These options are used during [Game Management](./Game-Management). > *Note: multiple options can be set at the same time*
### `dialogPost=""` *** This determines how RPG Sage's dialog posts are handled. Valid `dialogPost` values: - `EMBED` uses an embed that includes the character's avatar on the right. *(default)* - `POST` uses a simple message post some screen readers cannot read Discord embeds. - `UNSET` uses the dialogPost method inherited from either the User, Game, or Server. Examples: ``` sage! game update dialogPost="post" sage! game update dialogPost="unset" ```
### `dialogTo=""` *** This is the Channel you want all Dialog in the Game to be posted to, regardless of where you post it from. Example: ``` sage! game update dialogTo=" #dialog-only " ```
### `diceCrit=""` *(DnD5e and PF2e only)* *** This sets how Critical Hit damage is calculated. Valid `diceCrit` values: - `TIMESTWO` rolls the dice and multiplies the results x2. *(default)* - `ROLLTWICE` rolls the damage twice and adds the results together. - `ADDMAX` rolls the dice once and then adds max damage to the result. *(RPG Sage House Rule)* - `UNSET` uses the diceCrit method inherited from either the Game or the Server. Examples: ``` sage! game update diceCrit="addmax" sage! game update diceCrit="unset" ```
### `diceOutput=""` *** This determines how compact or verbose the dice results are displayed. Read more about Dice Output [here](./Dice-Output). Valid `diceOutput` values: - `XXS`, `XS`, `S` - `M` *(default)* - `L`, `XL`, `XXL` - `ROLLEM` uses the diceoutput method that most closely emulates what Rollem uses. - `UNSET` uses the diceoutput method inherited from either the Game or the Server. Examples: ``` sage! game update diceoutput="xxl" sage! game update diceoutput="rollem" sage! game update diceoutput="unset" ```
### `dicePost=""` *** This determines how RPG Sage posts dice results. Valid `dicePost` valus: - `POST` will output dice results in a simple post. - `EMBED` will output dice results in an embed in a post. *(default)* - `UNSET` uses the dicepost method inherited from either the Game or the Server. Examples: ``` sage! game update dicepost="post" sage! game update dicepost="unset" ```
### `diceSecret=""` *** This determines how RPG Sage reacts to dice with the word "secret" in them. Valid `diceSecret` values: - `DM` tells Sage to find the first available GM and send the dice results to them as a DM. - `GM` tells Sage to find a GM channel and send the dice results there. If no GM channel exists, this is treated as DM. - `HIDE` tells Sage to hide/redact the results using spoiler tags. - `IGNORE` simply ignores them. *(default)* - `UNSET` uses the diceSecret method inherited from either the Game or Server. Examples: ``` sage! game update dicesecret="ignore" sage! game update dicesecret="unset" ```
### `gmCharName=""` *(create only)* *** This sets the diplay name of the GM Character (Game Master special NPC) used by the `gm::` Dialog. Example: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Story" gmCharName="Dragon Master" ``` > This command can *only* be used to set the name of the GM Character when creating a **new** Game. To update the GM Character's name, you must instead use the `sage!gm update` command found [here](./Character-Management#update-a-character).
### `gameSystem=""` *** This is the Game System, which determines how RPG Sage handles certain features, such as Dice and Search. Valid `gameSystem` values: - `CNC` Coyote & Crow - `DND5E` Dungeons & Dragons 5e - `E20` Essence 20 system (G.I. Joe, Power Rangers, Transformers, etc.) - `PF1E` Pathfinder RPG - `PF2E` Pathfinder 2e - `QUEST` Quest RPG - `SF1E` Starfinder - `VTM5E` Vampire: The Masquerade (5e) - `NONE` *(default)* Examples: ``` sage! game update gameSystem="vtm5e" sage! game update gameSystem="pf2e" ```
### `gm=""` *** This adds the User mentioned as a Game Master of the new Game. Example: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" gm=" @Randal " ```
### `gms=""` *** This adds the Users as Game Masters of the Game. If a Role is given, the Role's Users are added as a Game Masters of the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" gms=" @GameMaster " sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" gms=" @DragonSagaGameMasters " ```
### `ic=""` *** This adds the Channel referenced as an In-Character Channel of the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" ic=" #dragon-saga-ic " ```
### `name=""` *** This sets the name of the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" sage! game update name="Questbound" ```
### `ooc=""` *** This adds the Channel referenced as an Out-of-Character Channel of the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" ooc=" #dragon-saga-ooc " ```
### `players=""` *** This adds the Users as Players of the Game. If a Role is given, the Role's Users are added as a Players of the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" players=" @Player1 @Player2 " sage! game create name="Dragon Saga" players=" @DragonSagaPlayers " ```
### `remove=""` *(update only)* *** When updating a Game, any Players, Game Masters, or Channels mentioned or referenced in the `remove` command will be removed from the Game. Examples: ``` sage! game update remove=" #old-ic #old-ooc " sage! game update remove=" @RemovedPlayer @RemovedGameMaster " ```