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Sage 10.4 Release Tour
These are the work-in-progress release notes for the upcoming 10.4 release (2024); contributions are welcome. For the current stable version, see the Sage 10.3 Release Tour (March 2024).
The FreeModule
constructor was recently generalized so that it can create CombinatorialFreeModule
objects. In particular,
sage: ZZ^3
Ambient free module of rank 3 over the principal ideal domain Integer Ring
sage: ZZ^['a','b','c']
Free module generated by {'a', 'b', 'c'} over Integer Ring
Now MatrixSpace
and matrix
have been extended in a similar way: When lists or enumerated sets of row indices and column indices are given using the new parameters row_keys
and column_keys
, it constructs CombinatorialFreeModule
s whose bases are indexed by these index sets, and then returns the homset (or an element of it). #37514 #37692
sage: M = matrix([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]],
....: column_keys=['a','b','c'], row_keys=['u','v']);
In particular, this enables the construction:
sage: ZZ^(2, 3)
Full MatrixSpace of 2 by 3 dense matrices over Integer Ring
sage: ZZ^(['x','y'], ['a', 'b', 'c'])
Set of Morphisms
from Free module generated by {'a', 'b', 'c'} over Integer Ring
to Free module generated by {'x', 'y'} over Integer Ring
in Category of finite dimensional modules with basis over Integer Ring
As a first application, the methods incidence_matrix
, [weighted_]adjacency_matrix
, and kirchhoff_matrix
of Graph
and DiGraph
have been extended to support constructing a free module morphism instead of a matrix. #37692 #37955
sage: D12 = posets.DivisorLattice(12).hasse_diagram()
sage: phi_VE = D12.incidence_matrix(vertices=True, edges=True); phi_VE
Generic morphism:
From: Free module generated by
{(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 6), (4, 12), (6, 12)}
over Integer Ring
To: Free module generated by {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12} over Integer Ring
sage: print(phi_VE._unicode_art_matrix())
(1, 2) (1, 3) (2, 4) (2, 6) (3, 6) (4, 12) (6, 12)
1⎛ -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0⎞
2⎜ 1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0⎟
3⎜ 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0⎟
4⎜ 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0⎟
6⎜ 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1⎟
12⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1⎠
This style of printing the morphism as a "border matrix" suggests the viewpoint as "matrices whose rows and columns are labeled with arbitrary objects rather than numerical indices". To support this, we equip the morphisms of CombinatorialFreeModule
s with various methods pulled back from matrices.
- Endomorphisms of
(and all other finite-dimensional modules with basis) now have methods for the invariantscharpoly
, delegating to the methods of the representing matrices. #37731
Jordan decomposition of a matrix and is_semisimple() test #37710
Tensor products of combinatorial free modules now have a functorial construction. #37451
Free modules of finite rank without distinguished basis (defined in sage.tensor
) have also seen a few improvements:
now gives an instance of the new classSetIsomorphism
, and its inverse is defined. #37512 - The new method
shows the matrix with rows and columns decorated with the names of the basis elements. #37825 -
(a new subclass ofFiniteRankFreeModuleMorphism
) now define more methods providing invariantsdet
, etc. #37826, delegating to the methods of the representing matrices in some basis #37831
The SetSystem
representation is now more informative. #37904
sage: M = matroids.CompleteGraphic(7)
sage: M.bases()
SetSystem of 16807 sets over 21 elements
The methods independent_sets
and independent_r_sets
got combined into one method with an optional argument. Similarly, dependent_r_sets
was renamed to dependent_sets
(here the argument remains mandatory). #38057
sage: M = matroids.catalog.Fano()
sage: M.independent_sets()
SetSystem of 57 sets over 7 elements
sage: M.independent_sets(3)
SetSystem of 28 sets over 7 elements
sage: M.dependent_sets(3)
SetSystem of 7 sets over 7 elements
Matroids got relabel
method. #37775
We improved the performance of GraphicMatroid
(#37839), CircuitsMatroid
(#37930), FlatsMatroid
(#38027), and DualMatroid
now supports constructing a free module morphism instead of a matrix, and the Matroid
constructor accepts such morphisms as input. #37692 #37940
sage: M = matroids.catalog.Fano()
sage: A = M.representation(order=True); A
Generic morphism:
From: Free module generated by {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'} over Finite Field of size 2
To: Free module generated by {0, 1, 2} over Finite Field of size 2
sage: Matroid(A)
Binary matroid of rank 3 on 7 elements, type (3, 0)
Maximal angles between convex cones #37854
A projective curve has now its Jacobian, whose rational points form a group isomorphic to the Picard group of degree 0 of the curve. It works via divisors of the function field and has no scheme structure (of course). #35467
