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File metadata and controls

491 lines (270 loc) · 12.4 KB


A way for jquery developers to use the closure library in a familiar way

Thanks to JQuery and Zepto for ideas and the Google guys for the great set of closure tools

You can initialize a new G object by:



the selector can either be an array, an element or a string. The string should be in one of the below forms and selects an array of elements:

  • "#elementId"
  • ".className"
  • "tagName[ .className]"

the className is optional in the last selector. You can also pass through an element as a second argument to the G object with the above selectors to use as a root node to search from.

If you are using a browser that supports querySelectorAll then G will use that and any valid selector for that browser can be passed.

You can also add in some css filters by putting :filter at the end of the string. Here are the filters that are supported

  • visible
  • hidden
  • selected
  • checked
  • first
  • last
  • even
  • odd

You can now also change the selector engine. Just call GG.setSelectorEngine(engine). The engine should be a function that takes in a selector and an optional element to look under. Some valid engines include goog.dom.query and Sizzle.

You can also set the matches engines with GG.setMatchesEngine(engine) which should take an element and a selector string. A valid matches engine could be Sizzle.matchesSelector. The default matching engine may use getEls to match an element if there is no native matchesSelector function.


GG.elsBySelector(selector, context): Array

will return an array of elements matching the selector underneath the optional context element

GG.matches(element, selector): boolean

returns whether an element matches a selector string or function that returns a boolean

GG.extend(object, ...objects): object

extends the first object with the objects given and return that object

GG.wait(function, millisecond, opt_handler): id

wait milliseconds before running the function with the optional handler, return id for use with GG.clearWait


clear the function to be run

GG.contains(container, child): boolean

whether the container element holds the child element in it's tree, key): string

the data that was saved on the element, key, value): G

sets the data for an element and returns the element in a G object

GG.each(collection, callback): G

runs the callback function taking the element and the index on each element in the collection, returning the collection in a G object

GG.grep(array, filter, opt_invert): array

filters an array based on the filter function. You can optionally invert the results

GG.inArray(value, array, opt_index): number

returns the index of a value in the array optionally searching from an index, callback): array

returns an array where the values are transformed by a function that takes in the element and the index and returns the new value

GG.param(object): string

changes an object in to a parameter string where arrays are broken out: a = [1,2] -> a=1&a=2 and objects are recursively given square brackets a = {a:1, b:2} -> a[a]=1&a[b]=2

GG.merge(array, array): array

merge two arrays together

GG.parseJSON(string): object

convert a json string to an object

GG.proxy(function, this): function

binds 'this' to the given object for a function

GG.trim(string): string

trims whitespace from a string

GG.unique(array): array

removes duplicates from an array


a blank function

array functions

.sort(function): G

function takes two elements and returns -1,0,1 - same as native Array sort

.reverse(): G

same as native Array reverse

.each(function, opt_handler): G

accepts a function to run on each element in the array. The function takes three arguments. The value, the index and the array. You can pass in an optional handler to be the "this" in the array. returns the G object

.filter(function, opt_handler): G

the function can take three arguments, the value, the index and the array and should return true or false. An optional handler can be passed in to act as this. a new G object containing only the values returning true will be returned.

You can also pass in ":odd",":even",":first" or ":last" to get those elements

.not(function, opt_handler)

returns the inverse of filter

.map(function, opt_handler): G

the function can take three arguments, the value, the index and the array and should return a value that will replace the existing value. An optional handler can be passed in to act as this. a new G object containing only the values returning true will be returned

.get(index): object

will return whatever object is at the index in G. Negative values count from the end of G backwards

.first(): object

returns the first object in G

.last(): object

returns the last element

.toArray(): Array

returns the elements as an array

.eq(index): G

return G object with just the element at index

.size(): number

returns the length of G

.add(array): G

adds an array on to the end of G

.remove(element): G

removes an element from G

.contains(obj): Boolean

tests if the array contains an object

DOM functions

these will only work on G objects containing elements

.css(name, value): G

sets a style on all elements

.css(object): G

sets a hash map of style keys and values on each element

.css(name): string

gets the computed style on the first element for name

.top(): Number

returns the top offset of the first element

.top(input): G

sets the attribute

.left(): Number

returns the left offset of the first element

.left(input): G

sets the attribute

.width(): Number

returns the width of the first element

.width(input): G

sets the attribute

.height(): Number

returns the height offset of the first element

.height(input): G

sets the attribute

.index(selector): number

returns the index of the first element that matches a selector

.find(selector): G

return a G with all the elements matching the selector under the current elements in G

