I commit to following the processes on this document, and evaluating these processes at least twice a year to drop what’s not working, refine what needs improvement, and add new ideas.
- Pray – read a brief devotional and spend 5 minutes praying before I start the work day
- Focus – review the weekly high-impact deliverable list, and select the ones I will work on today
- Schedule – if there is unscheduled time in the calendar, block it off with a specific deep work task
- Refresh – take a 30-minute walk, outdoors as often as weather permits during the workday
- Respond – take at least 30 minutes to check in on all communication forums: chat, email, JIRA; respond to open questions as possible, and send status updates when needed
- Delegate – pick at least one thing to delegate to a more junior employee
- Focus – list the key, high-impact deliverables for the week+ to come
- Connect – take at least 2 minutes to have a personal, non-work-related conversation with everyone I work with on a routine basis
- Work deeply – look at the week+ ahead and intentionally block of deep work time with a specific deep work task; plan ahead to block distraction and be unreachable
- Savor – at least once a week, eat lunch somewhere other than my desk
- Mentor – share feedback, encouragement, support with at least one junior employee each week
- Acknowledge – give a P2P award to someone who did good work this month
- Develop – pick one thing to learn more about relevant to my work
- Share – identify topics for presentation and publication relevant to my work