- Methods common to all Collection Classes implementing CollectionInterface
- Non-CollectionInterface Methods common to all Collection Classes using CollectionInterfaceImplementationTrait
- Methods specific to various Strictly-Typed Collection classes
Most of the examples in this section use the \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection class, but are applicable to all collection classes that have implemented \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface.
Returns true if the specified key exists in a collection or false if not.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically called when you
try to check for the existence of an item with a specified key in a collection
using the isset construct like so:
Returns the item associated with the specified key if the key exists in the collection.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically called when you
try to get an item from a collection using this syntax:
Add an item ($val
) to the collection with the specified key ($key
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically called when you
try to add an item to a collection using this syntax:
$collection->key = $val
Remove an item associated with the specified key ($key
) from the collection.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically called when you
try to remove an item from a collection using the unset construct like so:
Iterate through a collection and execute a callback over each item (the callback checks if each item satisfies one or more condition(s) and returns true if an item satisfies the condition(s) or false if not) and return true if all items satisfy the condition(s) tested in the callback or false otherwise.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature function($key, $item) : bool.
It should return
if the current item$item
satisfies one or more condition(s) orfalse
otherwise. - $bind_callback_to_this:
if the variable $this inside the supplied $callback should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if you don't want the supplied $callback to be bound to the collection object this method is being invoked on.
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
// All items less than 11: true
function($key, $item) {
return $this->count() > 0 && $item < 11;
); // === true
// All items greater than 5: false
function($key, $item) {
return $item > 5;
); // === false
Appends all items from $other
collection to the end of a collection.
Appended items will be assigned numeric keys, so as to avoid overwriting item(s)
in the original collection with same key(s).
For strictly typed collections,
must be of the same type as the collection's type or a sub-type of the the collection's type or else an Exception will be thrown.
For example, you cannot append an instance of StringsCollection to an instance of ArraysCollection, but you can append an instance of FloatsCollection to an instance of NumericsCollection (since FloatsCollection is a sub-type of NumericsCollection).
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[$item1, $item2, $item3]
$other_item1 = "114";
$other_item2 = 35.5;
$other_item3 = 777;
$other_collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[$other_item1, $other_item2, $other_item3]
// At this point, $collection now contains:
// [ 0=>'4', 1=>5.0, 2=>7, 3=>'114', 4=>35.5, 5=>777 ]
// Inheritance example
$numeric_collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// append a sub-class collection
$int_collection = \VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([8, 9, 10, 11]);
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11]
// append another sub-class collection
$float_collection = \VersatileCollections\FloatsCollection::makeNew([8.5, 9.7, 10.8, 11.9]);
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8.5, 9.7, 10.8, 11.9]
Appends an item to the end of a collection.
For strictly typed collections,
must be of the same type as the collection's type or a sub-type of the the collection's type or else an Exception will be thrown.
For example, you cannot append a string to an instance of ArraysCollection, but you can append a float or an integer to an instance of NumericsCollection (since floats and integers are numeric).
$item1 = 4;
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[$item1, $item2, $item3]
$collection->appendItem(777); // integer acceptable
$collection->appendItem(7.5); // float acceptable
//$collection->appendItem('7.5'); // string not acceptable
// At this point, $collection now contains:
// [ 0=>4, 1=>5.0, 2=>7, 3=>777, 4=>7.5 ]
Returns a collection containing the values from a single column in the collection.
Works like php's array_column.
$column_key is the name of the property in each object or the key in each array
in the collection whose values are to be returned in a new collection.
$index_key is the name of the property in each object or the key in each array
in the collection whose values are to be used as keys to the values to be
returned in a new collection. These values to be used as keys can only be
strings or integers otherwise an exception will be thrown.
Will only work on collections containing items that are arrays and/or objects.
// collection of objects
$data = [];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 17, 777 => 67, 'edition' => 2, 'title'=>"Boo"];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 27, 777 => 86, 'edition' => 1, 'title'=>"Coo"];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 37, 777 => 85, 'edition' => 6, 'title'=>"Doo"];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 47, 777 => 98, 'edition' => 2, 'title'=>"Foo"];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 57, 777 => 86, 'edition' => 6, 'title'=>"Goo"];
$data[] = (object)['id' => 67, 777 => 67, 'edition' => 7, 'title'=>"Hoo"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
// get a collection of of the values associated with the `title` property
// of each object in the collection.
// returns a collection containing
// [ 0=>'Boo', 1=>'Coo', 2=>'Doo', 3=>'Foo', 4=>'Goo', 5=>'Hoo' ]
// you can also specify the object property whose corresponding values should
// be used as the keys in the collection to be returned. Let's use the `id`
// property for the keys:
$collection->column('title', 'id');
// returns a collection containing
// [ 17=>'Boo', 27=>'Coo', 37=>'Doo', 47=>'Foo', 57=>'Goo', 67=>'Hoo' ]
// collection of arrays
$data = [];
$data[] = ['id' => 17, 777 => 67, 'edition' => 2, 'title'=>"Boo"];
$data[] = ['id' => 27, 777 => 86, 'edition' => 1, 'title'=>"Coo"];
$data[] = ['id' => 37, 777 => 85, 'edition' => 6, 'title'=>"Doo"];
$data[] = ['id' => 47, 777 => 98, 'edition' => 2, 'title'=>"Foo"];
$data[] = ['id' => 57, 777 => 86, 'edition' => 6, 'title'=>"Goo"];
$data[] = ['id' => 67, 777 => 67, 'edition' => 7, 'title'=>"Hoo"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
// get a collection of of the values associated with the `title` key
// of each array in the collection.
// returns a collection containing
// [ 0=>'Boo', 1=>'Coo', 2=>'Doo', 3=>'Foo', 4=>'Goo', 5=>'Hoo' ]
// you can also specify the array key whose corresponding values should
// be used as the keys in the collection to be returned. Let's use the `id`
// key for the keys:
$collection->column('title', 'id');
// returns a collection containing
// [ 17=>'Boo', 27=>'Coo', 37=>'Doo', 47=>'Foo', 57=>'Goo', 67=>'Hoo' ]
Check if a collection contains an item using strict comparison.
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$item4 = true;
$item5 = false;
$item6 = tmpfile();
$item7 = new \ArrayObject();
$item8 = function(){ return 'Hello World!'; };
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, $item6, $item7, $item8]
$collection->containsItem($item1); // true
$collection->containsItem($item2); // true
$collection->containsItem($item3); // true
$collection->containsItem($item4); // true
$collection->containsItem($item5); // true
$collection->containsItem($item6); // true
$collection->containsItem($item7); // true
$collection->containsItem($item8); // true
$collection->containsItem('not in collection'); // false
$collection->containsItem(4); // false
$collection->containsItem('5.0'); // false
$collection->containsItem('7'); // false
Check if a collection contains a specified item with the specified key using strict comparison for the item.
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([$item1, $item2, $item3]);
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->containsItemWithKey(0, $item1); // true
$collection->containsItemWithKey('0', $item1); // true (Key 0 & '0' are the same,
// same for '1' & 1, etc.)
$collection->containsItemWithKey(1, $item2); // true
$collection->containsItemWithKey(2, $item3); // true
$collection->containsItemWithKey('item1', ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',]); // true
$collection->containsItemWithKey('item2', ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',]); // true
$collection->containsItemWithKey('not in collection', $item1); // false
$collection->containsItemWithKey('item1', 'not in collection'); // false
$collection->containsItemWithKey([], $item1); // false
Check if all the specified items exist in a collection. Strict comparison is used for checking each item.
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$item4 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$item5 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([$item1, $item2, $item3]);
$collection->item1 = $item4;
$collection->item2 = $item5;
$collection->containsItems([$item1]); // true
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2]); // true
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2, $item3]); // true
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4]); // true
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5]); // true
$collection->containsItems(['not in collection']); // false
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2, $item5, 'not in collection']); // false
$collection[] = 55;
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5, 55]); // true
$collection->containsItems([$item1, $item4, 'not in collection', 55]); // false
Check if a key exists in a collection.
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([$item1, $item2, $item3]);
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->containsKey(0); // true
$collection->containsKey('0'); // true
// (0 & '0' are the same
// as far as keys are concerned)
$collection->containsKey(1); // true
$collection->containsKey(2); // true
$collection->containsKey('item1'); // true
$collection->containsKey('item2'); // true
$collection->containsKey('not in collection'); // false
$collection->containsKey([]); // false
Check if all the specified keys exist in a collection.
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([$item1, $item2, $item3]);
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->containsKeys([0]); // true
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1]); // true
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2]); // true
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1']); // true
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1', 'item2']); // true
$collection->containsKeys(['not in collection']); // false
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1', 'item2', 'not in collection']); // false
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1', 'item2', 3]); // false
$collection[] = 55; // will be automatically assigned the key `3` under the hood
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1', 'item2', 3]); // true
$collection->containsKeys([0, 1, 2, 'item1', 'item2', 'not in collection', 3]); // false
Returns the number of items in collection.
$collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(["4", 5.0, 7]);
$collection->count(); // === 3
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->count(); // === 4
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->count(); // === 5
Get the items in the collection that are not present in the given items.
- $items: items in the collection that are not present in
are returned by this method
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['id' => 1, 'first_word' => 'Hello']);
$c->diff(['first_word' => 'Hello', 'last_word' => 'World'])->toArray(); // === ['id' => 1]
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['en_GB', 'fr', 'HR']);
// diff is case sensitive
$c->diff(['en_gb', 'hr'])->toArray(); // === ['en_GB', 'fr', 'HR']
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['id' => 1, 'first_word' => 'Hello']);
$c->diff([])->toArray(); // === ['id' => 1, 'first_word' => 'Hello']
Get the items in the collection that are not present in the given items using a callback for the comparison.
