Simple script to monitore web services using native linux tools: bash, curl & cron, plus Telegram to deliver alerts.
- find @botfather in telegram and follow instructions
- get api key for you bot from @botfather and put it into file: telegram-api.key
- recipient should find your bot in telegram and
it - then you can run
and follow instructions
- for each service create in folder "services" .ini file with 5 keys:
- MSMS_SERVICE_NAME - human-readable name for service
- MSMS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT - your service endpoint to check with curl
- MSMS_CURL_PARAMS - parameters for curl, see example below
- MSMS_EXPECTED or MSMS_EXPECTED_FILE - expected service response. Use MSMS_EXPECTED_FILE for long responses.
- MSMS_RECIPIENTS - file with recipients chat ids
- example:
MSMS_SERVICE_NAME='my service'
MSMS_CURL_PARAMS='-s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --connect-timeout 3 -m 7 -d @request.json'
# MSMS_EXPECTED_FILE='my-service-response.json'
- run:
sudo crontab -e
- to check service every minute and send alert if service unavailable or response unexpectedly, add line:
*/1 * * * * /drclinics/bot/monitoring/ >> /drclinics/bot/monitoring/monitoring.log 2>&1
- to enable alert every day at 11:00AM as confirmation that monitoring itself is alive, add line:
0 11 * * * /drclinics/bot/ DAILY >> /drclinics/telemed/logs/monitoring.log 2>&1
- run:
sudo service cron reload