The code contains the following classes.
A Channel
represents a channel between two Lightning nodes.
Each Channel
has an identifier (cid
), a capacity, and two ChannelDirection
s (one for each Direction
If a channel is disabled in a given direction, the corresponding ChannelDirection
value is None
A ChannelDirection
represents a Channel
's ability to route payments in a particular Direction
A ChannelDirection
object scores four fee coefficients, namely, the base fee and the proportional fee rate for success-case and for unconditional fees.
It also contains a priority queue of in-flight Htlc
s ordered by their absolute resolution time.
Each channel can forward payments in up to two directions.
We define Direction
in the relation to the channel parties' node identifiers: Direction.Alph
(alphanumerical) and Direction.NonAlph
An Event
describes a future simulated Payment
(which may be an honest payment or a jam).
Among other parameters, it contains the processing delay and the desired result.
The processing delay determines the progress of simulated time when a Schedule
of Event
s is executed.
The desired result distinguishes honest payments (desired_result == True
) from jams (desired_result == False
A Hop
represents the set of all Channel
s between a pair of nodes.
Functions of this class allow for filtering and sorting channels based on arbitrary conditions.
A typical use case here is to select channels with sufficient capacity for a given amount and sort them by fees.
An Htlc
is an in-flight payment in a particular ChannelDirection
due for resolution at a specific time.
To resolve an HTLC means to add its amount to one of the node's balances.
If the HTLC is honest and reaches the receiver, its amount is added downstream, otherwise upstream.
During simulation, channels may contain "outdated" HTLCs (i.e., those with resolution time lower than the current simulated time). Note: honest payments also create HTLCs that don't resolve right away! For efficiency reasons, HTLCs are resolved lazily. HTLCs are only resolved in one of two cases:
- Simulation has ended.
- A
is being forwarded through thisChannelDirection
, but the HTLC queue is full (i.e., all slots are busy). In that case, we pop the HTLC with the earliest resolution time, and resolve it if it is outdated. If even the earliest HTLC is to be resolved in the future, we fail the payment being forwarded (this means, the channel is fully jammed).
An LNModel
models the Lightning network.
It is based on a snapshot either from a JSON file or an inline JSON object.
The expected format corresponds to the output of listchannels
API call in Core Lightning.
Internally, LNModel
contains two NetworkX graphs: the hop graph and the routing graph.
The hop graph is non-directed and doesn't allow parallel edges (NetworkX type Graph
Each edge is associated with a Hop
, which, in turn, contains Channel
s, ChannelDirection
s, and Htlc
The routing graph is directed and allows parallel edges (NetworkX's MultiDiGraph
Edges in the routing graph only store channel ids and capacities.
The routing graph is used for path-finding, while the hop graph stores the data being updated as Payment
s are routed.
A Payment
describes a payment to be forwarded through a specified route.
A Payment
is a recursive data structure: it describes the potential value transfer at the current hop, and contains another Payment
object describing what happens at the next hop.
Consider an example.
For a route (Alice - Bob - Charlie), the outermost Payment
describes what Alice pays to Bob.
The next-layer Payment
instance (downstream_payment
) describes what Bob pays to Charlie.
At the last hop, the downstream payment is None
A Payment
is creates based on an Event
(popped from a Schedule
) and the fee policies of channels along a chosen route.
Currently, for each hop, the cheapest channel is preferred.
A note on fee calculation: we distinguish between payment body and payment amount. Consider a hop from Alice to Bob. The payment body is what Alice wants Bob to forward (or keep, if Bob is the final receiver). The payment amount is comprised of the payment body and the success-case fee (which is zero on the last hop). Routing nodes only see the amount of each payment they forward, without knowing how that amount is split into the body and the fee. We calculate the unconditional fee based on the payment amount, whereas the success-case fee is calculated based on the payment body:
f_s = success_fee(body)
amount = body + f_s
f_u = unconditional_fee(amount)
A Router
generates routes for payments that go through a specified list of (target) node pairs.
This functionality is only used for jamming simulations (honest payments can be assumed to take the shortest route).
A Router
, given a list of target node pairs, constructs a generator of routes, which yield
s routes one by one.
The router tries to include as many target node pairs in a route as possible, staying within the maximum allowed route length.
A Scenario
reflects a set of parameters for a given simulation, such as: the snapshot being used, whether channels fail due to lack of balance, who the senders and receivers are, whether honest of jamming routes must pass through specific nodes, and so on.
A Schedule
stores a priority queue of Event
s ordered by timestamp.
A schedule is populated as follows.
Until a given end time is exceeded, generate a processing delay, add it to the last event's time, and push a new event Event
into the schedule.
A schedule separately stores its end time (which may not be the same as the timestamp of its last event).
For example, the last event in a 30
-second schedule may have a timestamp 28.43
We define two sub-classes from Schedule
: HonestSchedule
and GenericSchedule
that only contain "honest" and "jamming" events, respectively.
An honest event has randomized amount and delay, and its desired result is True
A jamming event has fixed value (the dust limit) and delay, and its desired results is False
A generic Schedule
can be populated with a mix of honest and jamming events, but for our simulations we only use HonestSchedule
and JammingSchedule
A Simulator
runs a series of simulations and returns the averaged results across a given number or runs.
and JammingSimulator
inherit a generic Simulator
class and implement, respectively, the honest and the jamming simulations.