- $items: items in the collection that are not present in
are returned by this method - $callback: a callback used to check if an item in the collection is equal to an item in
The function must have the following signature: function ( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int. The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['en_GB', 'fr', 'HR']);
// allow for case insensitive difference
$c->diffUsing(['en_gb', 'hr'], 'strcasecmp')->getItems()->toArray(); // === ['fr']
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['en_GB', 'fr', 'HR']);
$c->diffUsing([], 'strcasecmp')->getItems()->toArray(); // === ['en_GB', 'fr', 'HR']
Get the items in the collection whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- $items: items in the collection whose keys and values are not present in
are returned by this method
$c1 = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['id'=>1, 'first_word'=>'Hello', 'not_affected'=>'value']
['id'=>123, 'foo_bar'=>'Hello', 'not_affected'=>'value']
)->toArray(); // === ['id' => 1, 'first_word' => 'Hello']
Get the items in the collection whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- $items:
- $key_comparator: a callback used to check if a key for an item in the collection is equal to a key for an item in
The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
$c1 = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'a'=>'green', 'b'=>'brown', 'c'=>'blue', 'red' ]
// demonstrate that diffAssoc wont support case insensitivity
$c1->diffAssoc([ 'A'=>'green', 'yellow', 'red' ])
->toArray(); // === ['a'=>'green', 'b'=>'brown', 'c'=>'blue', 0=>'red']
// allow for case insensitive difference
$c1->diffAssocUsing([ 'A'=>'green', 'yellow', 'red' ], 'strcasecmp')
->toArray(); // === [ 'b'=>'brown', 'c'=>'blue', 0=>'red' ]
Get the items in the collection whose keys are not present in the given items.
- $items: items in the collection whose keys are not present in
are returned by this method
$c1 = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'id'=>1, 'first_word'=>'Hello' ]
[ 'id'=>123, 'foo_bar'=>'Hello' ]
)->toArray(); // === ['first_word'=>'Hello']
Get the items in the collection whose keys and values are not present in the given items.
- $items:
- $key_comparator: a callback used to check if a key for an item in the collection is equal to a key for an item in
The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
$c1 = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['id' => 1, 'first_word' => 'Hello']);
// demonstrate that diffKeys wont support case insensitivity
$c1->diffKeys(['ID'=>123, 'foo_bar'=>'Hello'])
->toArray(); // ['id'=>1, 'first_word'=> 'Hello']
// allow for case insensitive difference
$c1->diffKeysUsing(['ID'=>123, 'foo_bar'=>'Hello'], 'strcasecmp')
->toArray(); // === ['first_word' => 'Hello']
Iterate through a collection and execute a callback over each item during the iteration.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature function($key, $item). To stop iteration at any point, the callback should return the value specified via $termination_value.
- $termination_value: a value that should be returned by $callback signifying that iteration through a collection should stop.
- $bind_callback_to_this:
if the variable $this inside the supplied $callback should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if you don't want the supplied $callback to be bound to the collection object this method is being invoked on.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// Iterate through a collection, printing out each key and item
// during each iteration
function($key, $item) {
echo "{$key}:{$item}, ";
); // outputs: 0:1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5, 5:6,
// You can even do more fancy stuff, like sum all numbers in the
// collection above and store the result in a variable.
$accumulator = 0; // will hold the sum
function($key, $item) use (&$accumulator) {
$accumulator += $item;
); // At this point $accumulator === 21
// You can sum the first half of the collection
// i.e. 1 + 2 + 3
$accumulator = 0; // will hold the sum
$counter = 1; // keeps track of the number of iterations
function($key, $item) use (&$accumulator, &$counter) {
$accumulator += $item;
// $this here refers to $collection
if( ((int)ceil($this->count() / 2)) === $counter++ ) {
return -999; // we have gotten half way through
// the collection at this point,
// we want to stop further iteration.
-999, // if -999 is returned from the callback, stop iteration immediately
true // bind the callback to the collection object this method is being
// called on, in this case $collection.
); // At this point $accumulator === 6
Create a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- $n: the number representing n.
- $position_of_first_nth_item: position in the collection to start counting for the nth elements.
represents the position of the first item in the collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
// every 4th item starting from the 0-indexed 0th position (actually 1st)
$collection->everyNth(4); // returns a collection containing
// ['a', 'e']
// every 4th item starting from the 0-indexed 3rd position (actually 4th)
$collection->everyNth(4, 3); // returns a collection containing
// ['d', 'h']
filterAll(callable $filterer, bool $copy_keys=false, bool $bind_callback_to_this=true, bool $remove_filtered_items=false): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Filter all items in a collection matching criteria specified in a callback function and return filtered items in a new collection.
- $filterer: a callback with the following signature
function($key, $item)
that must return true if an item should be filtered out, or false if not. - $copy_keys: true if the corresponding key for each filtered item in the original collection should be copied into the new collection to be returned.
- $bind_callback_to_this:
if the variable $this inside the supplied $filterer callback should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if you don't want the supplied $filterer callback to be bound to the collection object this method is being invoked on. - $remove_filtered_items:
if the filtered items should be removed from the collection this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if the filtered items should not be removed from the collection this method is being invoked on.
$collection_of_ints =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
// Filter all even numbers from the collection.
// Don't preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
$collection_of_even_ints = $collection_of_ints->filterAll(
function($key, $item) {
return ($item % 2) === 0;
// At this point $collection_of_even_ints contains
// [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
// and $collection_of_ints still contains
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
// Filter all even numbers from the first half of the collection.
// Preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
// and remove filtered items from the original collection
$collection_of_even_ints = $collection_of_ints->filterAll(
function($key, $item) {
// tracker of current iteration position
global $current_position;
if( !$current_position ) {
$current_position = 1;
< ((int)ceil($this->count() / 2))
) // are we still in the first half of the collection?
&& (($item % 2) === 0); // is the current item an even number
true, // preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
true, // make sure $this === $collection_of_ints inside the callback
true // remove filtered items
// At this point $collection_of_even_ints contains
// [ 1=>2, 3=>4 ]
// and $collection_of_ints now contains
// [ 0=>1, 2=>3, 4=>5, 5=>6, 6=>7, 7=>8, 8=>9, 9=>10 ]
filterFirstN(callable $filterer, ?int $max_number_of_filtered_items=null, bool $copy_keys=false, bool $bind_callback_to_this=true, bool $remove_filtered_items=false): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Filter first N
items in a collection matching criteria specified in a callback function and return filtered items in a new collection.
- $filterer: a callback with the following signature
function($key, $item)
that must return true if an item should be filtered out, or false if not. - $max_number_of_filtered_items: Number of filtered items to be returned. Null means return all filtered items.
- $copy_keys: true if the corresponding key for each filtered item in the original collection should be copied into the new collection to be returned.
- $bind_callback_to_this:
if the variable $this inside the supplied $filterer callback should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if you don't want the supplied $filterer callback to be bound to the collection object this method is being invoked on. - $remove_filtered_items:
if the filtered items should be removed from the collection this method is being invoked on, elsefalse
if the filtered items should not be removed from the collection this method is being invoked on.
$collection_of_ints =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
// Filter first three even numbers from the collection.
// Don't preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
$collection_of_even_ints = $collection_of_ints->filterFirstN(
function($key, $item) {
return ($item % 2) === 0;
// At this point $collection_of_even_ints contains
// [ 2, 4, 6 ]
// and $collection_of_ints still contains
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
// Filter first two even numbers from the first half of the collection.
// Preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
// and remove filtered items from the original collection
$collection_of_even_ints = $collection_of_ints->filterFirstN(
function($key, $item) {
// tracker of current iteration position
global $current_position;
if( !$current_position ) {
$current_position = 1;
< ((int)ceil($this->count() / 2))
) // are we still in the first half of the collection?
&& (($item % 2) === 0); // is the current item an even number
2, // filter first two matching items
true, // preserve keys in the collection of filtered items
true, // make sure $this === $collection_of_ints inside the callback
true // remove filtered items
// At this point $collection_of_even_ints contains
// [ 1=>2, 3=>4 ]
// and $collection_of_ints now contains
// [ 0=>1, 2=>3, 4=>5, 5=>6, 6=>7, 7=>8, 8=>9, 9=>10 ]
Retrieves and returns the first item in a collection. See lastItem()
if you want to get the last item.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']
$collection->firstItem(); // === 'One'
Return a collection of items whose keys are present in $keys
Keys are preserved in the new collection.
If the keys in $keys
do not exist in the collection, an empty collection object is returned.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->item3 = ['name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30',];
$new_collection = $collection->getAllWhereKeysIn(['item1', 'item3']);
// $new_collection now contains:
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age' => '10', ],
// 'item3' => [ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30', ],
// ]
// $collection still contains
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10', ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20', ],
// 'item3' => [ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30', ],
// ]
Return a collection of items whose keys are not present in $keys
Keys are preserved in the new collection.
If all the keys in the collection are also in $keys
, an empty collection object is returned.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->item3 = ['name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30',];
$new_collection = $collection->getAllWhereKeysNotIn(['item1', 'item3']);
// $new_collection now contains:
// [
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20', ],
// ]
// $collection still contains
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10', ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20', ],
// 'item3' => [ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30', ],
// ]
Get and remove the first item from the collection. NULL is returned if the collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
$collection->getAndRemoveFirstItem(); // === 'a'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveFirstItem(); // === 'b'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'c', 'd' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveFirstItem(); // === 'c'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'd' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveFirstItem(); // === 'd'
// At this point $collection contains [] (i.e. it is empty)
$collection->getAndRemoveFirstItem(); // === NULL
// Because collection is empty
Get and remove the last item from the collection. NULL is returned if the collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
$collection->getAndRemoveLastItem(); // === 'd'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveLastItem(); // === 'c'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'a', 'b' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveLastItem(); // === 'b'
// At this point $collection contains [ 'a' ]
$collection->getAndRemoveLastItem(); // === 'a'
// At this point $collection contains [] (i.e. it is empty)
$collection->getAndRemoveLastItem(); // === NULL
// Because collection is empty
getAsNewType(string|\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $new_collection_class=\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::class): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Create a new collection of the specified type with the keys and items of the collection object this method is being invoked on.
It's a neat way of casting one type of collection to another type. The types must be compatible.
For example, it is safe to convert an instance of GenericCollection (containing only integers) to a new instance of
IntsCollection or NumericsCollection, but an Excption will be thrown if you try to convert an instance of
GenericCollection (containing only integers) to a new instance of ObjectsCollection, since integers are not objects.
- $new_collection_class: name of a collection class that implements
\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface (e.g.
) or any compatible instance of \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Only keys and items from the original collection will be copied into the new collection, other properties of the original collection like methods added via addMethod(), addMethodForAllInstances() and addStaticMethod() will not be copied. The original collection will not be modified.
// a GenericCollection containing integers
$generic_ints_collection =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// create a new IntsCollection from the GenericCollection containing integers
$ints_collection = $generic_ints_collection->getAsNewType(
); // safe operation
// create a new NumericsCollection from the GenericCollection containing integers
$numerics_collection = $generic_ints_collection->getAsNewType(
); // safe operation
// Exception will be thrown if you try to create a new ObjectsCollection
// from the GenericCollection containing integers
// $objects_collection = $generic_ints_collection->getAsNewType(
// \VersatileCollections\ObjectsCollection::class
// ); // unsafe operation
getCollectionsOfSizeN(int $max_size_of_each_collection=1): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Break-up a collection into a new collection (GenericCollection) of sub-collections (each having a maximum size of N).
