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Calcite SQL language reference

SQL constructs

  |   explain
  |   insert
  |   update
  |   merge
  |   delete
  |   query

      ALTER ( SYSTEM | SESSION ) SET identifier = expression

      FOR ( insert | update | merge | delete | query )

      ( INSERT | UPSERT ) INTO tablePrimary
      [ '(' column [, column ]* ')' ]

      UPDATE tablePrimary
      SET assign [, assign ]*
      [ WHERE booleanExpression ]

      identifier '=' expression

      MERGE INTO tablePrimary [ [ AS ] alias ]
      USING tablePrimary
      ON booleanExpression
      [ WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET assign [, assign ]* ]
      [ WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES '(' value [ , value ]* ')' ]

      DELETE FROM tablePrimary [ [ AS ] alias ]
      [ WHERE booleanExpression ]

      [ WITH withItem [ , withItem ]* query ]
  |   {
      |   query UNION [ ALL ] query
      |   query EXCEPT query
      |   query INTERSECT query
      [ ORDER BY orderItem [, orderItem ]* ]
      [ LIMIT { count | ALL } ]
      [ OFFSET start { ROW | ROWS } ]
      [ FETCH { FIRST | NEXT } [ count ] { ROW | ROWS } ]

      [ '(' column [, column ]* ')' ]
      AS '(' query ')'

      expression [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST ]

          { * | projectItem [, projectItem ]* }
      FROM tableExpression
      [ WHERE booleanExpression ]
      [ GROUP BY { groupItem [, groupItem ]* } ]
      [ HAVING booleanExpression ]
      [ WINDOW windowName AS windowSpec [, windowName AS windowSpec ]* ]

      expression [ [ AS ] columnAlias ]
  |   tableAlias . *

      tableReference [, tableReference ]*
  |   tableExpression [ NATURAL ] [ LEFT | RIGHT | FULL ] JOIN tableExpression [ joinCondition ]

      ON booleanExpression
  |   USING '(' column [, column ]* ')'

      [ LATERAL ]
      [ [ AS ] alias [ '(' columnAlias [, columnAlias ]* ')' ] ]

      [ TABLE ] [ [ catalogName . ] schemaName . ] tableName
  |   '(' query ')'
  |   values
  |   UNNEST '(' expression ')'
  |   '(' TABLE expression ')'

      VALUES expression [, expression ]*

  |   '(' ')'
  |   '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'
  |   CUBE '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'
  |   ROLLUP '(' expression [, expression ]* ')'
  |   GROUPING SETS '(' groupItem [, groupItem ]* ')'

  |   windowSpec

      [ windowName ]
      [ ORDER BY orderItem [, orderItem ]* ]
      [ PARTITION BY expression [, expression ]* ]
          RANGE numericOrIntervalExpression { PRECEDING | FOLLOWING }
      |   ROWS numericExpression { PRECEDING | FOLLOWING }

In merge, at least one of the WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED clauses must be present.

In orderItem, if expression is a positive integer n, it denotes the nth item in the SELECT clause.

An aggregate query is a query that contains a GROUP BY or a HAVING clause, or aggregate functions in the SELECT clause. In the SELECT, HAVING and ORDER BY clauses of an aggregate query, all expressions must be constant within the current group (that is, grouping constants as defined by the GROUP BY clause, or constants), or aggregate functions, or a combination of constants and aggregate functions. Aggregate and grouping functions may only appear in an aggregate query, and only in a SELECT, HAVING or ORDER BY clause.

A scalar sub-query is a sub-query used as an expression. It can occur in most places where an expression can occur (such as the SELECT clause, WHERE clause, or as an argument to an aggregate function). If the sub-query returns no rows, the value is NULL; if it returns more than one row, it is an error.

A sub-query can occur in the FROM clause of a query and also in IN and EXISTS expressions. A sub-query that occurs in IN and EXISTS expressions may be correlated; that is, refer to tables in the FROM clause of an enclosing query.


Identifiers are the names of tables, columns and other metadata elements used in a SQL query.

Unquoted identifiers, such as emp, must start with a letter and can only contain letters, digits, and underscores. They are implicitly converted to upper case.

Quoted identifiers, such as "Employee Name", start and end with double quotes. They may contain virtually any character, including spaces and other punctuation. If you wish to include a double quote in an identifier, use another double quote to escape it, like this: "An employee called ""Fred""."