sage: A2.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: f = y^3 + x^4 - 5*x^2*y + 2*x*y - x^2 - 5*y - 4*x + 1
sage: C = Curve(f, A2)
sage: X = C.projective_closure()
sage: X.genus()
sage: X.rational_points(bound=5)
[(0 : 0 : 1), (1/3 : 1/3 : 1)]
sage: Q = X(0,0,1).place()
sage: P = X(1,1,3).place()
sage: D = P - Q
sage: D.degree()
sage: J = X.jacobian(model='hess', base_div=3*Q)
sage: G = J.group()
sage: p = G.point(D) # a rational point of the Jacobian represented by D
sage: 2*p + 3*p == 5*p
Elliptic and hyperelliptic curves have had their own Jacobians. The "new" Jacobian is accessible from points of the "native" Jacobian:
sage: k.<a> = GF((5,2))
sage: E = EllipticCurve(k,[1,0]); E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + x over Finite Field in a of size 5^2
sage: E.order()
sage: P = E([a, 2*a + 4]) # elliptic curve is its own Jacobian
sage: P
(a : 2*a + 4 : 1)
sage: P.order()
sage: p = P.point_of_jacobian_of_curve()
sage: p
[Place (x + 4*a, y + 3*a + 1)]
sage: p.order()
sage: Q = 3*P
sage: q = Q.point_of_jacobian_of_curve()
sage: q == 3*p
sage: G = p.parent()
sage: G.order()
sage: G
Group of rational points of Jacobian over Finite Field in a of size 5^2 (Hess model)
Rings of Drinfeld modular forms of any ranks for the full modular group
sage: q = 5
sage: A = GF(q)['T']
sage: K.<T> = Frac(A)
sage: M = DrinfeldModularForms(K, rank=3); M
Ring of Drinfeld modular forms of rank 2 over
Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in T over Finite Field of size 5
sage: M.gens() # the generators are the coefficient forms
[g1, g2, g3]
sage: M.basis(20*(q - 1)) # basis generating the subspace of any given weight
[g1^2*g2^3, g1^8*g2^2, g1^14*g2, g1^20]
sage: (1/T)*M.0 + 3*(M.2*M.1)/T
-2/T*g2*g3 + 1/T*g1
The Reference Manual in HTML format now provides links for each class, function, and method back to the source code on GitHub. This makes it convenient to make small edits to the docstring directly on GitHub, or just to inspect the source code. #37589 #38121

Example code is now available also in pure Python form, along with Sage code (and live Sage code if live doc is available), in tabs for each EXAMPLES block. #37083
The package lists in the Reference Manual have been reorganized by categories. #37315
Standard packages | Optional Packages | Experimental Packages |
Mathematics | Mathematics | Mathematics |
Front-end, graphics, document preparation | Front-end, graphics, document preparation | |
Other dependencies | Other dependencies | Other dependencies |
The dependency graph and SBOM provided by GitHub for SageMath now includes all Python packages that Sage uses. #36999
"Καλώς ήρθατε στο Sage" a Greek version of "A Tour of Sage" was added to our documentation. #37198
If the Sage documentation has been built locally, sage -n jupyterlab
now launches a documentation server that makes the documentation available in the Help menu in JupyterLab. Otherwise the online official documentation http://doc.sagemath.org is used as before. #37878
Please read our updated Sage Developer Guide. #30201 #37399 #37401 #37444 #37485 #37487 #37508 #38117
The Lint workflow, automatically run on every pull request, now additionally runs the Python linter Ruff. Any codestyle warnings are annotated in the "Files changed" tab. The minimal configuration used by the CI can be also used locally with ./sage -tox -e ruff-minimal
and also runs as part of the default tests in ./sage -tox
. A full configuration can be run using ./sage -tox -e ruff
. #37453
The Build&Test workflow, automatically run on every pull request, now gives a much faster feedback to developers. Both the static check with Pyright and the doctests of the files changed in the PR (sage -t --new
) now run in separate jobs, and the green checkmark or the red X are now shown within 10–20 minutes. #36498 #37926 #37988 #38046 #38144
The annotations of doctest failures in the "Files changed" tab become available when the run of the whole testsuite (sage -t --long
) has been completed. To reduce the wait, sage -t --long
has been split into multiple parallel jobs. Crashes during doctests, for example segmentation faults, are now annotated in the source code as well. #37738 #38090
The banner of the documentation preview now displays links back to the PR and to the diff of the generated documentation. #38127 #38129 #38213
The "CI Fix" mechanism has been switched from the "p: blocker" label to the new "p: CI Fix" label. #37950
The size of our pull requests is now classified by a new type of labels with the v:
prefix. #37262 #38114
Sage now provides a standardized way for developers to enrich the Sage documentation by linking to the online documentation of many external packages. #37598 #37575
The section on hyperlinks in the Sage Developer Guide explains the two mechanisms:
For various packages that, like Sage, use Sphinx as the documentation system, we can refer to the modules, classes, methods, functions just like we do within the Sage library. This is now preconfigured for CVXOPT, CVXpy, cypari2, cysignals, FLINT, gmpy2, ipywidgets, Matplotlib, mpmath, NetworkX, NumPy, pplpy, rpy2 , SciPy, and SymPy, and it is easy to add support for more.
