A lot of people on this project use VSCode as their coding environment.
There are a number of useful extensions available to make work more efficient:
- C/C++ IntelliSense
- Clang-Format
- HexInspector (hover on numbers for float and other info)
- NumberMonger (convert hex to decimal and vice versa)
- Better MIPS Support
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down (on Windows, on Linux it's Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down or Shift + Alt + Up/Down) gives multicursors across consecutive lines. If you want several cursors in a more diverse arrangement, middle clicking works, at least on Windows.
Alt + Up/Down moves lines up/down.
Shift + Alt + Up/Down (Linux: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up/Down) copies lines up/down.
Ctrl + P offers a box to use to search for and open files.
Ctrl + Shift + P offers a box for commands like editing settings or reloading the window.
Make use of VSCode's search/search-and-replace features.
- Ctrl + Click goes to a definition.
- Ctrl + F for search in current file
- Ctrl + H for replace in current file
- Ctrl + Shift + F for search in all files
- Ctrl + Shift + H for replace in all files
- F2 for Rename symbol
Many of VS Code's other shortcuts can be found on its getting started page, which also has links to OS-specific PDFs.
You can create a .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
file with C/C++: Edit Configurations (JSON)
in the command box to customise how IntelliSense reads the repository (stuff like where to look for includes, flags, compiler defines, etc.) to make VSCode's IntelliSense plugin better able to understand the structure of the repository. This is a good default one to use for this project's repository:
"configurations": [
"name": "Linux",
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/mips64-gcc", // If using MSYS instead of WSL or Linux, change to your MSYS mips64-gcc path
"intelliSenseMode": "${default}", // Shouldn't matter
"includePath": [
"defines": [
"cStandard": "c17", // NOTE: later version than decomp
"cppStandard": "${default}" // No OOTR code uses C++, so doesn't really matter
"version": 4
VS Code has a panel to run and debug Python unit tests. pytest
is recommended for running the tests. It can be installed using pip install pytest
or through your OS's package management system. You can then enable VS Code's testing panel by creating a .vscode/settings.json
file with the following:
"python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
"python.testing.pytestArgs": [
The testing panel can be opened by clicking the flask icon in the left toolbar. To run all tests, DO NOT use the Run All Tests button. Click the Run Test button next to Unittest.py in the test tree. For more information on VS Code unit testing, see the official VS Code Python testing page.
Instead of manually running the build script in a terminal, you can add a build task to VS Code by creating a .vscode/tasks.json
file with the following content:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Compile C/ASM patch",
"type": "shell",
"command": "python3",
"args": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
Additional build script arguments such as Project64 symbols export can be added as additional entries in the args
list. You can then compile by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B
or selecting "Run Build Task..." from the Terminal menu.
Adding a launch profile allows you to quickly run the randomizer without the GUI and enable additional debug information in the console. Enter the following in .vscode/launch.json
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "OOTR Debug Profile (Integrated Terminal)",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/OoTRandomizer.py",
"args": ["--loglevel", "debug"],
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Debugging can be started by pressing F5.