Each sub-collection will be of the same type as the collection object this method is being called on.
The collection object this method is being called on is not modified.
You can also use yieldCollectionsOfSizeN($max_size_of_each_collection=1) which returns a
Generator (instead of a new collection) that yields each sub-collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
$sub_collections = $collection->getCollectionsOfSizeN(3);
foreach ( $sub_collections as $sub_collection ) {
// Will generate the output below:
// [ 0=>1, 1=>2, 2=>3 ]
// [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
// [ 6=>7, 7=>8, 8=>9 ]
// [ 9=>10, 10=>11, 11=>12 ]
// [ 12=>13, 13=>14 ]
Try to get an item from the collection with the specified key ($key
or return $default_value
if key does not exist in the collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['first_key'=>'first item', 'second_key'=>'second item']
$collection->getIfExists('first_key'); // === 'first item'
$collection->getIfExists('second_key'); // === 'second item'
Get a new collection (of the same type as the original collection) of items in a collection without the corresponding keys in the original collection. Items in the new collection will have sequentially increasing numeric keys starting from 0.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['first_key'=>'first item', 'second_key'=>'second item']
$collection->getItems(); // a collection containing [ 0=>'first item', 1=>'second item' ]
Returns an Iterator object that can be used to traverse a collection.
You will not normally need to call this method since it's a fulfilment of php's
IteratorAggregate interface and is automatically used under the hood whenever
you iterate over a collection object via a foreach loop.
You should use the each() method to iterate over a collection (it has a
fluent interface which supports method chaining), but if you want, you can also
use a foreach
loop, for
loop, while
loop or do-while
loop to iterate over
a collection, but you should not have to.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]);
// Because of getIterator() you can loop through a collection object using
// a foreach loop as illustrated below below:
foreach( $collection as $key => $item ) {
// do stuff with $key and $item
// OR
// For loop
$iterator = $collection->getIterator();
for( $iterator->rewind(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next() ) {
$key = $iterator->key();
$item = $iterator->current();
// do stuff with $key and $item
// OR
// While loop
while( $iterator->valid() ) {
$key = $iterator->key();
$item = $iterator->current();
// do stuff with $key and $item
// OR
// Do-While loop
if( $iterator->valid() ) {
$key = $iterator->key();
$item = $iterator->current();
// do stuff with $key and $item
} while( $iterator->valid() );
Get a collection (GenericCollection) of keys to a collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['first_key'=>'first item', 'second_key'=>'second item']
$collection->getKeys(); // a collection containing [ 0=>'first_key', 1=>'second_key']
Create a collection of items from the original collection that are present in $arr
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "red", "blue"];
$array2 = ["b" => "green", "yellow", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
->toArray(); // === ["a" => "green", 0 => "red"]
intersectByItemsUsingCallback(array $arr, callable $item_comparator): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Create a collection of items from the original collection that are present in $arr
using a callback for the item comparison
- $item_comparator: a callback used to check if an item in the collection is equal to an item in
. The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int. The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
$array2 = ["a" => "GREEN", "B" => "brown", "yellow", "red"];
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByItemsUsingCallback($array2, "strcasecmp")
->toArray(); // === ["a"=>"green", "b"=>"brown", 0=>"red"]
Create a collection of items from the original collection whose keys are present in $arr
$array1 = ['blue'=>1, 'red'=>2, 'green'=>3, 'purple'=>4];
$array2 = ['green'=>5, 'blue'=>6, 'yellow'=>7, 'cyan'=>8];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
->toArray(); // === ['blue'=>1, 'green'=>3]
intersectByKeysUsingCallback(array $arr, callable $key_comparator): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Create a collection of items from the original collection whose keys are present in $arr using a callback for the key comparison
- $key_comparator: a callback used to check if a key in the collection is equal to a key in
. The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int. The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
$key_compare_func = function ($key1, $key2) {
if ($key1 == $key2)
return 0;
else if ($key1 > $key2)
return 1;
return -1;
$array1 = ['blue' => 1, 'red' => 2, 'green' => 3, 'purple' => 4];
$array2 = ['green' => 5, 'blue' => 6, 'yellow' => 7, 'cyan' => 8];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByKeysUsingCallback($array2, $key_compare_func)
->toArray(); // === ['blue'=>1, 'green'=>3]
Create a collection of items from the original collection whose keys and corresponding items /values are present in $arr
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$array2 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "yellow", "blue", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
->toArray(); // === ["a" => "green"]
intersectByKeysAndItemsUsingCallbacks(array $arr, callable $key_comparator=null, callable $item_comparator=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Create a collection of items from the original collection whose keys and corresponding items /values are present in $arr
using callbacks for key and item comparisons
- $key_comparator: a callback used to check if a key in the collection is equal to a key in
. The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int. The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second. - $item_comparator: a callback used to check if an item in the collection is equal to an item in
. The function must have the following signature: function( mixed $a, mixed $b ): int. The comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
// null key callback and null item callback
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$array2 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "yellow", "blue", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByKeysAndItemsUsingCallbacks($array2, null, null)
->toArray(); // === ["a" => "green"]
// non-null key callback and non-null item callback
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$array2 = ["a" => "GREEN", "B" => "brown", "yellow", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByKeysAndItemsUsingCallbacks($array2, "strcasecmp", "strcasecmp")
->toArray(); // === ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown"]
// null key callback and non-null item callback
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$array2 = ["a" => "GREEN", "B" => "brown", "yellow", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByKeysAndItemsUsingCallbacks($array2, null, "strcasecmp")
->toArray();// === ["a" => "green"]
// non-null key callback and null item callback
$array1 = ["a" => "green", "b" => "brown", "c" => "blue", "red"];
$array2 = ["a" => "GREEN", "B" => "brown", "yellow", "red"];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($array1);
$collection->intersectByKeysAndItemsUsingCallbacks($array2, "strcasecmp", null)
->toArray(); // === ["b" => "brown"]
Return true if there are one or more items in the collection or false otherwise.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->isEmpty(); // === true
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['first_key'=>'first item', 'second_key'=>'second item']
$collection->isEmpty(); // === false
Retrieves and returns the last item in a collection. See firstItem()
if you want to get the first item.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']
$collection->lastItem(); // === 'Four'
Convert all keys in the collection to consecutive integer keys starting from $starting_key
- $starting_key: a positive integer value that will be the value of the first key. A negative integer value will be converted to zero.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->item3 = ['name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30',];
// $collection initially contains:
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age' => '20' ],
// 'item3' => [ 'name' => 'Janice', 'age' => '30' ]
// ]
// no args
// $collection now contains:
// [
// 0 => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 1 => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age' => '20' ],
// 2 => [ 'name' => 'Janice', 'age' => '30' ]
// ]
// reset collection to initial state
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$collection->item2 = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$collection->item3 = ['name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30',];
// with starting key value of 777
// $collection now contains:
// [
// 777 => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 778 => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age' => '20' ],
// 779 => [ 'name' => 'Janice', 'age' => '30' ]
// ]
static makeNew(iterable $items=[], bool $preserve_keys=true): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Creates a new collection from an iterable.
to unpack arguments when creating collection objects via the constructor, you
will end up with a collection containing only one item, which is the array
passed to the constructor which you forgot to unpack).
- $items: an array of items to be stored in the new collection that will be created.
- $preserve_keys: true if keys in
will be preserved in the created collection.
$data = [];
$data['item1'] = ['name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10',];
$data['item2'] = ['name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20',];
$data['item3'] = ['name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30',];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
// Keys preserved and $collection contains:
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age' => '20' ],
// 'item3' => [ 'name' => 'Janice', 'age' => '30' ]
// ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data, false);
// Keys not preserved and $collection contains:
// [
// 0 => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 1 => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age' => '20' ],
// 2 => [ 'name' => 'Janice', 'age' => '30' ]
// ]
map(callable $callback, bool $preserve_keys=true, bool $bind_callback_to_this=true): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Applies the callback to the items in the collection and returns a new collection containing all the items in the original collection after applying the callback function to each one. The original collection is not modified.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature: function($key, $item): mixed. It should perform an operation on each item and return the result of the operation on each item.
- $preserve_keys: true if keys in the returned collection should match the keys in the original collection, else false for sequentially incrementing integer keys (starting from 0) in the returned collection.
- $bind_callback_to_this: true if the variable
inside the supplied $callback should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on.
$int_collection =
\VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$multiplied = $int_collection->map(
function ($key, $item) {
return $item * 2;
$int_collection->toArray(); // === [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
$multiplied->toArray(); // === [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
$multiplied = $int_collection->map(
function ($key, $item) {
return $item * $this->count();
$int_collection->toArray(); // === [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
$multiplied->toArray(); // === [5, 10, 15, 20, 25])
// preserved keys
$int_collection = \VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew();
$int_collection[5] = 1;
$int_collection[6] = 2;
$int_collection[7] = 3;
$int_collection[8] = 4;
$int_collection[9] = 5;
$multiplied = $int_collection->map(
function ($key, $item) {
return $item * $this->count();
$multiplied->toArray(); // === [5=>5, 6=>10, 7=>15, 8=>20, 9=>25]
Adds all items from $items
to the collection object this method is being called on.
Items in $items
with existing keys in the original collection will overwrite
the existing items in the original collection.
Use unionWith()
or unionMeWith()
if you want items from the original collection
to be used when same keys exist in both $items
and the original collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3, 'd'=>4, 'e'=>5 ]
[ 'a'=>15, 'b'=>25, 'c'=>35, 'd'=>45 ]
$collection->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>15, 'b'=>25, 'c'=>35, 'd'=>45, 'e'=>5 ]
// overwrite all items
[ 'a'=>152, 'b'=>252, 'c'=>352, 'd'=>452, 'e'=>552 ]
$collection->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>152, 'b'=>252, 'c'=>352, 'd'=>452, 'e'=>552 ]
Works exactly like mergeMeWith(array $items)
, except that the original
collection is not modified, but instead the merged items are returned in
a new collection.