For the packages ECL, GAP, Giac, Maxima, Meson, Pari, polymake, PPL, QEPCAD, SCIP, Singular, SoPlex, we have defined Sphinx roles to facilitate creating documentation links; the Developer Guide gives clear examples for each package.
Linking to Sage repository files has been standardized using the new Sphinx role :sage_root:
. #37546
Our GH Actions running on every release now build platform-independent wheels for the distribution packages sagemath-environment, sage-setup, sage-sws2rst. We provide platform wheels for more modularized distributions: To sagemath-objects and sagemath-categories, we add sagemath-bliss, sagemath-coxeter3, sagemath-mcqd, and sagemath-tdlib. Also, macOS arm64 wheels are now additionally built. #36525 #37099 #37503 #38200
Many source files now carry # sage_setup: distribution
directives. These directives at the top of the source files inform developers about the assignment of modules to the existing pip-installable distributions. #38088
More information about the modularization project: Meta-ticket #29705
It is now possible to refer to Python packages via their PURL (see draft PEP 725) instead of their SPKG name.
For now a string of the form pkg:pypi/DISTRO-NAME
is simply a nickname for the (unique) SPKG that has DISTRO-NAME in their version_requirements.txt
or requirements.txt
file. The scheme can also be omitted: pypi/DISTRO-NAME
also works. We also map pkg:generic/PACKAGE-NAME
. #37500
sage --package create --pypi
now also fills dependencies
from the PyPI metadata of wheel packages. When some of the Python dependencies obtained in this way do not have SPKGs yet, they are also automatically created. #37500
The LinBox suite has been upgraded to givaro 4.2.0, fflas-ffpack 2.5.0, linbox 1.7.0. #37938 #38020 #38025 #38136
Singular has been upgraded to version 4.4.0. #37492 #37570
NTL has been upgraded from 11.4.3 to 11.5.1. #37251
SciPy has been upgraded to 1.12 (release notes). #37266
FLINT has been upgraded to 3.1.3. The new optional package python_flint provides alternative bindings to the FLINT library. We have added it as preparation for an upgrade of SymPy. #37203 https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37224
SymPy has been upgraded to 1.12.1, a small maintenance update (release notes). #38141
gnumake_tokenpool #37498
jupyter-sphinx 0.5.3. #37637
gc 8.2.6, libatomic_ops 7.8.2 #37249 #37931
ECL 24.5.10 #38009
openssl 3.2.2 #38157
Various Python package upgrades #38101
Sage continues to support system Python installations of versions 3.9.x to 3.12.x; support for Python 3.12 is now considered stable. The version of Python that is installed when no suitable system Python is available has been updated to 3.12.4 (release notes). #37834 #37914
The Sage distribution now builds wheels of Python packages using build
, version 1.2.1, which has been made a standard package. Other Python build and packaging tools upgraded include: pip
24, setuptools
69.5.1, hatchling
1.22.5, hatch_fancy_pypi_readme
24.1.0, platformdirs
4.2.0, packaging
24.0, trove_classifiers
2024.4.10, wheel
0.43.0. #35618 #37277 #37300
Cython has been upgraded to 3.0.10. #37584
cypari2 2.1.5, memory_allocator 0.1.4 #37665
The SCIP Optimization Suite has been updated to version 9. This includes updates of scip
to 9.0.1, scip_sdp
to 4.4, soplex
to 7.0.1, papilo
to 2.2.1, PySCIPOpt to 5, and of the dependency onetbb
to 2021.12.0. #37392 #37494 #38147
The optional packages igraph and python_igraph have been upgraded to versions 0.10.12, 0.11.5 (release notes). #37819
The optional packages normaliz and pynormaliz have been upgraded to 3.10.3, 2.20. #38140
polymake has been upgraded to 4.12 (release notes). #38140
The polynomial system solver msolve has been upgraded from 0.5.0 to 0.6.5. #37673
The optional package FriCAS has been upgraded to 1.3.10 and now uses SBCL (if a suitable version is installed as a system package) instead of ECL as the Common Lisp implementation. #37041
The optional package tdlib (treedec) has been upgraded to 0.9.3. #38163
has been reduced to a "pip" package. #37669
Sage now uses cryptographically secure SHA-256 hashes for authenticating downloaded upstream tarballs. #37726
For a list of all packages and their versions, see
Classes sage.groups.old.Group
#37449, sage.rings.ring.CommutativeAlgebra
Numerous is_...
