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640 lines (430 loc) · 22 KB

File metadata and controls

640 lines (430 loc) · 22 KB


  • The Symfony Input Validator no longer validates a PatternMatch value type. Set the pattern_match_constraints option to validate this specific type, with it's own constraints.

    Note: A PatternMatch will likely not contain a full value, for more advanced validating it's best to create your own input validator.


  • Translation ids have been changed to better fit there context, see translation in "lib/Core/Resources/translations" for new ids.


  • Support for PHP < 8.1 was dropped.

  • Support for Symfony 5 was dropped.

  • Support for Api-Platform 2.4 was dropped, 2.0-BETA2 of the components still supports all newer versions of RollerworksSearch.

Doctrine DBAL

  • Support for using a query as string was removed, a DBAL QueryBuilder is now required to be passed to the generator.

  • The DoctrineDbalFactory::createCachedConditionGenerator() method now requires a DBAL QueryBuilder and SearchCondition is provided instead of a ConditionGenerator instance.

  • The ConditionGenerator now longer provides access to the generated condition and parameters. These are applied automatically when calling apply().

    // Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder object
    $qb = $connection->createQueryBuilder();
    // Rollerworks\Component\Search\SearchCondition object
    $searchCondition = ...;
    $conditionGenerator = $doctrineDbalFactory->createConditionGenerator($qb, $searchCondition);
    // Set fields mapping
    // ....
    // Apply the condition (with ordering, if any) to the QueryBuilder
    // Get all the records
    // See
    $result = $qb->execute();

Doctrine DBAL/ORM

  • Doctrine mapping type as object is deprecated and will no longer work in 3.0, use a type-name as string instead.


  • Support for PHP < 7.4 was dropped.

  • Support for Symfony 4 was dropped.

  • Support for PHPUnit < 9.5 was dropped.


  • Support for Elastica 6 was dropped.

  • Support for Elasticsearch 6 was dropped.

    See the upgrade instructions of Elasticsearch itself for more information.

Doctrine ORM

  • Support for passing a Doctrine\ORM\Query object in the generators was removed, pass a Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder object instead.

This BC change was required to make applying of result-ordering possible without worrying to much about details and edge-cases.

  • The methods getWhereClause() and getParameters() on the ConditionGenerators were removed. It's still possible to generate a stand-alone where-clause by using the DqlConditionGenerator directly, but this is not officially supported nor documented.

  • The createCachedConditionGenerator of DoctrineOrmFactory now expects a a QueryBuilder and SearchCondition are provided instead of a ConditionGenerator.


    $generator = $ormFactory->createConditionGenerator($query, $searchCondition);
    $generator = $ormFactory->createCachedConditionGenerator($generator, 60 * 60);


    $generator = $ormFactory->createCachedConditionGenerator($query, $searchCondition, 60 * 60);
  • The updateQuery() method on the ConditionGenerators was renamed to apply() and no longer supports a prepend for the query, as the query must now always be a QueryBuilder.


  • The html5 option for the DateTimeType has been removed. Only the RFC3339 for the norm-input format is supported now.


  • The $forceNew argument in SearchConditionBuilder::field() is deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0-BETA1, use overwriteField() instead.

Doctrine DBAL

  • Support for SQLite was removed in Doctrine DBAL.

  • Values are no longer embedded but are now provided as parameters, make sure to bind these before executing the query.


    $whereClause = $conditionGenerator->getWhereClause();
    $statement = $connection->execute('SELECT * FROM tableName '.$whereClause);
    $rows = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


    $whereClause = $conditionGenerator->getWhereClause();
    $statement = $connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM tableName '.$whereClause);
    $rows = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
  • The Rollerworks\Component\Search\Doctrine\Dbal\ValueConversion::convertValue() method now expects a string type is returned, and requires a return-type.

  • Conversion strategies was changed to return a different column/value statement rather than keeping all strategies cached.

    Use the ConversionHint new parameters and helper method to determine the value for the Column.

Doctrine ORM

  • Support for Doctrine ORM NativeQuery was removed, use the Doctrine DBAL condition-generator instead for this usage.

  • Values are no longer embedded but are now provided as parameters, make sure to bind these before executing the query.

    Note: Using the updateQuery() method already performs the binding process.

  • Doctrine DBAL conversions are no longer applied, instead the Doctrine ORM integration now has it's own conversion API with a much more powerful integration.