In Calcite, matching identifiers to the name of the referenced object is case-sensitive. But remember that unquoted identifiers are implicitly converted to upper case before matching, and if the object it refers to was created using an unquoted identifier for its name, then its name will have been converted to upper case also.

Data types

Scalar types

Data type Description Range and examples
BOOLEAN Logical values Values: TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN
TINYINT 1 byte signed integer Range is -255 to 256
SMALLINT 2 byte signed integer Range is -32768 to 32767
INTEGER, INT 4 byte signed integer Range is -2147483648 to 2147483647
BIGINT 8 byte signed integer Range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
DECIMAL(p, s) Fixed point Example: 123.45 is a DECIMAL(5, 2) value.
NUMERIC Fixed point
REAL, FLOAT 4 byte floating point 6 decimal digits precision
DOUBLE 8 byte floating point 15 decimal digits precision
CHAR(n), CHARACTER(n) Fixed-width character string 'Hello', '' (empty string), _latin1'Hello', n'Hello', _UTF16'Hello', 'Hello' 'there' (literal split into multiple parts)
VARCHAR(n), CHARACTER VARYING(n) Variable-length character string As CHAR(n)
BINARY(n) Fixed-width binary string x'45F0AB', x'' (empty binary string), x'AB' 'CD' (multi-part binary string literal)
VARBINARY(n), BINARY VARYING(n) Variable-length binary string As BINARY(n)
DATE Date Example: DATE '1969-07-20'
TIME Time of day Example: TIME '20:17:40'
TIMESTAMP [ WITHOUT TIME ZONE ] Date and time Example: TIMESTAMP '1969-07-20 20:17:40'
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE Date and time with time zone Example: TIMESTAMP '1969-07-20 20:17:40 America/Los Angeles'
INTERVAL timeUnit [ TO timeUnit ] Date time interval Examples: INTERVAL '1:5' YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL '45' DAY
Anchored interval Date time interval Example: (DATE '1969-07-20', DATE '1972-08-29')




  • DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP have no time zone. There is not even an implicit time zone, such as UTC (as in Java) or the local time zone. It is left to the user or application to supply a time zone.

Non-scalar types

Type Description
ANY A value of an unknown type
ROW Row with 1 or more columns
MAP Collection of keys mapped to values
MULTISET Unordered collection that may contain duplicates
ARRAY Ordered, contiguous collection that may contain duplicates
CURSOR Cursor over the result of executing a query

Operators and functions

Comparison operators

Operator syntax Description
value1 = value2 Equals
value1 <> value2 Not equal
value1 > value2 Greater than
value1 >= value2 Greater than or equal
value1 < value2 Less than
value1 <= value2 Less than or equal
value IS NULL Whether value is null
value IS NOT NULL Whether value is not null
value1 IS DISTINCT FROM value2 Whether two values are not equal, treating null values as the same
value1 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM value2 Whether two values are equal, treating null values as the same
value1 BETWEEN value2 AND value3 Whether value1 is greater than or equal to value2 and less than or equal to value3
value1 NOT BETWEEN value2 AND value3 Whether value1 is less than value2 or greater than value3
string1 LIKE string2 [ ESCAPE string3 ] Whether string1 matches pattern string2
string1 NOT LIKE string2 [ ESCAPE string3 ] Whether string1 does not match pattern string2
string1 SIMILAR TO string2 [ ESCAPE string3 ] Whether string1 matches regular expression string2
string1 NOT SIMILAR TO string2 [ ESCAPE string3 ] Whether string1 does not match regular expression string2
value IN (value [, value]* ) Whether value is equal to a value in a list
value NOT IN (value [, value]* ) Whether value is not equal to every value in a list
value IN (sub-query) Whether value is equal to a row returned by sub-query
value NOT IN (sub-query) Whether value is not equal to every row returned by sub-query
EXISTS (sub-query) Whether sub-query returns at least one row

Logical operators

Operator syntax Description
boolean1 OR boolean2 Whether boolean1 is TRUE or boolean2 is TRUE
boolean1 AND boolean2 Whether boolean1 and boolean2 are both TRUE
NOT boolean Whether boolean is not TRUE; returns UNKNOWN if boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS FALSE Whether boolean is FALSE; returns FALSE if boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS NOT FALSE Whether boolean is not FALSE; returns TRUE if boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS TRUE Whether boolean is TRUE; returns FALSE if boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS NOT TRUE Whether boolean is not TRUE; returns TRUE if boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS UNKNOWN Whether boolean is UNKNOWN
boolean IS NOT UNKNOWN Whether boolean is not UNKNOWN

