SANDEMAN’s tour - The Free Walking Tour
This company has free walking tours all around Europe; look for the red umbrella in any major city plaze or square. These tours are completely free, last around 2-3~ hours, start at around 11am and only require an optinal tip at the end pof the tour. This company does excellent tours and is usually well worth any tip provided. If this is interested to you, I suggest setting up these tours as soon as you get to any city. The guides are usually very friendly and super helpful if you want recommendations for things to see during your stay, regardless of the length of your trip. The benefit of doing these tours in the beginning of your trip gives you a quick overview of the city and some very valuable information about tourist attractions.
Accommodations preferences are a very personal choice but always consider the location of the place before making this decision. It is much more valuable to stay closer to the city centre, if you are planning on doing a lot of walking or exploring the city ,rather than staying in a very nice but far hotel and needing to commute or drive for 30-45min to explore the most important tourist attractions in any city.
Evaluate your primary tourist locations and try to ensure your accomodations give you easy access to them to save time and maximize your tourist experience.
France Megabus - UK National Express - UK Germany All Europe