    Note: Any functions used in the conversion-generated DQL must be registered with the EntityManager configuration, refer to the Doctrine ORM manual for details.


  • The DataTransformers have been synchronized with the Symfony versions, which might cause some minor BC breakages.

    • The BaseNumberTransformer has been removed, extend from NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer instead.
    • The pattern option of DateTimeType now only affects the view transformer, the norm transformer will use either the DateTimeToRfc3339Transformer or DateTimeToHtml5LocalDateTimeTransformer when the html5 option is set to true.
    • The precision option of the NumberType has been renamed to scale.
    • The IntegerType no longer accepts float values.


  • The ArrayInput processor has been removed.

  • ApiPlatform SearchConditionListener no longer supports array-input. Use JSON or the NormStringQuery input-format instead.

  • The default restriction values of ProcessorConfig have been changed to provide a better default;

    • Maximum values per field is now 100 (was 1000)
    • Maximum number of groups is now 10 (was 100)
    • Nesting is now 5 (was 100)

    Unless you must support a higher number of values it is advised to not increase these values.



  • The ConditionOptimizers have been removed.

  • The XmlInput processor has been removed.


  • The SearchProcessor Component has been removed, use an InputProcessor directly.


    $inputProcessorLoader = Loader\InputProcessorLoader::create();
    $conditionExporterLoader = Loader\ConditionExporterLoader::create();    
    $processor = new Psr7SearchProcessor($searchFactory, $inputProcessorLoader, $conditionExporterLoader);
    $request = ...; // A PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface object instance
    $processorConfig = new ProcessorConfig($userFieldSet);
    $searchPayload = $processor->processRequest($request, $processorConfig);
    if ($searchPayload->isChanged() && $searchPayload->isValid()) {
        header('Location: /search?search='.$searchPayload->searchCode);
    if (!$payload->isValid()) {
        foreach ($payload->messages as $error) {
           echo (string) $error.PHP_EOL;
    // Notice: This is null when there are errors, when the condition is valid but has
    // no fields/values this is an empty SearchCondition object.
    $condition = $payload->searchCondition;


    // ...
    $inputProcessor = new StringQueryInput(); // Can be wrapped in a CachingInputProcessor
    $processorConfig = new ProcessorConfig($fieldSet);
    $request = ...; // A PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface object instance
    try {
        if ($request->getMethod() === 'POST') {
            $query = $request->getQueryParams()['search'] ?? '';
            header('Location: /search?search='.$searchPayload->searchCode);
            // return new RedirectResponse($request->getRequestUri().'?search='.$query);
        $query = $request->getParsedBody()['search'] ?? '';
        $condition = $inputProcessor->process($processorConfig, $query);
        // Use condition
    } catch (InvalidSearchConditionException $e) {
        foreach ($e->getErrors() as $error) {
           echo (string) $error.PHP_EOL;

    Note: The ArrayInput processor has been removed, only string-type input formats (StringInput and JsonInput) are supported now.


  • The ApiSearchProcessor has been removed. Internally the SearchConditionListener now handles the user-input and error handling.

  • The SearchConditionListener constructor has changed:


    SearchFactory $searchFactory
    SearchProcessor $searchProcessor
    UrlGeneratorInterface $urlGenerator
    ResourceMetadataFactory $resourceMetadataFactory
    EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher


    SearchFactory $searchFactory
    InputProcessorLoader $inputProcessorLoader
    ResourceMetadataFactory $resourceMetadataFactory
    EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher
    CacheInterface $cache = null

    Note: The $cache argument is optional and only used when the $cacheTTL of the ProcessorConfig is configured.

  • Cache TTL configuration has been moved to Rollerworks\Component\Search\Input\ProcessorConfig, the metadata configuration format has remained unchanged.

  • The Input format is now automatically detected by the first character. When the provided input starts with an { the JsonInput processor is used, otherwise the NormStringQueryInput processor is used.

  • ArrayInput is deprecated and is internally delegated to the JsonInputProcessor.

    In RollerworksSearch v2.0.0-ALPHA12 support for ArrayInput is completely removed and will throw an exception instead.



  • The Rollerworks\Component\Search\ApiPlatform\EventListener\SearchConditionListener now requires an EventDispatchInterface instance as last argument.

