To use this plugin you will need to make sure you've registered your Facebook app with Facebook and have an APP_ID
This guide is for browser only. View the other guides for native setup.
contains the JavaScript SDK and API file. The API matches as close as possible to the native APIs.
Host the platforms/browser/www
folder on a server and configure your Facebook dashboard correctly (see setup) to test the Web APIs. For localhost testing on OS X see the Jekyll guide
This plugin requires Cordova CLI.
To install the plugin in your app, execute the following (replace variables where necessary):
# Create initial Cordova app
$ cordova create myApp
$ cd myApp/
$ cordova platform add browser
# Remember to replace APP_ID and APP_NAME variables
$ cordova -d plugin add --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication"
- You must add the following somewhere in your
<div id="fb-root"></div>
- The difference between the JS API and Native is that the Facebook JS SDK must be initiated. Here is an example:
if (window.cordova.platformId == "browser") {
facebookConnectPlugin.browserInit(appId, version);
// version is optional. It refers to the version of API you may want to use.
- In your facebook develop website settings page, add your server's domain to app doamin (or localhost for testing).