suffixes
- remove vehicleColor
- randomSequence
- seed
- randomNumber
- randomFloat
- randomBoolean
- randomImg
- uuid
- locale
- rand
- fileName
- mimeType
- fileType
- fileExt
- directoryPath
- filePath
- semver
- text
- word
- sentence
- alpha
- alphaNumeric
- slug
- abbreviation
- adjective
- noun
- verb
- ingverb
- phrase
- jobTitle
- jobDescriptor
- jobArea
- jobType
- protocol
- httpMethod
- url
- domainName
- domainSuffix
- domainWord
- ip
- ipv6
- port
- userAgent
- mac
- firstName
- lastName
- fullName
- middleName
- gender
- personPrefix
- phone
- avatar
- password
- userName
- rgb
- hex
- hsl
- past
- future
- between
- recent
- soon
- month
- weekday
- department
- productName
- price
- productAdjective
- productMaterial
- product
- productDescription
Note: Prefix each function with company
and max 20 items for each
- name
- suffix
- phrase
- catchPhraseAdjective
- catchPhraseDescriptor
- catchPhraseNoun
- bsAdjective
- bsBuzz
- bsNoun
Note: Prefix each function with database
and max 20 items for each
- column
- type
- collation
- engine
- zipCode
- zipCodeByState
- city
- streetName
- streetAddress
- county
- country
- countryCode
- state
- stateAbbr
- latitude
- longitude
- direction
- cardinalDirection
- ordinalDirection
- nearbyGPSCoordinate
- timeZone
- account
- routingNumber
- mask
- amount
- transactionType
- currencyCode
- currencyName
- currencySymbol
- bitcoinAddress
- creditCardNumber
- creditCardCVV
- ethereumAddress
- iban
- bic
- transactionDescription
- branch
- commitEntry
- commitMessage
- commitSha
- shortSha
Note: max 20 items for each
- dog
- cat
- snake
- bear
- lion
- cetacean
- horse
- bird
- cow
- fish
- crocodilia
- insect
- rabbit
- animalType
Note: Prefix each function with vehicle
and max 20 items for each
- manufacturer
- model
- type
- fuel
- vin
- vrm
- bicycle