Use unionWith()
or unionMeWith()
if you want items from the original collection
to be used when same keys exist in both $items
and the original collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3, 'd'=>4, 'e'=>5 ]
$merged = $collection->mergeWith(
[ 'a'=>15, 'b'=>25, 'c'=>35, 'd'=>45 ]
$merged->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>15, 'b'=>25, 'c'=>35, 'd'=>45, 'e'=>5 ]
$collection->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3, 'd'=>4, 'e'=>5 ]
// overwrite all items
$merged = $collection->mergeWith(
[ 'a'=>152, 'b'=>252, 'c'=>352, 'd'=>452, 'e'=>552 ]
$merged->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>152, 'b'=>252, 'c'=>352, 'd'=>452, 'e'=>552 ]
$collection->toArray(); // [ 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3, 'd'=>4, 'e'=>5 ]
Returns true if the specified key exists in a collection or false if not.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically used by the
ArrayAccess API.
Returns the item associated with the specified key if the key exists in the collection.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically used by the
ArrayAccess API.
Add an item ($val
) to the collection with the specified key ($key
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically used by the
ArrayAccess API.
Remove an item associated with the specified key ($key
) from the collection.
You shouldn't need to call this method since it is automatically used by the
ArrayAccess API.
Get a collection of at most $num_items_per_page
items starting from the
(($page_number * $num_items_per_page) - $num_items_per_page + 1)th
in the collection.
This method assumes positions in the collection are 1-indexed rather
than zero-indexed. For example item 'a' in this array (['a', 'b', 'c'])
is at the first position as far as the documentation of this method is
concerned as opposed to the zeroeth position (which is how you would
actually reference it php code).
For example given a collection containing:
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ]
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
calling paginate(2, 3)
on that collection means you want to get a collection
of at most 3 items starting from the 2nd page which is actually the
(((2 * 3) - 3 + 1) == 4th) position in that collection which should
return a collection containing:
[ 'd', 'e', 'f' ]
- $page_number: Page number. It must be a positive integer starting from 1.
If a value less than 1 is supplied, it will be bumped up to 1.
If it has a value larger than the total number of available pages
($this->count() / $num_items_per_page)
1 <= $num_items_per_page <= $this->count()
), an empty collection will be returned. - $num_items_per_page: The number of items in the collection to be returned.
It must be a positive integer starting from 1. If a value less than 1 is supplied,
it will be bumped up to 1. If it has a value larger than
, all items from position$page_number
in the collection till the end of the collection will be returned.
$empty_c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ]
$empty_c->paginate(1, 2)->toArray(); // === []
// paginate(0, 2) === paginate(1, 2), 0 is converted to 1
$c->paginate(0, 2)->toArray(); // === ['a', 'b']
$c->paginate(1, 2)->toArray(); // === ['a', 'b']
// -2 and 0 below will be converted to 1
// i.e. paginate(0, -2) === paginate(0, 1) === paginate(1, 1)
$c->paginate(0, -2)->toArray(); // === ['a']
// -777 below will be converted to 1
// i.e. paginate(-777, 2) === paginate(1, 2)
$c->paginate(-777, 2)->toArray(); // === ['a', 'b']
$c->paginate(2, 2)->toArray(); // === [2=>'c', 3=>'d']
$c->paginate(2, 3)->toArray(); // === [3=>'d', 4=>'e', 5=>'f']
// number of items in page > $c->count()
$c->paginate(2, 777)
->toArray(); // === [1=>'b', 2=>'c', 3=>'d', 4=>'e', 5=>'f', 6=>'g', 7=>'h']
// only 4 pages of two items per page available in
// [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ]
// requesting a 5th page should return an empty collection
$c->paginate(5, 2)->toArray(); // === []
Pass the collection to the given callback and return whatever value is
returned from executing the given callback.
This method is very useful for chaining a series of operations to be
performed on a collection object especially when the output of prior
operations are needed as input for the next operation.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature
function($collection):mixed. The
argument in the callback's signature is the collection object thispipeAndReturnCallbackResult
method is being invoked on.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
$counter = function($collection) { return $collection->count(); };
$to_array = function($collection) { return $collection->toArray(); };
$collection->pipeAndReturnCallbackResult($counter); // === 8
// === ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
// More interesting operation chaining example:
$data = [];
$data[] = ['id' => 17, 'age' => 21, 'score' => 75, 'name'=>"Jake"];
$data[] = ['id' => 27, 'age' => 23, 'score' => 70, 'name'=>"Jane"];
$data[] = ['id' => 37, 'age' => 24, 'score' => 80, 'name'=>"Abel"];
$data[] = ['id' => 47, 'age' => 31, 'score' => 99, 'name'=>"Abby"];
$data[] = ['id' => 57, 'age' => 18, 'score' => 90, 'name'=>"Tara"];
$data[] = ['id' => 67, 'age' => 40, 'score' => 89, 'name'=>"Tory"];
$collection =
$collection_of_items_with_age_gte_20_and_lte_30_and_score_gte_75 =
return $collection->filterAll(
function($key, $item) {
return $item['age'] >= 20 && $item['age'] <= 30;
true // copy keys
); // filter all students with age >=20 and age <=30
) // at this point we should have a collection of students
// with age >=20 and age <=30
// we are now going to further filter these results for
// students with score >= 75 in the second call to
// pipeAndReturnCallbackResult below
return $collection->filterAll(
function($key, $item) {
return $item['score'] >= 75;
true // copy keys
); // filter all students with score >= 75
); // at this point we should have a collection of students
// with age >=20 and age <=30 and score >= 75
// $collection_of_items_with_age_gte_20_and_lte_30_and_score_gte_75
// now contains:
// [
// 0 => ['id' => 17, 'age' => 21, 'score' => 75, 'name'=>"Jake"],
// 2 => ['id' => 37, 'age' => 24, 'score' => 80, 'name'=>"Abel"]
// ]
Pass the collection to the given callback and return the collection object
the pipeAndReturnSelf
method is being called on.
This method is very useful for chaining a series of operations to be
performed on a collection object.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature
function($collection):void. The
argument in the callback's signature is the collection object thispipeAndReturnSelf
method is being invoked on.
$average = 0;
$max = 0;
$median = 0;
$min = 0;
$mode = 0;
$product = 0;
$sum = 0;
$collection = \VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2]
function($collection)use(&$average) {
$average = $collection->average();
) // calculate average
function($collection)use(&$max) {
$max = $collection->max();
) // calculate max
function($collection)use(&$median) {
$median = $collection->median();
) // calculate median
function($collection)use(&$min) {
$min = $collection->min();
) // calculate min
function($collection)use(&$mode) {
$mode = implode(', ', $collection->mode());
) // calculate mode
function($collection)use(&$product) {
$product = $collection->product();
) // calculate product
function($collection)use(&$sum) {
$sum = $collection->sum();
) // calculate sum
use(&$average, &$max, &$median, &$min, &$mode, &$product, &$sum) {
echo " Average: $average, Max: $max, Median: $median,"
. " Min: $min, Mode: $mode, Product: $product, Sum: $sum";
); // finally print out the results below:
// Average: 5.1818181818182, Max: 10, Median: 5, Min: 1, Mode: 2, Product: 7257600, Sum: 57
Prepends all items from $other
collection to the front of a collection.
Note that all numeric keys will be modified to start counting from zero while
literal keys won't be changed.
For strictly typed collections,
must be of the same type as the collection's type or a sub-type of the the collection's type or else an Exception will be thrown.
For example, you cannot prepend an instance of StringsCollection to an instance of ArraysCollection, but you can prepend an instance of FloatsCollection to an instance of NumericsCollection (since FloatsCollection is a sub-type of NumericsCollection).
$item1 = "4";
$item2 = 5.0;
$item3 = 7;
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[$item1, $item2, $item3]
$other_item1 = "114";
$other_item2 = 35.5;
$other_item3 = 777;
$other_collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[$other_item1, $other_item2, $other_item3]
// At this point, $collection now contains:
// [ 0=>'114', 1=>35.5, 2=>777, 3=>'4', 4=>5.0, 5=>7 ]
// Inheritance example
$numeric_collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// append a sub-class collection
$int_collection = \VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([8, 9, 10, 11]);
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [8, 9, 10, 11, 1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// append another sub-class collection
$float_collection = \VersatileCollections\FloatsCollection::makeNew([8.5, 9.7, 10.8, 11.9]);
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [8.5, 9.7, 10.8, 11.9, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Prepends an item to the front of a collection (an optional key (string or integer) could be supplied).
For strictly typed collections,
must be of the same type as the collection's type or a sub-type of the the collection's type or else an Exception will be thrown.
For example, you cannot prepend a string to an instance of ArraysCollection, but you can prepend a float or an integer to an instance of NumericsCollection (since floats and integers are numeric).
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew([4, 5.0, 7]);
$collection->prependItem(777); // integer acceptable
$collection->prependItem(7.5); // float acceptable
//$collection->prependItem('7.5'); // string not acceptable
$collection->toArray(); // [ 0=>7.5, 1=>777, 2=>4, 3=>5.0, 4=>7 ]
// More Examples:
$numeric_collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.9, 2.9, 3, 4, 5, 6]
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [ 0=>1.9, 1=>2.9, 2=>3, 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [ 0=>777, 1=>1.9, 2=>2.9, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6 ]
// overwrite the value associated with the existing key `1`
// which is currently associated with the value `1.9`
$numeric_collection->prependItem(888, 1);
$numeric_collection->toArray(); // === [ 1=>888, 0=>777, 2=>2.9, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6 ]
$numeric_collection->prependItem(999, 'custom_key');
// === [ 'custom_key'=>999, 1=>888, 0=>777, 2=>2.9, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6 ]
Get and remove an item with the specified key from the collection.
A default value will be returned if the specified key does not exist in the collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection['item1'] = 22;
$collection['item2'] = 23;
$collection['item3'] = 24;
$collection['item4'] = 25;
$collection->pull('item1'); // === 22
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item2'=>23, 'item3'=>24, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->pull('item2'); // === 23
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item3'=>24, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->pull('item3'); // === 24
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->pull('item4'); // === 25
$collection->toArray(); // === []
// default value returned for non-existent key
$collection->pull('key_4_non_existent_item', -999); // === -999
$collection->toArray(); // === []
Alias of appendItem($item).