Doctrine DBAL

  • The Rollerworks\Component\Search\Doctrine\Dbal\StrategySupportedConversion::getConversionStrategy method must now return an integer (and is enforced with a return-type).


  • Support for using Regex in ValueMatch has been removed.

    • The constants PatternMatch::PATTERN_REGEX and PatternMatch::PATTERN_NOT_REGEX have been removed.

    • The method PatternMatch::isRegex has been removed.


  • The ValueComparison namespaces and classes have been renamed to ValueComparator

  • The FieldConfig::setValueComparison method has been renamed to setValueComparator

  • The FieldConfig::getValueComparison method has been renamed to getValueComparator


  • Support PHP 5 has been dropped you need at least PHP 7.1.

  • Classes and interfaces now use strict type hints, considering the size of this change they are not listed in detail in this upgrade guide.

  • FilterQuery is renamed to StringQuery.

  • The single value-type is renamed to simple.

  • Field alias support has been removed. Now only the StringQuery input processor and exporter allow to use an alias (or the label) as field name.

  • The Interface suffix has been removed from interfaces, conflicting classes have been renamed to Generic. Eg. SearchFactory is now GenericSearchFactory.

  • The Metadata/mapping system has been removed, creating reusable FieldSet's is now possible using FieldSetConfigurators.

    namespace Acme\User\Search;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Searches;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldSetBuilder;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldSetConfigurator;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Extension\Core\Type as FieldType;
    class UsersFieldSet implements FieldSetConfigurator
        public buildFieldSet(FieldSetBuilder $builder): void
                ->add('id', FieldType\IntegerType::class)
                ->add('last-name', FieldType\TextType::class)
                ->add('last-name', FieldType\TextType::class)
    // ...
    $searchFactory = Searches::createSearchFactory();
    $userFieldSet = $searchFactory->createFieldSet(\Acme\User\Search\UsersFieldSet::class);

    Note: If the FieldSetConfigurator has constructor dependencies, register it in aFieldSetRegistry instead. Eg. using the LazyFieldSetRegistry:

    use Acme\User\Search\UsersFieldSet;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\Searches;
    use Rollerworks\Component\Search\LazyFieldSetRegistry;
    $fieldSetRegistery = LazyFieldSetRegistry::create([
        UsersFieldSet::class => function () {
            return new UsersFieldSet();
    $searchFactory = Searches::createSearchFactoryBuilder()
  • A FieldSet is now immutable, use the FieldSetBuilder to semantically build a new FieldSet.

  • The FieldSet interface was added, the old FieldSet class has been renamed to GenericFieldSet.

Condition Exporter

  • The XmlExporter and JsonExporter now exports the SearchCondition with the value's normalized format instead of the view format.

  • The StringQueryExporter now allows to export the condition with newlines for better readability.

Core Extension

  • The model_class and model_property options have been removed. Model configuration is no longer supported.

  • The FieldType class has been renamed to SearchFieldType.

  • The getBlockPrefix method was added to the FieldType interface, the SearchFieldType "base" type automatically configures this based of the type's name and vendor namespace.

  • The DateTimeType, DateType, IntegerType, NumberType, TimestampType and TimeType were synchronized with the Symfony code base and may produce slightly different results then before.


  • The choices_as_values option of the ChoiceType has been removed.

  • The view format can now be configured using the norm_format option. Which can be either value, label or auto (which uses the best value).

  • Using callable strings as choice options in ChoiceType is not supported anymore in favor of passing PropertyPath instances.


    'choice_value' => new PropertyPath('range'),
    'choice_label' => 'strtoupper',


    'choice_value' => 'range',
    'choice_label' => function ($choice) {
        return strtoupper($choice);
  • Caching of the loaded ChoiceListInterface in the LazyChoiceList has been removed, it must be cached in the ChoiceLoader implementation instead.


  • The MoneyType now uses the MoneyPHP library for handling transformation and calculation.

  • The precession option was removed, this is now based of the currency information.

  • The increase_by option was added to configure with simple-values to range optimization.

Note: The MoneyPHP library is not installed by default, install the "moneyphp/money" package with Composer to use the MoneyType: composer install moneyphp/money.