Arithmetic operators and functions

Operator syntax Description
+ numeric Returns numeric
- numeric Returns negative numeric
numeric1 + numeric2 Returns numeric1 plus numeric2
numeric1 - numeric2 Returns numeric1 minus numeric2
numeric1 * numeric2 Returns numeric1 multiplied by numeric2
numeric1 / numeric2 Returns numeric1 divided by numeric2
POWER(numeric1, numeric2) Returns numeric1 raised to the power of numeric2
ABS(numeric) Returns the absolute value of numeric
MOD(numeric, numeric) Returns the remainder (modulus) of numeric1 divided by numeric2. The result is negative only if numeric1 is negative
SQRT(numeric) Returns the square root of numeric
LN(numeric) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of numeric
LOG10(numeric) Returns the base 10 logarithm of numeric
EXP(numeric) Returns e raised to the power of numeric
CEIL(numeric) Rounds numeric up, and returns the smallest number that is greater than or equal to numeric
FLOOR(numeric) Rounds numeric down, and returns the largest number that is less than or equal to numeric

Character string operators and functions

Operator syntax Description
string || string Concatenates two character strings.
CHAR_LENGTH(string) Returns the number of characters in a character string
UPPER(string) Returns a character string converted to upper case
LOWER(string) Returns a character string converted to lower case
POSITION(string1 IN string2) Returns the position of the first occurrence of string1 in string2
TRIM( { BOTH ;| LEADING ;| TRAILING } string1 FROM string2) Removes the longest string containing only the characters in string1 from the start/end/both ends of string1
OVERLAY(string1 PLACING string2 FROM integer [ FOR integer2 ]) Replaces a substring of string1 with string2
SUBSTRING(string FROM integer) Returns a substring of a character string starting at a given point.
SUBSTRING(string FROM integer FOR integer) Returns a substring of a character string starting at a given point with a given length.
INITCAP(string) Returns string with the first letter of each word converter to upper case and the rest to lower case. Words are sequences of alphanumeric characters separated by non-alphanumeric characters.

Not implemented:

  • SUBSTRING(string FROM regexp FOR regexp)

Binary string operators and functions

Operator syntax Description
binary || binary Concatenates two binary strings.
POSITION(binary1 IN binary2) Returns the position of the first occurrence of binary1 in binary2
OVERLAY(binary1 PLACING binary2 FROM integer [ FOR integer2 ]) Replaces a substring of binary1 with binary2
SUBSTRING(binary FROM integer) Returns a substring of binary starting at a given point
SUBSTRING(binary FROM integer FOR integer) Returns a substring of binary starting at a given point with a given length

Date/time functions

Operator syntax Description
LOCALTIME Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIME
LOCALTIME(precision) Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIME, with precision digits of precision
LOCALTIMESTAMP Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP
LOCALTIMESTAMP(precision) Returns the current date and time in the session time zone in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP, with precision digits of precision
CURRENT_TIME Returns the current time in the session time zone, in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
CURRENT_DATE Returns the current date in the session time zone, in a value of datatype DATE
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current date and time in the session time zone, in a value of datatype TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
EXTRACT(timeUnit FROM datetime) Extracts and returns the value of a specified datetime field from a datetime value expression

Not implemented:

  • EXTRACT(timeUnit FROM interval)
  • CEIL(interval)
  • FLOOR(interval)
  • datetime - datetime timeUnit [ TO timeUnit ]
  • interval OVERLAPS interval
    • interval
    • interval
  • interval + interval
  • interval - interval
  • interval / interval
  • datetime + interval
  • datetime - interval

System functions

Operator syntax Description
CURRENT_USER User name of current execution context
SESSION_USER Session user name
SYSTEM_USER Returns the name of the current data store user as identified by the operating system
CURRENT_PATH Returns a character string representing the current lookup scope for references to user-defined routines and types
CURRENT_ROLE Returns the current active role

Conditional functions and operators

Operator syntax Description
CASE value
WHEN value1 [, value11 ]* THEN result1
[ WHEN valueN [, valueN1 ]* THEN resultN ]*
[ ELSE resultZ ]
Simple case
WHEN condition1 THEN result1
[ WHEN conditionN THEN resultN ]*
[ ELSE resultZ ]
Searched case
NULLIF(value, value) Returns NULL if the values are the same. For example, NULLIF(5, 5) returns NULL; NULLIF(5, 0) returns 5.
COALESCE(value, value [, value]* ) Provides a value if the first value is null. For example, COALESCE(NULL, 5) returns 5.