Insert an item ($value
) into the collection using the specified key ($key
If the key already exists in the collection, its value will be updated with $value
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->toArray(); // === []
$collection->put('item1', 12);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>12 ]
$collection->put('item2', 13);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>12, 'item2'=>13 ]
$collection->put('item3', 14);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>12, 'item2'=>13, 'item3'=>14 ]
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>12, 'item2'=>13, 'item3'=>14, 'item4'=>15 ]
$collection['item1'] = 22;
$collection['item2'] = 23;
$collection['item3'] = 24;
$collection['item4'] = 25;
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>22, 'item2'=>23, 'item3'=>24, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->put('item1', 32);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>32, 'item2'=>23, 'item3'=>24, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->put('item2', 33);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>32, 'item2'=>33, 'item3'=>24, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->put('item3', 34);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>32, 'item2'=>33, 'item3'=>34, 'item4'=>25 ]
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 'item1'=>32, 'item2'=>33, 'item3'=>34, 'item4'=>35 ]
Get one item randomly from the collection.
A length exception (\LengthException
) is thrown if this method is called on an empty collection.
Get a specified number of items randomly from the collection and return them in a new collection.
A length exception (\LengthException
) is thrown if this method is called on an empty collection.
An \InvalidArgumentException
is thrown if $number
is either not an integer or if it is bigger than the number of items in the collection.
- $number: number of random items to be returned
- $preserve_keys: true if the key associated with each random item should be used in the new collection returned by this method, otherwise false if the new collection returned should have sequential integer keys starting at zero.
Get one key randomly from the collection.
A length exception (\LengthException
) is thrown if this method is called on an empty collection.
Get a specified number of unique keys randomly from the collection and return them in a new collection.
A length exception (\LengthException
) is thrown if this method is called on an empty collection.
An \InvalidArgumentException
is thrown if $number
is either not an integer or if it is bigger than the number of items in the collection.
- $number: number of random keys to be returned
Iteratively reduce the collection items to a single value using a callback function.
- $reducer: a callback with the following signature: function(mixed $carry , mixed $item): mixed.
Holds the return value of the previous iteration; in the case of the first iteration it instead holds the value of initial.$item:
Holds the value of the current iteration.
- $initial_value: If the optional initial value is available, it will be used at the beginning of the process, or as a final result in case the collection is empty.
$int_collection =
\VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3]);
$sum = $int_collection->reduce(
function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry + $item;
); // at this point $sum === 6
Iteratively reduce the collection items to a single value using a callback function.
The callback function will have access to the key for each item.
- $reducer: a callback with the following signature: function(mixed $carry , mixed $item, string|int $key): mixed.
Holds the return value of the previous iteration; in the case of the first iteration it instead holds the value of initial.$item:
Holds the value of the current iteration.$key:
Holds the corresponding key of the current iteration.
- $initial_value: If the optional initial is available, it will be used at the beginning of the process, or as a final result in case the collection is empty.
$int_collection =
\VersatileCollections\IntsCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3]);
$sum = $int_collection->reduceWithKeyAccess(
function ($carry, $item, $key) {
// you can do stuff with $key if you want
return $carry + $item;
); // at this point $sum === 6
Remove items from the collection (whose keys are present in $keys
) or (all items if $keys
is empty) and return $this
- $keys: optional array of keys for the items to be removed.
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$c->toArray(); // === []
// removing with specified keys
$c = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$c->toArray(); // === [ 1=>2, 3=>4 ]
Reverse order of items in the collection and return the reversed items in a new collection.
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['zaeed', 'alan']);
$reversed = $data->reverse();
$reversed->toArray(); // === [ 1=>'alan', 0=>'zaeed' ]
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'name'=>'taylor', 'framework'=>'laravel' ]
$reversed = $data->reverse();
$reversed->toArray(); // === [ 'framework'=>'laravel', 'name'=>'taylor' ]
Reverse order of items in the collection. Original collection will be modified.
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['zaeed', 'alan']);
$data->toArray(); // === [ 1=>'alan', 0=>'zaeed' ]
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 'name'=>'taylor', 'framework'=>'laravel' ]
$data->toArray(); // === [ 'framework'=>'laravel', 'name'=>'taylor' ]
Search the collection for a given value and return an array of all corresponding
key(s) in the collection whose item(s) match the given value, if successful
or false
if the given value is not found in the collection.
- $value: the value to be searched for.
- $strict: true if strict comparison should be used when searching, else false for loose comparison.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['blue', 'red', 'green', 'red', 1, 'blue', '2', 1]
// non-strict searches
// found at $collection[0] & $collection[5]
$collection->searchAllByVal('blue'); // === [0, 5]
// not found
$collection->searchAllByVal('non existent item'); // === false
// strict searches
// found at $collection[4] & $collection[7]
$collection->searchAllByVal(1, true); // === [4, 7]
// not found
$collection->searchAllByVal('1', true); // === false
// found at $collection[6]
$collection->searchAllByVal('2', true); // === [6]
// not found
$collection->searchAllByVal(2, true); // === false
Search the collection using a callback. The callback will be executed on each item and corresponding key in the collection. Returns an array of all corresponding key(s) in the collection for which the callback returns true or false if the callback didn't return true for any iteration over the collection.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature function($key, $item):bool.
It should return true if a
should be returned or false otherwise.$key:
Holds a key in the collection for the current iteration.$item:
Holds an item in the collection for the current iteration.
- $bind_callback_to_this: true if the variable
inside the supplied$callback
should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['blue', 'red', 'green', 'red', 1, 'blue', '2', 1]
$object_searcher = function($key, $item) {
return is_object($item) && $this->count() > 0;
$int_searcher = function($key, $item) {
return is_int($item) && $this->count() > 0;
$string_searcher = function($key, $item) {
return is_string($item) && $this->count() > 0;
// found at $collection[4] & $collection[7]
$collection->searchByCallback($int_searcher); // === [4, 7]
// not found
$collection->searchByCallback($object_searcher); // === false
// found at $collection[0], $collection[1], $collection[2], $collection[3],
// $collection[5] & $collection[6]
$collection->searchByCallback($string_searcher); // === [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6]
Search the collection for a given value & return the first corresponding key
if successful or false
if the given value is not found in the collection.
- $value: the value to be searched for.
- $strict: true if strict comparison should be used when searching, else false for loose comparison.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['blue', 'red', 'green', 'red', 1, 'blue', '2', 1]
// non-strict searches
// found at $collection[0]
$collection->searchByVal('blue'); // === 0
// not found
$collection->searchByVal('non existent item'); // === false
// strict searches
// found at $collection[4]
$collection->searchByVal(1, true); // === 4
// not found
$collection->searchByVal('1', true); // === false
// found at $collection[6]
$collection->searchByVal('2', true); // === 6
// not found
$collection->searchByVal(2, true); // === false
This method works only on collections of arrays and / or objects. It set's the specified field in each array or property in each object to the given value.
- $field_name: the name of the field / property in each array / object whose value is to be set.
- $field_val: value to be set for the specified field.
- $add_field_if_not_present: true to add the specified field and value if it does not exist in one or more array(s) / object(s) in the collection.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ];
$collection->item2 = [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20' ];
$collection->item3 = (object)[ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30' ]; // instance of StdClass
// at this point $collection contains:
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'10' ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'20' ],
// 'item3' => stdClass::__set_state([ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'30' ]),
// ]
// set the age field in each item to '50'
$collection->setValForEachItem('age', '50');
// at this point $collection contains:
// [
// 'item1' => [ 'name'=>'Joe', 'age'=>'50' ],
// 'item2' => [ 'name'=>'Jane', 'age'=>'50' ],
// 'item3' => stdClass::__set_state([ 'name'=>'Janice', 'age'=>'50' ]),
// ]
Shuffle all the items in the collection and return shuffled items in a new collection. If collection is empty, this method will return an empty collection.
- $preserve_keys: true if the key associated with each shuffled item should be used in the new collection returned by this method, otherwise false if the new collection returned should have sequential integer keys starting at zero.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// NOTE: results will always differ for each call to this method
// for the same collection because it is a shuffle operation.
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// keys preserved
$collection->shuffle(); // contains [ 4=>5, 1=>2, 2=>3, 0=>1, 3=>4 ]
// keys not preserved
$collection->shuffle(false); // contains [ 0=>5, 1=>4, 2=>2, 3=>1, 4=>3 ]
Extract a slice of the collection.
The collection itself should is not modified (i.e. sliced items will still
remain in the collection this method is being called with).
- $offset: If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array. If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
- $length: If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it. If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present. If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array. If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
$collection->slice(-3)->toArray(); // === [ 5=>6, 6=>7, 7=>8 ]
$collection->slice(-5, 3)->toArray(); // === [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
$collection->slice(-6, -2)->toArray(); // === [ 2=>3, 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
$collection->slice(3)->toArray(); // === [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6, 6=>7, 7=>8 ]
$collection->slice(3)->toArray(); // === [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6, 6=>7, 7=>8 ]
$collection->slice(3, 3)->toArray(); // === [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
$collection->slice(3, -1)->toArray(); // === [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6, 6=>7 ]
sort(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items in ascending order while maintaining key association.
A new collection containing the sorted items is returned.
The original collection itself is not modified.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([5, 3, 1, 2, 4]))->sort();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>1, 3=>2, 1=>3, 4=>4, 0=>5 ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([-1, -3, -2, -4, -5, 0, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4]))
// === [ 4=>-5, 3=>-4, 1=>-3, 2=>-2, 0=>-1, 5=>0, 8=>1, 9=>2, 7=>3, 10=>4, 6=>5 ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'bar-10', 'bar-1']))->sort();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>'bar-1', 1=>'bar-10', 0=>'foo' ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(["orange2", "Orange3", "Orange1", "orange20"]))
->sort(null, new \VersatileCollections\SortType((SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE)));
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>'Orange1', 0=>'orange2', 1=>'Orange3', 3=>'orange20' ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([
(object)[ 'name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55 ]
$sorted_collection = $collection->sort();
// $sorted_collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23])
// ]
$age_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return ($a->age < $b->age)? -1 : (($a->age === $b->age)? 0:1);
$sorted_collection = $collection->sort($age_sorter); // sort by callback
// $sorted_collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55])
// ]
$name_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a->name, $b->name);
$sorted_collection = $collection->sort($name_sorter); // sort by callback
// $sorted_collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Jacky Bauer', 'age' => 43]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Janet Fonda', 'age' => 55]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Johnny Cash', 'age' => 50]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Suzzie Cash', 'age' => 23])
// ]
sortByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items by keys in ascending order while maintaining key association.
A new collection containing the sorted items is returned.
