This document is intended to serve a few purposes:
- To capture our decisions (Education team and Marlowe Documentation team) as we progress through our work of creating the workshop kit.
- To serve as a single source of reference for tracking the decisions we have made.
- To show the whole picture of how the workshop kit is taking shape.
The team discussed and decided to select the example contract A Simple Sale of a Token as a good fit for the purposes of this workshop kit. Arturo and Luka will work together on writing an exercise for this. This work is tracked in PLT-7748.
Optional for the future is to also include the Token Swap contract example. But that is out of scope for our immediate workshop kit project.
Determine how much time needs to be allocated so that the workshop exercise can be completed successfully.
We discussed and confirmed in the meeting on Sep 28 that the workshop kit should be designed to fit within a 90 minute window of time.
We plan to test the workshop length by presenting it to an IOHK audience to verify that 90 minutes is enough time.
This time test is tracked by ticket PLT-7749.
There will be two pre-recorded video segments.
The first video will cover the essential aspects of introducing Marlowe. Arthuro will write this intro that will become a video. See PLT-7594.
The second video will demonstrate the process of creating a contract using the selected contract example "A Simple Sale of a Token" in Playground and deploying it with Runner, referencing wallets and test ada. See PLT-7748.
Consider reusing existing videos that have been recorded about Marlowe.
Consider reusing content from Cardano Days event.
We confirmed in the meeting on Sep 28 that Playground, Runner, wallets and test ada are all that will be needed. Beyond that, no further consideration of a deployment environment is required.
We identified the following as outcomes for the participants of the workshop:
- Enough of a general understanding of the Cardano ecosystem
- Familiarity with essential concepts of Marlowe
- Basic understanding of how to use Playground
- Basic understanding of how to use Runner
- Gaining the experience of creating a contract in Playground and successfully deploying it with Runner on one of the test networks
- Participants provide workshop feedback
- Participants are incentivized to complete the contract exercise.
- There will be some kind of trigger designed into the workshop kit that engages participants at some point after the workshop is over.
- All the participants understand the essential ideas that were taught
- All the participants succeed in completing the contract exercise
Some preconditions of these outcome expectations just listed is to know who the participants are in advance and what their approximate level of relevant knowledge is.
To learn about the participants beforehand, we will conduct a survey so we know enough about the participants' level of knowledge. The survey results will inform the ability of those teaching the workshop to fit the teaching to the audience.
The ticket for creating the survey is PLT-7592.