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Apr 24, 2024

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Law Enforcement Automated Promotions

LEAP is a FiveM resource for FivePD that allows server owners to automate promotions based on a number of submitted arrest reports, callout reports and pedestrian citations.

This ONLY works if you are using MySQL for fivepd. I may change it to support SQLite in the future, but don't hold your breath. Please do not ask/spam on Discord.


Installation is like any other FiveM resource. Extract the folder into your resources folder.



LEAP, on the client side, will query for a promotion every 15 minutes. This delay IS configurable by way of a Convar - Simply add set LEAPAutoRankDelay 15000 to your server.cfg! The integer value is in milliseconds, and I do not recommend that you make it anything less than 15000 (15 minutes).


LEAP's configuration is driven by a "server-config.json" file located inside of 'LEAP/server'.

Below is a short guide explaining the purpose of each section of the server-config.json file:

'fivepdResourceName': Should be left as is unless, for some reason, your fivepd folder inside of your resource folder is called something else

"fivepdResourceName": "fivepd",

'database': This should match your database configuration inside of your fivepd config

"database": {
    "username": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "host": "MySQL",
    "port": 3306
    "database": "fivepd",

'autoRanker': Here is where you configure multiple things, including minimum character length of reports, a date to check for reports from, and all of your departments, department ranks, the criteria for each rank, and a blacklist of player licenses

minimumReportCharacterLimit: The minimum number of characters that must be present in a player's report(s) to be considered eligible for a promotion check.

effectiveFromDate: A date from which all reports will be examined. Any reports BEFORE this date are excluded in the promotion check. This value must be a string and must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY, e.g. "04/24/2024" (April 24th 2024) -- If you do not know what you are doing, please leave this value as is.

departments: Departments is an array. Inside of it, you will define the following:,

  • name: Must match the name of the department in the CAD/MDT/Database

  • id: Must match the name of the department in the CAD/MDT/Database

  • ranks: Like departments, this is another array, inside of it you will define the following:

    • name: Must match the name of the rank in the CAD/MDT/Database
    • prerequisites: Like departments and ranks, this is yet another array. Inside of it you will define the number of arrest reports, default reports, and ped citations that a player must have in order to be promoted to that rank blacklist: A string array where you can put a player's license identifier to exclude them from automatic promotions. Self explanatory, really.

For your assistance:

  • arrestReports: The report generated when you click "New Arrest"
  • defaultReports: The report you fill out after a callout
  • pedCitations: A citation/ticket issued to a ped when you search their name in the CAD/MDT
  "autoRanker": {
    "minimumReportCharacterLimit": 50,
    "effectiveFromDate": "",
    "departments": [
        "name": "LSPD",
        "id": 1,
        "ranks": [
            "name": "Cadet",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 0,
              "defaultReports": 0,
              "pedCitations": 0
            "name": "Officer I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 10,
              "defaultReports": 10,
              "pedCitations": 10
            "name": "Officer II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 20,
              "defaultReports": 20,
              "pedCitations": 20
            "name": "Officer III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 30,
              "defaultReports": 30,
              "pedCitations": 30
            "name": "Detective I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 40,
              "defaultReports": 40,
              "pedCitations": 40
            "name": "Detective II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 50,
              "defaultReports": 50,
              "pedCitations": 50
            "name": "Sergeant I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 60,
              "defaultReports": 60,
              "pedCitations": 60
            "name": "Sergeant II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 70,
              "defaultReports": 70,
              "pedCitations": 70
            "name": "Sergeant III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 80,
              "defaultReports": 80,
              "pedCitations": 80
            "name": "Lieutenant I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 90,
              "defaultReports": 90,
              "pedCitations": 90
            "name": "Lieutenant II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 100,
              "defaultReports": 100,
              "pedCitations": 100
            "name": "Lieutenant III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 110,
              "defaultReports": 110,
              "pedCitations": 110
            "name": "Captain",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 120,
              "defaultReports": 120,
              "pedCitations": 120
    "blacklist": [

Example Configuration

  "fivepdResourceName": "fivepd",
  "database": {
    "username": "root",
    "password": "root",
    "host": "MySQL",
    "port": 3306,
    "database": "fivepd"
  "autoRanker": {
    "minimumReportCharacterLimit": 50,
    "effectiveFromDate": "",
    "departments": [
        "name": "Los Santos Police Department",
        "id": 1,
        "ranks": [
            "name": "Cadet",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 0,
              "defaultReports": 0,
              "pedCitations": 0
            "name": "Officer I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 10,
              "defaultReports": 10,
              "pedCitations": 10
            "name": "Officer II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 20,
              "defaultReports": 20,
              "pedCitations": 20
            "name": "Officer III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 30,
              "defaultReports": 30,
              "pedCitations": 30
            "name": "Detective I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 40,
              "defaultReports": 40,
              "pedCitations": 40
            "name": "Detective II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 50,
              "defaultReports": 50,
              "pedCitations": 50
            "name": "Sergeant I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 60,
              "defaultReports": 60,
              "pedCitations": 60
            "name": "Sergeant II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 70,
              "defaultReports": 70,
              "pedCitations": 70
            "name": "Sergeant III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 80,
              "defaultReports": 80,
              "pedCitations": 80
            "name": "Lieutenant I",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 90,
              "defaultReports": 90,
              "pedCitations": 90
            "name": "Lieutenant II",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 100,
              "defaultReports": 100,
              "pedCitations": 100
            "name": "Lieutenant III",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 110,
              "defaultReports": 110,
              "pedCitations": 110
            "name": "Captain",
            "prerequisites": {
              "arrestReports": 120,
              "defaultReports": 120,
              "pedCitations": 120
    "blacklist": [


Law Enforcement Automated Promotions






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