  • A number of field related classes were renamed and where moved to the Field namespace:

    • AbstractFieldType
    • AbstractFieldTypeExtension
    • FieldConfig (was FieldConfigInterface)
    • FieldType (was FieldTypeInterface)
    • FieldTypeExtension (was FieldTypeExtensionInterface)
    • GenericResolvedFieldType (was ResolvedFieldType)
    • GenericResolvedFieldTypeFactory (was ResolvedFieldTypeFactory)
    • GenericTypeRegistry (was FieldRegistry)
    • ResolvedFieldType (was ResolvedFieldTypeInterface)
    • ResolvedFieldTypeFactory (was ResolvedFieldTypeFactoryInterface)
    • SearchField
    • SearchFieldView
    • TypeRegistry (was FieldRegistryInterface)
  • The SearchFieldView now expects an FieldSetView as the first argument in the class constructor.

  • A search field no longer supports registering multiple transformers, each field can have exactly one "view" and/or "norm" transformer.

Input processor

  • The XmlInput and JsonInput now expect the input values to be in the normalized data format instead of the view format.

  • The XmlInput and JsonInput now more strictly validate provided input.

  • The StringQueryInput has changed to a more user-friendly Lexer system:

    • More User-friendly error messages.

    • All characters (except special syntax characters) can now be used without surrounding them with quotes. 12.00 is now accepted.

    • Line numbers are now properly reported, and the column position is made more accurate.

    • Incorrectly escaped values will now give a friendly error message.

    • Spaces are no longer allowed between operators. ~ > is invalid now.

  • The StringQueryInput now uses ~ for ranges, eg. 10 ~ 20.

  • The StringQueryInput PatternMatch no longer requires a specific order for the flags. Both i! and !i are accepted now.

  • The structure of the XML and JSON changed to adapt to the new value-holder naming. In short this means that simple is used now instead of single.

  • Field values merging is has been removed. Using the field twice in a group now overwrites the previously defined value in that group.


  • Validation is now performed directly during the input processing rather then afterwards. As a result, the produced SearchCondition no longer holds any invalid value. See also error handling below.

Error Handling

Error handling for input processing has been completely rewritten, exceptions no longer require to be parsed for usage.

  • An Input processor now throws only an InvalidSearchConditionException for user-input errors. The InvalidSearchConditionException holds one or more ConditionErrorMessage object instances.

  • The produced SearchCondition no longer holds any invalid value, only when all values are valid a SearchCondition is returned else an InvalidSearchConditionException is thrown.

  • The value-path of an error now depends on the structure of the input, XML uses XPath, while json uses an PropertyPath and StringQuery uses only value positions like groups[0].fields['name']['value-position'].

See the usage documentation for full instructions on handling user-input errors.


  • The Rollerworks\Component\Search\Value\SingleValue class has been removed, to add add a simple-value (as "model" format) use addSimpleValue method on the ValuesBag object.

  • The ValueHolder is expected to a hold a "model" format of the value, eg. for a date-time input this is an \DateTimeImmutable object, for an integer this is a PHP primitive integer value.

  • All specific value methods have been removed.

    You must replace specific method types with: add(), has(), get() and remove() respectively. For example the Comparison value-type methods are used like:

    • getComparisons() becomes get(\Rollerworks\Component\Search\Value\Compare::class)
    • hasComparisons() becomes has(\Rollerworks\Component\Search\Value\Compare::class)
    • removeComparison(1) becomes remove(\Rollerworks\Component\Search\Value\Compare::class, 1)
    • addComparisons(new Compare(..)) becomes add(new Compare(..))
  • A ValueHolder no longer holds a "view" format, an Exporter must use the viewTransformer of the search field to get a view representation of the value.

  • A SearchCondition's value structure cannot be locked anymore.


The following classes/interfaces and method have been removed:

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldConfig:

    • getModelRefClass()
    • getModelRefProperty()
  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\SearchFactory::createFieldForProperty()

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\SearchField:

    • setRequired()
    • isRequired()
    • setModelRef()
    • getModelRefClass()
    • getModelRefProperty()
  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\Metadata\*

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\Exception\FieldRequiredException

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\Exception\ValuesStructureIsLocked

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldAliasResolverInterface

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldLabelResolverInterface

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\SearchConditionInterface

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\FieldAliasResolver\*

  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\ValuesBag:

    • setDataLocked()
    • isDataLocked()
    • ensureDataLocked()
    • ensureDataLocked()
  • Rollerworks\Component\Search\ValuesGroup:

    • setDataLocked()
    • isDataLocked()
    • throwLocked()