functions have been deprecated in favor of using either isinstance
or testing membership in a category:
#37057 -
#37895 -
#37896 -
#37897 -
#37898 -
#37922 -
#37924, -
#38022 -
#38032 -
#38035 -
#38077 -
#38103 -
#38124 -
#38125 -
#38126 -
#38128 -
Previously deprecated functionality has been removed. #37312 #37722 #37855 #37856 #37867 #37868 #37869 #37870 #38095 #38099
The Sage 10.4 release cycle started in March 2024. The first development release, 10.4.beta0, was tagged on 2024-03-25. The first release candidate, 10.4.rc0, was tagged on 2024-06-22.
Please read our updated Sage Installation Guide. #37184 #37309 #37411
The source code is available in the Sage GitHub repository.
Sage builds successfully on the following platforms:
Linux 64-bit (x86_64)
- ubuntu-{xenial-toolchain-gcc_9, bionic-gcc_8, focal, jammy, lunar, mantic, noble}
- debian-{bullseye, bookworm, trixie, sid}
- linuxmint-{20.1, 20.2, 21, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3}
- fedora-{30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40}
- centos-{7-devtoolset-gcc_11, stream-9-python3.9}
- almalinux-{8, 9}
- archlinux
- gentoo
- opensuse-{15.5-gcc_11-python3.11, tumbleweed}
Linux 32-bit (i386/i686)
- debian-bullseye
macOS (Intel) (x86_64) - with Homebrew or without
- macOS 12.x (Monterey)
- macOS 13.x (Ventura)
- macOS 14.x (Sonoma)
macOS (Apple Silicon, M1/M2/M3) - with Homebrew or without
- Make sure that
does not contain an old copy of homebrew (or other software) for x86_64 that you may have copied from an old machine. Homebrew for the M1/M2/M3 is installed in/opt/homebrew
, not/usr/local
. - Be sure to follow the README and the instructions that the
command issues regarding the installation of system packages from Homebrew or conda.
- Make sure that
You can also build Sage on top of conda-forge on Linux and macOS.
./configure --disable-editable
now implies --enable-wheels
; Sage no longer supports the outdated, distutils
-style direct installation of the Sage library in site-packages
. #37973
The optional parts of the Sage library that use the optional packages bliss
, coxeter3
, mcqd
, meataxe
, sirocco
, tdlib
are no longer built automatically. Please use ./configure --enable-sagemath_bliss
etc. before building, or use ./sage -i sagemath_bliss
or make sagemath_bliss
. #37857
Support of ubuntu-trusty
, debian-buster
, and centos-stream-8
has been dropped, as the platforms have reached their end of life. #37351 #38008 #38179
Support for fedora-40
has been added, as GCC 14.x is now accepted from the system. The gcc
packages have been upgraded from 12.3.0 to 13.2.0. #37537 #37646 #38008
Sage 10.x does not support Cygwin; use Windows Subsystem for Linux instead. The support code for Cygwin was removed in the Sage 10.3 development cycle. Users on Windows 10 and 11 should migrate to using WSL as described in our installation guide. A convenient way to use such an installation of Sage is via VS Code's Dev Containers or WSL remote.
On ubuntu-mantic, the Maxima package may fail to build when system ECL is in use. Workaround: Use ./configure --without-system-ecl
OpenJPEG 2.5.1 is broken and leads to a build failure in Pillow. Upgrade OpenJPEG to 2.5.2 or use #37505 as a workaround.
No latex display in the Jupyter notebook when offline. Workaround: Use ./sage -pip uninstall jupyterlab-mathjax2
. #36914
See README.md in the source distribution for installation instructions.
Visit sage-support for installation help.