.visible() : boolean

returns if it hasn't been set to invisible

.visible(on/off): G

pass in a function that takes the element and returns a boolean, or a boolean

.show(): G

makes the elements visible

.hide(): G

hides the elements

.attr(string): G

return a G array holding the values of the attribute for the element

.attr(object) | .attr(string, string): G

sets the attribute pair, or pairs in an object to the elements

.data(string): G

return a G array holding the values of the "data-string" attribute for the element

.data(string, string): G

sets the data pair of the elements

.removeNode(): G

removes the nodes from the document

.replace(element): G

replaces the first element in G with the element and returns a new G with the new node only

.val(): G

returns a G array of the value of form elements

.val(string): G

sets the value of form elements

.empty(): G

remove all child nodes under the elements

.next(): G

return the next sibling of the node

.prev(): G

return the previous sibling of the node

.children(selector): G

returns a G with the children of the elements optionally filtering on a selector

.parent(): G

returns a G or the unique parents

.detach(selector): G

removes elements that match the selector fromt he document

.addClass(class): G

adds class to all elements taking string or function

.removeClass(class): G

removes a class from all elements taking a string or function

.toggleClass(string, on/off): G

toggles the className, optionally pass a function that returns a boolean given the element or a boolean

.hasClass(string): G

return a G array of the elements that have the given class

.has(selector): G

returns a G which is filtered based on the selector

.append(input): G

appends the input to all elements, can be a function, string or Node/NodeList or G, will clone the input if there is more than one element

.appendTo(input): G

appends all the elements to the element which matches the input which can be a G, element, selector or function returning and element

.after(input): G

inserts the input after the element which can be a function, string or Node/NodeList or G. If there is more than one element then the input is cloned

.insertAfter(input): G

puts the elements after the input which can be a function, string or Node/NodeList or G

.before(input): G

inserts the input before the element which can be a function, string or Node/NodeList or G. If there is more than one element then the input is cloned

.insertBefore(input): G

puts the elements before the input which can be a function, string or Node/NodeList or G

.clone(deep): G

returns a G with cloned nodes, can pass whether to do a deep copy

.html(): G

return the innerHTML of the elements

.html(html): G

sets the innerHTML of the elements taking a string or function

.outerHTML(): string

returns the outerHTML of all elements together

.text(): G

gets the textContent of the elements

.text(text): G

sets the textContent of the elements taking a string or function

Event functions

these are usually used for element arrays, but can also be applied to EventTargets

G.on(): uid

same as boolean

pass an array of listener ids to turn them off, passes back if it was succesfule

.on(eventType[, selector][, data], fn(event)[, this][, eventObject]):Array

takes in the event type (i.e. or "click"), an optional selector (must be a string) to test against the target, optional data to get on (must be an Object), the handling function which takes in the Event, an optional handler to be used as "this" and an optional eventObject (use this with goog.ui.Component and pass in this.getHandler()). returns a list of uids that can be passed to


alias for on

.off(eventType, function, handler, eventObject): boolean

removes an event registered with on, passes back it it was succesful


alias for off

.trigger(type, opt_event): G

dispatch the event (defaults to UIEvent) on all elements

.click(function, handler, eventObject): uids

the same as bind but the eventType is set to click for you

other events you can call

will call on element if there is no function passed

  • .focus()
  • .blur()

will trigger when there is no function passed

  • .mouseup()
  • .mousedown()
  • .mouseover()
  • .mouseout()

change log


  • can now change the selector engine
  • visible, html, text, addClas, removeClass, toggleClass can take a function
  • added parent


  • new functions after/insertAfter/before/insertBefore/outerHTML
  • handles document fragments by getting their child nodes
  • uses document fragments to speed up append operations
  • will clone nodes when there are multiple elements to append to
  • if this.getHandler() to .on() is passed then get it's id
  • more functions can take a G object (including the constructor)


  • small enhancements in code
  • on now mimics JQuery's latest (see signature above) and code comments
  • can use - for first selector character instead of .
  • util functions moved to GG
  • can use $ or $$ instead of G or GG (not safe, overwrites $ and $$)
  • blur and focus are called using capture phase & IE uses focusin and focus out (see quirksmode)


  • more utility functions
  • behaves more like jquery
  • more docs
  • some css filters work


  • fixes throughout
  • passed compilation
  • passes strict linting


  • fixed compile warnings
  • removed proto
  • tested and working in IE8
  • reverse, sort from array
  • toArray to get back simple array
  • filter can accept strings


  • height, width, top, left
  • contains
  • append
  • addClass, removeClass
  • change bind to on and off
  • use querySelectorAll when available


start versioning