Update 1.0.5
- Water waves
- Better 2D and 3D clouds
- Water reflection
- Volumetric lighting Update 1.0.4
- Screen space lens flare
- Fixed hand depth at hand depth 1x
- Tinkered around with volumetric clouds a bit more
- Some nether support
- Changed some values for sun
- Enabled sun bloom
- Updated shader options
- Chromatic aberration
- Normal map support
- Rain drops on camera effect
- Clouds actually look good and perform well, thanks to robobo1221's VL cloud shadertoy
- Updated readme.md Update 1.0.3
- Aerial perspective
- Improved atmosphere
- Small changes to depth of field
- Tweaked shadows Update 1.0.2
- Day night cycle added
- Volumetric clouds are much better (an improved noise function is used)
- 2D clouds
- Night sky, including moon and stars
- Fixed issues involving depth of field
- Improved atmosphere quality (I now use the LUT used in GPU Gems)
- Improved shader options and profiles
- Hardware bilinear filtering is implemented in software
- Minor optimizations (custom uniforms)
- Went back to old naming scheme Update 1.0.1.a
- Update to how masks are handled
- block.properties now uses block ID 50 for light sources
- Much better bloom
- New item added to README.md
- Updated naming system for updates
- Fixed block selection box bug Update 1.0.0.a
- Added change log system, idea credit to the dev of the KUDA shader
- Commits will just say what update it is now
- Change log list will be latest to oldest (top to bottom order) starting from 1.0.0
- A better system for bloom
- Small changes to lighting and tonemapping