The original collection itself is not modified.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
["d"=>"lemon", "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple"]
$sorted_collection = $collection->sortByKey();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple", "d"=>"lemon" ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
["3"=>"lemon", "0"=>"orange", "1"=>"banana", "2"=>"apple"]
$sorted_collection = $collection->sortByKey();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ "0"=>"orange", "1"=>"banana", "2"=>"apple", "3"=>"lemon" ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 3=>"lemon", 0=>"orange", 1=>"banana", 2=>"apple", "d"=>"lemon", "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple"]
$sorted_collection = $collection->sortByKey(null, new \VersatileCollections\SortType(SORT_NUMERIC));
// ===
// [
// 0=>'orange', 'd'=>'lemon', 'a'=>'orange', 'b'=>'banana',
// 'c'=>'apple', 1=>'banana', 2=>'apple', 3=>'lemon',
// ]
$string_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return $a.'' < $b.'' ? -1 : (($a.'' == $b.'')? 0 : 1);
$sorted_collection = $collection->sortByKey($string_sorter); // sort by callback
// ===
// [
// 0=>'orange', 1=>'banana', 2=>'apple', 3=>'lemon',
// 'a'=>'orange', 'b'=>'banana', 'c'=>'apple', 'd'=>'lemon'
// ]
sortByMultipleFields(\VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters ...$param): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort a collection of associative arrays or objects by specified field name(s)
and return a new collection containing the sorted items with their original
key associations preserved. It can even sort by private and protected object properties
The original collection itself is not modified.
- $param: one or more objects indicating the field(s) to sort by and the corresponding sort direction(s) and type(s).
See \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters::$valid_sort_types for available sort types for each field.
See \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters::$valid_sort_directions for available sort directions for each field.
// Collection of Arrays
$data = [];
$data[0] = [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ];
$data[1] = [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ];
$data[2] = [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ];
$data[3] = [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
$sort_param = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('volume', SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC);
$sort_param2 = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('edition', SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC);
// sort by volume asc, edition desc
$sorted_collection_asc_desc = $collection->sortByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 2 => [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ],
// 1 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 3 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]
// ]
// sort by volume asc, edition asc
$sorted_collection_asc_asc = $collection->sortByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 2 => [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ],
// 3 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ],
// 1 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]
// ]
// Collection of StdClass Objects
$data = [];
$data[0] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]);
$data[1] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]);
$data[2] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]);
$data[3] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]);
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
$sort_param = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('volume', SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC);
$sort_param2 = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('edition', SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC);
// sort by volume asc, edition desc
$sorted_collection_asc_desc = $collection->sortByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ])
// ]
// sort by volume asc, edition asc
$sorted_collection_asc_asc = $collection->sortByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ])
// ]
sortDesc(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items in descending order while maintaining key association.
A new collection containing the sorted items is returned.
The original collection itself is not modified.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
second argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the first.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
See sort(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null)
for code samples.
sortDescByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items by keys in descending order while maintaining key association.
A new collection containing the sorted items is returned.
The original collection itself is not modified.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
second argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the first.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
See sortByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null)
for code samples.
sortMe(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items in ascending order while maintaining key association.
The original collection itself is modified and returned.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([5, 3, 1, 2, 4]))->sortMe();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>1, 3=>2, 1=>3, 4=>4, 0=>5 ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([-1, -3, -2, -4, -5, 0, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4]))
// === [ 4=>-5, 3=>-4, 1=>-3, 2=>-2, 0=>-1, 5=>0, 8=>1, 9=>2, 7=>3, 10=>4, 6=>5 ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'bar-10', 'bar-1']))->sortMe();
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>'bar-1', 1=>'bar-10', 0=>'foo' ]
$sorted_collection =
(\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(["orange2", "Orange3", "Orange1", "orange20"]))
->sortMe(null, new \VersatileCollections\SortType((SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE)));
$sorted_collection->toArray(); // === [ 2=>'Orange1', 0=>'orange2', 1=>'Orange3', 3=>'orange20' ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([
(object)[ 'name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43 ],
(object)[ 'name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55 ]
// $collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23])
// ]
$age_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return ($a->age < $b->age)? -1 : (($a->age === $b->age)? 0:1);
$collection->sortMe($age_sorter); // sort by callback
// $collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Suzzie Cash', 'age'=>23]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Jacky Bauer', 'age'=>43]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Johnny Cash', 'age'=>50]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name'=>'Janet Fonda', 'age'=>55])
// ]
$name_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a->name, $b->name);
$collection->sortMe($name_sorter); // sort by callback
// $collection->toArray() contains:
// [
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Jacky Bauer', 'age' => 43]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Janet Fonda', 'age' => 55]),
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Johnny Cash', 'age' => 50]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['name' => 'Suzzie Cash', 'age' => 23])
// ]
sortMeByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items by keys in ascending order while maintaining key association.
The original collection itself is modified and returned.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
["d"=>"lemon", "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple"]
$collection->toArray(); // === [ "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple", "d"=>"lemon" ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
["3"=>"lemon", "0"=>"orange", "1"=>"banana", "2"=>"apple"]
$collection->toArray(); // === [ "0"=>"orange", "1"=>"banana", "2"=>"apple", "3"=>"lemon" ]
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 3=>"lemon", 0=>"orange", 1=>"banana", 2=>"apple", "d"=>"lemon", "a"=>"orange", "b"=>"banana", "c"=>"apple"]
$collection->sortMeByKey(null, new \VersatileCollections\SortType(SORT_NUMERIC));
// ===
// [
// 0=>'orange', 'd'=>'lemon', 'a'=>'orange', 'b'=>'banana',
// 'c'=>'apple', 1=>'banana', 2=>'apple', 3=>'lemon',
// ]
$string_sorter = function($a, $b) {
return $a.'' < $b.'' ? -1 : (($a.'' == $b.'')? 0 : 1);
$collection->sortMeByKey($string_sorter); // sort by callback
// ===
// [
// 0=>'orange', 1=>'banana', 2=>'apple', 3=>'lemon',
// 'a'=>'orange', 'b'=>'banana', 'c'=>'apple', 'd'=>'lemon'
// ]
sortMeByMultipleFields(\VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters ...$param): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort a collection of associative arrays or objects by specified field name(s)
and return a new collection containing the sorted items with their original
key associations preserved. It can even sort by private and protected object properties
The original collection itself is modified and returned.
- $param: one or more objects indicating the field(s) to sort by and the corresponding sort direction(s) and type(s).
See \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters::$valid_sort_types for available sort types for each field.
See \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters::$valid_sort_directions for available sort directions for each field.
// Collection of Arrays
$data = [];
$data[0] = [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ];
$data[1] = [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ];
$data[2] = [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ];
$data[3] = [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ];
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
$sort_param = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('volume', SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC);
$sort_param2 = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('edition', SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC);
// sort by volume asc, edition desc
$collection->sortMeByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 2 => [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ],
// 1 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 3 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]
// ]
// sort by volume asc, edition asc
$collection->sortMeByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => [ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ],
// 2 => [ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ],
// 3 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ],
// 1 => [ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]
// ]
// Collection of StdClass Objects
$data = [];
$data[0] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]);
$data[1] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]);
$data[2] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]);
$data[3] = ((object)[ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]);
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew($data);
$sort_param = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('volume', SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC);
$sort_param2 = new \VersatileCollections\MultiSortParameters('edition', SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC);
// sort by volume asc, edition desc
$collection->sortMeByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state([ 'volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ])
// ]
// sort by volume asc, edition asc
$collection->sortMeByMultipleFields($sort_param, $sort_param2);
// [
// 0 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>67, 'edition'=>2 ]),
// 2 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>85, 'edition'=>6 ]),
// 3 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>86, 'edition'=>1 ]),
// 1 => stdClass::__set_state(['volume'=>86, 'edition'=>2 ])
// ]
sortMeDesc(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items in descending order while maintaining key association.
The original collection itself is modified and returned.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
second argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the first.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
See sortMe(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null)
for code samples.
sortMeDescByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Sort the collection's items by keys in descending order while maintaining key association.
The original collection itself is modified and returned.
- $callable: a callback with the following signature function(mixed $a, mixed $b):int.
The callback function must return an INTEGER less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the
second argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the first.
If callback is not supplied, the native php sorting function
is used for the sorting. - $type: an object indicating the sort type. See \VersatileCollections\SortType::$valid_sort_types for available sort types.
See sortMeByKey(callable $callable=null, \VersatileCollections\SortType $type=null)
for code samples.
splice(int $offset, ?int $length=null, array $replacement=[]): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
Remove a portion of the collection and optionally replace with items in $replacement.
This method modifies the original collection.
$offset: If offset is positive then the start of removed portion is at that offset from the beginning of the collection. If offset is negative then it starts that far from the end of the collection.
$length: If length is omitted, removes everything from offset to the end of the collection. If length is specified & is positive, then that many elements will be removed. If length is specified and is negative then the end of the removed portion will be that many elements from the end of the collection. If length is specified and is zero, no elements will be removed. Tip: to remove everything from offset to the end of the collection when replacement is also specified, use $this->count() for length.
$replacement: If replacement array is specified, then the removed items are replaced with items from this array. If offset and length are such that nothing is removed, then the items from the replacement array are inserted in the place specified by the offset. Note that keys in replacement array are not preserved.
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'baz']);
$cut = $data->splice(1);
$data->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'foo' ]
$cut->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'baz' ]
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'baz']);
$cut = $data->splice(1, 0, ['bar']);
$data->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'foo', 1=>'bar', 2=>'baz']
$cut->toArray(); // === [ ]
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'baz']);
$cut = $data->splice(1, 1);
$data->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'foo']
$cut->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'baz']
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(['foo', 'baz']);
$cut = $data->splice(1, 1, ['bar']);
$data->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'foo', 1=>'bar' ]
$cut->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'baz']
Split a collection into a certain number of groups.
- $numberOfGroups: number of groups the collection will be split into.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
var_export($collection->split(0)->toArray()); // === []
$_1_group_with_7_items = $collection->split(1);
// array (
// 0 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 0 => 1,
// 1 => 2,
// 2 => 3,
// 3 => 4,
// 4 => 5,
// 5 => 6,
// 6 => 7,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// )
$_7_groups_with_1_item_each = $collection->split(7);
var_export($_7_groups_with_1_item_each->toArray()); // ===
// array (
// 0 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 0 => 1,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 1 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 1 => 2,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 2 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 2 => 3,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 3 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 3 => 4,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 4 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 4 => 5,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 5 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 5 => 6,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 6 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 6 => 7,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// )
$_4_groups_with_at_most_2_items_each = $collection->split(4);
// array (
// 0 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 0 => 1,
// 1 => 2,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 1 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 2 => 3,
// 3 => 4,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 2 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 4 => 5,
// 5 => 6,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// 3 => VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::__set_state(array(
// 'versatile_collections_items' =>
// array (
// 6 => 7,
// ),
// 'versatile_collections_methods_for_this_instance' =>
// array (
// ),
// )),
// )
Take the first or last $limit
items and return them in a new collection.
