Since v2.1 all changelog entries are merged into Roadiz monorepo
- Ignore Rozier vendor folder which may contain php files (26cf7b5)
- Translations: Let user choose source and destination translations (1581cd9)
- Translations: Moved controller and form-type from Rozier to RozierBundle (9bbf6a7)
- Translations: Update help messages (2c30a29)
- Bad merge commit (1b697a8)
- Duplicated translation key (63872ce)
- Remove dead-code and moved most of the constraints out of Forms in favor of Entity annotations (CoreBundle) (9787606)
- Missing help translation for folder form type (9983db6)
- Allow editing SEO info on non-reachable nodes (9df4675)
- Documents: Add all video, audio and picture sources in document preview page (e1c51e3)
- Override Rozier TranslateController to use new NodeTranslator service (1a722c5)
using Controller must implement getUserViewer() method.- Rename
- Added new CustomForm usage admin section to see which nodes use custom-form (669de0b)
- Added new document limitations edit page (8494361)
- Added Realm and RealmNode admin templates and controllers (e432bab)
- Added Realm behaviour column (dbb03d4)
- Added user list lastLogin (83f0d85)
- Added users translations messages (13b63a4)
- Document duplicates and unused section are now in main-menu (df2be36)
- EN, FR translations messages for custom-forms (c8ddc2f)
- Moved all OpenID logic to RoadizRozierBundle as it only supports authentication to backoffice. (bfaa380)
- Moved SessionListFilters to RozierBundle for type compatibility issues with Aliases. (5ca9296)
- Nullable discovery openId service (e9bf89f)
- Nullable Profiler (ab77abe)
- Override /bulk-download route controller to use new DocumentArchiver (79171ed)
- Override DocumentTranslation form for external url (6eece86)
- Override rozier CustomFormType to implement retentionTime form (86584fd)
- Realm EN translations (6a08c9c)
- Realm FR translations (97e7b35)
- Refactored PingController to avoid profiler (7ed7da2)
- Rename @Rozier to @RoadizRoadiz to share the same Twig namespace (23a31cb)
- Rewrote LoginRequestController (ff8e0e2)
- Dependencies constraints (e2fa667)
- Fixed login error translation (f5cb8fd)
- Login placeholder and label translation (4ea29a9)
- Missing folders/users/settings explorer services (99c32cf)
- Never connected users (62d0c1a)
- provide themeService in login page (3c7ea8e)
- Redirect to home page if access denied (d65ce71)
- Removed dead node export JSON pages (14d969e)