Type conversion

Operator syntax Description
CAST(value AS type) Converts a value to a given type.

Value constructors

Operator syntax Description
ROW (value [, value]* ) Creates a row from a list of values.
(value [, value]* ) Creates a row from a list of values.
map [ key ] Returns the element of a map with a particular key.
array [ index ] Returns the element at a particular location in an array.
ARRAY [ value [, value ]* ] Creates an array from a list of values.
MAP [ key, value [, key, value ]* ] Creates a map from a list of key-value pairs.

Collection functions

Operator syntax Description
ELEMENT(value) Returns the sole element of a array or multiset; null if the collection is empty; throws if it has more than one element.
CARDINALITY(value) Returns the number of elements in an array or multiset.

See also: UNNEST relational operator converts a collection to a relation.

JDBC function escape


Operator syntax Description
{fn LOG10(numeric)} Returns the base-10 logarithm of numeric
{fn POWER(numeric1, numeric2)} Returns numeric1 raised to the power of numeric2

Not implemented:

  • {fn ABS(numeric)} - Returns the absolute value of numeric
  • {fn ACOS(numeric)} - Returns the arc cosine of numeric
  • {fn ASIN(numeric)} - Returns the arc sine of numeric
  • {fn ATAN(numeric)} - Returns the arc tangent of numeric
  • {fn ATAN2(numeric, numeric)}
  • {fn CEILING(numeric)} - Rounds numeric up, and returns the smallest number that is greater than or equal to numeric
  • {fn COS(numeric)} - Returns the cosine of numeric
  • {fn COT(numeric)}
  • {fn DEGREES(numeric)} - Converts numeric from radians to degrees
  • {fn EXP(numeric)} - Returns e raised to the power of numeric
  • {fn FLOOR(numeric)} - Rounds numeric down, and returns the largest number that is less than or equal to numeric
  • {fn LOG(numeric)} - Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of numeric
  • {fn MOD(numeric1, numeric2)} - Returns the remainder (modulus) of numeric1 divided by numeric2. The result is negative only if numeric1 is negative
  • {fn PI()} - Returns a value that is closer than any other value to pi
  • {fn RADIANS(numeric)} - Converts numeric from degrees to radians
  • {fn RAND(numeric)}
  • {fn ROUND(numeric, numeric)}
  • {fn SIGN(numeric)}
  • {fn SIN(numeric)} - Returns the sine of numeric
  • {fn SQRT(numeric)} - Returns the square root of numeric
  • {fn TAN(numeric)} - Returns the tangent of numeric
  • {fn TRUNCATE(numeric, numeric)}


Operator syntax Description
{fn LOCATE(string1, string2)} Returns the position in string2 of the first occurrence of string1. Searches from the beginning of the second CharacterExpression, unless the startIndex parameter is specified.
{fn INSERT(string1, start, length, string2)} Inserts string2 into a slot in string1
{fn LCASE(string)} Returns a string in which all alphabetic characters in string have been converted to lower case

Not implemented:

  • {fn ASCII(string)} - Convert a single-character string to the corresponding ASCII code, an integer between 0 and 255
  • {fn CHAR(string)}
  • {fn CONCAT(character, character)} - Returns the concatenation of character strings
  • {fn DIFFERENCE(string, string)}
  • {fn LEFT(string, integer)}
  • {fn LENGTH(string)}
  • {fn LOCATE(string1, string2 [, integer])} - Returns the position in string2 of the first occurrence of string1. Searches from the beginning of string2, unless integer is specified.
  • {fn LTRIM(string)}
  • {fn REPEAT(string, integer)}
  • {fn REPLACE(string, string, string)}
  • {fn RIGHT(string, integer)}
  • {fn RTRIM(string)}
  • {fn SOUNDEX(string)}
  • {fn SPACE(integer)}
  • {fn SUBSTRING(string, integer, integer)}
  • {fn UCASE(string)} - Returns a string in which all alphabetic characters in string have been converted to upper case


