Simple checkers game made with Python and Tkinter for my Python Project course.
The player communications are made on top of It is the only dependency of both client and server.
Download the project files and open a terminal in the downloaded folder directory.
A remote server has already been set up for the backend.
To launch the client, install dependency first :
pip install "python-socketio[client]"
Then run (assuming you have a python 3 environment on your machine) :
python ./app/
Note : You will have to look for another player or run two windows of the app to be able to initiate the game and play.
However if you want to run your own server, you will need Node.js.
First install dependency with npm :
npm install
Then you can run the server :
node .
After that, run with the command above. The app will connect to the local server instead of the remote one.