diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
index 8bb2dcf..d10e2fd 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -149,6 +149,25 @@ Rails as of Rails 3.0.3, so we hope it will get rectified at some point.
=== Development and support
+==== Set-up
+Create a test database configuration file test/database.yml with the following content (replace with proper dbname/username/password):
+ adapter: mysql2spatial
+ encoding: utf8
+ reconnect: true
+ host: localhost
+ username: YOUR_USER_NAME
+Install required gems with bundle install (remove Gemfile.lock and then install gems if there are any issues with gem versions).
+Run the test suite before committing or publishing any changes:
+ bundle exec rake test
Documentation is available at http://rgeo.github.com/activerecord-mysql2spatial-adapter/rdoc
Source code is hosted on Github at http://github.com/rgeo/activerecord-mysql2spatial-adapter