The items will not be removed from the original collection.
- $limit: If positive, then first
items will be returned. If negative, then last$limit
items will be returned. If zero, then empty collection will be returned.
$data = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['taylor', 'dayle', 'shawn']
$data->take(2)->toArray(); // === [ 0=>'taylor', 1=>'dayle' ]
$data->take(0)->toArray(); // === []
$data->take(-2)->toArray(); // === [ 1=>'dayle', 2=>'shawn' ]
Execute the given callback on a copy of a collection and then return the original collection.
The original collection is not modified.
- $callback: a callback with the following signature: function(\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $collection):void
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3]
$fromTap = [];
$collection = $collection->tap(function ($collection) use (&$fromTap) {
$fromTap = $collection->slice(0, 1)->toArray();
$collection->removeAll(); // empty copy
$fromTap; // === [1]
// Original collection is not modified even though
// all items were removed from the copy inside the
// callback above.
$collection->toArray(); // === [1, 2, 3]
Returns the underlying array containing all items in a collection object.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3]
$collection->toArray(); // === [1, 2, 3]
This method iterates over the collection and calls the given callback with each
item in the collection. The items in the collection will be replaced by the values
returned by the callback.
If you want the values returned by the callback to be returned in a new collection instead of replacing the items in the original collection, then use
map(callable $callback, $preserve_keys=true, $bind_callback_to_this=true): \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
- $transformer: a callback with the following signature: function($key, $item): mixed. Its return value that will replace each item in the original collection.
- $bind_callback_to_this: true if the variable
inside the supplied$callback
should refer to the collection object this method is being invoked on.
$collection_of_ints =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([2, 4, 6, 8]);
// transform the collection by replacing each item with a square of itself
function($key, $item) { return $item * $item; }
$collection_of_ints->toArray(); // === [4, 16, 36, 64]
$collection_of_ints =
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew([2, 4, 6, 8]);
// Reference $this in callback
// Transform the collection by replacing each item with the item multiplied
// by the number of items in the collection (in this case 4).
function($key, $item) { return $item * $this->count(); },
$collection_of_ints->toArray(); // === [8, 16, 24, 32]
Union the collection with the given items by trying to append all items from $items
the collection. For keys that exist in both $items
and the collection, the items from
the collection will be used and the corresponding item in $items
will be ignored.
This method modifies the original collection.
if you want items from$items
to be used when same keys exist in both$items
and the collection.
- $items: items to union with the collection
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 1=>['a'], 2=>['b'] ]
$collection->unionMeWith([ 3=>['c'], 1=>['b'] ]);
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 1=>['a'], 2=>['b'], 3=>['c'] ]
Union the collection with the given items by trying to append all items from
to the collection and return the result in a new collection.
For keys that exist in both $items
and the collection, the items from
the collection will be used and the corresponding item in $items
will be ignored.
This method does not modify the original collection.
if you want items from$items
to be used when same keys exist in both$items
and the collection.
- $items: items to union with the collection
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[ 1=>['a'], 2=>['b'] ]
$union = $collection->unionWith([ 3=>['c'], 1=>['b'] ]);
$union->toArray(); // === [ 1=>['a'], 2=>['b'], 3=>['c'] ]
$collection->toArray(); // === [ 1=>['a'], 2=>['b'] ]
Get a new collection of unique items from an existing collection. The keys are not preserved in the returned collection. The uniqueness test is done via strict comparison (===).
Non-strict comparison is unsafe for collections containing objects, for example you can't cast an object to a double or int. To get unique items using non-strict comparison see
$object = new ArrayObject();
$object2 = new ArrayObject();
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = "4";
$collection->item2 = 5.0;
$collection->item3 = 7;
$collection->item4 = true;
$collection->item5 = false;
$collection->item12 = "4";
$collection->item22 = 5.0;
$collection->item32 = 7;
$collection->item42 = true;
$collection->item52 = false;
$collection->item123 = 4;
$collection->item223 = '5.0';
$collection->item323 = '7';
$collection->item423 = 'true';
$collection->item523 = 'false';
$collection->item623 = $object;
$collection->item723 = $object2;
$collection->item823 = $object;
$collection->item923 = $object2;
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew()->unique()->toArray(); // === [];
// === ['4', 5.0, 7, true, false, 4, '5.0', '7','true', 'false', $object, $object2];
Execute $callback
on the collection and return its return value if the first argument
) is falsy or if the first argument is truthy and $default
is not null
execute the $default
callback on the collection and return its return value or
return NULL as a last resort.
- $falsy_value: a value or expression that is evaluated to a boolean
- $callback: a callback with the following signature:
function(\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $collection):mixed.
It will be invoked on the collection object from which this method is being
called if
is falsy. - $default: a callback with the following signature
function(\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $collection): mixed.
It will be invoked on the collection object from which this method is being
called if
is not falsy. If$default
is null and$falsy_value
is not falsy, NULL will be returned by this method.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['michael', 'tom']
// Add `adam` to the collection if first argument is falsy
$collection->whenFalse(false, function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam']
// Test return null
$result = $collection->whenFalse(true, function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
}); // $result === null
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam']
// Default callback gets executed when first argument is not falsy
// and the third argument is not null
function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('taylor');
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam', 'taylor']
Execute $callback
on the collection and return its return value if the first argument
) is truthy or if the first argument is falsy and $default
is not null
execute the $default
callback on the collection and return its return value
or return NULL as a last resort.
- $falsy_value: a value or expression that is evaluated to a boolean
- $callback: a callback with the following signature:
function(\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $collection):mixed.
It will be invoked on the collection object from which this method is being
called if
is truthy. - $default: a callback with the following signature
function(\VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface $collection): mixed.
It will be invoked on the collection object from which this method is being
called if
is not truthy. If$default
is null and$truthy_value
is not truthy, NULL will be returned by this method.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
['michael', 'tom']
// Add `adam` to the collection if first argument is truthy
$collection->whenTrue(true, function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam']
// Test return null
$result = $collection->whenTrue(false, function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
});// $result === null
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam']
// Default callback gets executed when first argument is not truthy
// and the third argument is not null
function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('adam');
function ($collection) {
return $collection->push('taylor');
$collection->toArray(); // === ['michael', 'tom', 'adam', 'taylor']
Returns a generator that yields collections each having a maximum of
items. Original keys are preserved in
each returned collection.
- $max_size_of_each_collection: maximum number of items in each collection that will be yielded by the generator returned by this method. If its value is greater than the total number of items in the collection then the generator will only yield one collection with all the items in the original collection. If its value is less than or equal to zero it will be automatically set to a value of 1.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
$sub_collection_generator = $collection->yieldCollectionsOfSizeN(3);
foreach ( $sub_collection_generator as $sub_collection ) {
// Will generate the output below:
// [ 0=>1, 1=>2, 2=>3 ]
// [ 3=>4, 4=>5, 5=>6 ]
// [ 6=>7, 7=>8, 8=>9 ]
// [ 9=>10, 10=>11, 11=>12 ]
// [ 12=>13, 13=>14 ]
Methods common to all Collection Classes using CollectionInterfaceImplementationTrait
addMethod(string $name, callable $callable, bool $has_return_val=false, bool $bind_to_this=true): $this
Register a callback (with the name $name
) to a single instance of the collection
class that can later be called on the object.
Methods registered to a single instance of the collection class having the same name as a method added for all instances (via
) will override the method implementation for all instances.
- $name: name of the method being added / registered
- $callable: method being added
- $has_return_val: true means that return value from
will be returned when the method is called, else false for no value to be returned from$callback
- $bind_to_this: true means
will be bound to the collection object
$collection_obj = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$method_name = 'getCount'; // name of the method you are adding / registering
$method = function(){ return $this->count(); }; // method implementation
$has_return_val = true; // true means the return value will be returned
$bind_to_this = true; // true means $this inside $method will be a reference
// to $collection_obj
$method_name, $method, $has_return_val, $bind_to_this
// you can then call the newly added instance method like so:
$collection_obj->getCount(); // will return the value `0`
// add another item to the collection
$collection_obj[] = 'an item';
// calling the newly added instance method after adding an item to the collection
$collection_obj->getCount(); // will return an updated count value of `1`
static addMethodForAllInstances(string $name, callable $callable, bool $has_return_val=false, bool $bind_to_this_on_invocation=true): $this
Register a callback (with the name $name
) to all instances of a collection
class and all its sub-classes that can later be called on any of those instances.
Methods registered to a single instance of the collection class having the same name as a method added for all instances (via
) will override the method implementation for all instances.
- $name: name of the method being added / registered
- $callable: method being added
- $has_return_val: true means that return value from
will be returned when the method is called, else false for no value to be returned from$callback
- $bind_to_this_on_invocation: true means
will be bound to each collection object instance when the method is invoked on each instance
$collection_obj = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew();
$method_name = 'getBlah'; // name of the method you are adding
$method = function(){ return 'blah'; }; // method implementation
$has_return_val = true; // true means the return value will be returned
$bind_to_this = true; // true means $this inside $method will be a reference
// to collection object $method is being invoked on
$method_name, $method, $has_return_val, $bind_to_this
// you can then call the newly added instance method like so:
$collection_obj->getBlah(); // will return the string 'blah'
// Addition of these instance methods also respect inheritance rules.
// For example adding a dynamic instance method to an instance of a parent collection class will
// also make the method available to all child class instances and adding a dynamic instance
// method in a child class with the same name as a parent class' dynamic instance method
// will override the implementation of the dynamic instance method registered at the parent
// class level.
$parent_collection_object = \VersatileCollections\ScalarsCollection::makeNew([1, 2]);
// add to parent class
function() { return "blah from ScalarsCollection with {$this->count()} items"; },
// invoke from parent class
$parent_collection_object->getBlah(); // will return the string
// 'blah from ScalarsCollection with 2 items'
$child_collection_object = \VersatileCollections\StringsCollection::makeNew(['1', '2', '3']);
// invoke from child class
$child_collection_object->getBlah(); // will return the string
// 'blah from ScalarsCollection with 3 items'
// add to specific class, which should override the one
// added to the parent class
function() { return "blah from StringsCollection with {$this->count()} items"; },
// invoke from child class after the override
$child_collection_object->getBlah(); // will return the string
// 'blah from StringsCollection with 3 items'
Register a callback (with the name $name
) to a collection class and all its sub-classes
that can later be statically called on any of those classes.
