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How to run Dynamics Estimation

This page describes how to run the dynamics estimation for a human subject equipped with kinematic sensors and sensorized shoes.

The configuration file to run the Dynamics Estimation is Human.xml, and it can be launched with:

yarprobotinterface --config Human.xml

Before running

Before running the device make sure that:

  • yarpserver is running
  • In the configuration file, the following parameters are set propery:
    • wearableDataPorts: Is the name of the port streaming the required wearable data
    • urdf: Name of the urdf file corresponding to the subject (some models can be found in human-gazebo)
    • MODEL_TO_DATA_LINK_NAMES: describes the map between model frame names and wearable kineamtic data with the following format
  • The following wearable data sources are available:


For kinematic calibration, please refere to Inverse Kinematics Calibration.


If the device is running correctly, the terminal will show the frequency at which the dynamical inverse kinematics step is running. The computed model configuration is accessible reading the following port:

yarp read ... /HDE/HumanStateWrapper/state:o

The computed joint torques are accessible reading the following port:

yarp read ... /HDE/HumanDynamicsWrapper/torques:o


Two visualizer are currently supported.

Human State Visualizer

The human state visualizer is an application based on iDynTree visualizer.

In order to run the visualization:

  • Set the correct subject urdf model in the configuration file
  • Run the following commnad
    HumanStateVisualizer --from HumanStateVisualizerWithDynamics.ini

This visualizer will show both the model configuration and the measured wrenches.

RViz Visualizer

Data can be visualized on rviz trough the following steps:

  • Launch yarpserver with ros with the following two commands
    yarpserver --ros
  • Launch the wearable sources and inverse kinematics as described above
  • Launch the yarprobotstatepublisher with the following options
    yarprobotstatepublisher --period 0.0001 --name-prefix Human --tf-prefix /Human/ --model humanSubject01_66dof.urdf --reduced-model true --base-frame Pelvis --jointstates-topic "/Human/joint_states"
  • Set the correct subject urdf model in the rivz configuration file
  • Run rviz with the following commands
    roslaunch HDERviz HDERviz.launch

This visualizer will show both the model configuration, measured wrenches, and joint torques.


Simultaneous Floating-Base Estimation of Human Kinematics and Joint Torques.
Latella, C., Traversaro, S., Ferigo, D., Tirupachuri, Y., Rapetti, L., Andrade Chavez, F. J., Nori F., Pucci, D.
Sensors, 19(12), 2794., 2019, doi:

The bibtex code for including this citation is provided:

  title={Simultaneous floating-base estimation of human kinematics and joint torques},
  author={Latella, Claudia and Traversaro, Silvio and Ferigo, Diego and Tirupachuri, Yeshasvi and Rapetti, Lorenzo and Andrade Chavez, Francisco Javier and Nori, Francesco and Pucci, Daniele},
  publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}