Not implemented:

  • {fn CURDATE()}
  • {fn CURTIME()}
  • {fn DAYNAME(date)}
  • {fn DAYOFMONTH(date)}
  • {fn DAYOFWEEK(date)}
  • {fn DAYOFYEAR(date)}
  • {fn HOUR(time)}
  • {fn MINUTE(time)}
  • {fn MONTH(date)}
  • {fn MONTHNAME(date)}
  • {fn NOW()}
  • {fn QUARTER(date)}
  • {fn SECOND(time)}
  • {fn TIMESTAMPADD(interval, count, timestamp)}
  • {fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, timestamp, timestamp)}
  • {fn WEEK(date)}
  • {fn YEAR(date)}


Not implemented:

  • {fn DATABASE()}
  • {fn IFNULL(value, value)}
  • {fn USER(value, value)}
  • {fn CONVERT(value, type)}

Aggregate functions

Operator syntax Description
COUNT( [ DISTINCT ] value [, value]* ) Returns the number of input rows for which value is not null (wholly not null if value is composite)
COUNT(*) Returns the number of input rows
AVG( [ DISTINCT ] numeric) Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of numeric across all input values
SUM( [ DISTINCT ] numeric) Returns the sum of numeric across all input values
MAX( [ DISTINCT ] value) Returns the maximum value of value across all input values
MIN( [ DISTINCT ] value) Returns the minimum value of value across all input values
STDDEV_POP( [ DISTINCT ] numeric) Returns the population standard deviation of numeric across all input values
STDDEV_SAMP( [ DISTINCT ] numeric) Returns the sample standard deviation of numeric across all input values
VAR_POP( [ DISTINCT ] value) Returns the population variance (square of the population standard deviation) of numeric across all input values
VAR_SAMP( [ DISTINCT ] numeric) Returns the sample variance (square of the sample standard deviation) of numeric across all input values
COVAR_POP(numeric1, numeric2) Returns the population covariance of the pair (numeric1, numeric2) across all input values
COVAR_SAMP(numeric1, numeric2) Returns the sample covariance of the pair (numeric1, numeric2) across all input values
REGR_SXX(numeric1, numeric2) Returns the sum of squares of the dependent expression in a linear regression model
REGR_SYY(numeric1, numeric2) Returns the sum of squares of the independent expression in a linear regression model

Not implemented:

  • REGR_AVGX(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_AVGY(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_COUNT(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_INTERCEPT(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_R2(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_SLOPE(numeric1, numeric2)
  • REGR_SXY(numeric1, numeric2)

Window functions

Operator syntax Description
COUNT(value [, value ]* ) OVER window Returns the number of rows in window for which value is not null (wholly not null if value is composite)
COUNT(*) OVER window Returns the number of rows in window
AVG(numeric) OVER window Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of numeric across all values in window
SUM(numeric) OVER window Returns the sum of numeric across all values in window
MAX(value) OVER window Returns the maximum value of value across all values in window
MIN(value) OVER window Returns the minimum value of value across all values in window
RANK() OVER window Returns the rank of the current row with gaps; same as ROW_NUMBER of its first peer
DENSE_RANK() OVER window Returns the rank of the current row without gaps; this function counts peer groups
ROW_NUMBER() OVER window Returns the number of the current row within its partition, counting from 1
FIRST_VALUE(value) OVER window Returns value evaluated at the row that is the first row of the window frame
LAST_VALUE(value) OVER window Returns value evaluated at the row that is the last row of the window frame
LEAD(value, offset, default) OVER window Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows after the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to NULL
LAG(value, offset, default) OVER window Returns value evaluated at the row that is offset rows before the current row within the partition; if there is no such row, instead returns default. Both offset and default are evaluated with respect to the current row. If omitted, offset defaults to 1 and default to NULL
NTILE(value) OVER window Returns an integer ranging from 1 to value, dividing the partition as equally as possible

Not implemented:

  • COUNT(DISTINCT value) OVER window
  • PERCENT_RANK(value) OVER window
  • CUME_DIST(value) OVER window
  • NTH_VALUE(value, nth) OVER window

Grouping functions

Operator syntax Description
GROUPING(expression) Returns 1 if expression is rolled up in the current row's grouping set, 0 otherwise