Methods registered to a single instance of the collection class having the same name as a method added for all instances (via
) will override the method implementation for all instances.
- $name: name of the method being added / registered
- $callable: method being added
- $has_return_val: true means that return value from
will be returned when the method is called, else false for no value to be returned from$callback
$method_name = 'getBlah'; // name of the method you are adding
$method = function(){ return 'blah'; }; // method implementation
$has_return_val = true; // true means the return value will be returned
$method_name, $method, $has_return_val
// you can then call the newly added static method like so:
\VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::getBlah(); // will return the string 'blah'
// Addition of these static methods also respect inheritance rules.
// For example adding a dynamic static method to a parent collection class will
// also make the method available to all child classes and adding a dynamic static
// method in a child class with the same name as a parent class' dynamic static method
// will override the implementation of the dynamic static method registered at the parent
// class level.
// add to parent class
function() { return 'blah'; },
// invoke from child class
\VersatileCollections\StringsCollection::getBlah(); // will return the string
// 'blah'
// add to specific class, which should override the one
// added to the parent class
function() { return 'blah from child class'; },
// invoke from child class after the override
\VersatileCollections\StringsCollection::getBlah(); // will return the string
// 'blah from child class'
Responds to method calls for methods registered via addMethod()
You should not have to directly call this method, since it's automatically called
by php whenever you call methods registered via addMethod()
& addMethodForAllInstances()
- $name: name of the method being called
- $arguments: optional array of arguments the method is being called with
Responds to method calls for methods registered via addStaticMethod()
You should not have to directly call this method, since it's automatically called
by php whenever you call methods registered via addStaticMethod()
- $name: name of the method being called
- $arguments: optional array of arguments the method is being called with
Constructor for collection objects.
Classes that implement \VersatileCollections\CollectionInterface
do not necessarily
have to implement their constructor using this signature, but it is a strongly
recommended signature especially for strictly-typed collections.
method to create new collection objects.
- ...$items: one or more items to be added to a new collection or an array of items to be added to a collection via argument unpacking
Returns the average of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or null if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var_dump($collection->average()); // === 3.5
Returns the maximum of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or null if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var_dump($collection->max()); // === 6
Returns the median of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or null if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[4.0, 5.0, 7, 8, 9, 10]
$collection2 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[20, 3, 5.0, 7, 8, 9, 10.5]
// 6 items, average of the sum of the items at index 2 and
// index 3 is the median value when items in collection are
//sorted in ascending numeric order
var_dump($collection->median()); // === 7.5
// 7 items, item at index 3 is the median value when
// items in collection are sorted in ascending numeric order
var_dump($collection2->median()); // === 8
Returns the minimum of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or null if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[1.0, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var_dump($collection->min()); // === 1.0
Returns an array of modal values(a.k.a items) in the collection or null if collection is empty.
// each item occurs once
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[10.5, 9, 8, 7, 5.0, 3]
var_dump($collection->mode()); // === [10.5, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3]
// 10.5 and 3 each occur twice and have the highest occurence rate
$collection2 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[10.5, 9, 8, 7, 5.0, 3, 10.5, 3]
var_dump($collection2->mode()); // === [10.5, 3]
Returns the product of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or one if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[100, 2.5]
var_dump($collection->product()); // === 250.0
$collection2 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[3.5, 2.5]
var_dump($collection2->product()); // === 8.75
$collection3 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[3, 2]
var_dump($collection3->product()); // === 6
$collection4 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
var_dump($collection4->product()); // === 1
Returns the sum of all of the values(a.k.a items) in the collection or zero if collection is empty.
$collection = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[4.0, 5.0, 7, 8, 9, 10]
var_dump($collection->sum()); // === 43.0
$collection2 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
[4.0, 5.0, 7, 8, 9, 10.5]
var_dump($collection2->sum()); // === 43.5
$collection3 = \VersatileCollections\NumericsCollection::makeNew(
var_dump($collection3->sum()); // === 0
Tries to call the specified method with the specified arguments and return its return value if
it was registered via either addMethod
or addMethodForAllInstances
or tries to call the
specified method with the specified arguments on each item in the collection and returns an
array of return values keyed by each item's key in the collection. An exception of type
\VersatileCollections\Exceptions\InvalidCollectionOperationException is thrown
if the method could not be called.
You should not have to directly call this method, since it's automatically called by php.
class TestValueObject {
protected $name;
protected $age;
public function __construct($name='', $age='') {
$this->age = $age;
$this->name = $name;
public function getName() { return $this->name; }
public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; }
public function getAge() { return $this->age; }
public function setAge($age) { $this->age = $age; }
$collection = \VersatileCollections\ObjectsCollection::makeNew();
// add items to the collection
$collection->item1 = new TestValueObject('Johnny Cash', 50);
$collection->item2 = new TestValueObject('Suzzy Something', 23);
$collection->item3 = new TestValueObject('Jack Bauer', 43);
$collection->item4 = new TestValueObject('Jane Fonda', 55);
$ages = $collection->getAge(); // causes php to invoke $collection->__call('getAge', [])
// which under the hood calls getAge() on each object in
// $collection and stores each return value in an array
// and finally returns that array
var_dump($ages); // === ['item1' => 50, 'item2' => 23, 'item3' => 43, 'item4' => 55]
$collection->setAge(99); // causes php to invoke $collection->__call('setAge', [99])
// which under the hood calls setAge(99) on each object in
// $collection and stores each return value in an array
// and finally returns that array. In this case
// TestValueObject::setAge() does not return any
// value, so we don't care about a return value.
$ages = $collection->getAge(); // we call getAge again to verify that
// the call to setAge above set the age
// value of each object in the collection to 99
var_dump($ages); // === ['item1' => 99, 'item2' => 99, 'item3' => 99, 'item4' => 99]
function() {
return 'You just called getAge registered via addMethod';
// The example below demonstrates that methods registered via
// addMethod or addMethodForAllInstances on an instance of the
// ObjectsCollection class will be called even though a method
// with the same name exists in each object inside the collection,
// in this case getAge()
var_dump($collection->getAge()); // === 'You just called getAge registered via addMethod'
// We add another method whose name does not conflict
// with any of the methods present in the objects in
// the collection.
function() {
foreach($this as $item) {
$item->setName( strtoupper($item->getName()) );
$collection->toUpper(); // triggers the execution of the 'toUpper' method registered above
$names = $collection->getName(); // calls the getName method on each object in the collection
// and returns the names for all the objects in the collection
// in an array. You will notice that the call to toUpper above
// caused each name to be capitalized.
// === ['item1'=>'JOHNNY CASH', 'item2'=>'SUZZY SOMETHING', 'item3'=>'JACK BAUER', 'item4'=>'JANE FONDA']
// Calling a method that does not exist in the collection object or
// in the objects in the collection and has not been registered via
// addMethod or addMethodForAllInstances will cause the
// \VersatileCollections\Exceptions\InvalidCollectionOperationException
// to be thrown.
Returns a new collection of unique items from an existing collection. This method uses non-strict comparison for testing uniqueness. The keys are not preserved in the returned collection.
$empty_collection = \VersatileCollections\ScalarsCollection::makeNew();
$collection = \VersatileCollections\ScalarsCollection::makeNew();
$collection->item1 = "4";
$collection->item2 = 5.0;
$collection->item3 = 7;
$collection->item4 = true;
$collection->item5 = false;
$collection->item12 = "4";
$collection->item22 = 5.0;
$collection->item32 = 7;
$collection->item42 = true;
$collection->item52 = false;
$collection->item123 = 4;
$collection->item223 = '5.0';
$collection->item323 = '7';
$collection->item423 = 'true';
$collection->item523 = 'false';
var_dump($empty_collection->uniqueNonStrict()->toArray()); // === []
// === ['4', 5.0, 7, false, 'true', 'false']
// === ['4', 5.0, 7, true, false, 4, '5.0', '7', 'true', 'false']
static makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(?string $class_name=null, array $items =[], bool $preserve_keys=true): \VersatileCollections\StrictlyTypedCollectionInterface
Create a new collection that only stores instances of the specified fully qualified class name
or its sub-classes or a new collection that stores any kind of object if no fully qualified
class name was specified (essentially works like ObjectsCollection in the latter case).
A \VersatileCollections\Exceptions\InvalidItemException
exception is thrown if any of the items in $items is not an instance of $class_name if $class_name is not null.
- $class_name: fully qualified name of the class whose instances or instances of its sub-classes alone would be stored in the collection. Set it to null to make the collection work exactly like an instance of ObjectsCollection
- $items: an array of objects to be stored in the new collection
- $preserve_keys: true to use the same keys in $items in the collection, else false to use sequentially incrementing numeric keys starting from zero
// Store only instances of ArrayObject
// Create an empty collection that stores only ArrayObject objects
$collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
// Create a collection that containing only 2 instances of ArrayObject
$item1 = new \ArrayObject(); // parent class instance
$item2 = new \ArrayObject(); // parent class instance
$collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
['item1'=>$item1, 'item2'=>$item2]
// $collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
// \ArrayObject::class, ['item1'=>$item1, 'item2'=>$item2, 'item3'=> (new \DateTime('2000-01-01')) ]
// ); // This will throw a VersatileCollections\Exceptions\InvalidItemException,
// because last item is an instance of DateTime instead of ArrayObject
// Store only instances of ArrayIterator and its sub-classes
// Create a collection of ArrayIterator objects with 4 instances
// 2 parent class (i.e. ArrayIterator) instances
// and 2 child class (i.e. RecursiveArrayIterator) instances
$item1 = new \ArrayIterator(); // parent class instance
$item2 = new \ArrayIterator(); // parent class instance
$item3 = new \RecursiveArrayIterator(); // child class instance
$item4 = new \RecursiveArrayIterator(); // child class instance
$collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
['item1'=>$item1, 'item2'=>$item2, 'item3'=>$item3, 'item4'=>$item4 ]
// Store instances of any class. Works exactly like ObjectsCollection
$collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
'item1'=>new stdClass(),
'item2'=>new \DateTime('2000-01-01'),
'item3'=>new \PDO('sqlite::memory:'),
'item4'=>new \ArrayObject()
$collection = \VersatileCollections\SpecificObjectsCollection::makeNewForSpecifiedClassName(
'item1'=>new stdClass(),
'item2'=>new \DateTime('2000-01-01'),
'item3'=>new \PDO('sqlite::memory:'),
'item4'=>new \ArrayObject(),
'item5'=>"Boo" // Invalid item, string and not an object