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This guide will show you how to contribute code to @alifd/next. Please take a few minutes to read before creating an issue or pull request.

Open Development

All development work takes place on Github, and whether it's a core team member or an external contributor, the pull request will go through the same review process.

Branch Organization

  • Bug fix, please pull request to master.
  • A new branch like feature/1.10.0 is opened every month, and new feature should be pull request to the branch.

Create Issue

We use [GitHub Issues] ( to track bugs and features. When creating an issue, please select Bug report or Feature request [] template and fill in the necessary information to help us quickly locate and resolve the problem.

Also, before you report a bug or submit a feature, make sure you have already searched for an existing issue.

Pull Request

We will focus on all pull requests, review and merge your code, and may ask you to make some changes or tell you why we can't accept such changes.

Before you send a Pull Request, please make sure you follow the steps below:

  1. Make changes based on the correct branch described above.

  2. Run npm install in the project root directory to install all development dependencies.

  3. If you want to update the code of the Button component, run npm run dev button in the project root directory, it will automatically launch the browser for you and open the demo page.

  4. If you fix a bug or add a new feature, be sure to write the test case. You can start all the components test case by running npm run test in the root directory, and you can also use npm run test button to run the test case for the specified component during development.

  5. Make sure that the code you've modified passes the eslint and stylelint checks, and we'll automate the lint on the code files you've added to the git cache during the precommit phase.

  6. Make sure your git commit message format meets our requirements: <type>(<scope>): <subject>, type is required, optional values include: build| Chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test|temp; scope is required, fill in the specific modified component name, such as feat(Menu), if it is a bulk modification or other changes, you can write as *, such as chore(*); subject is required, please use English, start with lowercase, if you close the issue, you should write such as fix(Menu): resolve xxx issue, close #12 , we will check the submission information in the git commit message phase.

  7. If a pull request has multiple commits, rebase the multiple commit record to one commit record.

Development Workflow

  1. Fork this repo to your own github account (step in the page , click on the fork button in the upper right cornor)
  2. Download the code you just forked on[your account]/next
git clone [email protected]:[your account]/next.git
  1. Step in the files, create a new branch and start your work
cd next
git checkout -b fix-issue-100

After doing all the stuff above and install the dependencies with npm install, you can also run the following commands:

  • npm run dev component start the debug page of the specified component

  • npm run test component start the test case of the specified component

  • npm run api component update the Chinese API documentation for the specified component automatically based on the code and comments

  • npm run test start test case of all components

  • npm run build compile es2015+ code to es5 and generate lib and es directories

  • npm run pack package the file and generate the dist directory


  1. To support SSR (Server-Side-Render):
    • Avoid using client variables such as windows as far as possible ( There is no window object on the server side. If you need to use it, you need to judge whether it exists step by step from the window. )
    • Use typeof to check whether a client object exits or not
      if(window && window.autoScroll)
      if(typeof window != undefined && window.autoScroll) )
    • Avoid mounting timers (possible memory leaks) to global objects such as windows
    • Avoid uncertain outputs such as random () (the output is predictable, independent of environment, etc.)
  2. The variable of SASS color calculation needs to start with $color-calcualte-, and should be written to variable.scss (not to main.scss), refer to Search, see #1029.

Release Schedule

Follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Semantic Version Strategy.

Patch Version: Every Wednesday release of a bugfix version(anytime for urgent bugfix).

Minor Version: Monthly release of a backward compatible version with new features.

Major version: contains some break changes, usually one to two years release of a version.