a llmake file is a sequence of target declarations, for example, the following is a target declaration.
"describe a small house"
target may optionally have a list of dependencies that must have already been executed before the current target can be executed.
"describe a small house"
another_house: house
"describe a small house that is next to the previous house"
targets may be optionally prefixed with _ to mark them as hidden targets that are not to be produced.
"describe the following thing"
house: _global
"a small house"
another_house: _global, house
"a house next to the other one"
dependencies can optionally name a file, if they do the content of that file is concantenated to the prompt
house: owner_description.txt
"describe the house that belongs to the just described owner"
To generate a make file and run it:
python llmake.py --makefile -o makefile
make all
To see a prompt of a given target
python llmake.py TARGETNAME