A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information.
This version was migrated by Rui P. Rocha to ROS2 Humble distro from the original fake_localization
package developed by Ioan A. Sucan which is described in ROS Wiki and whose source code is
available in this GitHub repository and in ROS Noetic distro (ROS1).
The fake_localization_ros2
package provides a single node, fake_localization
, which substitutes for a localization system, providing a subset of the ROS API used by amcl
This node is most frequently used during simulation as a method to provide localization based on perfect odometry in a computationally inexpensive manner.
Specifically, fake_localization
converts odometry data into pose, particle cloud, and transform data of the form published by amcl
The node fake_localization
is also available as a composable node, fake_localization_ros2::FakeOdomNode
, which can be launched dynamically inside a ROS container and use intra-process communication.
substitutes for a localization system, providing a subset of the ROS API used by amcl
message type)- The position of the robot as published by a simulator.
message type)- Allows for setting the pose of
using tools likerviz2
to give a custom offset from the ground truth source being published.
- Allows for setting the pose of
(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped` message type)- Just passes through the pose reported by a simulator.
message type)- A particle cloud used to visualize the robot's pose in
- A particle cloud used to visualize the robot's pose in
(string, default:"odom"
)- The name of the topic of the robot's odometry to be subscribed.
(string, default:"odom"
)- The name of the odometric frame of the robot.
(string, default:map
)- The frame in which to publish the
transform overtf
. New in 1.1.3
- The frame in which to publish the
(string, default:base_link
)- The base frame of the robot. New in 1.1.3
(double, default: 0.0)- The x offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
- The x offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
(double, default: 0.0)- The y offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
- The y offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
(double, default: 0.0)- The yaw offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
- The yaw offset between the origin of the simulator coordinate frame and the map coordinate frame published by
(double, default: 0.1)- The default
lag in seconds.
- The default
<value of global_frame_id parameter> → <value of odom_frame_id parameter>
passed on from the simulator over tf