- We share the database cache between database pool writers and readers. But what if a writer modifies the database schema within a transaction, and a concurrent reader reads the cache? Bad things, isn't it? Write failing tests first, and fix the bug.
- Attach databases. Interesting question: what happens when one attaches a non-WAL db to a databasePool?
- SQLCipher: sqlite3_rekey is discouraged (ccgus/fmdb#547 (comment))
- What is the behavior inTransaction and inSavepoint behaviors in case of commit error? Code looks like we do not rollback, leaving the app in a weird state (out of Swift transaction block with a SQLite transaction that may still be opened).
- Query builder
- SELECT readers., books. FROM ... JOIN ...
- date functions
- ROUND() http://marc.info/?l=sqlite-users&m=130419182719263
- RANDOM() https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html
- GLOB https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html
- REGEXP https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html
- CASE x WHEN w1 THEN r1 WHEN w2 THEN r2 ELSE r3 END https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html
- Write regression tests for #156 and #157
GRDB 3.0
- Rename Request to FetchRequest, because Request is a bad name: swift-server/http#7 (comment)
- Rename RowConvertible, TableMapping, MutablePersistable and Persistable so that their names contain Record: FetchableRecord, TableRecord, MutablePersistableRecord, PersistableRecord?
- Not sure: Consider introducing RowDecodable and RowEncodable on top of FetchableRecord and MutablePersistableRecord. This would allow keeping fetching and persistence methods private in some files.
Not sure
Think about supporting Cursor's underestimatedCount, which could speed up Array(cursor) and fetchAll()
Support for OR ROLLBACK, and mismatch between the Swift depth and the SQLite depth of nested transactions/savepoint:
try db.inTransaction { // Swift depth: 1, SQLite depth: 1 try db.execute("COMMIT") // Swift depth: 1, SQLite depth: 0 try db.execute("INSERT ...") // Should throw an error since this statement is no longer protected by a transaction try db.execute("SELECT ...") // Should throw an error since this statement is no longer protected by a transaction return .commit }
try db.inTransaction { try db.execute("INSERT OR ROLLBACK ...") // throws return .commit // not executed because of error } // Should not ROLLBACK since transaction has already been rollbacked
try db.inTransaction { do { try db.execute("INSERT OR ROLLBACK ...") // throws } catch { } try db.execute("INSERT ...") // Should throw an error since this statement is no longer protected by a transaction try db.execute("SELECT ...") // Should throw an error since this statement is no longer protected by a transaction return .commit }
try db.inTransaction { do { try db.execute("INSERT OR ROLLBACK ...") // throws } catch { } return .commit // Should throw an error since transaction has been rollbacked and user's intent can not be applied }
Requires recompilation of SQLite:
- https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_database_name.html could help extracting out of a row a subrow only made of columns that come from a specific table. Requires SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA which is not set on the sqlite3 lib that ships with OSX.
Reading list:
- VACUUM (https://blogs.gnome.org/jnelson/)
- http://www.sqlite.org/intern-v-extern-blob.html
- https://sqlite.org/sharedcache.html
- Undo: https://www.sqlite.org/undoredo.html
- Undo: https://sqlite.org/sessionintro.html
- Swift, Xcode:List of Swift documentation keywords: https://swift.org/documentation/api-design-guidelines.html#special-instructions
- Swift, Xcode:Amazing tip from Xcode labs: add a EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES build setting to conditionally exclude sources for different configuration: https://twitter.com/zats/status/74386298602026496
- SQLITE_ENABLE_SQLLOG: http://mjtsai.com/blog/2016/07/19/sqlite_enable_sqllog/
- Swift, Xcode: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/docs/OptimizationTips.rst
- Associations: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/associations/index.html
- FTS: http://cocoamine.net/blog/2015/09/07/contentless-fts4-for-large-immutable-documents/
- pinyin: http://hustlzp.com/post/2016/02/ios-full-text-search-using-sqlite-fts4
- FetchedRecordsController: https://github.com/jflinter/Dwifft
- FetchedRecordsController: https://github.com/wokalski/Diff.swift (Faster)
- FetchedRecordsController: https://github.com/andre-alves/PHDiff
- React oddity: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41721769/realm-update-object-without-updating-lists
- File protection: ccgus/fmdb#262
- File protection: https://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2012/Aug/msg00527.html
- iOS apps are terminated every time they enter the background if they share an encrypted database with an app extension