diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4be7b5555..34c5ee670 100644
--- a/README.md
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-# Welcome to RskJ Powpeg Node
+# Welcome to RskJ PowPeg Node
 ## About
-Powpeg node is a specialized rskj node which interacts with both Rootstock and Bitcoin.
+PowPeg node is a specialized rskj node which interacts with both Rootstock and Bitcoin.
 This node is used by Rootstock PowPeg signatories to interact with the Bridge contract and to broadcast peg-out transactions to Bitcoin.
 ## Software Requirements
 1. Java JDK 1.8
 2. Bitcoin Core daemon (bitcoind) 24.0.1
 3. A Java compatible IDE. Recommended [IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download) as this guide covers the setup with it
 **Not sure how to install any of these? See [software installation help](#software-installation-help)**
 ## Software installation help
 Disclaimer: this documentation will be specific for macOS operating system.
+### Quick setup for macOS x64
+A quick and easy, fool-proof way to setup the powpeg-node using macOS x64 is available [here](docs/QuickSetupMacOsx64.md).
 ### **Java JDK 1.8**
 Although optional we recommend to install jenv to manage different Java versions, to do that run: `brew install jenv`
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ It should output ```Bitcoin server starting```
 Run `bitcoin-cli stop` afterwards.
 ## Setting up the project
 Create a directory (for example, “powpeg-project”) to hold the rskj node, the powpeg node and further configurations.
@@ -149,11 +147,8 @@ Run configure script to configure secure environment.
 ### Required configurations
 **1. Pegnatory private key**
 You will need a private key file to be used by the pegnatory to sign BTC/RSK transactions. Follow these steps to generate it:
@@ -164,7 +159,6 @@ Set the desired value to it. (For example, `String generator = “federator1”;
 - Run the class to generate a privateKey, publicKey, publicKeyCompressed, address and nodeId
 You should get an output like the following:
@@ -255,15 +249,10 @@ includeBuild('<ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO-RSKJ-SOURCE-CODE>') {
 ### [Optional] Import and configure the project
 To import the project to IntelliJ IDEA go to `File > New > Project from existing sources...` Select `powpeg-node/build.gradle` and import.
 ### Build
 Then clean and build project using:
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--- /dev/null
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+# Quick Setup for macOS x64
+The following steps provide a quick setup guide for macOS x64. Some of the steps may be skipped if it is not applicable. For example, no need to install Java 1.8 if already installed.
+## Steps
+1. Install Java OpenJDK 1.8 from the binaries (if not installed yet)
+    1. Download link: `https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries/releases/download/jdk8u-2021-05-08-08-14/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_mac_hotspot_2021-05-08-08-14.tar.gz`
+        1. `cd` into the directory to download it. Example: `cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/`
+        2. Download: `sudo curl -o adoptopenjdk-8.tar.gz -L https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk8-binaries/releases/download/jdk8u-2021-05-08-08-14/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_mac_hotspot_2021-05-08-08-14.tar.gz`
+        3. Unzip: `sudo tar -zxvf adoptopenjdk-8.tar.gz`
+    2. Add JAVA_HOME environment variable to bash
+        1. Open `.bash_profile` file with some text editor. Example: `nano ~/.bash_profile`
+        2. Add the following 2 `export` lines:
+           1. `export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk8u302-b01/Contents/Home/bin` (replace the path with the actual path)
+           2. `export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"`
+        3. Restart the terminal. Run command `java -version` to validate the system detects the installed version of Java.
+2. Install bitcoind
+    1. `cd` into the directory to download it. Example: `cd /Library/Bitcoin/`
+    2. Download version 24.0.1: `sudo curl -o bitcoind18.tar.gz -L https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.18.1/bitcoin-0.18.1-osx64.tar.gz`
+    3. Unzip: `sudo tar -zxvf bitcoind18.tar.gz`
+    4. Add bitcoind to bash PATH 
+       1. Open `.bash_profile` file with some text editor. Example: `nano ~/.bash_profile`
+       2. Add the following line: `export PATH="$PATH:/Library/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.18.1/bin"` (replace the path with the actual path)
+       3. Restart the terminal
+    5. Running an instance of bitcoind
+        1. To run in regtest mode, run the following command: `bitcoind -deprecatedrpc=generate -addresstype=legacy -regtest -printtoconsole -server -rpcuser=rsk -rpcpassword=rsk -rpcport=18332 -txindex -datadir=/Library/Bitcoin/data`
+        2. To simplify, the command can be included in a bash file `bitcoin-regtest.sh`. To make it executable run `sudo chmod +x bitcoin-regtest.sh`
+    6. Generate some blocks
+        1. To generate, for example, 200 regtest bitcoin blocks, run: `./btc-regtest.sh generate 200` // TODO: where did btc-regtest.sh file come from? 
