- #56 fixed "Error: Cannot find module 'escape-string-regexp' when using this package"
- refactored code to match the current plugin boilerplate.
- dependencies update.
- use gh-actions instead of travis for running tests.
- #15 main and developer dependencies upgraded to last major versions.
- Refactored code to match the current plugin boilerplate.
- Eslint dropped support for node 4.
- #13 developer dependencies updated following a vulnerability report.
- fixed links in 2.1.0 changelog lines.
- dependencies update.
- postcss 6 dropped support for node 0.12.
- #8 don't touch
@keyframes children
(contributed by @Dangoo). - #9 simple example page.
- combinator selectors that can't be prefixed with the prefix are replaced with the prefix.
- dependencies update.
- postcss 5 dropped support for node 0.10.
- fixed TypeError: Object has no method 'includes'.
- PostCSS plugin to add a selector prefix to all selectors.