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198 lines (143 loc) · 9.96 KB


Simple Super Mario Runner Game

This game is a Mario Runner, developed using vanilla JavaScript without the Canvas API. As the game commences, Mario automatically advances, with obstacles appearing randomly in his path. Players can avoid these obstacles by jumping, which is achieved by pressing the space bar on a PC or tapping the screen on mobile devices. The game concludes if Mario collides with an obstacle. Points are earned each time Mario collects a coin.

Additionally, a gravity effect has been implemented to make Mario's jumps look more natural.

Implementation Details

Singleton DOM Management


The constructor function essentially returns the newly created instance (this), but as shown below, it is also possible to explicitly specify a return value.

class DomManager {
  static instance = null;

  constructor() {
    if (DomManager.instance) return DomManager.instance;

    this.gameArea = document.querySelector('.game');
    this.dialog = document.querySelector('.dialog-failed');
    // ...

    DomManager.instance = this;

  static getInstance() {
    if (!DomManager.instance) DomManager.instance = new DomManager();
    return DomManager.instance;

export default DomManager.getInstance();

Game elements frequently used in a game, such as the game area, score, start button, etc., are managed by a class called DomManager. Centralizing DOM-related tasks in one place like this can avoid repetitive queries and manipulations.

The practice of creating only one instance of a class and sharing it across the entire application is called the singleton pattern. Exporting the DOM manager as a singleton allows for consistent access to the same instance throughout the project, enhancing consistency.

When the getInstance() static method is called for the first time, there is no existing instance, so the constructor is executed to create a new instance, which is then assigned to the static property DomManager.instance. Subsequent calls to getInstance() return the existing instance that was previously assigned to the DomManager.instance property.

Gravity Jump


After creating a new image element and assigning an image URL to its src attribute, the image loads in the background. Then, if the src attribute of another image element is set to a URL that has already been loaded, the browser will use the image stored in the cache.

class Mario {
  static JUMP_HEIGHT = 18; // Jump height. The higher the value, the higher the jump.
  static GRAVITY = 0.4; // Gravity. The lower the value, the longer the jump.

  isJumping = false;
  // ...

  constructor({ audio, defaultBottom, className = 'mario' }) { = audio;
    this.defaultBottom = defaultBottom;
    // ...

  jump() {
    if (this.isJumping) return;;
    this.isJumping = true;
    let jumpCount = 0;
    let velocity = Mario.JUMP_HEIGHT;

    const up = () => {
      velocity = Math.max(velocity - Mario.GRAVITY, 0);

      let nextBottom = jumpCount * velocity + this.defaultBottom; = nextBottom + 'px';

      if (nextBottom > this.defaultBottom) requestAnimationFrame(up);
      else this.isJumping = false;


  // ...

When the user presses the spacebar, the jump() method is called. This method executes the up() function on every frame to simulate the jumping action. Within the up() function, jumpCount is incremented by 1, and velocity is decreased by the value of Mario.GRAVITY.

Then, the product of the reduced velocity and jumpCount is calculated, and this result is added to Mario's default height, defaultBottom, to determine the jump height for the current frame, nextBottom. The jump ends when nextBottom is less than or equal to defaultBottom.

Since velocity decreases by Mario.GRAVITY every frame, the jump quickly ascends, then gradually slows down. As the jumpCount increases, after reaching the peak, it descends rapidly, simulating the effect of gravity.

Below is a chart/image showing how the height changes with each frame. For clarity, velocity is reduced by 1 in each frame, and defaultBottom is not included in the height calculation.


The jump starts with the highest ascent, and as it approaches the peak, the ascent gradually decreases due to gravity until it's almost zero. After the peak, the ascent increases until it returns to its original point.

Count Velocity Height (Count × Velocity) Difference from Previous Height Phase
0 16 0 0 Starting Point
1 15 15 15 Start of Ascent
2 14 28 13
3 13 39 11 Beginning to Slow Down
4 12 48 9
5 11 55 7
6 10 60 5
7 9 63 3
8 8 64 1 Peak
9 7 63 1 Start of Descent
10 6 60 3 Beginning to Speed Up
11 5 55 5
12 4 48 7
13 3 39 9
14 2 28 11
15 1 15 13
16 0 0 15 Returning to Starting Point

Obstacle Collision Detection


If changes have been made to the DOM but have not yet been reflected on the screen, calling the getBoundingClientRect() method triggers a reflow (recalculation of layout). This happens because the browser needs to calculate the layout to provide accurate position and size information of the element. If there are no changes in the DOM and the browser has already calculated the latest layout information, a reflow does not occur.

When the game starts, the checkCollision() method is called to check for collisions between Mario and all obstacle elements on every frame. If Mario collides with an obstacle, the game is halted.

The position of each element is obtained by calling the element.getBoundingClientRect() method, which returns the coordinate values relative to the viewport.

class Game {
  // ...
  collisionFrameId = null;

  constructor({ speed = Game.DEFAULT_SPEED, defaultBottom = Game.DEFAULT_BOTTOM } = {}) {
    this.obstacles = new ObstacleManager({ speed, defaultBottom });
    this.mario = new Mario({ defaultBottom, audio: });
    // ...

  start() {
    // ...

  checkCollision() {
    const marioRect = this.mario.element.getBoundingClientRect();

    for (let obstacle of this.entityManager.list) {
      const obstacleRect = obstacle.element.getBoundingClientRect();

      if (this.isColliding(marioRect, obstacleRect)) {
        return this.failed();

      // ...

    this.collisionFrameId = requestAnimationFrame(this.checkCollision);

  isColliding(marioRect, obstacleRect) {
    const isHorizontalOverlap =
      marioRect.left < obstacleRect.right && // Check if Mario overlaps from the right side of the obstacle
      marioRect.right > obstacleRect.left; // Check if Mario overlaps from the left side of the obstacle

    const isVerticalOverlap = < obstacleRect.bottom && // Check if Mario overlaps from below the obstacle
      marioRect.bottom >; // Check if Mario overlaps from above the obstacle

    return isHorizontalOverlap && isVerticalOverlap;

  // ...

The checkCollision() method iterates through each obstacle, obtaining the current coordinates of Mario and the obstacle. Mario's coordinates are checked repeatedly because his position changes continuously with each frame while jumping. These coordinates are passed to the isColliding() method to check for horizontal and vertical collisions (refer to the image below).


  • Horizontal Overlap
    • When Mario's left edge is to the left of the obstacle's right edge, and
    • Mario's right edge is to the right of the obstacle's left edge.
  • Vertical Overlap
    • When Mario's top edge is above the obstacle's bottom edge, and
    • Mario's bottom edge is below the obstacle's top edge.