+3. Create a `powpeg-project` folder anywhere you like
+    1. For example: `mkdir /Library/powpeg-project`
+4. Setup the rskj project
+    1. `cd` to the `powpeg-project` directory: `cd /Library/powpeg-project`
+    2. Clone it from here: `https://github.com/rsksmart/rskj`
+        1. `git clone https://github.com/rsksmart/rskj.git`
+        2. `cd` to the cloned `rskj` directory: `cd rskj`
+    3. Run the `configure.sh`
+        1. You will probably have to make it executable first with: `sudo chmod +x configure.sh`
+        2. And run it from a terminal like this: `./configure.sh`
+5. Setup this project (powpeg-node: `https://github.com/rsksmart/powpeg-node`)
+    1. `cd` to the `powpeg-project` directory: `cd /Library/powpeg-project`
+    2. `git clone https://github.com/rsksmart/powpeg-node.git`
+    3. `cd` to the cloned `powpeg-node` directory: `cd powpeg-node`
+    4. Run the `configure.sh` file present in the root directory
+        1. You will probably have to make it executable with: `sudo chmod +x configure.sh`
+        2. And run it from a terminal like this: `./configure.sh`
+    5. Make a copy of the `development-settings.gradle.sample` file and rename it to `DONT-COMMIT-settings.gradle`
+        1. Remove the line `# Sample configuration to build rskj from the directory /home/user/another/dir/rskj`
+        2. Remove the line `# Rename it to DONT-COMMIT-settings.gradle for use in your local environment`
+        3. Replace the `'/home/user/another/dir/rskj/'` with the relative or absolute path where the `rskj` project is, for example: `/Library/powpeg-project/rskj`
+    6. Create a `fed.conf` file and set it up
+        1. Check the config file sample in `src/main/resources/config/fed-sample.conf`, copy it, rename it to `fed.conf` and update it as you need.
+    7. Optionally create a `logback.xml` file for the logging
+        1. Check the config file sample in `src/main/resources/config/logback-sample.xml`, copy it, rename it to `logback.xml` and update it as you need, adding or removing classes and their log level.
+    8. Build the powpeg project
+        1. Run: `./gradlew clean build`
+        2. To build it without running the tests, run: `./gradlew clean build -x test`
+        3. `cd` into `/Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/build/libs/` directory to see the version of the `federate-node-SNAPSHOT-<version>-all.jar` file, so you can run it in the following step.
+    9. Run the project
+        1. Resetting the rsk db (replace `<version>` with the actual version of the `.jar`): `java -cp /Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/build/libs/federate-node-SNAPSHOT-<version>-all.jar -Drsk.conf.file=/Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/src/main/resources/config/fed-sample.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile=/Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/logback.xml co.rsk.federate.FederateRunner --regtest --reset`
+        2. Without resetting the rsk db (replace `<version>` with the actual version of the `.jar`): `java -cp /Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/build/libs/federate-node-SNAPSHOT-<version>-all.jar -Drsk.conf.file=/Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/src/main/resources/config/fed-sample.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile=/Library/powpeg-project/powpeg-node/logback.xml co.rsk.federate.FederateRunner --regtest`
diff --git a/src/main/resources/config/logback-sample.xml b/src/main/resources/config/logback-sample.xml
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+++ b/src/main/resources/config/logback-sample.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configuration INFO="false" scan="true" scanPeriod="3600 seconds">
+    <appender name="stdout" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+        <Target>System.out</Target>
+        <encoder>
+            <pattern>%date{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss.SSSS} %p [%c{1}]  %m%n</pattern>
+        </encoder>
+    </appender>
+    <appender name="FILE-AUDIT"
+              class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
+        <file>/Users/your-user/path_to_logs/logs/rsk.log</file>
+        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder">
+            <Pattern>
+                %date{yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS} %p [%c{1}]  %m%n
+            </Pattern>
+        </encoder>
+        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">
+            <fileNamePattern>./logs/rskj-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log.gz</fileNamePattern>
+            <maxFileSize>100MB</maxFileSize>
+            <maxHistory>7</maxHistory>
+            <totalSizeCap>1GB</totalSizeCap>
+        </rollingPolicy>
+    </appender>
+    <logger name="federatorSupport" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="JsonRpcCustomServer" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="web3" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="bridge" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="BtcToRskClient" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="BridgeSupport" level="TRACE"/>
+    <logger name="co.rsk.peg.BridgeStorageProvider" level="ERROR"/>
+    <logger name="jsonrpc" level="TRACE"/>
+    <!--    more classes...-->
+    <root level="INFO">
+        <appender-ref ref="stdout"/>
+        <appender-ref ref="FILE-AUDIT"/>
+    </root>